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No need to copy the qoHtion. Mention your namt, stetion & roll number on the class
test" page and upload in the Google classroom in PDF format. You may l>lW or write
and scan hl any regular sa.n.ner.

A) Fill iJa the blanks:

l. When 1M minure b.1Dd is at 3, the time is _ _ __ lhc hour.
2 . On c011\'ening 7:45 p.m. in 24 hour time. we get _ __
3. In_ _ the shapes fit neatly into one another " ~thout le3'ug gaps.
4 . 9 months 23 days= _ ___ days.

B) Identify the time and write In 24 boun format:

(1 ><4=4)

p . m..


C) Complete the number patten,:


l . 30 24 18 12 _ _ . __.
2. 8 16 24 32 40_. _ _

D) Solve the story sums:

t . · s brother is 48 mouths olck-r than him. How many years is be
2 . Rishi ' s school sWtS al 10 minutes 10 10. Write the time in a.m. and 24-
bour fonnat when it is staaing.
3 . Complete and find the rule of~ follo\\'lllg number pattem: 3 7
23 _
4 . COD\·ert 1 week into hours. Show the detailed work

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