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Dracolichborn Pursuit of the Forbidden

Dracolichborn hold a deep-seated reverence for

T martial prowess, honed alongside a mastery of
he true origins of the dracolichborn remain the arcane. These formidable warriors blend
a topic of legend and whispered speculation. their intrinsic draconic strength with
Tales passed down through generations speak of necromancy, creating martial orders of powerful
two possible genesis stories, each as enigmatic as death knights. Their relentless pursuit of martial
the dracolichborn themselves. Some believe they excellence is intricately woven into their culture
are the progeny of dragons cursed to become and spiritual beliefs, particularly in the areas that
dracoliches, their eggs inheriting the blight of dance on the edges of life and death. This unique
their transformed parents. Others argue that combination of physical might and dark magic
these beings are the result of ambitious makes them fearsome on the battlefield, often
necromancers seeking to birth dragonborn leading the vanguard to shatter through defenses
infused with the durability of the undying. or as an indomitable wall to protect their leaders.
Regardless of their true origin, the dracolichborn These orders offer strict training and distinctly
stand as a testament to a union of draconic power unique combat styles that reflect a solemn
and the curse of the Undead. understanding of their heritage. This path of a
warrior-mage is not only a choice but a calling
Echoes of the for many dracolichborn, as they continually seek
to find meaning and purpose in their Undead
Draconic Past nature. Their journey is a constant evolution,
While dracolichborn share the dragonborn's where the art of war meets the mysteries of the
stature and strength, their appearance is a somber arcane, forging them into living embodiments of
reflection of their Undead lineage. The necrotic deathly might.
energies that have woven into their being
manifest in a range of macabre features—ashen
scales, bony protrusions, and other Undead-esque
Physical Appearance
traits—that set them distinctly apart from both Dracolichborn stand tall and imposing, their
chromatic and metallic dragonborn. This posture commanding yet tinged with an air of
corruption has imbued them with an affinity for solemnity. Their skin is cloaked in scales that
the shadows and the quiet, granting them a seem to absorb light rather than reflect it, casting
somber authority that resonates with the them in shades of ashen gray and deep, inky
solemnity of the grave. This understanding forms black. In some places, the scales give way to a
the basis for their approach to both combat and mottled pattern, subtly hinting at the bones
diplomacy, where they are as likely to use their beneath their pallid exterior.
fearsome reputation to deter conflict as they are Their faces are marked by a blend of both
to engage in it. harsh and ethereal features. Eyes deep-set and
dark, like pools of shadow, hold an unspoken
depth of knowledge and mystery. Physically, they
Clans of the Crypt are robust, their limbs ending in sharp talons that
For dracolichborn, the clan holds a profound reveal a predatory grace as they dance across
significance, serving as a sanctuary for their kind battlefields.
in a world that often regards them with suspicion Some exhibit ridges or spines across their
and fear. Within these clans, knowledge of heads and necks, each unique in its formation
necromancy, draconic lore, and the secrets of life and seen as a mark of beauty among their orders.
and death are zealously guarded. Like Their teeth, razor sharp and sometimes faintly
dragonborn, they deeply respect their clan translucent, add to their ferocious demeanor—a
structure, with each member's actions reflecting single fanged smile speaking silently of a nature
upon the honor and legacy of their lineage. both intimidating and otherworldly.
However, dracolichborn clans tend to be more When envisioning your dracolichborn
insular, often hidden away in forgotten tombs or character, consider the following aspects that
secluded lairs, away from prying eyes. highlight their distinct nature:
Scale Hue and Texture. The unique coloration and Clan Names: Deathscale, Ebonfang, Frostcrypt,
texture of your scales, which may range from Gloomrend, Gravewyrm, Nighthowl,
ghostly pale to a dark, deathly hue. Shadowscale, Tombdrake, Voidclaw

Undead Features. The presence of skeletal and Dracolichborn Traits

other Undead aspects in your physical As a dracolichborn, you have the following racial
appearance, indicating your blend of life and traits:
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score
Eyes. The color and intensity of your gaze, increases by 2, and your Intelligence score
embodying the depth of your necromantic increases by 1.
Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.
Physique. The balance of your dragonborn
strength with the ethereal quality of your undead Age. Dracolichborn mature by the age of 20 and
lineage, influencing your physical capabilities and can live up to 500 years, their lifespan extended
presence. by their necrotic energies before eventually
crumbling apart.
Dracolichborn Names Size. Dragonlichborn stand over 6 feet tall and
Voidkin embody the transformative power of the average almost 250 pounds. You are Medium.
void. The parasitic essence that animates them
does more than merely rekindle the spark of Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
consciousness; it often reshapes their forms into
something altogether otherworldly. These
changes are not seen as deformities among other
voidkin who don’t value physical appearance as a
part of a being's beauty. The Parasite's Imprint
table has examples you can choose or use as
inspiration to create your own.

Dracolichborn names blend the ancient draconic

language with a touch of the macabre, reflecting
their unique heritage. Their names are often
given at birth, carrying the weight and legacy of
their clan's history. In dracolichborn society, the
clan name is always placed first as a symbol of
respect and pride. Among family and close
friends, dracolichborn might use childhood
names or nicknames, which usually derive from
significant events, characteristics, or habits
observed in early life.

Male Names: Dravoss, Drazhir, Ghaurn, Mortix,

Necrion, Skathar, Thyrak, Vhul, Vormul, Zathros

Female Names: Duskrin, Hecara, Krylora,

Morthissa, Nyrith, Ossara, Shyndra, Thraele,
Vrexia, Zephara

Childhood Names: Bonechill, Cryptdiver,

Darkwhisper, Frostbreath, Ghostwalker,
Gravebound, Shadowgaze, Silentscale
Draconic Ancestry
Dragon Ancestry Damage Type Breath Weapon Saving Throw
Black Acid 5ft. by 30 ft. line Dexterity save
Blue Lightning 5ft. by 30 ft. line Dexterity save
Brass Fire 5ft. by 30 ft. line Dexterity save
Bronze Lightning 5ft. by 30 ft. line Dexterity save
Copper Acid 5ft. by 30 ft. line Dexterity save
Gold Fire 15 ft. cone Dexterity save
Green Poison 15 ft. cone Constitution save
Red Fire 15 ft. cone Dexterity save
Silver Cold 15 ft. cone Constitution save
White Cold 15 ft. cone Constitution save

Draconic Ancestry. You have draconic ancestry. Gravetouched. You know the chill touch cantrip.
Choose one type of dragon from the Draconic Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your
Ancestry table. Your breath weapon and damage spellcasting ability for this spell when you cast it
resistance are determined by the dragon type, as with this trait (choose when you select this race).
shown in the table. Your breath weapon
manifests as an amalgamation of necrotic Languages. You can speak, read, and write
darkness intertwined with the elemental energy Common and Draconic.
specific to your ancestry.
Necrotic Resistance. You have resistance to
Arcane Knowledge. You gain proficiency in the necrotic damage and the damage type associated
Arcana skill. with your draconic ancestry.

Breath Weapon. You can use your action to exhale

a blast of destructive energy. Your draconic
ancestry determines the size, shape, and damage
type of the exhalation. When you use your breath
weapon, each creature in the area of the
exhalation must make a saving throw, taking
damage that is divided equally (rounded down)
between necrotic and the type determined by
your draconic ancestry. The DC for this saving
throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier +
your proficiency bonus. A creature takes 2d6
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
on a successful one. The damage increases to 3d6
at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th
level. Once you use your breath weapon, you
can’t use it again until you complete a short or
long rest.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60

feet of you as if it were bright light and in
darkness as if it were dim light. You discern
colors in that darkness only as shades of gray.

10+ Undying Megabosses

10+ Profane Lairs - each with
Innovative Mechanics! MINIATURE
Innovative Player Death & Resurrection
Undead Grafting System
75+ Unholy Monsters
50+ Craftable Items
10+ Otherwordly Familiars
12+ Dark Subclasses
40+ Mystical Spells
6+ Haunting Races
Setting Agnostic Adventures
Playable at Multiple Levels &
Arc for Levels 1 through 10!
10+ Premium Megaboss

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