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Act IlI:Scene 3
his brief scene, with Antonio in custody serves to make more vivid the audiencesimpresionof Antonios
predicament. Antonio tries to placate Shylock so that the Jew may change his artizude. But Shylock is
delighted at sccing his enemy helpless and insists that he wants nothing less than the bond. Antonio can
do nothing except to pray for the arrival of Bassanio to bid him a last farewell.

Scene 3 Venice. A street 1. Gaoler jailer.

Enter Shylock, Salarino, Antonio, and Gaoler look to hi him dosely
3 2. gratis: free of interest.
Gaoler, look to him: tell not me
of mercy;
This is the fool that lent out money gratis:
Gaoler, look to him.
speak not: do not arguc.
Hear me
yet, good Shylock.
5 Tl have my bond;
speak not against my bond:
have sworn
an oath thatl will have my bond.
ActI: Scene 3 101
calldst me dog bctore thou hadst a causc: befere.. Cause when
when yu ha
Thou Tcason t do so.

But. since I am a dog. beware my fangs:

8. Jangs: teeth.
shall grant me justice. I do wonder.
The duke
that thou art s o fond
10 Thou naughty gaoler. 10. naughty: good-fof-nuthing
abroad with him at his request.
To comc

Jond: toolish.
Antonio 11. abroad: out ot
I pray thee, hear me speak.
him outside
the prion,
the jail at
hi te

1'll have my bond: I will not hear thec speak;

Tl have my bond; and therefore speak no

15. dull-eyed: stupid.
15 Tll not be made a soft and dull-eyed fool,
16. relent: show pity.
To shake the head, relent, and sigh, and yield
17. intercessors: pleaders.
To Christian intercessors. Follow not;
Follow not: do not follow me
I'l have no speaking: I will have my bond.
Exit impenetrable cur: hard-hearted:
20. kept with: lived among
21. Let him alone: Forget about hi
It is the most impenetrable cur
22. follow: appeal to.
20 That ever kept with men.
bootless: useless.
Let him alone:
24. deliver'd: rescued.
T'll follow him with bootless prayers.
no more
forfeitures: penalties tur
He seeks my life; his reason well I know:
I oft deliverd from his forfeitures
25 Many that have at times made moan to me;
L). at times: some times.
Therefore he hates me.
made moan: appealed.
Salarino 28. Will never allow this penua
T am sure the duke enforced.
Will never
grant this forfeiture to hold.
Antonio 29. The Duke cannor rens
law take its course.
The duke cannot deny the course of law

102 TheMerchant of Veni

Ar commodity that
mmodity strangers have 30-33. The ights (rommodtyi which the
loreigners (itranger1) have among
Venice, it it be denied,
in us in Venice cannot be refused: if

thejustice of the state: they relused (denird). it will be*

muh impeach are

ill an accusation (impeach) against

trade and proht of the ciry
that the Venetian justice, since the trade
all nations. Iherelfore, go: and prosperity (proft') of the city
sisteth of depends on international trade.
and losses have so bated me,

gricts 35. so bated me: made me lose so much
shall hardly spare pound offesh

Ihat l weight.
to nmy bloody
Tomorrow 37. bloody: blood-thirsty.
P'ray God, Bassanio come
38. on: procecd.
Wcll.gaoler. on.

his debt, and then I care not! 38-9. Pray..not!: Pray God that Bassanio
To see me pay
come to see me discharge his
Exeunt may
debt, and then Icare for nothing else

Act III: Scene 4

hcmes of loyalry friends, disguise and deceit form the subjects of this scene. Portia conceives of

to tescue Antonio Irom the clutches of the Jew. She entrusts Lorenzo and Jessica with the charge

haus:. She sends a messenger to Dr. Bellario in Padua, seeking from the eminent doctor of law a

rcommending her to the Duke of Venice. She then gets ready to go to Venice, disguiscd as a lawyer

criSsa as her clerk.

Scene4Bebmont. A room in Portia's house 2. concet: understanding.

Euier Portia, Nerissa, Lorenzo, Jessica, and 3. amity: friendship.

Balthazar appears: 1s shown.

L.orenzo strongly: clearly.

although I speak it in your
have a
noble and In bearing in the way you endure
a true conceit
god-like amity; which appears
to whom: i.c., Antonio.

strongly no relief: help.

dfing thus the
absence of your lord.
But if 7. lover: triend.
you knew to whom
you show this

honour, 7. How loving a tricnd my lurd
t (Antonio) is of your hushand.
How car agentleman you send reliet,
lover of my lord
your husband,
I know you would be
prouder of the work 8-9. you you would be
Than customary bounty can enforce you. more proud that
you had don
this deed than your usual acts of
Portia generosity.
10 I did repent for doing
never 9. customary bounty: your usual
good, generosity
Nor shall not now: for in
companions 11. Nor. now: shall not
do so now
That do converse and waste the time
together, in: amon8
Whose souls do bear an
equal yoke of love, 12. waste: spend.
There must be needs like 13. Whose souls are joined together by
proportion the love (as oxen
15 OFlineaments, same bond or are
of manners, and of spirit; joined by a yoke).
Which makes me think that this Antonio, 14. be needs: necessarily be.
Being the bosom lover of my lord, a like: the same.
15. lmeaments: characteristics.
Must needs be like my lord. If it be so,
How little is the cost I have bestowd spirit: disposition.
17. bosom lover: intimate friend.
20 In purchasing the semblance of my soul 19-21. How.. cruelty!: How small is the
From out the state of hellish crucley! xpense which I have incurred to
This comes too near the praising of myself; my husband's
redeem the likeness
of Antonio) from a state
Therefore no more of it: hear other things.
soul (= that
of hellish misery.
Lorenzo, I commit into your hands 20. the semblance of my soul: Accordingto
25 The husbandry and manage of my house ortia, lovers must be like cach other
in soul, and that close friends must
Until my lord's return: for mine own part,
also resermble each other; therelore,
I have toward heaven breatheda secret vow
Antonio must resemble Bassanio,
whose soul resembles Portias own.
To live in prayer and contemplation, 22. too near:
very close to.

Only attended by Nerissa here, 24. 1..hands: I entrust to

30 Until her husband and my
lord's return:
husbandry and manage: control and

monastery two
There is a
miles off, management.
27. breatihed: made.
I do desire you
And there we will abide.
contemplation: meditation.
Not to deny this imposition: withno other
The which my love and some necessity except Nerissa.
55. aeny: refuse.
35 Now lays upon you. imposition: task.
34-5. The
Lorenzo my which my love and
present necessity make me pla
Madam, with all my heart; upon you.
in all fair commands. 37. fair: honoured.
obey you 58. people: servants.

Portia 2y
know mind, 39. na: my intention.
My people do already my
and Jessica
thority. recognise you
And will acknowledge you

In place of Lord Bassanio and nyself. 42. Fair: pleasant.
attend on youl: be with you.
farewel, till we shall meet again. 4
And so

43. all heart's content: the fulfilment of
and happy hours attend on all the desires of your heart.
Fair thoughts
you! J
Jessica to wish the same for
all hearts content. 45. lo
I wish your ladyship you.

Portia 4rre
wish, and am well pleasd 47. ever: always.
thank you for your
fare you well, Jessica. bonest-true: honest and trustworthy.
wish it back
o n you:

45To and Lorenzo

Exeunt Jessica
to fhnd you
So..sill: may I continue
Now, Balthazar,

found thee
honest-true, a n so.:
As I have ever
49. go as fast as a man
Take this same
find thee still.
So let me
endeavour of a

thou all the

And use

thou render
50. render: give.

to Padua: see
52.And look: and
take care ot.
50 In speed Bellario;
cousin's hand, Docor
Into my he doth got conceivablespeed.
what notes and garments imaginedspeed: all
And look 53.
give thee,* 1
I thee, with imagined . the tranect:
to the landingae
Bring them, pray 5 4Unto
c o m m o n ferry
tranect, to the
Unto the time in tor hire.
Venice. Waste
no passengers
trades: carries

Which trades to .

shall be there before thee
Dutget thee gone: I
fast as I
57. convenient
Vadam, I go with all convenient
plan in my mind.
t *E 58. work in hand: a
e on, Nerissa; I have work in
nat we'll see our s :
you yet know not of:
Before they
think of us.

hs :
Scene 4
Nerissa 62. habit: dress.
Shall they see us? 63-4. we are
accomplished... lack.
Portia cquipped with the qualitie o
which in reality we lack. e
They shall, Nerissa; but in such a habit,
64. hold thee any
wager: bet with
That they shall think we are accomplished amount.

With that we lack. I'l hold thee any wager, 65. accoutred: dressed
65 When both accoutred like young
we are men,
prettier Jellow:
smarter youth.
Tl prove the prettier fellow 67. braver grace: greatcr air ot
of the rwo, boldne
And wear my dagger with
the braver grace; 68. between..boy: as it my voice
And speak berween the change of man and changing from a
boys voice

boy 69. reed: shrill.

With a reed voice, and turn two mincing
mincing steps: lady-like short quick
steps Steps.
70 Into a manly stride; and speak of frays, 69-70. tun two...stride: take one
Like a ine bragging youth; and tell quaint stride tor each rwo feminine
lies, 70. frays: hghts.
How honourable ladies sought my love, 71. braging: boasttul.
Which I denying, they fl sick and dicd; quaint fanciful; ingenious.
I could not do withal; then r'l repent, 74. I could.withal: could not help i.
75 And wish, for all that, that I had not killd (literally: I cannot do anything with
it- it is beyond me.)
And rwenty of these puny lies I'l tell;
77-8. 1 bave...welvenmonth: that it is a year
That men shall swear I have discontinued
since I let school.
Above a twelvemonth: I have within my
79. raw: crude, school-boyish.
A thousand raw tricks of these bragging
boastful fellws.
Jacks, brgingJacks:
80. practise: display.
80 WhichI will practise.
81. device: plan.
But come, lT'l tell thee all my whole device
82. stays: waits.
When I am in my coach, which stays for us
83. haste away: hurry uP
At the
park-gate; and therefore haste away, 84. measure: travel.
For we must measure twenty miles today.

The Merchantof Venice
Act II:Scene 5
dcene begins with ahumorous dialogue from Launcelot. The arrival of Lorenzo cuts short Launcelots
s for Lorenzo orders him to go in,
Left alone, Lorenzo asks Jessica how much she likes Portia, to

hshe replies that there is no woman in the world equal to her. The scene is set in a lighter vein which

ireshes and amuses, and thus heightens by contrast the seriousness of the trial-scene which is to follow.

Scene 5 Belmont. A garden 1. look you: you see.

the sins of the father: reference is made
Enter Launcelot and Jessica to the Bible, Book of Exodus 20:5
"I, the Le thy God, am a jealous
Launcelot God, visiting the iniquity of the
fathers upon the children.
Yes, truly; for, look you, the sins of the father 2. laid upon: revenged upon.
are to be laid upon the children; therefore,
Il was always plain with
3. Ifear you: 1 fear for you.
promise you, I fear you. plain: honest.
now I speak my agitation of the
you, and s0 4. agitation: Launcelot mean
of cheer; for, truly, I
matter: theretore be good cogitation' (= thought).
are damned.
thinkyou 4-5. of the matter: on this point.

6. damned: fated to meet damnation

Jessica after death.
husband; he hath made
I shall be saved by my 7. I shal..husband: Biblical reterence:
mea Christian. St. Paul says,..the unbelieving
wife is sanctified by the husband"
Launcelot Christians
(1 Corinthians, 7: 14). Being
Iruly, the more to blame he: we were
converted to Christianity, Jessica is
well live, a 'believer in God.
10 enow betore; e'enmany as could

one by another. This making

of Christians 9. to blame he: he is to be blamed. e
all to be 9-10. we were...before: there were enough
aise the price of hogs: if we grow
will have rasher (enow) of us Christians before he
pork-eaters, we shall not shortly
made you a Christian.
onthe coals for money
11. one by another: together
Jessica 12. raise...hogs: because as Christians,
15 Tl tell my husband, Launcelot, what you say they will be allowed to eat pork
here he comes.
(which is forbidden to Jews).
Enter Lorenzo 13-4. rasher on the coals: slice of bacon
cooking on the hre.
Lorenzo for
money: i.e., at any priCe.
agrowjealous of you shortly, Launcelot, 1 8 . into corners: i.e., where you can
t you thus get my wife into corners. whisper togethe

Aet I:Scene5 107

20. ar ut
Jessica have
Nay. you nced not feat us, Lorenzo: qmarrelled. 1alle
20 Launcelot and I are out. He tells me larly, flatly: plainy
there is no mercy tor me in heaven, becausel
23. commonuvalth Christar
am a lew's daughter: and he says, you are no0
good member of the commonwealth, tor in

converting Jews Christians, you the

to raise
25 price ot pork. they bare all stomach te
stomachs: (0 appetites (u)
| To Launcelor|(Go in. sirrah; bid them prepare dg
28. Goodly: Good.
for dinncr.
wit-snapper: comedian.
That is done. sir: they have all stomachs. 30. cove: (pun) (i) to
place the dishe
the table (i1) to
put on
Lorenzo your hat
Goodly Lord. what a wit-snapPper are you! "cover" is the word: you
ought to a
then bid them prepare dinner. lay the table. (Lorenzo means
Launcelot takes it in the sense of pu
Launcelot On your hat.

30 That is done too, sir; only "cover is the word.

32. my dury: inferiors stood barc-head:

in the presence of their superiors.
Will you cover, then, sir?
33. quarrelling with occasion: disputin;
as to whether the word is enact
the particular occasion
Not so, sir, neither: I know my dury. suitable to

Yet more quarrelling with occasion! Wilt
thou show the whole wealth of thy wit in an
35 instant: I pray thee, understand a plain man 39. For the table: as far as the
in his plain meaning: go to thy fellows, bid concerned.
them cover the table, serve in the meat, and 39-40. Note: Launcelot changes the we
we will come in to dinner. served' and 'covered. He means

Launcelot Say, the table

shall be covercl d
the meat, served.
For the table, sir, it shall be served in; for
40 the meat, sir, it shall be covered; tor your
coming in to dinner, sir, wlhy, let it De
be as
as 41-42. as...govern: as your whims aand 1an

humours and conceits shall govern.

Exit please you.

108 The Merchant of Venice

43. O
Lore dear.. suited: Lorenzo surpriscd

now nis words are suited! at Launcelor's ability to

odcar discretion, difterent meanings of a word to ht
hath planted in his memory
The fool them for his
words; and I do know
Anarnyof good 44. planted: collected.

A many tools, that stand in better place, 45. An army: a lot of.

arnishd like him,

that fora
tricksy word 46. stand in better place: have better pos

Defy the
matter.- i o w cheerst thou, Jessica? tions (perhaps as professional fools).

And now. good

sweet, say thy opinion, 47. Garnishd: supplied with a stock of
thou like the Lord Bassanios wife?
Howdost tricksy word: a word which enables
a trick to be played with double
Past all expressing.
It is
very meet meaning
48. Defy the matter: Avoid the real
The Lord Bassanio live
upright life;
meaning by confusing people.
For. having such a blessing in his lady,
How cheer'st thou?: Are you happy?
He finds the joys of heaven here on earth;
49. good sweet: my dear.
55 And if on earth he do not mean it, then
In reason he should never come to heaven.
51. Past all expressing: beyond al
Why, if rwo gods should play some heavenly xpression. ( cant hnd words to
match, express how good she is.)

And on the wager lay two earthly women, meet: necessary.

And Portia one, there must be something else 52. upright: honourable.
60 Pawnd with the other; for the poor rude 55. it: happiness (joys ot heaven).

world. 56. n reason: it is only reasonable that.

Hath her fellow. $7-61. If heavenly gods

not rwo were to
ome game ot skill (hearenly match),
Lorenzo and rwo earthly women were to be
Even such a husband the wager staked on the result of the
contest, and if Portia were one ot the
fast thou of me as she is for a wite.
rwo, there would have to be some
Jessica additional value added (pauwid) to
the other woman to make the stakes
Nay, but ask my
opinion too of that
cqual, because this crude world does
not have a woman equal to Portia.
61. fellow: cqual.
3. 58. lay: stake.
ou have sucha husband in me who has all the
qualities y nave
go 59. one: one ot them.
wilfe describcd in P'ortia, as an ideal
60. Pawnid: pledged.

da un:
Scene 5 109
65. anon: sOon.
65 Iwill anon; first, let us go to dinner.
66. stomach: (0)
Jessica inclination to pr
( appetitefor dinner
I have
Nay, let me praise you while a
67. let.. .able-talk:keep it to sene
pleasant conversation during
No, pray thee, let it serve for table-talk; 68. bowsoe er: however.
Then, howsoe'er thou speakst, mong 70. set you forth: () praise your qualita
things (set forth your qualities)
ü) put you
in your place.
I shall digestit.
70 Well, I'll set you forth. [Exeunt

of Venie
110 Jhe

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