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Warm Me

Agnieszka Grześkiewicz

One size


Novita 7 brothers
Colour 053
or any yarn in Aran weight
380 - 400 m


For ribbing - 3.0 mm

For pattern- 3.75 mm


2 8 sts x 32 rows
In pattern on 3.75 mm needles


Legwarmers are made seamlessly in the round,

from top to bottom, using Magic Loop method
or circular needles 40 cm.


K - knit
P - purl
P2tog - purl two stitches together
KFB - knit in the front and back
2/2 RC - slip two stitches to a cable needle
and hold to the back of the work. Knit two
stitches from the left needle and then knit
two stitches from the cable needle


Using needles 3.0 mm and your favourite CO method,

cast on 78 sts (German Twisted CO or Tabular CO for
Join to work in the round, making sure not to twist sts.
Row 1 - (K1, P1) to the end
Repeat row 1 - 20 times in total.


Switch to needles 3.75 mm

Row 1 - P1, K4, (P3, K4) to the last 3 sts, P1, P2tog
You have 77 sts on your needles.
Rows 2 and 3 - P1, K4, (P3, K4) to the last 2 sts, P2
Row 4 - P1, 2/2 RC, (P3, 2/2 RC) to the last 2 sts, P2
Row 5 - P1, K4, (P3, K4) to the last 2 sts, P2

Rows 6 and 7 - P1, K4, (P3, K4) to the last 2 sts, P2
Row 8 - P1, 2/2 RC, (P3, 2/2 RC) to the last 2 sts, P2
Rows 5-8 are the pattern. Repeat it until you reach your
desired lenght. You can also use scheme on page 6.
I reccomend to finish on row 6 or 7 for better look. My
legwarmers have 98 rows (without ribbing).

The last row before the ribbing - P1, (K4, P3) to the last 6
sts, K3, KFB, P2
You have 78 sts on your needles.


Switch to needles 3.0 mm

Row 1 - (K1, P1) to the end
Repeat row 1 - 9 times in total and bind off loosely
using your favourite BO method (you can use Tabular
BO like I did)


Getry Warm Me - copyright © Agnieszka Grześkiewicz. For personal use only.


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