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OSHMS Audit Procedure
Document No. XXX

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0 <<Date>> New Document N/A

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1. PURPOSE.......................................................................................................................................4
2. SCOPE............................................................................................................................................4
3. DEFINITIONS..................................................................................................................................4
4. ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES...........................................................................................................4
5. INTERNAL OSHMS AUDIT..............................................................................................................5
5.1 Frequency and Planning.........................................................................................................5
5.2 Scope and Criteria..................................................................................................................6
5.3 Opening Meeting...................................................................................................................6
5.4 Conducting the Internal OSHMS Audit...................................................................................6
5.5 Closing Meeting.....................................................................................................................6
5.6 Audit Reporting......................................................................................................................7
5.7 Non-Conformance and Corrective Actions............................................................................7
6. EXTERNAL OSHMS AUDIT.............................................................................................................7
7. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS.............................................................................................................8
8. REFERENCES..................................................................................................................................8

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The purpose of this OSHMS Audit procedure is to define the process for planning,
conducting and reporting of scheduled internal and external OSHMS audits to verify
compliance of the OSHMS to the OSHAD-SF.

This procedure is developed in accordance with the requirements of OSHAD-SF Element
8 – Audit and Inspection – Version 3.1.

Audit: A systematic, independent and documented process for
obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to
determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled.
Audit Criteria: A set of policies, procedures or requirements (used as a
Auditor: A person who is qualified to an international standard and/or
has demonstrable auditing experience in conducting OSH
Corrective Actions: Steps that are taken to remove the causes of an existing non-
conformance or undesirable situation. The corrective action
process is designed to prevent the recurrence of non-
conformances or undesirable situations.
External Auditor: A person who is certified to an international standard and
registered in Qudorat to conduct external OSHMS audits in
accordance with OSHAD-SF requirements.
Lead Auditor: An auditor with qualifications, competence and accreditation
to lead an audit team that includes at least one other auditor.
Non-Conformance: Is a non-fulfillment of a requirement. Specifically, a non-
conformance is any deviation from work standards, practices,
procedures, regulations, management system performance
etc. that could either directly or indirectly lead to injury or
illness, property damage, damage to the workplace
environment, or a combination of these.


<<Senior Manager>>
The <<Senior Manager>> shall have ultimate responsibility for the implementation of
the OSHMS Audit Procedure.
The <<Senior Manager>> shall approve the appointment of the Audit Team Leader for
the Internal OSHMS Audit.

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The <<Senior Manager>> shall approve the appointment of the External OSHMS Auditor
for the External OSHMS Audit.
<<OSH Manager>>
Responsible for ensuring that OSHMS Internal and External Audits are planned and
conducted in accordance with this procedure.
Responsible for identifying and recommending the appointment of the Audit Team
Leader for the Internal OSHMS Audit.
Responsible for identifying and recommending the appointment of the External OSHMS
Auditor for the External OSHMS Audit.
Responsible for ensuring that the scope and duration of the External OSHMS Audit are
reasonable and appropriate to the size and complexity of operations of <<Entity
Responsible for ensuring that all identified Non-Conformances are addressed through
the Non-Conformance and Corrective Action procedure.
<<Audit Team Leader (Lead Auditor)>>
Responsible for leading the Internal OSHMS Audit and preparing and issuing the Internal
OSHMS Audit report.
Responsible for identifying Audit team for participation in the Internal OSHMS Audit.
Responsible for conducting the Internal OSHMS Audit and supporting the Audit team


5.1 Frequency and Planning

The Internal OSHMS Audit shall be conducted annually. The Internal OSHMS Audit
should be scheduled prior to the External OSHMS Audit and the Management Review
The <<OSH Manager>> shall prepare the Internal OSHMS Audit plan and assign the Audit
Team Leader. The Internal OSHMS Audit plan shall include the scope and criteria of the
Internal OSHMS Audit and the proposed schedule and itinerary.
These shall be approved by the <<Senior Manager>>. Upon approval the Audit Team
Leader shall assign the Audit Team.
The Internal OSHMS Auditors shall be suitably knowledgeable, experienced and
competent to undertake the OSHMS audits and have adequate knowledge of the
OSHAD-SF. The <<OSH Manager>> may by appointed as the Audit Team Leader if
deemed the most suitable and appropriate person.
The Internal OSHMS Audit plan shall be circulated to appropriate departments within
<<Entity Name>> in preparation for the Internal OSHMS Audit.

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5.2 Scope and Criteria

The Internal OSHMS Audit shall be conducted in compliance with OSHAD-SF
requirements and shall meet the following criteria:
i. Review of the OSHMS to ensure compliance to OSHAD-SF requirements.
ii. A systematic examination to determine whether activities and related results
conform to planned arrangements. The audit shall determine whether these
arrangements are implemented effectively and are appropriate in achieving
<<Entity Name>>’s objectives.
The Internal OSHMS Audit shall consider the whole OSHMS as applied to the entire
operations of <<Entity Name>>. Full access to all OSHMS documents shall be afforded to
the Internal OSHMS Audit Team.

5.3 Opening Meeting

The Audit Team Leader shall chair an opening meeting with all the auditee
representatives to kick off the Internal OSHMS Audit with the following agenda:
i. Internal OSHMS Audit scope and criteria
ii. Internal OSHMS Audit schedule
iii. Internal OSHMS Audit methodology
iv. Departments and sites to be visited and personnel to be interviewed
v. Questions and feedback
The opening meeting shall be appropriately documented and minutes shall be taken.

5.4 Conducting the Internal OSHMS Audit

The Internal OSHMS Audit shall be conducted in accordance with the Audit Plan.
The audit team shall collect evidence to verify compliance of the OSHMS to the OSHAD-
SF requirements and the Internal OSHMS Audit criteria. Evidence shall be gathered as
appropriate from available sources including:
 Document review
 Site inspection
 Personnel Interviews
 Other sources as appropriate
The findings of the Internal OSHMS Audit shall be recorded against an Internal OSHMS
Audit Checklist. Upon completion of the Internal OSHMS Audit, the Audit Team shall
convene to review and agree on the audit findings. All non-conformances shall be
identified and confirmed at this stage of the Internal OSHMS Audit. In the event that
there is uncertainty regarding a non-conformance the final decision shall be at the
discretion of the Audit Team Leader.

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5.5 Closing Meeting

The Audit Team Leader shall chair a closing meeting with all the auditee representatives
to close out the Internal OSHMS Audit. The Audit Team Leader shall explain and discuss
the results of the Internal OSHMS Audit with the auditee representatives, including all
positive findings, observations, minor and major non-conformances.
The closing meeting shall be appropriately documented and minutes shall be taken.

5.6 Audit Reporting

The Audit Team Leader shall prepare an Internal OSHMS Audit Report which shall
include the following information, as a minimum:
i. Defined objectives and scope of the Internal OSHMS Audit
ii. Members of the Internal OSHMS Audit team (Lead Auditor and Auditors)
iii. List of the auditee representatives (and their departmental roles)
iv. Dates and locations of the conducted audit
v. Audit criteria and list of audit findings
vi. Audit conclusions
The Internal OSHMS Audit report shall be issued to the <<OSH Manager>> who shall
review it and submit it to the <<Senior Manager>> for approval.

5.7 Non-Conformance and Corrective Actions

The <<OSH Manager>> shall establish the root cause of each non-conformance and
define the corrective action(s) to address and resolve the non-conformances.
Responsibility for implementation of the corrective action(s) shall be assigned to
appropriate personnel with an timeframe for completion. The management of non-
conformances and corrective actions shall be done thorough the Non-Conformance and
Corrective Action Procedure.


<<Entity Name>> shall undergo an External OSHMS Audit of its approved OSHMS on an
annual basis. The External OSHMS Audit shall be conducted by an External OSHMS
Auditor approved by OSHAD for conducting such an audit in compliance with OSHAD-SF
– Mechanism 7.0 – OSH Professional Entity Registration and OSHAD-Sf – Mechanism 8.0
– OSH Practitioner Registration.
<<Entity Name>> shall ensure that the appointed External OSHMS Auditor is objective
and has no conflict of interest and has not assisted or been contracted by <<Entity
Name>> to develop and / or implement <<Entity Name>>’s OSHMS within the previous
two years.
The External OSHMS Auditor should have appropriate and relevant industrial sector
<<Entity Name>> shall ensure that the External OSHMS Audit is conducted within one
year from the date of OSHMS Approval and on an annual basis thereafter. The External
OSHMS Audit should be conducted after the Internal OSHMS Audit and shall be
conducted before the Management Review meeting.
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<<Entity Name>> shall ensure that the scope and duration of the audit are reasonable
and in line with the size and complexity of <<Entity Name>>’s operations.
The results of the External OSHMS Audit shall be reported to the <<Senior Manager>.
<<Entity Name>> shall submit the External OSHMS Audit report to the Industrial Sector
OSH Regulatory Authority by completing and submitting OSHAD-SF Form F – Annual
External OSHMS Audit Form on Al Adaa OSH Electronic Application. The External
OSHMS Audit report and Corrective Action Plan for all identified minor and major non-
conformances shall be attached to Form F. Form F shall be submitted within 30 calendar
days of the audit.
<<Entity Name>> shall provide periodic updates to the Industrial Sector OSH Regulatory
Authority on the progress of the implementation of corrective actions. <<Entity Name>>
shall inform the Industrial Sector OSH Regulatory Authority of the effective closure of all
non-conformances through the submission of the closed Corrective Action Plan. In the
event that <<Entity Name>> has not been able to close out non-conformances the
continued management of these non-conformances shall be communicated to the
Industrial Sector OSH Regulatory Authority through submission of amended and update
Corrective Action Plans on an annual basis.

The following documents shall be maintained in relation to this procedure:
 Internal OSHMS Audit Plan (<<Doc Ref>>)
 Internal OSHMS Audit Checklist (<<Doc Ref>>)
 Internal OSHMS Audit Report (<<Doc Ref>>)

The following references documents of relevance and / or applicability to this
 OSHAD-SF – Element 8 – Audit and Inspection – version 3.1
 OSHAD-SF – Technical Guideline – Audit and Inspection – version 3.1

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