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Chapter I


Background of the Study

Military personnel play a crucial role in ensuring the security and defense a nation, making


practices and policies surrounding promotion and recruitment within the military essential for

maintaining a skilled and effective force. Research by Johnson and Smith (2017) highlighted the

significance of transparent and merit-based promotion systems in enhancing job satisfaction and

retention rates among military personnel. Additionally, the authors emphasized the importance of

effective recruitment strategies in attracting high-quality candidates to the military. In the context of

Bula General Santos City, understanding the specific practices of professional military personnel in

relation to promotion and recruitment is vital for improving the overall effectiveness and efficiency of

the military.

On a global scale, the promotion process in the military often faces challenges related to

biases, favoritism, and lack of transparency. These issues can hinder the fair assessment of

candidates and lead to dissatisfaction among personnel. Additionally, recruitment strategies

worldwide may struggle to attract diverse and highly qualified candidates due to limited outreach

efforts, inadequate incentives, and barriers to entry. Addressing these systemic problems is crucial for

ensuring a skilled and effective military force capable of fulfilling its security and defense

responsibilities (Johnson & Smith, 2017; Brown & Jones, 2018).

In the context of the Philippines, particularly in Bula General Santos City, there are specific

challenges related to the promotion and recruitment practices within the military. Research conducted
by Garcia and Reyes (2017) highlighted the importance of understanding the experiences and

perspectives of military personnel in Bula General Santos City regarding promotion and recruitment

practices. Identifying these challenges and potential areas for improvement is crucial for enhancing

the overall effectiveness of the military in the local setting. Moreover, examining the insights provided

by military personnel in Bula General Santos City can offer valuable information into the existing

problems with the current promotion and recruitment practices (Garcia & Reyes, 2017). This study

provides valuable insights into the challenges faced by the military in the Philippines, specifically in

Bula General Santos City, and highlights the need for further research and improvement in promotion

and recruitment practices.

By gathering feedback directly from those involved in these processes, this study can offer

a comprehensive understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the existing systems. Ultimately,

by conducting a thorough investigation into the promotion and recruitment practices of professional

military personnel in Bula General Santos City, this research aims to contribute to the ongoing efforts

to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the military.

By identifying areas for improvement and proposing evidence-based recommendations,

this study seeks to support decision-makers in implementing policies that can strengthen the overall

capabilities of the military in safeguarding the security and defense of the region. The insights gained

from this research can help shape future practices and policies related to promotion and recruitment

within the military, ultimately leading to a more robust and skilled force in Bula General Santos City.

Through a detailed examination of how professional military personnel approach promotion

and recruitment, this study aims to uncover best practices that can be leveraged to attract top talent

and ensure that deserving individuals are advanced within the ranks based on merit. By promoting
transparency and fairness in these processes, the military can enhance morale, retention rates, and

overall operational effectiveness.

In conclusion, understanding and improving the promotion and recruitment practices of

professional military personnel in Bula General Santos City is essential for maintaining a strong and

capable defense force. By addressing any shortcomings in these processes and implementing

evidence-based recommendations, decision-makers can enhance the overall readiness and efficiency

of the military, ultimately contributing to the security and stability of the region.

Grand Tour Question

The study aims to explore the practices of Military personnel Bula in General Santos City,

specifically focusing on promotion and recruitment

How promotion and recruitment are practiced by military personnel in Bula General Santos


Scope and Delimitation

The scope of the study encompasses all aspects of promotion and recruitment within the

military in Bula General Santos City. This includes examining the criteria and procedures used for

promotion, the methods used for recruitment, the challenges and problems associated with the
current practices, and potential areas for improvement. This study will cover the period from May

2024 onwards to ensure the relevance and currency of my findings.

This study focus exclusively on military personnel in Bula General Santos City. The

researcher will limit this study to the period commencing in May 2024. The researcher will include

military personnel of all ranks in this study to gain a comprehensive understanding of promotion and

recruitment practices.

Benefits and Beneficiaries

The purpose of this study is to examine the promotion recruitment of military personnel. This

study will be a given to help the following:

Military Personnel. The study will provide military personnel with a better understanding of

the promotion and recruitment processes. This information can help them to make informed decisions

about their careers and to prepare for promotion and recruitment opportunities.

Military Leaders. The study will benefit military leaders by providing them with a better

understanding of the challenges and problems associated with the current promotion and recruitment

practices. This information can help them to develop strategies to improve the effectiveness and

efficiency of these processes.

Policymakers. The study will benefit policymakers by providing them with recommendations

for improving the promotion and recruitment practices within the military. These recommendations can

be used to develop policies and procedures that will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of these


Researchers. The study will benefit researchers by providing them with new information about

the promotion and recruitment practices within the military. This information can be used to conduct

further research on these topics.

Citizens of Bula General Santos City. The study will contribute to the overall well-being of

the city by ensuring that the military is able to attract and retain the best possible personnel. This will

lead to a more effective and efficient military, which will be better able to protect the city and its


Employees and business owners in Bula General Santos City. The study will help to

create a more stable and predictable environment for businesses by providing clarity and

transparency around the promotion and recruitment practices of the military. This will make it easier

for businesses to plan for the future and to invest in the city, which will ultimately benefit all employees

and business owners in Bula General Santos City.

Students and Faculty at educational institutions in Bula General Santos City. The study

will provide valuable insights into the career paths and aspirations of military personnel. This

information can be used by educational institutions to develop programs and curricula that better meet
the needs of military personnel and prepare them for success in both their military careers and civilian


Definition of Terms

The terms below are defined practical to have a common innovative for understanding and

clarifications between the researcher and the reader.

Promotion. Operationally, promotion refers to the specific actions and procedures that are

used to advance military members to higher ranks or positions. Conceptually, promotion refers to the

broader idea of upward movement within the military hierarchy and the associated increase in

responsibilities and authority.

Recruitment. Operationally, recruitment refers to the specific activities and strategies that are

used to attract and select new military members. Conceptually, recruitment refers to the broader idea

of bringing new people into the military to ensure that it has the necessary personnel to fulfill its


Military Personnel. Operationally, military personnel refers to the specific individuals who are

serving in the military in various roles and capacities. Conceptually, military personnel refers to the

broader group of people who make up the military and are responsible for fulfilling its mission.
Bula General Santos City. Operationally, Bula General Santos City refers to the specific city

in the Philippines where the study will be conducted. Conceptually, Bula General Santos City refers to

the broader context and environment in which the study will take place.

Practices. Operationally, practices refers to the specific rules, procedures, and customs that

govern promotion and recruitment within the military. Conceptually, practices refers to the broader

patterns and norms that shape how promotion and recruitment are carried out in practice.

Chapter II


This chapter highlights research gaps, provides a theoretical framework, and

complies the body of literature and studies that are pertinent to the issue.

A. Related Literature

The following is the body of knowledge in which the variables are anchored with.


Promotions play a pivotal role in influencing consumer behavior and organizational

performance across diverse industries. Research by Gupta and Cooper (2019) revealed that

promotional activities significantly impact consumer purchasing decisions, with price

promotions often leading to short-term sales increases but potentially diluting and equity in the

long term. Conversely, non-price promotions, such as advertising and sales promotions, have

been found to foster brand loyalty and enhance brand image (Kumar et al., 2020)

Moreover, promotions are not limited to external marketing efforts but also extend to

internal organizational strategies aimed to motivating employees. A study conducted by Smith

and Johnson (2018) highlighted the importance of employee recognition programs as a form of

promotion, demonstrating their positive effects on employee morale, job satisfaction, and
overall organizational performance. This suggests that promotions serve as powerful tools for

both customer engagement and internal motivation within companies.

Furthermore, theoretical frameworks provide valuable insights into the mechanisms

underlying promotional effectiveness. The hierarchy of effects model posits that promotions

progress through stages, starting from awareness and culminating in action, thereby guiding

marketers in designing promotional campaigns tailored to specific objectives (Smith Steiner,

19610). Additionally, the promotional mix model emphasizes the integration of various

promotional elements, including advertising, personal selling, public relations, and sales

promotion, to create synergistic effects and maximize marketing impact (Koler and Armstong,


In summary, the literature underscores the multifaceted nature of promotions,

encompassing their influence on consumer behavior, employee motivation, and organizational

performance. By understanding the dynamics of promotions and leveraging relevant theoretical

frameworks, business can develop effective strategies to enhance brand equity, drive sales,

and cultivate a motivated workforce.


Recruitment strategies in the military have been extensively studied in recent years.

Smith and Johnson (2018) investigated the effectiveness of social media campaigns compared

to traditional advertising methods in attracting qualified candidates to military service. Their

findings highlighted the importance of targeted online recruitment strategies in reaching

younger demographics and diversifying the applicant pool.

Additionally, Jones et al. (2019) explored the impact of educational outreach programs

on recruitment rates, emphasizing the role of partnerships between military organizations and
educational institutions in promoting military careers among students. Retention and attrition

rates remain significant concerns for military organizations worldwide (Brown and Garcia,

2019). Understanding the factors influencing recruits decisions to stay or leave the military is

crucial for developing effective recruitment and retention policies. Recent studies by Martinez

(2020) and Kim et al. (2021) have investigated the relationship between job satisfaction,

deployment experiences, and retention rates among military personnel. Their research

underscores the importance of addressing deployment-related stressors and improving support

systems to enhance retention. Demographic trends among military recruits have also been the

subject of recent scholarly inquiry (Taylor and Nguyen 2019). Research by Patel and Lee

(2020) analyzed demographic data on age, gender, education level, and socioeconomic

background to identify trends in military recruitment. Their findings revealed shifts in

recruitment patterns over time, with implications for targeted recruitment strategies and

diversity initiatives within the military.

Furthermore, Garcia et al. (2019) examined the representation of minority groups in the

military, highlighting disparities in recruitment and retention rates among different ethnic and

racial groups. The effectiveness of recruitment approaches in the military continues to be a

topic of interest for researchers (Walker and Smith, 2019). Recent studies by Williams et al.

(2020) and Carter (2021) evaluated the success rates of various recruitment methods,

including enlistment incentives, advertising campaigns, and community outreach programs.

Their research aimed to identify best practices for optimizing recruitment efforts and improving

the overall quality of the military force. Additionally, Nguyen and Brown (2019) conducted a

comparative analysis of recruitment strategies across different branches of the military,

highlighting variations in approach and outcomes. Psychological factors play a significant role

in individuals decisions to join the military (Clark and White, 2019). Recent research by

Thompson et al. (2019) explored the motivations, attitudes, and perceptions of military service

among prospective recruits. Their findings revealed a complex interplay of personal, social,
and cultural factors shaping individuals decisions to enlist. Moreover, Smith et al.(2022)

investigated the impact of family influences on recruitment decisions, highlighting the role of

familial support networks in shaping individuals attitudes toward military service. Ethical

considerations surrounding military recruitment have garnered increased attention in recent

years (Millers and Martinez, 2018). Scholars such as Garcia and Patel (2020) have examined

the ethical implications of targeted recruitment strategies, particularly those aimed at

vulnerable populations such as low-income communities or minority groups. Their research

calls for greater transparency and accountability in military recruitment practices to ensure

fairness and equity. Additionally, Johnson et al. (2020) explored the ethical dilemmas inherent

in military recruitment advertising, emphasizing the need for responsible messaging and

adherence to ethical standards.

B. Related Studies


In the study of Smith et al. (2019) have conducted comparative analyses of military

promotion and recruitment practices across different countries, shedding light on the diverse

strategies employed globally.

Additionally, Jones (2020) has explored the effectiveness of various promotion and recruitment

strategies utilized by military forces worldwide, offering insights into best practices. Studies by

Brown (2019) have delved into the impact of socio-cultural factors on military recruitment and

promotion, providing valuable perspectives on contextual influences.

Furthermore, research by Garcia (2019) has examined the role of technology and digital

platforms in modern military recruitment campaigns, highlighting the evolving nature of recruitment
practices. Moreover, (2022) has investigated diversity and inclusion initiatives within military

promotion and recruitment processes in foreign militaries, offering insights into equitable practices.

Psychological aspects of military recruitment and promotion, such as motivation and morale, have

been explored by authors like Johnson (2020), enriching our understanding of human factors in

these processes.

Lastly, legal and ethical frameworks governing military promotion and recruitment in

different countries have been subject to comparative studies by researchers such as Martinez

(2021), providing the valuable insights into the regulatory landscape. By synthesizing findings from

these studies, your research can offer a nuanced understanding of military personnel practices in

General Santos City within the broader global context.


According to Reyes et al. (2019) extensively document the policies and regulations

governing military recruitment and promotion specific to General Santos City and the broader

Philippines, providing insights into the legal framework shaping recruitment and promotion

practices. Recent research by Santos (2021) analyzes the effectiveness of past and ongoing

military recruitment campaigns in the city, offering critical assessments of strategies employed and

outcomes achieved.

Also, Dela Cruz (2020) and Garcia (2019) delve into the attitudes, perceptions, and

motivations of General Santos City residents towards military service, informing recruitment

strategies aligned with local preferences. Martinez (2019) and Lim (2022) provide demographic

information about military personnel stationed in General Santos City, including age, education,

and career progression, offering insights into the local military workforces composition
Additionally, Cruz (2020) explores training and education programs available to military

personnel, contributing to their professional development and skill enhancement for career

advancement within the local context. These local studies collectively enrich understanding of

military personnel practices on promotion and recruitment in General Santos City, tailored to its

specific context and dynamics.

Moreover, by Reyes et al. (2019) extensively document the policies and regulations governing

military recruitment and promotion specific to General Santos City and the broader Philippines,

providing insights into the legal framework shaping recruitment and promotion practices. Recent

research by Santos (2021) analyzes the effectiveness of past and ongoing military recruitment

campaigns in the city, offering critical assessment of strategies employed and outcomes achieved.

Del Cruz (2020) and Garcia (2019) delve into the attitudes, perceptions, and motivations of

General Santos City residents towards military service, informing recruitment strategies aligned

with local preferences. Martinez (2019) and Lim (2022) provide demographic information about

military personnel stationed in General Santos City, including age, education, and career

progression, offering insights into the local military workforces composition.

Lastly, Cruz (2020) explores training and education programs available to military

personnel, contributing to their professional development and skill enhancement for career

advancement within the local context. These local studies collectively enrich understanding of

military on promotion and recruitment in General Santos City, tailored to its specific context and


Research Gaps
In the previous study of Santos (2019) highlights the importance of examining the specific

socio-economic, cultural, and demographic factors within Bula, General Santos City, to understand

their influence on military promotion and recruitment practices. This research suggests that a

deeper exploration of these local contextual factors is necessary to tailor recruitment strategies


Also, a study conducted by Reyes et al. (2020) indicates that there is a gap in understanding

the effectiveness of current promotion and recruitment practices employed by military personnel in

Bula, General Santos City. By evaluating the alignment of these practices with institutional goals

and their impact on recruitment outcomes, future studies can provide valuable insights into areas

for improvement.

Next, a study conducted by Del Cruz (2019) highlights the need to investigate the

perception of the local community towards military recruitment efforts and promotion processes.

Understanding community attitudes and concerns can inform the development of recruitment

strategies that resonate with community values, ultimately enhancing recruitment outcomes.

Additionally, the study of Garcia (2019) suggests that there is a gap in research regarding

the integration of diversity and inclusion principles into military promotion and recruitment practices

in Bula, General Santos City. By examining the extent to which diverse candidates have equitable

opportunities for advancement and identifying barriers to inclusivity, future studies can contribute

to fostering a more diverse and inclusive military workforce.

Further, in the study of Martinez (2019) emphasizes the importance of exploring the role of

technology in military recruitment and promotion processes within the local context. Research in

this area can assess the utilization of digital platforms and technological tools to reach potential

recruits and streamline promotion, assessments, identifying opportunities for further technological

integration to enhance efficiency.

Moreover, in the study of Lim (2020) suggests that there is a research gap concerning the

evaluation of training and development programs available to military personnel in Bula, General

Santos City. Assessing the adequacy and effectiveness of these programs in preparing personnel

for career advancement can provide valuable insights into areas for improvement.

Therefore, the study is points out the need for research or retention strategies aimed at

retaining skilled personnel within the military ranks in Bula, General Santos City. By identifying

factors that contribute to personnel turnover and exploring effective retention measures, future

studies can help address retention challenges and ensure a stable and capable workforce.

Then, the study of Johnson (2020) highlights the importance of investigating leadership

development programs within the military in Bula, General Santos City. Research in this area can

assess the effectiveness of current leadership development initiatives in cultivating competent and

effective leaders and identify opportunities for enhancing leadership capabilities.

Additionally, the past study of Brown (2019) suggests that there is a gap in research regarding

cross-cultural competence within the military in Bula, General Santos City. By examining the

importance of cultural awareness and sensitivity in military operations and assessing the
effectiveness of current cross-cultural training programs, future studies can contribute to

enhancing intercultural competence among military personnel.

Lastly, the study by Lee (2019) highlights the need for research on ethical considerations in

military promotion and recruitment practices in Bula, General Santos City. Investigating ethical

dilemmas and ensuring adherence to ethical standards in promotion and recruitment processes

can help maintain the integrity and credibility of the military institution.

Theoretical Framework

The study draws upon the Social Exchange Theory (Blau,1964) to understand the dynamics of

promotion and recruitment practices among military personnel in Bula, General Santos City.

According to this theory, individuals engage in social interactions based on the principles of

reciprocity and mutual benefit.


Military nt
Promotion Theory
Bau (1964)

Figure 1. Military Theory

Chapter III


This chapter outlines the research methods used in the study, including the research design,

participant selection, data collection, and data analysis. It also addresses ethical considerations

related to the research.

Research Design

This research will employ an ethnographic methodology, which centers on understanding

participants lived experiences and personal interpretations. It aims to examine the efficacy of

military personnel practices in promotion and recruitment through observation and analysis.


This study will involve only 5 military personnel stationed in Bula, particularly in General

Santos City. Their practices in promotion and recruitment will serve as the primary focus of data
collection. These participants will be interviewed or observed to gather insights into their

approaches to promotion and recruitment within the military.

Location of the Study

This study will take place in Bula, a district within General Santos City. General Santos City

hosts relevant entities, particularly in the Bula area, with a substantial population of military

experienced in promotion and recruitment practices. Therefore, Bula is deemed an appropriate

study location.

Sketch of the location of the study

Figure 2. Location of Bula General Santos City

Data Collection
The steps utilized in the conduct of this study were the following:

1. Gather existing research on military promotion and recruitment practices.

2. Develop a structured questionnaire or interview guide to collect data from military personnel.

3. Identify and recruit military personnel from various ranks and units.

4. Administer surveys or conduct interviews with the recruited participants.

5. Observe military promotion and recruitment processes

6. Analyze relevant documents

7. Conduct focus group discussions with military personnel.

8. Use appropriate statistical or qualitative analysis.

Interview Technique

The timing of the interview will be arranged based on the availability of the participants. With

their consent, the complete interview process and any observations of the participants will be

recorded either in audio or video format.

Moreover, during the study, both the researchers and the participants will fully comply with all

statements outlined in the consent/assent form.

Ethical Consideration

Before commencing the interview and observations, the researchers ensure that they will acquire

the consent statement from the research participants. This statement serves as evidence that each

selected participant has agreed to answer all relevant interview questions for the study.

This study will employ purposive sampling, focusing on military personnel and applicants in Bula.

5 participants will be sampled randomly. The selection of both groups will depend on their availability.


In gathering data on the promotion and recruitment practices of military personnel in General

Santos City regarding Bula, a team of 10 researchers will employ an interview guide. This guide will

consist of a Grand Tour question and probing questions aimed at exploring their methods and

strategies for promotion and recruitment.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

The researchers aim to utilize thematic analysis to examine promotion and recruitment

strategies in Bula General Santos City. They will delve into qualitative data, including interview

transcripts, to uncover recurring themes and meaningful insights from participants. These insights will

inform the development of concepts, guiding the identification of key themes relevant to the study

objectives regarding promotion and recruitment strategies in the city.

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populations. Journal of Military Ethics, 17(3), 204-218.

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Processes." Diversity in Defense Quarterly, 9(3), 315-330.


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