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Planning for Theoretical problems

Problems I may encounter when How I plan to resolve these problems

researching and planning

I might struggle on finding people and Physically telling them to complete my

getting them to do my survey. survey.

I might struggle on finding films where I could try ask friends, google, or family
music is used well. for some recommendations.

I might also struggle on finding films with

serial killers as protagonists. I could try ask friends, google, or family
for some recommendations too.

Planning for practical and technical problems

Problems I may encounter when How I plan to resolve these problems
researching and planning
Might need some lighting. Make sure to record during a cloudy
day to get that eerie effect in my
production and mess around with the
lighting a bit by using a big torch in
certain scenes.

Might need help on cracking down Make sure to do audiences to get the
who to have as my actors. right characters for my production.

My have some problems with the lights Bring spare batteries for both items.
or cameras battery health.

Mid project check-up (After research)

On Monday I started analysing my previous focus groups & surveys that I made,
once I got all my results, I started analysing them and I had to write about how it
affected my target audience and ending of my production. this helped me a lot
when it came to finding out my idea's flaws & strengths. I also made some mind
maps of all my 3 ideas and also wrote about how my surveys and mind maps
helped develop my ideas. On Thursday I started doing my production schedule
this should help me organise and do things better down the line and it is also acts
like a checklist and finally on Thursday I found a competition that I had to
participate in that suited my productions genre which are thriller, mystery & crime.
End project review

Overall, I am very happy with my production. I am very proud with my

second year Final major Project. I have enjoyed the course but also found it
stressful at times. I have learnt a lot of skills such as writing scripts, making
storyboards, and editing on premiere pro. This project has allowed me to
showcase s]my skillset that I have learnt in the past 2 years.

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