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Drowsiness Alert, Alcohol Detect and Collision

Control for Vehicle Acceleration

1st Sumit Patnaik
1st Ranjit Patnaik 1stK. Siva Krishna

1st Pritam Singh 1st Neelamadhab Padhy
1st Deparrtment of Computer Science
and Engineering
School of Engineering and Technology,
GIET University, Gunupur,India

Abstract— This system aims to make the driving vehicle main controller in the system. MQ-3 is a sensor that was
safer and protect from drowsiness, alcohol detection avoids used in this system to collect the air alcohol and GU900E
accidents and collision between the vehicles while driving and used for the implementation of the GPRS module. GU900E
minimizes the road accidents. This product will come to for the LCD display purpose in the system. By collecting the
prepare a combination of face detection and face contours
Alcohol concentration data, that compared with drunkenness
along with an additional feature of alcohol consumption of
driver and as an accordance, the vehicle acceleration is kept. data which already available in the machine. to control the
This product consists of deep learning algorithms applied with behavior including controlling, alarming by the sound
microcontroller and interface with the microprocessor. The GU900E used.
face will detect using computer vision and forms contours Hu, S. [6], discussed the detection of drowsiness of the
around the face. The person is checked with drowsiness driver using the Support Vector Machine algorithm of
detection then alcohol detection through a set of the device. Machine learning. The algorithm is implemented in the
The set of device checks for alcohol parameters taken by the driving simulation device to detect the abnormality in the
person. The device used in this paper uses a display interface to driving of a driver. This paper is based on the eyelid
show and notify alertness. It messages the concerned person to
observation of the driver.
pick up the person who is being alcoholic. The ignition lock will
be removed on resetting and checking of a person's quality of Abraham, S. [7], discussed the drowsiness detection a
alcohol consumed. It will check from which the alcohol collision control based on the steering angle detection and
consumption device will be moving out. The device will give paddle pressure. Here the authors used the temporal and
alcohol consumption reading and stop the vehicle as per it. The contextual algorithm.
OpenCV library is being used to facilitate face drowsy Ba, Y. [9], discussed the collision control of the
detection. For collision detection, The product comes with a vehicle, here proposed a model called e Vehicle Collision
distance tracker at every side of the vehicle which detects the Avoidance System (VCAS). In this model, it works on the
distance between the vehicle with the model and the vehicles eye tracking device and bio-signal recorder.N.Padhy, et al.
around it. On colliding, it will give an alert to the driver and
[10] discussed a component in Component-based System
show the message with detailed collision and stored detail
about collision in a black box. It will also help to guide the i.e. Reusable
driver to avoid a collision. Components. They have identified several reusability
metrics and proposed models. They have designed the
Keywords—Internet of Things, Haar-cascade, OpenCV, reusability metrics predictions algorithms and models.
Euclidian distance, Deep Learning. Padhy, N.,et al.[11] examines several algorithms which able
to estimate the software metrics. They developed the
I. INTRODUCTION software metrics algorithms and proposed model using
. According to, This new year more than 2000 novel evolutionary algorithms.
people were booked for drunk and drive. Between the years
Charniya, N. N., et al [12] observed the eye movement and
2008 and 2017,76,446 people died in 2,11,405 road
face of the driver, the image collected from the camera is
accidents national wide due to alcohol. This system is
analyzed by using Support Vector Machine (SVM) and
implemented to reduce road accidents. The system
Logistic Regression Model (LRM).
implemented is used to detect drowsiness and alcohol
detection. The embedded system consisting of some
combination of hardware and software to do the particular de Naurois, C. J. et al [13] the physiological and behavioral
measurements are analyzed by using models of
In [2], the author proposed a vehicle-based alcohol detection
system. this proposed system implemented using IoT. They
used a STC12C5A60S2 single-chip microcomputer as the


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4. Servo motor
5. Jumper wires
6. SD card(micro)
7. Power supply(5V)
8. Display device
9. GSM module

The device will be attached in the car which will found with
following Rules: -
1. It will check for drowsiness of the person
2. It will detect the alcohol the concerned person has
3. It will put the ignition lock on the car if the person
is alcoholic
4. If not it will alert to person by buzzing alarm to
have a sleep and wake up after a while.
5. It will check the distance of the vehicle/objects
around it form the vehicle with the product.
6. If any of the vehicles or objects is probable to
Fig. 1. Details equipment
collide it will alert the driver with the help of sound
and message on the display unit with the detail of
the colliding object like direction and time and
Artificial Neural Network it determines the drowsiness of distance.
the driver.Ramesh, L. et al [14] based on eye blink 7. If the driver doesn’t take any action and keeps
observation using the IoT devices it determines the driving ignoring the alert then the black box will take the
behavior and detects the drowsiness of the driver.Roy, J. R. control of the car and take the required action to
et al [15] using NODE MCU and alcohol detection and avoid the collision without any harm to the driver
drowsiness detection than it alarms and alerts the driver for and the surrounding vehicles.
avoiding the accident. 8. The device will also keep informing the driver
about the nearby parking and rest houses if it
III. PROPOSED MODEL detects drowsiness of the person.
The proposed model is working on the basis of the 9. The device will also keep informing the driver
following flow chart in Fig-1, The camera is activating and about the sharp turns and traffic of the surrounding
is capture the sequence of the images and in each image, it The entire system consists of raspberry pi as the principle
is analyzed that the eye-lids are opened or closed, which chart is given in Fig-2 having the hardware chart. The core
arises the warning to the driver of the vehicle. of the hardware chart is an alcohol sensor, web-camera and
microcontroller, LCD Screen.
B. Computer Vision
The computer vision is used in the paperwork. The camera
used in the device gives a constant flow of frames i.e. video
streaming. Every frame is fixed with contours at the face as
given in the Fig-3 and Fig-4 to detection driver’s face and
eyelids position.

Fig. 2. Flowchart of Drowsiness detection.


A. Specifications
Fig. 3. Counter set for the image using Haar-casecade.
1. Webcam 3.0
2. Raspberry Pi 3B+
3. MQ3 Sensor

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The cv library is used to put the frontal face and haar Fig-5, shows the eye-lids status of the driver, for the
cascade is used to put the contour. The contour is provided detection of the drowsiness during the driving.
with numbers and we specified the s=eyes parts. Fig.-6 is the grey-scale graphical plot which tells about the
The scipy package used in the image to get the distance pixels allocated as per the image presentation there in the
between the contour such that we will get the Euclidian slot. The image resolution is pixeled into a different
distance between certain contours. The cv2 package used spectrum and allowed to follow through.
first convert to grayscale for easy usage then we use the FPS
package for resizing the image at 500 pixels for faster
processing The cascading image for the following ways.
C. Haar-Cascade Technology
The object is used in detection for haar classifier and it is
effective objective detection and binary classifier is used we
can cascade the image in the following dataset:
1.) Edge function
2.) Linear Function
3.) Rectangle function

D. Histogram Representation
The image is formed here are in the form of histogram
format to know they have a dense variation of the images
the image is being tried with a wide range of detail and
further process. The Fig-4 shows the conversion of the high-
contrast image to the grey-scaled image. The image is now
being flattened through the image such a manner that the
image will have the following graph as depicted. Fig-3
shows the eyelids position of the driver during the driving of Fig. 6. Grey-scale graphical plot
the vehicle.
E. MQ3 Sensor
The Sensor is used to detect the alcohol i.e
hydrocarbon. This Sensor gives alcohol consumed data
we will find the alcohol data. then we analyze the
alcohol percentage and accordingly we will take the
action i.e if alcohol consumption is higher than 40 %
then the signal is transmitted to the raspberry pi. The pi
will interpret and put the relay on and put the ignition
wire off i.e. makes the ignition circuit open and lock it
until the reset alcohol consumption is proposed.
F. Webcam
This device is used to take frames of photo i.e. video in
Fig. 4. Grey-scale image for eyelids position detection. BGR format and frame will pass through raspberry pi
and computer vision algorithm through it and so that if
the contour sensed with drowsiness then the person is
being notified with buzzer signal given from raspberry
G. Collision Detection: The Setup given as a collision setup
which will detect the collision and give the corresponding
information to the driver to avoid a collision. The setup will
help to force or change the principle of car using an
ultrasonic sensor which will help to control the vehicle in
motion. The setup is shown in Fig-7.

Fig. 5. High contrast image of the grey-scale image for eyelids position

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Fig. 7. Components used for the prototype. Fig. 9. The output of the implementation shows the collision object

The devices used in the product is as seen as:

H. Ultrasonic Sensor :
This model- Drowsiness Alertness and Alcohol Detection
The sensor consisting of a speaker and mic which for vehicle acceleration have been successfully designed and
produce sound wave and receives the sound wave. tested. It has been developed by integrating hardware and
Based on the traveling time of sound wave and the software. The microcontroller working with computer vision
following formula of calculation for the distance it helps to be trendy and improve the quality of service along
detects the object. with the module. The presence of every module is reasoned
out and placed thus contributing to the best working of the
unit. The service allows protecting the drivers to reliable and
kernel to message the reliable person and protect the person
from driving. The model also detects the collision of the


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