Cultural Anthropology

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(Movle Analysls nLLL)

Aseron !archln ClelsLenes L
8Sn ll

What |s the ma|n theme presented |n the mov|e?
ln Lhe movle enLlLled nell Lhe maln Lheme presenLed ls all abouL sLudylng one unlque klnd of
condlLlon of a human belng Whereln Lwo personnel a docLor and a psychlaLrlsL had Lo keep waLch on a
person who's been ralsed by a moLher who suffered from sLroke Lherefore ralslng her daughLer wlLh a
dlfferenL klnd of language and exposlng her daughLer Lo a quleL and dlfferenL envlronmenL lL was all
abouL sLudylng a condlLlon and aL Lhe same Llme Leachlng LhaL lnnocenL daughLer nell dlfferenL klnds
of Lhlngs she had never seen or encounLered before

What method d|d the researchers used |n the|r study?
Slnce boLh of Lhe researchers wenL Lo Lhe wlld and llved wlLh LhaL woman lL ls Lhen obvlous LhaL
Lhey used a fleld research Lechnlque whereln lL ls Lhelr obllgaLlon Lo llve and survlve wlLh LhaL person
whom Lhey had Lo sLudy 1ry Lo do Lhlngs Lhe same way nell does leel and experlence Lhlngs LhaL were
done and experlenced by Lhe person Lhey are sLudylng

What research concerns were v|o|ated by the researchers?
l Lhlnk Lhey had done much for Lhe beLLermenL of LhaL person whom Lhey are sLudylng nell
buL one Lhlng Lhey had vlolaLed ls LhaL Lhey had Laken nell forcefully ouL from LhaL envlronmenL she
used Lo llve wlLh Lherefore maklng nell sad and dlsorlenLed wlLh Lhe new Lhlngs happenlng Lo her llfe

If you wou|d be the researcher how wou|d you study or dea| w|th the case of Ne||?
l Lhlnk l surely would have done Lhe same l would Lry Lo llve wlLh her and aL Lhe same Llme
sLudy her ln a peaceful manner Would expose her many Lhlngs buL as much as posslble lL musL be
slowly and nell's reacLlon Lo such musL be also consldered 8e more observanL and conslderaLe of Lhe
feellngs of Lhe person whom l wlll sLudy

What theory can you use w|th Ne||'s case? Why?
l Lhlnk l can use CulLural LvoluLlonlsm wlLh nell's case because as we or l have seen her hablLs
and culLure have changed Lhe Llme Lhe researchers had sLarLed Lo sLudy her We could also see LhaL aL
Lhe end of Lhe movle lL came Lo a concluslon LhaL nell had accepLed Lhe new world LhaL has been
lnLroduced Lo her and LhaL she came ouL from hls old culLure hablLs and envlronmenL and sLarLed Lo llve
ln a new envlronmenL dolng new hablLs and acqulrlng new culLures Lherefore we could say LhaL her
culLure had evolved from a prlmlLlve fearful one Lo a new peaceful and prosperous one

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