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1. The child suffered from prolonged hunger so that the child had to be hospitalized
The closest meaning to the italic bold words is ...........
A. Toxin
B. Swollen
C. Wound
D. Anorexia
E. Suffering

2. Young people often try something new, such as intoxicating drinks. This makes young people
accustomed to consuming intoxicating drinks
The closest meaning to the italic bold words is ...........
A. Infection
B. Mental
C. Seizure
D. Inflammation
E. Addiction

3. Someone who always feels uncomfortable about their future often daydreams and/or avoids
things that make them suffer
The closest meaning to the italic bold words is ...........
A. Hypertension
B. Anxiety
C. Hazard
D. Cure
E. Diagnose

4. Older people often forget what they are going to do or what they have already done. He didn't
know what to do. This makes them often confused
The closest meaning to the italic bold words is ...........
A. Brace
B. Breech
C. Acute
D. Amnesia
E. Antidote

5. The child is suffered from nervous disorders and seizures so his parents are very worried
about him. His parents always take him to the hospital to have his health checked
The closest meaning to the italic bold words is ...........
A. Allergy
B. Disorder
C. Excess
D. Ache
E. Epilepsy

6. Linda had an accident falling from her motorbike. This gave him a small wound and his skin
turned black
The closest meaning to the italic bold words is ...........
A. Bruise
B. Dislocated
C. Excess
D. Dementia
E. Inflammation
7. Smoking is dangerous because smoking can cause damage to the smoker's lungs. Therefore,
we must stay away from smokers
The closest meaning to the italic bold words is ...........
A. Intravenous
B. Rehabilitation
C. Dementia
D. Harmful
E. Care

8. The child found it difficult to breathe and was wheezing so he had to receive intensive care
and was not allowed to do heavy work
The closest meaning to the italic bold words is ...........
A. Ward
B. Vein
C. Suffering
D. Asthma
E. Respiration

9. We as health workers must educate the public to do things that can prevent disease by
maintaining health and a clean environment
The closest meaning to the italic bold words is ...........
A. Insurance
B. Prescription
C. Hygiene
D. Informatics
E. Vital signs

10. Lack of blood is a blood disorder characterized by a low number of red blood cells or when
red blood cells do not function properly.
The closest meaning to the italic bold words is ...........
A. Pain
B. Anemia
C. Toxin
D. Blood tense
E. Suffering

11. Swelling and pain felt in one or more joints. The main symptoms are characterized by joint
pain and stiffness, which usually worsens with age
The closest meaning to the italic bold words is ...........
A. Arthritis
B. Biopsy
C. Blood tense
D. Acute
E. Injury

12. Andre's diabetes got worse so that his toes swelled and festered, so the doctor would remove
his toes with surgery
The closest meaning to the italic bold words is ...........
A. Swolen
B. Cutting
C. Tired
D. Amputate
E. Pain
13. Inheritance relates to how specific traits are passed from one generation to the next, as a
result of changes in the DNA sequence. So there are those who say that the child's character is
almost the same as his father's
The closest meaning to the italic bold words is ...........
A. Condition
B. Genetic
C. Experiencing
D. History
E. Mental

14. A week ago, Laura had a traffic accident when her motorbike hit a tree. As a result of the
collision, Laura suffered broken bones
The closest meaning to the italic bold words is ...........
A. Fracture
B. Breaking
C. Damage
D. Harmful
E. Failure

15. Hearing that his friend had an accident, his heart beat so fast that he felt scared and tried to
calm himself down while praying
The closest meaning to the italic bold words is ...........
A. Disease
B. Incident
C. Heart rate
D. Helplessness
E. Blood vessels

16. When the building caught fire, many people saved themselves. Some survived and many
people were wounded because they were hit by building debris
The closest meaning to the italic bold words is ...........
A. Seizure
B. Damage
C. Genetic
D. Accident
E. Injury

17. Cindy caught a cold because she often drank cold drinks and now she is bedridden and has
not been to school for two days
The closest meaning to the italic bold words is ...........
A. Influenza
B. Dehydration
C. Respiratory
D. Condition
E. Harmful

18. Even though Cynthia has been married for three years, she cannot get pregnant because of
problems with ovulation in her uterus. He has consulted several obstetricians but he has not
received satisfactory results
The closest meaning to the italic bold words is ...........
A. Hyperglycemia
B. Mental deterioration
C. Infertility
D. Swelling
E. Pregnant
19. Many types of nurses work in hospitals. Among them are nurses who care for patients who
are undergoing diagnostic imaging, such as CT scans, X-rays and ultrasound. To work in this
department, nurses must obtain special skills
The closest meaning to the italic bold words is ...........
A. Medication
B. Swelling
C. Diagnostic
D. Radiology nursing
E. Cardiac nursing

20. The patient _________ visited the doctor asked to have his arm checked because he often felt
sore in his arm
A. Who
B. Whom
C. Whose
D. Which
E. Of whom

21. A mother _________ daughter is about to give birth prepares all the necessities needed for
giving birth
A. Whom
B. Which
C. Who
D. Of which
E. Whose

22. The medicine _________ is given by the nurse to the patient can help relieve the patient's
stomach pain. The medicine must be taken three times a day
A. Whose
B. Who
C. Which
D. Whom
E. Of that

23. The patient _________ I treated was finally declared cured and the doctor allowed him to go
home and rest but he had to consult a doctor once a week
A. Which
B. Whom
C. What
D. Whose
E. Who

There are many different types of people who want to visit a patient and who want to stay in
the hospital. We must remember that the patients do not want to be disturbed. Some are
permitted while others aren’t. As a good nurse, you must handle this situation in good care. You
must be able to provide good and brief explanation to the visitors to prevent anger or argue
between you and the visitors. Always remember to put customer’s satisfaction at the first place,
instead of your ego or saying emotional statements who keeps them away from the hospital.

24. Why should hospital limit the time to visit patient?

A. To avoid stealing or robbing
B. To make the hospital crowded by many people
C. To make silent area inside the hospital
D. To make sure that patients has many times to have rest
E. To get much money from visitor
25. What should a nurse do if visitor force to visit patients, although patients must have many
time to rest?
A. Provided good and brief explanation to the visitors
B. Chase away the visitor directly
C. Ask much money to the visitors if they want to visit patient
D. Angry to the visitor
E. Let the visitor to have rest with the patient

26. Why should a nurse provide good and brief explanation to the visitor?
A. To make sure that the visitor go away from hospital
B. To have much money
C. To have break time to chat the visitor
D. To prevent between you and the visitor get angry and conflict
E. To teach the visitors how to be good visitor

Mrs. Anna : Good morning, Dr. Green!

Dr. Green : Good morning! What’s wrong with you?
Mrs. Anna : I have been suffering from fever since yesterday.
Dr. Green : ...................................?
Mrs. Anna : I also feel headache and shivering.
Dr. Green : Let me take your temperature. At this time the fever is 102 degree. Don’t worry,
there is nothing serious. I am giving you the medicine, and you will be all
right in couple of days.
27. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ……
A. How about your stomach
B. Do you have any other symptoms
C. Have you taken medicine
D. May I check your blood tension
E. Please take your medicine over there

Nurse : Good morning,

Patient : Good morning, Sist. I want to check my illness.
Nurse : My name's Aisyah and I'll be looking after you today. What are you feeling now?
Patient : I think there is something wrong with my head. Every time I walk I feel like black
out. I really feel unwell. I'm afraid my headache will be getting worse.
Nurse : ...................................?
Patient : For about three days.

28. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ……

A. How long have you felt like this
B. Did you feel three days ago
C. How about your feeling today
D. How long have you feel like this
E. How long do you felt like this

Patient : Doctor, I’ve had headache since yesterday evening.

Doctor : ...................................?
Patient : Paracetamol, but the headache hasn’t disappeared.
Doctor : You’ve a running nose. Looks like your headache is a result of sinus infection, and not
the regular one that results from anxiety and fatigue. Let me check.

29. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ……

A. How long have you had headache
B. How many times have you taken paracetamol
C. Do you have any infection
D. Do you feel allergic with paracetamol
E. Have you taken any medicine so far
Pain is important because it tells us that we are injured or ill. However, we don’t all feel
pain in the same way. Researchers are trying to learn more about this fact. Their experiments
show that children are more sensitive to pain than adults, and that men can tolerate more pain
than women.
Pain is also difficult to measure and describe. This is a problem because it is an important
symptom and medics (medical staff) need information from patients about it. It is therefore
common practice to give patients lists of words and ask them to say which words best describe
three things: the type of pain they are suffering, its intensity (how bad it is ) and its frequency
(how often they feel it).
With some patients, such as children, words don’t work very well to describe intensity, so
medics use smiley faces or sometimes colours. For example, blues mean a mild pain and reds
mean severe pain. Some medics prefer a range of numbers; 0 is no pain and 10 is unbearable
Pain does not always show where an injury is. Internal organs, for example, do not have
many pain-receiving nerve endings, so internal injuries often cause pain in a different part of the
body. This is called ‘referred pain’. One example of referred pain is when someone suffering a
heart attack feels pain in their left shoulder, arm or hand.

30. Researchers are trying to find out why.................

A. People experience pain differently.
B. People feel pain.
C. Pain is important to people.
D. Internal injuries often cause pain
E. Medics use smiley faces or sometimes colours

31. Experiments show that .................

A. Pain is worse for men than women.
B. Men can take more pain than women.
C. Children feel less pain than adults.
D. Pain does not always show where an injury
E. All people feel pain in the same way

32. Nurses need to measure a patient’s pain because .................

A. Pain is a problem.
B. Pain is a symptom.
C. Patients can’t describe it.
D. Internal injuries often cause pain
E. Red pain means severe pain

33. Medics ask patients for a number to describe .................

A. The kind of pain they have.
B. How bad the pain is.
C. How often they’re in pain.
D. Smiley faces or sometimes colours
E. Words to describe intensity

34. To describe pain, medics ask children to .................

A. Point to a smiley face.
B. Think of some numbers.
C. Say how it feels.
D. Show the pictures or something
E. Count the number he/she knows
Patient : .....................?
Nurse : I came to the hospital with my mother
35. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ……
A. Who did you come to the hospital?
B. With whom did you come to the hospital?
C. With whom do you come to the hospital?
D. With whom are you come to the hospital?
E. With whom have you come to the hospital?

Patient : .....................?
Nurse : There will be no charge if you have a health social service card
36. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ……
A. How much does it cost for this operation?
B. How much did it cost for this operation?
C. How much is it cost for this operation?
D. How many does it cost for this operation?
E. How many will it cost for this operation?

Patient : .....................?
Nurse : I’ve got the symptoms like these three times during this week
37. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ……
A. How much times have you got the symptoms like these?
B. How many times are you got the symptoms like these?
C. How much times do you got the symptoms like these?
D. How many times have you get the symptoms like these?
E. How many times have you got the symptoms like these?

Woman : Excuse me.

Nurse : Yes, Ma’am. How can I help you?
Woman : When is the next doctor’s visit?
Nurse : If it’s gastroenteritis patient, then it will be Dr. Murphy.
Woman : ............................?
Nurse : Please wait within today. He will visit around 5 pm to 7 pm or you can inform me
again later.
Woman : Of course. Thank you.
Nurse : No problem.

38. The suitable words to complete the dialogue is ........

A. When does Dr. Murphy visit
B. Can you tell me Dr. Murphy’s visit
C. When is Dr. Murphy visit
D. When will Dr. Murphy visit
E. Can you tell Dr. Murphy’s visit

Andre : Doctor, _______________________?

Doctor : Well, first of all, you need to make sure that you eat the right foods.
Andre : What are the best foods to eat?
Doctor : You should emphasize fresh fruits and vegetables, along with whole grains and protein.
Andre : What should I avoid?
Doctor : You need to avoid highly fatty and greasy foods. You should also avoid too much
sugar and caffeine.
Andre : What else is important to stay healthy?
Doctor : You need to get plenty of exercise every day. If you smoke, you need to stop.
Andre : Is it OK to drink alcohol?
Doctor : Actually, studies have shown that people who have one-half a glass of alcohol per day
do better than those who don't drink.
39. Choose the suitable expression to fill i the blank in the conversation above !
A. Would you give me ideas on how to live healthily
B. Could you give me some suggestions on how to stay healthy
C. Could you tell me about living healthily
D. Would you help me how to avoid cancer
E. Could you take any suggestion about healthy

What do you think of when you hear the word intervention? You might have heard the
term used in regards to efforts made to help those with drug and/or alcohol .......... You
may also be familiar with it as a television program. While that is a commonly used
meaning of the word, in the nursing world, it has a broader meaning.
40. The suitable word/sentence to complete the paragraph above is .............
A. Problems
B. Things
C. Medication
D. Beverages
E. Needs

Danny : ............................................
Andra : Yes, I do
Danny : How are their condition?
Andra : Generally, they are getting better because they always take medicine regularly
41. The suitable expression to fill in the blank is ............
A. Will you take care the patients with asthma?
B. Do you take care the patients with asthma?
C. Have you take care the patients with asthma?
D. Did you take care the patients with asthma?
E. Are you take care the patients with asthma?

Danny : ............................................
Andra : Yes .... mmm I’m twenty five years old
Danny : Have you got any occupation?
Andra : Not yet. I’m still studying in the university
42. The suitable expression to fill in the blank is ............
A. Must I know your age, please?
B. May I knowing your age, please?
C. May I knew your age, please?
D. Do I know your age, please?
E. May I know your age, please?

A midwife is checking the pregnant mother __________

43. The suitable word to fill in the blank spaces is __________
A. Care
B. Careful
C. Carefully
D. Carefulness
E. Carefulnessly

A midwife must have a good __________ with the patients

44. The suitable word to fill in the blank spaces is __________
A. Communcation
B. Communicative
C. Communicatively
D. Communicate
E. Communicating
Many good hospitals provide services to the patients __________
45. The suitable word to fill in the blank spaces is __________
A. Competitive
B. Competition
C. Competing
D. Compete
E. Competitively

It is difficult for a patient _________ if he does not comply with the doctor's recommendations
for caring for his health
46. Put the right verb to fill in the blank ..........
A. Recover
B. Recovered
C. Recovering
D. To recover
E. To recovering

It is important for nursing students _________ how to handle patients so that they become
accustomed to handling patients
47. Put the right verb to fill in the blank ..........
A. To practice
B. Practiced
C. Praticing
D. To practicing
E. Practice

Man : Who is this party for?

Woman : Tim. He's the guy .............. I was telling you about.
Man : Refresh my memory. Is he the guy who opened the new cafe?
Woman : No, that's Larry. He's the guy who just moved in the house down the street.
Man : Oh, the house that has that huge garage.
Woman : Yes, that's the house and that's the guy.
48. Put the right relative pronoun in the blank space
A. Whose
B. Who
C. Whom
D. Which
E. That

Scratchy throats, stuffy noses and body aches all spell misery, but being able to tell if the cause is
a cold or flu may make a difference in how long the flu lasts. That's because the prescription
drugs available for the flu need to be taken soon after the illness sets in although the symptoms
can be eased with over the counter medications. As for colds, the sooner a person starts taking
over-the-counter remedy, the sooner relief will come. Cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, runny
nose and scratchy throat typically develop gradually, and adults and teens often do not get a
fever. On the other hand, fever is one of the characteristic features of the flu for all ages. And in
general, flu symptoms including fever and chills, sore throat and body aches come on suddenly
and are more severe than cold symptoms.
49. It is pointed out in the reading that ______________
A. Fever is the most important feature of a cold
B. Flu symptoms are not as severe as cold symptoms
C. Flu can be prevented by the flu vaccine
D. One doesn't need to take any medicine if he has a cold or the flu
E. Over-the-counter drugs can be taken to ease the misery caused by a cold or the flu
Bodily fluids, including blood and urine, can be analysed, usually in a laboratory. And it is now
possible to get images of what is going on inside the body using technological aids like X-rays
and ultrasound scans. For more detailed information, there are endoscopes which are used to look
inside the body, and biopsies where tissue is removed for examination.
50. Technological aids give information about ______________
A. Internal organs.
B. Bodily fluids.
C. Vital signs.
D. Chronic illnesses
E. Treatment

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