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Christian Brothers’ High School Lewisham

English AQUINAS Class Notification

Year and Course Year 7.1 English

Task No and Type Semester One- Hand-in Task
Unit/Module Unit 2- This is Country- First Nations Poetry
Weighting N/A - AQUINAS Outcome Grade

Notification Date Thursday 23rd of May Week 4

Due Date Thursday 6th of June Week 6
Submission Details Submit your review on Google Classroom by the due date.

Task Description
Year 7 English students of Christian Brothers’ High School recently attended an incursion run by the
company ‘Poetry in Action’.

You viewed the performance ‘UNLOCKING THE POETRY CODE: YEARS 7-8’ which followed the story of
two friends who are eager to become world famous ‘wordsmiths’. You are to write a review on their
performance where you must evaluate the quality of their acting and determine if the incursion was
relevant and beneficial to your study of poetry this term. Your review will be featured in this month's
edition of CBHS Today.

You will be provided with a scaffold in class that you can refer to to ensure that you have included the
necessary elements in your review.

Word length: 250 words

Teacher Feedback
● You will have TWO lessons in class to work on your review. During this time you will receive
verbal feedback from your class teacher.
● You will receive feedback in the form of a checklist.

Outcomes Assessed
EN4-ECA-01 - creates personal, creative and critical texts for a range of audiences by using linguistic
and stylistic conventions of language to express ideas
Advice for submitting work through Google Classroom
● You should aim to ensure your similarity report is below 20%. If it is over 20% it is likely that it
contains plagiarised material which may attract a penalty.
● You can submit as many times as you like until the due date so try to have it ready a day or two
early so that you can view your similarity report and change your work if necessary.
● Work plagiarised from another student or a teacher will not show up in your similarity percentage
until after the due date/time has passed, so make sure you are using your own words.
● Make sure all quotations are properly enclosed in quotation marks otherwise it will contribute to
your similarity report. Use double quotation marks and no spaces: “Correct” ‘incorrect’
● Don’t include the title of the assessment or the topic you are addressing at the top of your work
as this will add to your similarity report.

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