FATE Core Char Sheet - Azared

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Name is pronounced (Ah-zah-red

A mercernary from Hammerfell

Desired to see more of the world Fight

20 gold is 20 gold Physique Shoot

My skill is not something to be laughed at Will Athletics Provoke

I laugh in death's face Rapport Deceive Crafts Stealth

Whirlwind of Blades: A series of sword slashes designed to

overwhelm an opponent
Bareback rider: Suffer no penalty for riding without a saddle
Cheap Shot: Create an opening with which I can attack
Azared has always lived life on the road for as long as he
could remember. His mother and father were mercenaries, his
brothers, as was much of his extended family. So, it was
natural that he too pick up blade before he could spell his
Life as a mercenary was dangerous work, each morning he
was expected to rise before the sun as each sunrise could
their last. Death was a common part of Azared's life. He
would see enemy mercenaries or bandits fall to his family's
swords. He would even see his own family be cut down. He
learned quickly that such was the way of the mercenary.
With the passing of the years, a desire grew in Azared, a
desire for more than his lot in life. He felt his skills were
wasted as a mere caravan guard, living from contract to
contract. He knew there was this whole world of possiblities
outside the borders of Hammerfell. He brought his desires
before his father, speaking of his wish to see the world. His
father simply nodded and smiled. He said, "Son, every
redguard at one point in their life has wished to see more than
what he or she already has. So, I leave you with my blessing,
and while you are out there live life to the fullest as each day
may be your last on Nirn."
That night, a party as grand as simple mercenaries could
afford was thrown. The morning after, Azared traveled to the
nearest port and got on the next ship that was leaving.

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