23-04-2024 - Out Going Seniors - Eapcet - GT-02 - Q.P

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Time: 3 Hrs GT-02 Max.Marks: 160

Name of the Student: ___________________ I.D. NO :

Mathematics : Q. No 1 - 80 for correct Answer Carries + 1M and for wrong answer – 0 M
will be awarded
Physics : Q. No 81 - 120 for correct Answer Carries + 1M and for wrong answer – 0 M
will be awarded
Chemistry : Q. No 121 - 160 for correct Answer Carries + 1M and for wrong answer – 0 M
will be awarded
23_04_24_ EAPCET_GT-02_Syllabus





Narayana IIT Academy 23-04-2024_ALL OUT GOING_SENIORS_EAPCET_GTM-02_Q’P
1. If nCr denotes the number of combinations of n distinct things taken r at a time, then the
domain of the function g ( x)  (16 x )C(2 x 1) is.
1) {1,2,3,4,5} 2) {0,1,2,3,4} 3) ∅ 4) {0}
 a b  
2. Let X=   a, b, c, d  R  If f : X  R is defined by f ( A) = det(A) A  X , then f is
c d  
1) one-one but not onto 2) onto but not one-one
3)one-one and onto 4) neither one-one nor onto
1 1 1 27
3. If    .... to n terms  then n 
1.5 5.9 9.13 109
1)21 2)27 3)63 4)189
4. If A and B are two square matrices of the same order and (AB  BA)T ( AB  BA)T  2BA then
1) A and B are both symmetric matrices but not skew – symmetric matrices
2) A and B are both skew symmetric but not symmetric matrices
3) A and B are neither symmetric nor skew – symmetric matrices
4) A and B are any two non-zero matrices
 1 0 2  5 m  2 
5. If Adj  1 1  2   1 1 0  then m  n 
 0 2 1   2  2 n 
1) 2 2) -3 3) 5 4) -5
0 3
6. If A    and f  x  x x2  x3 ... x2023 , then f  A  I 
0 0 
0 0 1 3 1 3 1 3
1)   2)   3)   4)  
 0 0   0 0   0 1  1 1 
7. z1 , z2 are complex numbers with z1  z2  k . If the complex number z satisfies the
condition z  z1  z  z 2  k , then z lies on
1) a parabola 2) an ellipse 3) a circle 4) a hyperbola

 z 1   
8. In the complex plane C, the set  z  C : arg     represents
  z 1  4 

1) A straight line 2) a circle 3) a parabola 4) an ellipse

9. If [ i  1 then  ( )n 
n 0 3

9  3i 9  3i
1) 2) 9  3i 3) 9  3i 4)
10 10

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Narayana IIT Academy 23-04-2024_ALL OUT GOING_SENIORS_EAPCET_GTM-02_Q’P
 (1  i ) 2025 
10. If i  1 then Arg  2022 

 (1  i) 

  3  3
1) 2) 3) 4)
4 4 4 4

11. If x 2  2 px  2 p  8  0 for all real values of x, then the set of all possible values of p is
1) (2,4) 2) (, 4) 3) (2, ) 4) (-4,2)
 
12. The number of values of x satisfying sin 4 x  cos3x and  x  , is
6 2
1) 0 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3
13. The roots of the equation x 4  x 3  4 x 2  x  1  0 are diminished by h so that the
transformed equation does Not Contain x 2 term. If the values such h are  and  , then
12 (   ) = 2

1) 35 2)25 3)105 4) 115

2 2
14. For 0  x   if 81sin x  81cos x  30 , then x 
   
1) 2) 3) 4)
6 4 15 8
15. The number of diagonals of polygon is 35. If A,B are two distinct vertices of this polygon,
then the number of all those Triangles formed by joining three vertices of the polygon
having AB as one of its sides is.
1) 1 2) 8 3) 10 4) 12
16. There are 10 points in a plane, of which no three points are collinear except 4. then the
number of distance triangles can be formed by joining any there points of these ten
points, such that at least one of the vertices of every triangle formed is from the given 4
collinear points is.
1) 80 2) 100 3) 96 4) 116
17. If (-c, c) is the set of all values of x for which the expansion of ( 7  5x) 3 is valid, then
1) 0 2) 12 3) 41 4) 14
18. If n is a positive integer and f (n) is the coefficient of x in the expansion of
(1  x )(1  x ) n then f (2023) =
1) -2021 2) 2022 3) 202 4) -2023
3x  2 A Bx  C
19. If   ,then A+B+C=
( x  1)(2 x  3) X  1 2 X 2  3

1) 2 2) 1 3) 3 4) 6
20. If  and  are the roots of the quadratic equation 3x  16x  5  0, then
  
Tan1  Tan1  Tan1  
 1   

1) 0 2)  3) 4)  
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21. Log (9  3 2(2  5)  4 5) 
1) Sinh 1 3  Cosh 1   2) Cosh 1 3  Sinh 1 3 3) Tanh 1 3  Sinh 1 3 4) Cosh 1 3  Tanh 1 3
22. When the origin is shifted to the point P by translation of axes, the
equation 2 x2  y 2  4 x  4 y  0 is transformed to 2 x2  y 2  8x  8 y  18  0 . Then the
transformed equation of the straight line x + 2y + 2 = 0 if the origin is shifted to the
same point P is
1) x+2y-1=0 2) x+2y-3=0 3) x+2y+7=0 4) x+2y+5=0
23. Let P be the point to which origin has to be shifted by the translation of axes so as to
remove the first degree terms from the equation 3 x 2  y 2  6 x  4 y  4  0 . If the origin is
shifted to P by the translation of axes, then the transformed equation
of 2 x 2  3 xy  5 y 2  2 x  23 y  24  0
1) x 2  4 xy  3 y 2  4 x  20 y  23  0 2) 2 x 2  3 xy  5 y 2  0
3) 2 x 2  3xy  5 y 2  0 4) 2 x 2  3xy  5 y 2  13  0
1 1 1 1
24. If f  n   tan[tan 1  tan 1  tan 1  ....  tan 1 ] then f  2021 
1 2 1 6 1  12 1  n  n  1

2020 2022 2021 2019

1) 2) 3) 4)
2022 2024 2023 2021
25. If x  log( y  y 2  1) then y =
1) tan hx 2) cot hx 3) sinhx 4) cos hx
26. If for x  1 Tanh 1    Coth 1  x   log e ( f ( x)), then f  5  
3 2 2 1
1) 2) 3) 4)
2 3 3 3
27. Let one of the sides of a triangle be 17 cm and the sum of all the sides of the triangle be
40 cm. If the sum of two adjacent sides is 35 cm, then the area (in sq. cms) of the
triangle is
1) 15 2 2) 20 2 3) 30 2 4) 35 2
28. In a ABC ,if a  3b  3c then sin 
a 3 a 2 2a 1 ab 2
1) 2) 3) 4)
2 bc 3 bc 3 bc 3 c

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29. If the vectors
AB  i  3 j  4k , AC  5i  j  2k are two sides of a triangles ABC, whose centroid is G, then

AG 

2 1
1) 22 2) 22 3) 22 4) 18
3 3

30. The point of intersection of the lines represented by r   i  2 j  k     2i  3 j  4k  and

   
r  i  3 j  7 k   i  2 j  k is
1) 3i  5 j  3k 2) 5i  8 j  7 k 3) i  j  5k 4) 3i  4 j  9k
31. If 3i  2 j  k , 2 i  3 j  4k ,  i  j  2k and 4i  5 j   k are respectively the position vectors
of four coplanar points P, Q, R and S then  =
46 46 146 146
1) 2)  3) 4) 
17 17 17 17
32. Let D and E be the midpoints of the sides AC and BC of a triangle ABC respectively. If
O is an interior point of the triangle ABC such that OA  2 OB  3 OC  0 , then the area (in
sq. units) of the triangle ODE is
1) 6 2) 5 3) 4) 0

33. In a triangle ABC, if a 2  b 2  c 2  bc   2  2  1 , then

1) 0    4 2) 1    2 3) 1    3 4) 0    3
34. If a and b respectively represent the lengths of a side and a diagonal of a regular
pentagon that is inscribed in a circle, then 
   
1) 2sin 2) 2 cos 3) cos 4) sin
5 5 5 5

35. In a right angled triangle, if the difference between the two acute angles is 600 , then the
ratio of the lengths of the hypotenuse and the perpendicular drawn to the hypotenuse
from its opposite vertex is
1) 2 : 1 2) 4 : 1 3) 8 : 1 4) 3 : 1
36. If the angles of depression of the top and bottom of a short building from the top of a tall
building are 300 and 600 respectively, then the ratio of the heights of short and tall
buildings is
1) 2 : 3 2) 1 : 2 3) 1 : 3 4) 1 : 4
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37. A bag contains four balls. Two balls are drawn randomly and found them to be white.
The probability That all the balls in the bag are white is
1 3 1 2
1) 2) 3) 4)
2 5 4 3
38. If the coefficients a and b of a quadratic expression x 2  ax  b are chosen from the sets
A  3, 4,5 And B  1, 2,3, 4 respectively, then the probability that the equation

x 2  ax  b  0 has real roots is.

1 5 3 7
1) 2) 3) 4)
6 6 4 12

39. 5 persons enter a lift cabin in the cellar of a 7- floor building apart from cellar. If each of
them independently and with equal probability can leave the cabin at any floor out of the
7 floors beginning with the first the the probability of All the 5 persons leaving the cabin
at different floors is
360 5 51 5
1) 2) 3) 4)
2401 54 71 18
If P  X  x   c   ; x  1, 2,3, 4,.... is a probability distribution function of a random
40. 3

variable X, then value of c is

1 1 1 1
1) 2) 3) 4)
4 3 2 6
41. A random variable X has the following probability distribution.

E  2,3,5, 7 , F  1, 2,3 then P  E  F 

1) 0.57 2) 0.87 3) 0.77 4) 0.35
42. A random variable X has the following distribution .
X= x1 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
P(X= x1 ) 0.1 K 0. 2 3 k

Then the variance of this distribution is

1)2.64 2) 2.8 3) 2.16 4) 1.86
43. When the origin is shifted to the point P by translation of axes, the
equation 2 x2  y 2  4 x  4 y  0 is transformed to 2 x2  y 2  8x  8 y  18  0 . Then the
transformed equation of the straight line x + 2y + 2 = 0 if the origin is shifted to the
same point P is
1) x+2y-1=0 2) x+2y-3=0 3) x+2y+7=0 4) x+2y+5=0
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44. If each off the points  a, 4  ,  2, b  lies on the line joining the points (2, -1) and (5,-3) then
the point (a,b) lies on the line
1) 6 x  6 y  25  0 2) x  3 y  1  0 3) 2 x  6 y  1  0 4) 2 x  3 y  5  0

45. A straight line 4x + y – 1 = 0 through the point A (2, -7) meets the line BC whose
equation is
3x – 4y + 1 = 0 at the point B. Then the equation of the line AC such that AB = AC is
1) 89x – 52y – 162 = 0 2) 52x + 89y + 519 = 0
3) 4x – y – 15 = 0 4) 4x + 3y + 13 = 0
46. Let A   2,0  and B   0, 2 . Let P be any point such that the sum of the distance of P from
A and B is 4. Then the equation of the locus of the point P is
2 2 2 2
1) 3x  2 xy  3 y  4 x  12 y  16  0 2) 3x  2 xy  3 y  8 x  8 y  0
3) 3x2  2 xy  3 y 2  8 x  8 y  0 4) 3x2  2 xy  3 y 2  4 x  12 y  16  0
2 2
For l  R the equation (2l  3)x  2lxy  y  0represents a pair of distact lines
1) only when l=0 2) for values of l  (  3,1)

3) for all values of l  R  (0,1) 4) for all values of l  R   3,1

ax2  xy 3y2 5x  20y  c  0 represents a pair of lines passing through the point (2,3)
48. If
then a c 
1) – 23 2) 27 3) 23 4) – 27

49. The image of every point lying on the curve x 2  y 2  1 in the line x+y=1 satisfies the
1) x 2  y 2  2 x  2 y  1  0 2) x 2  y 2  2 x  2 y  1  0
3) x 2  y 2  2 x  2 y  1  0 4) x 2  y 2  2 x  2 y  1  0
50. If the equation of the circle whose radius is 10 and which touches the circle
x2  y 2  2x  8 y  23  0 externally at the point (1,2) is, x 2  y 2  ax  by  c  0 then a  b  c 
1) 5 2) 13 3) 33 4) 23
51. If C  a,   a  0  is the centre of the circle that touches the Y-axis at (0, 3) and makes an
intercept of length 2 units on positive X –axis, then  a,   
1)  3, 10  2)  3,  10  3)   10,3 4)   10, 3
52. If the parametric equations of the circle passing through the points (3, 4), (3, 2) and (1,4) is
x  a  r cos  , y  b  r sin  then b a r a
1) 9 2) 18 3) 27 4) 54

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53. The locus of centres of the circles, possessing the same area and having 3x  4 y  4  0 and
6 x  8 y  7  0 as their common tangent is
11 1 11
1) 12x 16 y 15  0 2) 3x  4 y   0 3) 3 x  4 y   0 4) 3x  4y   0
2 4 2
54. For the parabola y  2  4t , x  2  2t 2 , the ends of the latus rectum are at t   and t   ,
then  
1) 0 2) 1 3) -1 4) 8
55. Suppose a parabola with focus at (0,0) has x  y  1  0 as its tangent at the vertex. Then
the equation of its derivative is
1) x  y  2  0 2) x  y  2  0 3) x  y  3  0 4) x  y  4  0
56. P is a point on the conic

a 2 x2  b2 y 2  a 2 a 2  b 2  y 2  and S is a focus of that conic. M is the foot of the
perpendicular from P on to a directrix of that conic nearer to S. If PM = KSP, then K =
b a 2  b2 a a 2  b2
1) 2) 3) 4)
a 2  b2 b a 2  b2 a
57. The eccentric angle of a point on the ellipse x 2  3 y 2  6 lying at a distance of 2 units from
its centre is
   
1) 2) 3) 4)
6 4 3 2
x2 y2
58. The lines x cos  y sin  P,  R are chords of the hyperbola   1 . The locus of
9 36
the poles of these lines with respect to the given hyperbola is
1) x 2  16 y 2  108 2) 16 x 2  y 2  108
3) 16 x 2  y 2  108 4) x 2  16 y 2  108
59. If the point  a,8, 2  divides the line segment joining the points 1, 4, 6  and  5, 2,10  in the
2m a
ratio m : n then  
n 3
1) -7 2) 1 3) -2 4) 3
60. If the circumcenter of the triangle formed by the points (1, 2, 3). (3, -1, 5) and (4. 0, -3)
is  ,  ,   , then    
1)  2) 3  3) 4  4) 2 

61. If  a, b, c  are the direction ratios of a line joining the points  4,3, 5 and  2,1, 8  then
the point P  a, 3b, 2c  lies on the plane
1) x  y  z  0 2) x  y  2 z  0 3) x  2 y  3z  0 4) x  2 y  3 z  0

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62. Let f : R  R be a function satisfying f  x   x    constant  , x  R  and
 

f  xf  y    f  xy   x, x, y  R 
Then lim
 f  x 3

x0 1
 f  x  2

1) 1
3 2) 0 3) 2
3 4) 1
3  x if x  3

63. Let f ( x)  6 if 3  x  3 . Let  be the number of points of discontinuity of fand  be
3  x if x  3

the number of points where f is not differentiable . Then    
1) 6 2) 3 3) 2 4)0
 xx  x x 
64. If f  x   cot 1   , then f ' 1 
 2 
1) 1 2) -1 3) 2 4) -2
65. If x 3  2 x 2 y 2  5 x  y  5  0 then at y n 1 
197 125 238
1) 2) 3) 12 4)
27 31 27
1  x2 2x
66. The derivative of 2
with respect to at x = 2 is
1 x 1  x2
4 4
1) 0 2) 3) 1 4) -
3 3
A ladder of 5 meters long rests against a vertical wall with the lower end on the horizontal
ground. The lower end of the ladder is pulled along the ground away from the wall at the
rate 3m/sec. The height of the upper end (in meters) while it is descending at the rate of 4
m/sec, is
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
a  bx 2
If the slope of the tangent drawn to the curve y  e at the point P(1, 1) is -2, then the
value of 2a-3b
1) 5 2)6 3) 7 4) 8
69. If the absolute maximum and absolute minimum values of the function
f ( x)  x3  2 x2  x  3 defined on  0, 2 are M and m respectively, then M  m 
1) 4 2) 3) 2 4) 2
70. The ratio of the maximum and minimum values attained by the function
f ( x )  1  2 sin x  3cos 2 x, 0  x  is
1)3:1 2)13:9 3)9:4 4)8:13

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71.  sin x  cos x 
1 x  1 x 
1) log tan     C 2) log tan     C
2 2 8 2 2 4
1 x  1 x 
3) log tan     C 4) log tan     C
2 4 2 2 8 2
72.   x  2 x  3 dx 
2 2
1) x  3  3x 2  13x  12   C 2) x  3  3x 2  13x  12   C
15 15
2 2
3) x  3  3x 2  12 x  12   C 4) x  3  3x 2  12 x  13  C
5 5
 cot 5 x
73. Assertion (A) : if I n   cot n x dx, then I 6  I 4 
 cot n 1 x
Reason (R) :  cot n x dx    cot n 2 x dx
1) A is false. R is false 2) A is true. R is true
3) A is true. R is false 4) A is false R is true
74. If n
tan K x , then n =
I n   tan n x dx, and  I n  2 I 2  2 I3  2 I 4  I 5  I 6  
K 1 K

1) 6 2) 5 3) 4 4) 3
1  2  .....  n
75. lim 
n  n3/ 2
2 3
1) 0 2) 3) 1 4)
3 2

e sin 6 x dx 
76. 0

24 124 136 144

1) 2) 3) 4)
85 285 529 629
77. The area (in sq. units) bounded by the curve y  x 2  2 x  1 and the tangent to it at (1, 4) and
the Y – axis is
1 2 7
1) 2) 3) 1 4)
3 3 3
78. The general solution of  x  sin x cos y  x cos y  sin x is
x y2 y x2
1) tan   cos y  C 2) tan   cos x  C
2 2 2 2

y x2 2 y x2
3) sec   cos x  C 4) tan   cos x  Cx
2 2 2 2

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dy 1
 e 2 x , y  log 2 
79. The solution of dx 16 , is y 
2 x 2 x 2 x
1) l og x 2) 4  12e 3) 4e 4) 3  8e
16 16 16 16
80. If the solution of  y log e 0.5  0, y  0   1, and y  x   k , as x   then
1)  2) -1 3) 1 4) 0
81. The ratio of the relative strengths of strong and weak nuclear forces is.
1) 1013 2) 10 26 3) 1039 4) 1011
82. Gravitational forces operate among which of following?
1) All objects in the universe 2) Some elementary particles only
3) Charged particles only 4) Nucleons only
83. The acceleration of a vertically projected body at its highest reaching position is
1) 0 2) equal to acceleration due to gravity at the place
3) infinity 4) -1 Ms-2
84. A player can throw a ball to a maximum horizontal distance of 80 m. If he throws the
ball vertically with the same velocity, then the maximum height reached by the ball is
1) 160m 2) 60m 3) 20 m 4) 40 m
85. The displacement time graphs of two moving particles make angles of 300 and 450 with
the time axis. The ratio of their velocities is

1) 3:2 2) 1:1 3) 1:2 4) 1: 3

86. The relation between time t and distance x of a particle is t  ax 2  bx , where a and b are
constants. If v is the velocity of the particle, then its acceleration is
1) 2abv 2 2) 2 b v 3 3) 2av3 4) 2 a v 2
87. The Fahrenheit and Kelvin scales of temperature will have the same reading at a
temperature of
1)  40 0 F 2) 313 0 F 3) 574.6 0 F 4) 732.7 0 F
88. The displacement of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is given by x = 2cos
(t) where t is the time in seconds then the time period of the particle is?
1)  second 2) 2  second 3) 3 second 4) 0.5 second
89. A body falls from a height ‘h’ on a fixed horizontal plane and rebounds. if ‘e’ is the
coefficient of restitution , the total distance before its comes to rest is

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2 2 2 2
     
1) h 1  e 2  2) h  1  e 2  3) h 1  e 2  4) h 1  e2 
1  e  1  e  2 1  e  2 1  e 
90. Two blocks of equal masses are tied to the ends of a light string .The string passes over a
mass less pulley fixed on frictional surface as shown in the figure. The acceleration of the
centre of mass of the blocks is (g- acceleration due to gravity)

 3 1   3 1   3 1   3 1 
1)   g 2)   g 3)   g 4)   g
 4 2   4 2   2 2   2 2 
91. A body is rolling without slipping on a horizontal plane .if the rotational kinetic energy
of the body is 50% of its total kinetic energy , then the body is
1) Hollow sphere 2) solid sphere 3) solid cylinder 4) thin circular ring
92. If the acceleration due to gravity ‘g’ doubles and the radius of earth becomes half that of
the present value, then the value of Escape velocity is ( Assume g = 10m s and R (radius
of earth ) = 6400 km)

1) 12 km s 2) 16 2 km s 3) 8 2 km s 4) 4 2 km s
93. A body of mass m is at height R from the surface of the earth where R is the radius of
the earth. If the body is taken from here to a height of 3R from the surface of the earth,
the increase in the gravitational potential energy of the body is
(g is acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth)
1) 3mgR 2) mgR 3) 4mgR 4) mgR
3 4
94. The dimensions of four wires of the same material are given below. The increase in length
is maximum in the wire of
1) Length 100cm, Diameter 1mm 2) Length 200cm, Diameter 2mm
3) Length 300cm, Diameter 3mm 4) Length 50cm, Diameter 0.5mm
95. The ratio of the areas of cross sections of three wires is 1:2:3 and the ratio of the Young's
modulii of their materials is 3:2:1. If the three wires are of same length and same
stretching force is applied to the three wires, then the ratio of the elongations of the three
wires is
1) 4:3:4 2) 1:1:1 3) 9:4:1 4) 3:4:3
96. The heat energy required to convert 10kg of ice at -10 C into water at 0 0 C is (specific heat

1 1
capacity of ice  0.5 cal g and latent heat of fusion of ice =80 cal g )
1) 3 5 7  10 4 J 2) 3 5 7  10 3 J 3) 3 5 7  10 2 J 4) 3 5 7  10 5 J

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97. A wire of length 40cm is stretched by 0.1cm. The strain on the wire is
1) 25  10 4 2) 40  10  4 3) 10  10  4 4) 12.5  10 4
98. A liquid is taken in a long vertical cylindrical vessel and the cylinder is rotated about is
vertical axis as shown in the figure. during rotation, the liquid rises along its sides . if the
radius of vessel is 0.05m and speed of rotation is 10 rad s 1 , then the height difference
between the liquid at the centre of the vessel and its sides is (g= 10 m s 2 )

1) 125  10 4 m 2) 100  10  4 m 3) 50  10 4 m 4) 25  10 4 m
99. The lengths of four wires A,B,C, and D made of same material are 1m , 2m ,3m and 4m
respectively . the radii of the wires A , B , C and D are 0.2 mm, 0.4mm,0.6mm and
0.8mm respectively. For the same applied tension the elongation is more in the wire
1)A 2)B 3)C 4) D
100. N molecules each of mass m of gas A and 2N molecules each of mass 2m of gas B are
contained in a vessel which is maintained at a temperature T. The mean square velocity
of the molecules of gas B is denoted by V2 and the mean square of the x-component
2 V1
velocity of the molecules of gas A is denoted by V1 then is
1)2 2) 1 3) 2 4)
3 3
101. If the seventh harmonic of a closed organ pipe is in unison with fourth harmonic of an
open organ pipe, then the ratio of length of closed pipe to that of open pipe is
1) 4:7 2) 7:4 3) 8:7 4) 7:8
102. An observer moves towards a stationary source of sound, with a speed of one- fifth of
the speed of sound. The apparent increase in the frequency heard by the observer is
1) 16.67% 2) 2% 3) 25% 4) 20%
103. Refractive index of a medium is  . If the angle of incidence is twice that of the angle of
refraction, then the angle of incidence is
  
cos 1   sin 1   2cos1  
1) 2 2) 2 3) 2 4) sin 1   
104. A point source of light is placed at the focus of a concave mirror. Consider only paraxial
rays. The shapes of the wave fronts of incident and reflected lights respectively are
1) Spherical, spherical 2) spherical, planer
3) Spherical, cylindrical 4) planer, spherical

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   
105. The flux of the electric filed E  24 i  30 j  28 K NC1 through an area of 20 m2 on the yz
plane is
1) 480Nm2C1 2) 600Nm2C1 3) 560Nm2C1 4) 1640Nm2C1
106. If the electric potential at a point on the surface of a hollow conducting sphere of Radius
R is V, then the electric potential at a point which is at distance from the centre of the
sphere is
1) V 2) 3) 4) 3V
3 9
107. right gaper bridge experiment the ratio of the left gap resistance to the ratio of the right
gap resistance is 2:3 . the balance length from the left end is
1) 20cm 2) 60cm 3) 50cm 4) 40cm
1 2
108. The electric potential at a place is varying as V 
 y  4x  volt. Then the electric field at
x  1m and y  1m is
1) 2iˆ  ˆjVm1 2) 2iˆ  ˆjVm1 3) 2iˆ  ˆjVm1 4) 2iˆ  2 ˆjVm1
109. If x is the susceptibility and  r , is the relative permeability of a ferromagnetic
substance, then
1) x  1 2) r  1 3) r  0 4) x  1
110. Metal detector works on the principle of
1) ohm’s law 2) coulomb’s law
3) electromagnetic induction 4) Stefan’s law of radiation
111. A bar magnet of magnetic moment 2 Am lies aligned with the direction of a uniform
magnetic field of 0.3T. The amount of work required by an external torque to turn the
magnet so as to align its magnetic moment normal to the field direction is
1) 0.15 J 2) 0.3 J 3) 0.6 J 4) 1.2 J
112. The expression for the magnetic energy stored in a solenoid of length L, in terms of
magnetic field B and area A is
1) 1 B 2 AL 2) 1 B 2 AL
3) BA2 L 4) 1 BA2 L
20 2 0 2 0 2 0
113. A conducting rod is moving towards right with a velocity ‘V’ in a uniform magnetic
field ‘B’ If the direction of induced current ‘i' is as shown in the figure, then the
direction of 'B' is

1) in the plane of the paper towards right 2) in the plane of the paper towards left
3) perpendicular to the plane of the paper and into the paper
4) perpendicular to the plane of the paper and out of the paper.
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114. Radiations of wavelength 400 nm incidents on a photo sensitive material of work
function 2.2 eV. The stopping potential is nearly
1) 0.9 V 2) 0.5 V 3) 0.4 V 4) 0.1 V
115. The ratio of longest wavelength of the spectral lines in the Lyman and Balmer series of
hydrogen spectrum is
3 5 7 9
1) 2) 3) 4)
23 27 29 31
116. If an electron is moving in the 4th orbit of the hydrogen atom then the angular
momentum of the electron in SI units is
h 2h 4h h
1) 2) 3) 4)
   2
117.  -decay of a parent nucleus X results in a daughter nucleus Y . if mx , m y and m are the

masses of the parent nucleus , the daughter nucleus and the  - particle respectively, then
the net kinetic energy gained in the process is
 
1)  mx  m  my  c 2 2) m x  m y  m  c 2
3) m x  m y  m  c 2
4) 
mx  my  m  c 2
 
118. The phase difference between the input voltage and the output voltage in a common
emitter amplifier is
1) 0 0 2) 900 3) 1200 4) 1800
119. In the logic circuit given below, if X= 1 and Y= 1 then the values of P, Q and R are

1) P  1, Q  1, R  0 2) P  0, Q  1, R  0 3) P  1, Q  0, R  1 4) P  1, Q  1, R  1
120. The loss of strength of a signal while propagating through a medium is known as
1) Modulation 2) Demodulation 3) Attenuation 4) Noise

121. The wave length of a microscopic particle of mass 9.11031 kg is 182 nm. Its kinetic
energy in J is  h  6.625  10 34
Js 

1) 7.28  10 23 2) 7.28  10 24 3) 3.64  10 23 4) 3.64  10 24

122. The energy of an electron in an orbit of hydrogen like ion with an orbit radius of 52.9
pm in Jis (ground state energy of electron in hydrogen atom is-2.18×10-18 J)
1) 4.36  10 18 2) 1.09  10
 17
3) 8.72  10
 18
4) 6.54  10
 18

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123. Match the following
List-I List-II
(Atomic number) (Group Number &
Peroid number)
A) 56 I) 9,4
B) 50 II) 3,6
C) 27 III) 14,5
D) 58 IV) 2,6
The correct answer is
1) A- III, B-IV, C- I, D- II 2) A-II, B-III, C- IV, D-I
3) A-IV. B-I, C-II, D III 4) A-IV, B- III, C-I, D – II
124. Which of the following set of elements do not possess f-electrons?
1) La, U, Lr 2) La, Th, Lr 3) La, Ac, Th 4) Ce, Ac, Th
125. According to MO theory the molecule which contains only  bonds between the atoms
1) C2 2) N2 3) O2 4) F2
126. In which of the following changes there is no change in hybridisation of the central atom?
1) C2 H 4 
C2 H 6 2) Pcl5  Cl  
 Pcl6
3) BF3  F   BF4 4) NH 3  H   NH 4
127. If the kinetic energy of O2 gas is 4.0kJmol 1 , its RMS speed in cms 1 is
1) 5.0  10 2 2) 5.0  103 3) 5.0  10 4 4) 5.0  10 4
128. The ratio between RMS velocities of H2 at 50 K and O2 at 800 K is
1) 4:1 2) 2:1 3) 1:1 4) 1:4
129. The volume of 0.02M acidified permanganate solution required for complete reaction of
60 mL of 0.01MI  ion solution to form I 2 is mL is
1) 60 2) 20 3) 40 4) 6
130. Disproportionation products of one mole of MnO4 in aqueous acidic medium are
1 2 2 1
1) mole of MnO4 , mole of MnO2 2) mole of MnO4 , mole of MnO2
3 3 3 3
1 1 2 1
3) mole of Mn2O7 , mole of MnO2 4) mole of Mn2O7 , mole of MnO2
3 3 3 3
131. 6 g of graphite is burnt in a bomb calorimeter at 250 C and 1 atm pressure. The
temperature of water increased from 250 C to 310 C . If H of this reaction -248 kJ mol 1 ,
find out Cv  inkJK 1  of bomb calorimeter.

1) 20.667 2) 41.33 3) 1488 4) 0.145

132. At 300K, the equilibrium constant for a reaction is 10. The standard free energy change
(in kJ mol 1 ) for the reaction is
1) -57.4 2) -115.2 3) +57.4 4) -5.74

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133. In which of the following the solubility of AgCl will be minimum?
1) 0.1MKNO3 2) 0.1 MKCl 3) 0.2MKNO3 4) Water
134. Cr 2 and Mn3 do possess d 4 electronic configuration. So,
1) Mn3 is oxidizing agent while Cr 2 is reducing agent
2) Both are reducing agents
3) Mn3 is reducing agent while Cr 2 is oxidizing agent
4) Both are oxidizing agents
135. Assertion (A): Alkali metals and their salts impart characteristic flame colours
Reason (R): Alkali metals have low ionization enthalpy values. So, electron excitation is
1. (A) and (R) are true, (R) is the correct explanation for (A)
2. (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation for (A)
3. (A) is true but (R) is false
4. (A) is false, but (R) is true
136. Which of the following reactions can be used to prepare diborane?
I) BF3  LiAlH 4 

II) BF3  NaH  450
K 

III) Na2 B4O7  H2O 

IV) NaBH 4  I 2 
1) I,II,III 2) II,III only 3) III,IV only 4) I,II,IV
137. Formic acid is heated with conc. H₂SO₄ at 100 °C to form A and B. When Fe₂O, is
heated strongly with B. The products formed are C and D. C can also be obtained by
reacting CaCO3 with dil HCl. What is D?
1) Fe 2) CO 3) CO2 4) Fe3O4
138. The copper (II) halide which does not exist is
1) CuF2 2) CuBr2 3) CuI 2 4) CuCl2
139. In the given reaction what is X?

1) Isonitrile 2) Nitrile 3) Nitrite 4) Oxime

140. Identify the halogen exchange reaction from the following
1) Sandmeyer reaction 2) Swarts reaction
3) Stephen reaction 4) Wurtz reaction
141. If benzene chloride undergoes first order decomposition at T(K) with a rate constant of
6.93 102 min 1 , the time for completion of 90% of the reaction (in min) is (nearest
integer) (log 2 = 0.30, log 3 = 0.477)
1) 15 2) 30 3) 33 4) 43

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142. At T(K), copper (atomic mass = 63.5 U) has fcc unit cell structure with edge length of x
A. what is the approximate density of Cu in gcm3 at that temperature?  N A  6.0  1023 mol 1 
42.3 4.23 423 212
1) 2) 3) 4)
x3 x3 x3 x3
143. The number of moles of solute present in the solution of I, II and III is respectively.
I) 500 mL of 0.2 M NaOH
II) 200 mL of 0.1 N H 2 SO4 III) 6 g of urea in 1 kg of water
1) 0.1, 0.01, 0.1 2) 0.1, 0.02, 0.1 3) 0.2, 0.01, 0.1 4) 0.1, 0.01, 0.2
144. ‘x’ g of urea (molar mass 60 gmol 1 ) is completely dissolved in ‘y’ g of pure water and the
solution boiled at 373.202K. If the boiling point of pure water at 1.013 bar is 373.15K,
then x: y is  Kb  H 2O   0.52K kg mol 1 
1) 6.0 103 2) 3.0 103 3) 9.0 103 4) 4.5103
145. Under which of the following conditions E value of the cell for the cell reaction given is
maximum ?

 Cu( s )  Zn(2aq ) (C2 )  2.303RT at 298 K  0.059V , E 0zn2 / zn  0.76V , E Cu0 2 /  0.34V 
Zn( s )  Cu (2aq) (C1 )   F Cu 

1) C1  0.1M , C2  0.01M 2) C1  0.01M , C2  0.1M

3) C1  0.1M , C2  0.2M 4) C1  0.2M , C2  0.1M
146. In the first order thermal decomposition of C 2 H 5 I  g   C 2 H 4 g   HI  g  the reactant in the
beginning exerts a pressure of 2 bar in a closed vessel at 600 K. If the partial pressure of
the reactant is 0.1 bar after 1000 minutes at the same temperature the rate constant in
min-1 is (log 2 = 0.30)
1) 6.0 104 2) 6.0 103 3) 3.0 103 4) 3.0 104

147. Which one of the following will improve the lathering property of soap
1) Sodium stearate 2) Sodium rosinate
3) Sodium carbonate 4) Sodium phosphate
148. Kernite and cryolite are the minerals of two elements X and Z. Respectively X and Z are
1) B, Ga 2) B, Al 3) Al, In 4) B, Tl
149. Which of the following statements is not correct ?
1) From SO2 to TeO2 reducing power decreases
2) The order of boiling points of hydrides of 16 th group elements is
H 2 S  H 2 Se  H 2Te  H 2O
3) Rhombic Sulphur has S8 molecules while monoclinic Sulphur has S 6
4) The bond angle in Ozone molecule is 117 0.
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150. The correct statements regarding Y and Z are

I) Y has square pyramidal geometry

II) Y has linear geometry
III) Z has 3 ,3 bonds and 1 lone pair of electrons on the central atom
IV) Z has tetrahedral geometry
1) I & III only 2) II & III only 3) III & IV only 4) I & IV only
151. According to Werner’s theory, the number of groups bonded to the central metal atom/
ion in a coordination complex represent
1) Oxidation state 2) Primary valency
3) Secondary Valency 4) Polyhedron
152. Match the following
List – I List – II
(Complex) (Electronic
configuration of metal/ion)
3 5 0
A) Co( NH 3 )6  I. t2g eg
3 6 0
B) CoF6  II. t2g eg
C)  Ni(CO)4  4 2
III. t2g eg
3 4 6
D)  Fe(CN )6  IV. t2g e
The correct answer is
1) A - III, B - IV, C - I, D - II 2) A - IV, B - III, C - II, D - I
3) A - III, B - IV, C - II, D - I 4) A - II, B-III , C - IV, D – I
153. Match the following .
List – I List – II
A) Teflon I) SnCl2
B) Anionic polymerization II) C 2 F4
C) Cationic polymerization III) Bakelite
D) Cationic polymerization IV) Polystyrene
V) RLi
1) A – II, B – I, C – V, D – III 2) A – II, B – V, C – I, D – IV
3) A – II, B – V, C – I, D – III 4) A – V, B – II, C – I, D – IV
154. Identify the correct statements from the following
I) When DNA is hydrolysed adenine and thymine are obtained in equal quantities
II) When RNA is hydrolysed adenine and uracil are obtained in equal quantities
III) Amylose is branched polymer with  1  4 and  1  6 glycosidic linkages
IV) Addision disease is due to the abnormal functioning of adrenal cortex
1) I,II,III only 2) I,II,III,IV 3) I,II,IV only 4) I,IV only

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155. Which of the following are broad spectrum antibiotics?
( I ) Penicillin G ( II ) Chloramphenicol
( III ) Ofloxacin (IV) Ampicillin
1) I, II only 2) I , II, III 3) II, III, IV 4) I, III only
156. Consider the following statements.
I) In diamond, each carbon atom is sp3 hybridized
II) Graphite has planar hexagonal layers of carbon atoms
III) silicones being surrounded by non polar alkyl groups are water repelling in nature.
IV) The order of catenation in group 14 elements is Si > C > Sn> Ge> Pb
1) I, II, III 2) II, III, IV 3) I, II, IV 4) I, III, IV
157. Which of the following alcohols gives white turbidity almost immediately with the Lucas
reagent at room temperature ?
(i) n- Butanol (ii) tertiary – Butanol
(iii) Benzyl alcohol (iv) Allylic alcohol
1) (i),(ii) and (iii) 2) (i),(iii) and (iv)
3) (ii),(iii) and (iv) 4) (i),(ii) and (iv)
158. Which of the following carbonyl compounds will exhibit enolization?

(i) (ii) (iii)
O O H3 C CH3

(iv) Ph Ph (v) O
1) (i),(ii) and (iii) 2) (ii) , (iii) and (iv)
3) (iii),(iv) and (v) 4) (i),(iii) and (v)
159. Which one of the following has maximum number of hybrid orbitals ?
1) C 6 H 6 2)  CH 3 4 C 3)  CH3 2 C  O 4) CH 3  CH  CH  CN
160. The correct order of basic strength of the following amines is



 II  III  IV
 I
1)  I   III   IV   II 2)  II   I   IV   III
3)  I   II   III   IV 4)  I   III   II   IV
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