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ual: body awarding

Candidate Authentication for

This dec·laratlon must be com
pleted and signed by the stu
dent and countersigned by the tutor or assessor.
Guidance for candidate
You have been asked to sig
n this Candidate Authenticatio
portfolio. It confirms that the n form and place it at the fron
work you have submitted for t of your
not copied It from someone ass essment is your own and tha
else or allowed another candid t you have
ate to copy from you.
Candidate declaration
I conf1rm that the attached por
trolio Is all my own work* and
other than mvself. does not include any work com
pleted by anyone
Quaflflcatlon title: L3 ExDip Creative Media Pro
duction Technology
Candidate's full name:

Candldate)s signature:

•unless otherwise stated, can

didates can work together but
should sho w sections which are the ir ow
n work.
UAL Awarding Body is collec
ting images of students' work
help teach this qualification for its online gallery and for
to other students. This will larg use in materials to
some Images in our printed ely happen via our website but
publications such as the cou we ma y also use
rse specification for this qua
Approval for use of own wo
Should we Identify your work rk
for use in this way, we wol,Jld
photograph it. be ver y gra tefu l if you would
allow us to

If you are happy for us to-==:.=-.=

.=..:..:.=:.-z=:=--=:.:....i.~o-=u:...r. :. :;w. .: o:.:. :rk:.:. .:
Pr·,·nt name· ~ .:.:.:is=--.:. ; w_;;:a".,L.!_t.:.:..h
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__ ow : - - = - - - - - i
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ndidate signature:i.. ~ ~ . _
. . . _-_
. . . . . _::::::~:___~-
_ =-·_-_ _ _ ___ ..
Centre confirmation of authen
on behalf of The Henley Co ticity
llege, I confirm that the above
knowledge, is the sole author mentioned candidate, to the
of the completed assignmenV best of my
have been completed under portfolio attae,hed and the ass
the required conditions. essment~

Tutor or assessor declaratio

1confirm that, in line with the n
requirements of the course and
centre, all reasonable steps the qu~l!ty procedures, operate
have been taken to monitor d by the
the authent1c1ty of students
assessment session. work for this

Print name:

• Signature:
L- --- --- --_ ,_ ... .,.
~•_ __ : ~ L -
-- ----------
L-D-ate_:_ _ _______._, ~z..3===
~--~f-=<::::)~_:_l~ Z J = ~ ~ -- --
-- -- -- -- -

UAL Awarding Body candld

ate aut hen tica tion form V2

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