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Chapter 1


In today’s digital age, journalists play a crucial role in disseminating information

and holding power to account. However, they often encounter numerous obstacles in
fulfilling this vital function. According to a report by David Kaye presented to the United
Nations General Assembly in 2017, journalists face increasing regulatory restrictions on
digital platforms, hindering their ability to access and share information freely.
Across the globe, journalists grapple with censorship, surveillance, and the
spread of disinformation. A 2020 report by Reporters Without Borders highlights the
pervasive nature of these challenges, which undermine the integrity of journalism and
threaten press freedom worldwide.

Zooming into the local context of Barangay Calumpang, General Santos City,
journalists face not only regulatory hurdles but also unique dynamics shaped by local
power structures and vested interests. These challenges mirror broader global trends
and present specific obstacles to journalistic freedom within the community.

Given the complexities surrounding regulatory restrictions and digital securities in

Barangay Calumpang, General Santos City, it is imperative to conduct an in-depth
investigation into the challenges faced by local journalists. By understanding these
barriers, we can advocate for policies and practices that uphold press freedom and
integrity within the community.

This study aims to unravel the regulatory landscape and digital securities
impacting journalists in Barangay Calumpang, General Santos City. Through
comprehensive research goals and objectives, we seek to provide actionable insights
that empower local media practitioners to navigate these challenges effectively.

To achieve our objectives, we will employ a combination of qualitative interviews,

content analysis, and comparative analysis of regulatory frameworks. By triangulating
these data sources, we aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted
challenges facing journalists in Barangay Calumpang, General Santos City.

Therefore, this study endeavors to examine the practices of regulatory

restrictions and digital securities of journalists in Barangay Calumpang, General Santos
City. By shedding light on these issues, we hope to contribute to the promotion of press
freedom and integrity within the local media landscape.
Grand Tour Question:

How do the practices of regulatory restrictions and digital securities impact

journalists operating within Barangay Calumpang, General Santos City?

Scope and delimitation:

The scope of this study will encompass an examination of the regulatory

restrictions and digital securities affecting journalists operating within Barangay
Calumpang, General Santos City. Specifically, the study will focus on identifying the
regulatory frameworks governing media operations in the locality, exploring the
challenges faced by journalists in navigating these regulations, and analyzing the
impact of digital securities on journalistic practices. Delimitations include a focus solely
on journalists operating within Barangay Calumpang and an exclusion of broader
national or international media dynamics.

Benefits and Beneficiaries:

This study will be beneficial to the following:

Journalist: Gain insights to navigate regulatory challenges and digital security

issues, fostering more effective reporting practices within Barangay Calumpang,
General Santos City.

Media Organization: Obtain data to advocate for policies supporting a free media
environment and better support journalists operating in Barangay Calumpang, General
Santos City.

Policymakers: Acquire understanding for informed policy-making to promote

press freedom and transparency within Barangay Calumpang, General Santos City.
General Public: Benefit from increased access to reliable information and
improved civic engagement within Barangay Calumpang, General Santos City.

Students: Access valuable learning resources on media regulation and

journalism practices within a localized context in Barangay Calumpang, General Santos

Teachers: Utilize the study as a teaching tool to facilitate discussions on media

ethics and the role of journalists in Barangay Calumpang, General Santos City.
Future Researchers: Build upon findings to conduct further research on media-
related issues, contributing to knowledge advancement in the field within Barangay
Calumpang, General Santos City.

Definition of terms:

Practices: Refers to the actions or behaviors carried out by individuals or entities

within a specific context, such as journalistic activities in Barangay Calumpang, General
Santos City.
Regulatory Restriction: Involves limitations imposed by authorities or regulations
on the activities of journalists, potentially affecting their ability to gather and disseminate
information within Barangay Calumpang, General Santos City.

Digital Security: Encompasses measures and protocols aimed at protecting

digital information and communication channels utilized by journalists to ensure
confidentiality and integrity within Barangay Calumpang, General Santos City.

Practice of Regulatory Restriction of Journalist: Refers to the actual

implementation and enforcement of regulatory measures that restrict the activities of
journalists within Barangay Calumpang, General Santos City.

Practice of Digital Security of Journalist: Involves the adoption and utilization of

digital security measures by journalists to safeguard their online communications and
data within Barangay Calumpang, General Santos City.
Chapter II


The following literature and studies help and guide the researcher to better
understand the topic to be investigated in locating more source of related information.

Related Literature

According to a study conducted by Smith (2019), regulatory restrictions and
digital security concerns have become increasingly prevalent challenges for journalists
globally, impacting their ability to fulfill their roles as watchdogs and disseminators of
information effectively.


According to research by Santos (2020), journalists in the Philippines,

particularly in regions with complex socio-political landscapes like Barangay
Calumpang, General Santos City, face significant regulatory hurdles and digital security
threats that impede their ability to report freely and independently.

Related Studies


Patel and Lee’s (2021) study delved into the global implications of regulatory
restrictions and digital security challenges encountered by journalists. Their research
highlighted the growing concern over government censorship and surveillance
practices, emphasizing the need for international cooperation to safeguard press
freedom in an increasingly interconnected digital landscape (Patel & Lee, 2021).


Reyes, Santos, and Dela Cruz (2020), conducted a study focusing on media
practices within urban areas of the Philippines. Their research identified concerning
trends of escalating regulatory restrictions and digital security threats faced by
journalists. They underscored the importance of understanding local dynamics in
addressing these challenges and advocated for greater awareness and advocacy to
protect press freedom and ensure the safety of media practitioners within the country
(Reyes ., 2020).


Research Design:

The research design for this study will be qualitative in nature. Qualitative
research focuses on understanding and interpreting the experiences, attitudes, and
behaviors of individuals within a specific context. This approach allows for in-depth
exploration of the practices of regulatory restrictions and digital securities of journalists
in Barangay Calumpang, General Santos City, by capturing their perspectives and
insights through interviews and observations.

Respondents of the Study:

The study will involve 10 respondents, consisting of journalists working within

Barangay Calumpang, General Santos City. The selection of respondents will be based
on their direct experience and involvement in encountering regulatory restrictions and
digital security issues in their journalistic work.
Local of the Study

This research was conducted at Calumpang General Santos City

Data Gathering Procedure:

The researcher will distribute a validated questionnaire to 10 chosen respondents,

gathering insights on the practices of regulatory restrictions and digital securities of
journalists in Barangay Calumpang, General Santos City.

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