Soal Bhs Inggris X

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Subject : English
Class :X
Time Allocation : 90 Minutes

1. What is the of that article?

‘’ I im afraid i can’t remember .....................
a. It
b. Them
c. Its
d. It’s
e. That
2. We gave them .......... telephone number and they gave us ....................
a. Our, Their
b. Mine, His
c. My, Yours
d. Our, They’re
e. Our, Theirs
3. Change these irregular verbs into past form :
Think – Bring – Buy – Seek – Fight
a. Thought – brought – bought – sought – frought
b. Thought – brought – bought – sought – frought
c. Thought – brought – bought – seeked – fighted
d. Thought – brought – bought – seekend – fight
e. Thought – brought – bought – seeked – frought
4. Ahmad : ........................ ?
Ali : I am an engineer
How do you ask someone for their profession ?
a. What you do?
b. How do you do ?
c. What do you do for a living ?
d. What are you doing ?
e. Tell me your job ?
5. Take the children to bed
Don’t let ............................. watch this movie
a. They
b. Their
c. Them
d. Theirs
e. They’re
6. Complete the blanks in the following dialogues
Ahmad : I Herd your son is graduating soon from his college?
Ali : Alhamdulillah, he’s graduating this coming november?
Ahmad : Alhamdulillah, that’s ........................
a. Congratulations
b. Wonderful
c. Free
d. Cools
e. Congrats
7. .................... You the new student ?
Yes i ..................... Ahmad and Ali .............. students
Said ..................... Egyption
a. Am, Are, Is, Is
b. Is, Am, Are, Are
c. Are, Are, Am, Am
d. Is, Am, Are, Are
e. Are, Am, Are, Is
8. Find one fulse set of new words using letters from the word BEUTIFUL
a. Ab, abet, able, aft, ail
b. Ail, albeit, ale, ate, bail
c. Bait, be, beau, belt, bet
d. Built, fable, fuult, felt, lab
e. Lift, letf, lebu, tei, tabul
9. Fill the gap with the correct pronoun
my brother is an elementary school student sometiones i accompany ........... to go
to school.
a. Her
b. His
c. She
d. He
e. Him
10. “ Please will you ask ahmad to come in”
sorry i don’t know ..................
a. His
b. He
c. Him
d. He’s
e. Ahmad
11. How do we say to a friend who just got a promotion ?
a. Ma a shaa Allah, congrats, Ali
b. Don’t be too arrogunt, man
c. Good job Ali but if it was’t for me
d. Than’s you
e. Great stuft dude!
12. A. Compliment is ................
a. On expression to describe on object
b. On expression to tell a sugnence of events
c. On expression to proise others
d. On expression to omuse the reader
e. On expression to others
13. Jill :You so fresh today Anne
Anne : ........................
a. Thanks you
b. I im fine thanks
c. Get well soon
d. Yes i like fresh water
e. No i like fresh water
14. From the following sentences,which is a compliment ?
a. You look gargeous
b. I have a new phone
c. Congratulation you did it weil
d. You lookfor something ?
e. Yes i have a new plione
15. Andi : Well done on getting thet contract
Jack : ..................................
a. Thanks but it wasn’t all my wor’s
b. Thanks but it was all my wor’s
c. Thanks i like studying
d. I well work
e. Thanks i like studying
16. Rini : May i see your pointings ?
Rosa : ...........................
Rini : Wow, this’s wonderful
Rosa : Thanks
a. I don’t like you
b. I can’t lendit to yo
c. Sure
d. Yes, I can help you
e. No, I can help you
17. Adam : Dude what on expensive cell phone you hove
Lucky : Not as expensive as your motorycle
What is the type of compliment response used in the dialog ?
a. Showing suprise
b. Returning the compliment
c. Humorous response
d. Asking the truth
e. Compliment response
18. Alex : Your speech is inspiring
John : Thanks your perfomance is not so bad
What is the type of responce used in the dialog ?
a. Showing suprise
b. Returning the compliment
c. Humorous response
d. Asking the truth
e. Compliment response
19. Astry :Thanks for you coming to my brithday party
Irna : You’re weolcome ................... i like this
Astry : Thanks you please enjoy it
a. Don’t worry
b. Your perty is lene
c. Your party is interesting
d. It was such a boring party
e. Don’t worry your party
20. Bryan : .......................
Anne : Thanks You
a. You look so bad today
b. I don’t want to see you
c. You’re so beatiful to night
d. Who are you ?
e. What do you do
21. Putri : What is your name ?
Azwar : ................
a. His name is Azwar
b. Their name is Azwar
c. Her name is Azwar
d. My name is Azwar
e. Is name is Azwar
22. Salsa : Where do you study ?
Indah : ................
a. She study at Sman 1 Tanggetada
b. I study at Sman 1 Tanggetada
c. You study at Sman 1 Tanggetada
d. He study at Sman 1 Tanggetada
e. She is study at Sman 1 Tanggetada
23. Lolita told ....................... that she wanted to send a birthday giff to her penpal in
a. We
b. Your
c. Me
d. They
e. She
24. He is very diligent and loves reading. He always brings book in ..........
a. His
b. Her
c. He
d. She
e. Him
25. He told me about his family and it told ........... too
a. My
b. Mine
c. Her
d. Them
e. Him
26. My brother is an elementary school student. Sometimes i accompany .............. to
go to school
a. Him
b. My
c. Our
d. Your
e. Them
27. ................. Hoby is reading the biography of famous people
a. Her
b. She
c. You
d. They
e. He
28. Muhammad : Do you have favorite singers ?
Anisah : Yes ...................
a. His favorite singer is Nisa Sabyan
b. Her favorite singer is Nisa Sabyan
c. My Favorite singer is Nisa Sabyan
d. She favorite singer is Nisa Sabyan
e. You favorite singer is Nisa Sabyan
29. Zamzani : Does Anisa like reading books ?
Intan : Yes ......................
a. He likes reading Novies and short stories
b. She likes reading Novies and short stories
c. I like reading Novies and shart stories
d. She like reading Novies and short stories
e. You likes reading Novies and short stories
30. Imran : Does Devi like animals ? What animals does she have ?
Isa : ....................
a. Yes I do i have a cat and a rabbit
b. Yes they do. They have a cat and a rabbit
c. Yes she does. She has a cat and a rabbit
d. Yes he does. He has a cat and a rabbit
e. Yes we do. We have a cat and a rabbit

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