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Industry Internship Report Of 5th Semester

Project Report On (Marketing Mix)


I hereby declare that this project entitled “MARKETING MIX” submitted to subharti university, is a record of an original and
authentic work done by me under the guidance of Dr. Rakhi Kumari Jha

Assistant Professor

FoMC, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University Department of Commerce and management, aacharya vishnu gupt college ,
and this project has not previously formed basis for the award of any degree, diploma or other similar titles for




With an overwhelming sense of gratitude, I acknowledge the valuable guidance and consistent encouragement extended to
me by my project mentor Dr. Rakhi Kumari Jha. I am thankful to her for her support and suggestions that enabled me to
accomplish this endeavour. Her years of experience have provided me with crucial inputs at critical stages of the project.

ROLL NO. 2107000041105

(Marketing mix)


1.1 Marketing Mix Customer Satisfaction: A Overview

In practice, the core of marketing is considered to be the marketing mix. Neil Borden, while quoting from an article by
James Culliton wrote that a marketer is viewed as a ‘decider’, or an ‘artist’ or a ‘mixer of ingredients who plans various
means of competition’. He may follow a recipe prepared by others, or prepare his own as he goes along, or adopt a recipe
to the ingredients immediately available, or experiment with or invent ingredients no one else has tried. If a marketer was a
‘mixer of ingredients’, what he designed was a marketing mix. According to Philip Kotler “Marketing Mix is the set of
controllable variables that the firm can use to influence the buyer’s response”. The controllable variables in this context
refer to the 4 ‘P’s [product, price, place and promotion]. Each firm strives to build up such a composition of 4‘P’s, which
can create the highest level of consumer satisfaction and at the same time meet its organizational objectives.

According to Philip Kotler “Customer Satisfaction is a person’s feeling of pleasure, perception or disappointment emerging
from comparing a product’ s perceived performance or outcome in relation to his or her expectations”. From this clause,
customer satisfaction infers the degree of quality, thus what satisfies Mr. A may often not satisfies Mr. B, the reason for
such differences is quality and perceptions of the way the customers view such products. Customer satisfaction is a
15 15
psychological law based on perception and degree of satisfaction. For meeting customer’ s requirement, high quality of
products and services should be provided. A business term is there to measure how the product and services supplied by a
company meet or surpass customers’ expectations is known as customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is known as
one of the perspectives of balanced scorecard and seems as a key performance indicator. For surviving in this competitive
marketing place and marking differentiation between satisfaction, it seems to an important key element to make the
business strategy. It is upon this background that the study intends to investigate the effect of the marketing mix on
customer satisfaction with a study of JP Career Point and Chase Academy.

10 3
In the early 1960s, Professor Neil Borden at Harvard Business School identified a number of company performance actions
that can influence the consumer decision to purchase goods or services. Borden suggested that all those actions of the
company represented a ―Marketing Mix. Professor E. Jerome McCarthy, at the Michigan State University in the early
1960s, suggested that the Marketing Mix contained 4 elements: product, price, place and promotion.

## 1.1.1 Product

The product aspects of marketing deals with the specifications of the actual goods or services and how it relates to the
end-users needs and wants. The scope of a product generally includes supporting elements such as warranties,
guarantees, and support. Product refers to the goods and services offered by the organization. Product can also take the
form of a service like air travel, telecommunication, etc. Thus, the term product refers to goods and services offered by
the organization for sale.

## 1.1.2 Pricing

3 11 15
This refers to the process of setting a price for a product, including discounts. The price need not be monetary; it can
simply be what is exchanged for the product or services. Price is the amount charged for a product or service. Fixing the
price of the product is a tricky job. Many factors like demand for a product, cost involved, consumer’s ability to pay, prices
charged by competitors for similar products, government restrictions, etc. have to be kept in mind while fixing the price. In
fact, pricing is a very crucial decision area as it has its effect on demand for the product and also on the profitability of the
firm.1.1.4 Advertising

This includes advertising, selling, as well as educational advertising, advertising and personal selling. Products, services
and customer value must be aligned to these standards. Therefore, promotion is an important part of the marketing mix as
it refers to the process of informing, persuading and influencing customers to choose the products they will purchase.
Advertising is done through personal selling, advertising, promotion and selling. The main purpose of this is to inform
potential customers about the availability, features and usage of the product. It attracts potential customers’ attention to
the product, compares it with competitors’ products and makes a choice.

Figure 1.1 Marketing mix (4ps).


1.3 Member Service Center Responsibilities for Public Service and Other Government Programs
1.4 < br>1.2.1 Role of Service Centers

Educational institutions that provide good public services develop integrated strategies to ensure that students are
satisfied with their program of study. At the university, professors are always dedicated and ensure that students get the
latest news and events in the world. There are so many models of educational materials, books, articles and documents on
the market that people often get lost in the sea of information. Finding the best resources to complete the tutorial is not
easy. We spent too much time trying to solve this problem

Only delayed the preparation. The Public Service Commission is quite knowledgeable on this subject.

When a candidate joins the Center for Public Service, he will see many good people from different cultures competing for
the same cause. This helps students compare their abilities with other enrollees. Having years of experience, IAS institute
teachers are able to determine the best way to complete most of the courses on time. Here students will have the
opportunity to meet a brief guide that will help them quickly understand the exam, allowing them to spend more time on
testing and improving, providing easy-to-digest and well-prepared learning of information.

1.2 .2 The role of the Government Programme.

Job selection has created conflict among many candidates as the preference for preparation for government exams is
greater than private jobs. Although there are many opportunities in the private sector, many still prefer government jobs to
start a business in the government because it is a hundred percent safety.
After filling the government job application form, candidates try their best to repay the comfort level as the prestige and
security of government job is unmatched. Today, many graduate and postgraduate students choose various government
career plans instead of working in the private sector. But since your final decision will determine your job, you need an
accurate and reliable comparison to determine the job you want to work for.
1.2.3 Internationally

However, in the last few years training has been used to develop people who change roles, change jobs. Leaders choose
this even though they know they need external support to understand their thinking patterns and be effective and
successful. Training appeared about 20 years ago, has gained a lot in the last 10 years and most organizations are now
moving in this direction, especially for top talent. Many experts have also found that self-awareness is not just limited to
leadership but is an important part of a happy life. That’s why some people are starting to hire personal trainers. To meet
this increasing need, instructors provide career guidance,

Health training, leadership training, happiness training and more. Education is no longer an expense, but an investment in
personal development and growth.

As of 2020, the International Coaching Federation has five Indian branches in cities around the world. There are also
around 4,500 training instructors across India and many Indian and international training rooms. India also has a number
of local, national and international educational conferences to provide education. Having a strong mind, being fast and
innovative, growing and supporting the team, and the desire to live a clear life create the sense of self for leaders. The
impact coach helps the client develop self-awareness and increase the client’s influence and collaboration.

According to the International Coaching Federation, there were 53,300 coaches worldwide in 2011; these had more than
47,500 full-time and full-time coaches worldwide. About 92% of them are active. 33% of them work in the United States; a
total of 17,500 teachers. The market is expected to reach a value of $1.34 billion by 2022; This represents an average
annual growth rate of 6.7% from 2016 to 2022.
1.2.4 National Level

Business education may have a decades-old history in India, but its impact on India’s education and the economy as a whole
is enormous. The Economic Reforms of 1991 (ER91) laid the foundation for rapid growth of private sector institutions across
India. Initially, the purpose of tutoring is to help students improve their learning in school subjects. Gradually, educational
centers expanded beyond teaching in schools to prepare students for entrance exams for various careers such as
engineering, management or medicine.

The report shows that tutoring has become part of a student’s education. Education system, especially in the city. While
most training centers prefer to operate in big cities like Delhi, Kolkata or Mumbai due to easy access to resources, recently
some training centers have also started operating in smaller cities like Kota, Pune and Hyderabad.

Due to the competition and good evaluation of Indian education in recent years, the education industry has created a solid
foundation for itself. Its roots are deep-rooted due to the importance of education to pass various entrance exams.
According to ASSOCHAM (2013), “This has become a solution for parents who want their children to study well.” The growth
in educational institutions can easily be attributed to the perception that the country’s education system is flawed. Data
analyzed by International Business Analysts shows that “the global tutoring market has a potential of over US$102.8 billion,
with the US, Europe and Asia-Pacific accounting for approximately 90% of the economy” (as cited) Anand, 2020 , 2 parts)
represents an emerging market currently worth C$136.7 billion. Training centers in India are helping the global market. It is
very important to examine job training studies in depth. Therefore, since the education industry is widely fragmented, it is
necessary to analyze one segment of the industry at a time.
Allen Vocational College in India has broken a national record in the Limca Book of Records (2016) as the largest
educational establishment with the highest category in admission to Indian Education (Coaching) Colleges. Number of
students attending classes at a single location (Kota) in the 2014-2015 period (66,504). Allen admits 100,000-27,000
students in the 2022-23 school year. Allen’s record was included in the Golden Book of World Records.

1.2.5 Many Areas of Mizoram

There are many educational institutes in Mizoram that provide quality education to students and train highly skilled
workers. These training centers provide a platform for students to learn and develop the skills required to succeed in
competitive, business and NEET fields. These fee-paying schools offer a wide range of courses, with courses suitable for
everything from customer service to financial management, from B level to police officer level. The school’s tuition fees are
in high demand in Mizoram and attract students who want to pursue their future careers. Choosing the best education
center/school in Mizoram can be a daunting task. There are many factors to consider when making this decision. In today’s
world, educational centers in Mizoram are developing at a high level. It has become common practice to enroll students in
teaching; Because teaching develops knowledge, understanding and knowledge in students in addition to what is learned in
school. Initially, private tutoring was used as a solution for students who were falling behind in regular classes. Therefore,
training centers play an important role in the lives of many candidates.1.3 Introduction to JP Career Point

JP Career Point was founded in 2013 by Mr. Israel Lalremruata, owner and manager. Aizawl is located in the heart of
Zarkawt, close to transportation hubs. The institute provides coaching for various state civil services, MPSC Group B
(Gazetted and Non-Gazetted) exams, Bank P.O., Clerk, SSC and Medical and Engineering entrance exams. The school has
been successful since its inception with its experienced teachers in Delhi. JP Career Point offers free consultations and
mock interviews every year for students/applicants who pass the main exam. Additionally, online courses conducted via
YouTube links are also considered curriculum and are subject to conditions, but the student may enroll or introduce himself
to the school solely at its discretion. Hence, JP Career Point is one of the best coaching centers in Mizoram and is
successful in various categories.Vision:

To be the best organization in MPSC, Banking, SSC and various competitive examinations in the fields of Medicine and
Admission, committed to ensuring highest selection in every competition and delivering the best to help students achieve all
their expectations.


The main aim is to provide quality education to future generations and train qualified employees.


™ To provide quality education to prospective candidates so that they can take competitive exams and fill required public
service positions/private positions.
™ Develop and focus on disadvantaged groups of people who want to participate in the following activities and introduce
them to the candidate group.

Ⅲ To provide quality education at affordable prices and expenses.

Ⅲ Educate students who have the skills and abilities for education and future elections to best serve society.


™ Experienced trainers from Delhi.

™ New free study materials and tests every week.
™ Free chat and mock interviews.

™ Great classroom with projector equipment.

1.5 Introduction to Chase Academy


Chase Academy was founded in 2015 with participants: co-workers and friends, namely Ms. Chase. Vanlalawmpuii, Mr.
Remlalliana, Miss. Lallawmzuali, Bayan. Lalsangliani, Mr. . Dilip and Mrs. Shikha is the future leader of our country. Chase
College is an independent institution providing one of the best MPSC Civil Service Examination Courses in Mizoram with the
aim of creating the best MPSC College in Mizoram to excel in the toughest competition in the state (Excellent results in Mizo
Ram State MPSC Civil Service Examination). It not only trains MPSC employees who want to appear for the Civil Service
Examination, but also tries to make them good members of society. Hence, Chase Academy is also one of the best
educational institutions in Mizoram.The aim is to nurture students with the excellent performances, simple teaching and
rigorous instruction they experience in college; Where there are many teachers but little learning. This is the difference
that Learning Circles strives to maintain; By promoting real learning, the understanding of learning is the first step: the
ultimate goal is for the individual to bloom like flowers with new ideas and creativity wherever it smells. To go. It is this
sense of commitment that has made Chase College’s name a living legend in terms of its students’ success in public

Chapter 2

Literature Review and Research Methodology

2.1 Literature Review

AIR (2001) accurately describes training or educational sessions as social and personal , created It is the relationship and
education of teachers, not an evaluation, that emerges with the strength and new skills of teachers and therapists.
Gibbs and Cannap (2002). For example, appliances, cleaning rooms, carpets, regular bathroom cleaning, etc. They are ways
in which students understand people or objects in the context of study. Clients benefit when they support teaching and
learning as well as physical care. One example of this is the use of visual representation and information technology to
promote and improve learning outcomes.
Hollensen (2003) found that the best way to do business is to create, design, test, test, install and develop in collaboration
with potential customers. The challenge in the education business is that schools provide professional services that
customers cannot check before purchasing. A subject is experienced in this way because its relevant characteristics can
only be accurately measured through consumption. Students can only evaluate the quality of the service when they join the
program after purchasing.

Hanft et al. (2004) identified five important aspects of training: (1) initiation or joint planning, (2) evaluation, (3)
action/implementation, (4) reflection, and (5) evaluation or feedback. In this step, educational goals are established and
teachers have the opportunity to observe the goals of the project, practice skills, reflect on activities, and receive feedback
on their learning. Each step is designed to support the achievement of specific results and goals.

Smith and Taylor (2004) stated that advertising activities include all communication and sales activities to guarantee the
possibility of participating in the program in the future. An integrated and continuous

Support system should be established to attract the financial layer of students, staff and investors to universities and
special projects.

Fixsen (2005) stated in his review that newly learned behaviors are generally weak and inappropriate and need to be
reinforced. Therefore, continuing education is the best way to encourage teachers to acquire new skills.

Rush and Shelden (2005) define teaching as “an adult learning process to develop competent teachers”. Help parents or
colleagues build on existing resources, develop new skills, and deepen their understanding of their own practice for use in
current and future situations. Counseling procedures vary by type, time, and setting. Counseling can be provided
individually or in small groups; face to face or remotely or through technology. It can happen once or during a
conversation. May focus on promoting new or innovative practices or classroom instruction or existing
practices/curriculum. Additionally, the role of the coach will vary depending on the method.
Mukerjee (2007) explains that if customers are satisfied and trust a service provider, it will be difficult for competitors to
disrupt the relationship. This is about business relationships, where the school improves its relationship with business.
Examples of this are teachers who constantly monitor each student not only on an academic level but also on an individual
level. There is actually good evidence reflecting the views of current students.
Chen (2008) believes that business education has become dynamic and complex in recent years. This is because there are
many businesses trying to optimize training. Competition between universities and educational institutions is therefore
intensifying and will continue as long as primary and secondary schools are reduced, new universities are established and
children are born. Is reduced. The marketing mix (product, price, location, promotion, people, process and physical
evidence) can change the position of the firm.
Barsky and Nash (2009) found from their research that to ensure customer satisfaction, it is important to know and
anticipate the customer’s needs and the potential nature is satisfied with them. Businesses that can quickly understand and
meet customer needs can achieve more results than businesses that cannot do this. Organization is a mustSo create and
maintain healthy, positive customer relationships with all the places they have to deal with.

Curtis & Abratt et al (2009) research shows that the management and business needs of many companies are related to
the main outcomes of universities. However, the product is still one of the school’s most important assets in its educational
Al-Fattal (2010) stated that the need for business integration has become more important in the last few years to achieve
successful business operations. Even if some ignore this, it shows that business exists and plays an important role in the
educational context; Therefore, it is important to understand your employees’ engagement and enhance their learning
rather than ignoring or avoiding them.
15 4
Gandolfo D. and Rosa Guzzo (2010) believe that to be successful in the market, it is not enough to attract new customers,
managers must focus on retaining existing customers and be subject to the laws of customer satisfaction and integrity.
Customer satisfaction is important regardless of whether the customer returns to the hotel or recommends the hotel’s
services to other customers.

Masterson and Pickton (2010) said that the role of the business manager is that of the employee. For example, free courses
allow potential students to learn about online distance learning. Short course fees are a great resource for projects. These
“registration” and “advertising” marketing strategies must be designed to develop the organization and its programs to
have the desired image, to be authentic, attractive and unique to buildings and people. “Employees” refers to all academic
and administrative staff who provide services and establish customer relationships.

Aslam and Atherton (2011) Research shows that special education is needed to improve students’ learning in mathematics
and science. The study concluded that students who were allowed to attend private tutoring classes achieved more than
students studying in regular public schools, thus comparing the curriculum with the government curriculum, showing the
Aziza and Abdul (2012) in their research article titled “Educational Services: Perspectives of International Students”
learned that education has become an important symbol of reputation and universities are one of the greatest services.
They also said that a lot of work is at stake to not only maintain and manage themselves to provide good services, but also
to create welcoming opportunities to help ensure that applicants receive services locally or internationally, and to meet the
needs of students.

< br>Clagett (2012) research provides insight into the public discourse about college or university due to benefit-based
changes in organizations as higher education leaders begin to view career education as a product and students as
consumers. In this study, teaching methods based on subjects (lessons prepared for learning) and student learning
services were analyzed.
Tapp and Spotswood (2013) this study defines social economics to understand how consumers can change their purchasing
behavior, price constraint, how customers overcome this transition, what problems they face and how we communicate
with our customers. Mass. . Businesses are embracing marketing as a way to impact their bottom line.

Thorat et al (2013) examined the 8 Ps framework, which includes public, partnership, policy, and productivity and
performance as part of a business relationship. Refers to Processes that aim to create conditions for goods or services
and maintain order by changing business or creating new business.

Aghaei et al. , (2014) added that marketing mix is inherited, understanding the products implemented, marketing mix using
Tehran chain. Simply choose the right things for the place.

Bahadır et al. (2015) this study defines a model that will work for the world, but it is difficult. Analyze the performance of
marketing mix and product sales in the global market. The authors conclude that the economic mix varies depending on the
type of event or economic growth.
Miran, K., Christine A.V. and Bonnie J.K. (2015) show in their study that the main purpose of this study is to understand how
customer satisfaction and happiness affect loyalty and to understand different levels of trust, including intelligence,
likeability and harmony. They note that this study adds to the body of knowledge on customer satisfaction, satisfaction and
loyalty and provides insight and practical advice for the hospitality industry. Some recent research suggests that customer
satisfaction may lead to higher customer loyalty than dissatisfaction. Customer satisfaction has also been highlighted by
researchers and marketers as an important factor in customer trust.
IÅ¡ oraitä (2016) argued that marketing mix is one of the main objectives of the marketing mix and is used to determine
objectives and marketing measures. The importance of each point depends not only on the company and its activities, but
also on the competition and time. All businesses are affected and should be seen through their actions. Some tasks may be
more important than others; This often depends on the company’s strategy and activities. Service providing companies –
Service will be the main focus.

Fregidou-Malama and Hyder (2021) show in their research that everything involved in the company’s business should be
business-related. Marketers are not only tasked with creating the best marketing plan, but all employees in the
organization need to have marketing knowledge. In order for the company to enter the market, the marketing mix must be
used in the business plan. This is because the company chooses the percentage of customer value. The business mix that
improves the customer experience is owned by the customer.Abdulla Thanseer et al.’s (2022) study aims to explore the
importance of the marketing mix and the factors that enable better positioning of products and services within the
marketing mix. This study was conducted with a descriptive research design and it was learned that there is a significant
difference in business owners’ understanding of the company’s marketing strategy regarding the importance of product
printing and processing services. Additionally, emphasis is placed on employees involved in design, construction,
production, marketing, business distributors and retailers, business centers and products.
2.2 Meaning and Scope of Education:

Currently, schools have undergone many reforms. The industry has also seen tremendous growth. India’s growth is
particularly driven by the growing need for critical and knowledge-based education. India is a developing country. Today we
can see many private schools offering courses at different levels. Moreover, there are still many unused roads. In addition,
the needs of students have become more complex and private educational institutions have developed as well as public
universities. To take advantage of current events and make them felt, educational organizations have used many methods
and techniques, and research now focuses on drug control, marketing mix and customer satisfaction.

Education in India is divided into two main categories: students and non-students. Among these, the main group includes
schools and higher education, while the non-student group includes kindergartens, vocational training and private teaching
institutions. Encourage Effort and Achievement in High School One of the points of this article is to use teachers and
instructors to encourage students to be motivated and successful. People seeking education are starting to prioritize their
needs and desires. Therefore, it is important for schools to adapt to students’ needs and for businesses to create
business-ready professionals. The purpose of this study is to determine students’ interest in marketing mix in selected
educational centers. Because it is important for private schools to meet the needs of students in order to provide a
valuable education in society.

In a competitive academic environment, many eager students pursue medicine, engineering, government affairs, medical
courses, etc. registered biotech, chartered accountants and company secretaries etc. He is worried about entering areas
such as. Private school tries to attract students and works well to meet the needs and demands of teaching and
development classes to retain them. The effectiveness of the marketing mix and customer satisfaction from private lessons
at Aizawl Private Tutoring Center needs to be investigated.

Hence the study was limited to defining the marketing mix of two top educational centers like JP in Aizawl. Career Point,
Zarkawt and Chase Academy, Vaivakawn. This study aims to guide students who want to choose a suitable training center by
examining its business (e.g. price, location, product and support).

2.3 Questions

In today’s world, people are starting to realize the importance and necessity of enrolling in training centers to help them
achieve their goals or studies. There was a time when educational centers and schools did not need business because
They depended only on their reputation and word of mouth. Those days are long gone as millennial parents are more
knowledgeable and use the internet to support their decision-making.

Schools that don’t market themselves are a target that will be overlooked by millennial parents who don’t care. They are
very happy with what they offer. Both parents and students spend a lot of time on social media, and schools on sites like
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, interacting with them and learning more about their needs and expectations.

Therefore, it is important to examine the impact of marketing mix of two schools in Aizawl on customer (student)
satisfaction; By examining two schools, they can focus on safe education through business concepts, tips and suggestions.
Moreover, the current competition in digital business education is very fierce, having a good product is not enough, you
need to have a complete business education to stay first in the competition. This is a gap that needs to be filled and hence
this study can be supported by understanding the relationship between business and customer satisfaction.

2.4 Purpose of Research

The purpose of the research is to investigate the effect of marketing mix on customer satisfaction. To examine the impact
of marketing mix (4Ps) on customer satisfaction at JP Career and Chase Academy educational institutions.

b. To make recommendations and recommendations to the teaching center based on research results.

2.5 Research Design

2.5.1 Research Design: This study is a descriptive study. The main purpose of this study is to determine the impact of
customer satisfaction on the marketing mix (i.e. product, price, location, promotion) and provide feedback and
recommendations from which training centers can choose.

2.5.2 Data Collection:

Primary Data: Primary data was collected from the survey. The survey was prepared based on the literature (Aggarwal et
al., 2018). The survey was designed and developed in accordance with the content of the research. Surveys were
distributed and collected via Google Forms.

Questions include student demographics and all interests of the selected educational center. (based on the 4 elements of
the job mix) and overall satisfaction with the training centre.

Supporting information: Supporting information is collected from research articles, relevant websites, publications,
textbooks and content.
2.5.3 Sample selection and determination:

It is recommended that the sample size of the study be 60 students, that is, 30 students from each of the two teaching
areas. Will be selected for research teaching. Purposive sampling method was used in conducting the study as the
researcher followed the data collected in the closed area of two educational centers.

2.5.4 Research tools

Use simple statistical tools such as percentages with the help of SPSS. Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word were also used
as support in creating tables and figures for the completion of the thesis.

2.5 Limitations of the Research

a) The data and information obtained from the survey cannot be of high quality because the choice of educational institution
has very few students compared to the number of students. Available at the selected private tutoring centre. Collection of
questions at each location is limited to 30 students.

b) Due to time constraints, all other documents and information required for the project could not be collected at the
desired level.

c) Research topics are not good and still difficult for many researchers. Therefore, data collection time and the intense
time spent by teachers in both educational institutions to collect the necessary data are a limitation of this study.Job
integration between JP Career Point and Chase Academy

Below shows the implementation of job integration at JP Career Point and Chase Academy Tutoring Center. It is generally
accepted that using the marketing mix to create a business results in a successful business. This chapter attempts to
examine the marketing mix implementation of two companies from the perspective of promotion, product, channel and cost
Therefore, they are one of the best training centers in Mizoram and they are successful in many categories because of
their good products. Elements of the composition include variety, quality, design, function, type, packaging,mixed. The
content of the composite product is diversity, quality, design, performance, production, packaging, service, warranty and

3.1.2 Price Mix Strategy

The training center adopts a price-based pricing strategy that determines prices according to customers’ product


Teachers have their own fees depending on various aspects of their teaching and facilities. To give.


The student school does not provide financial aid to students. This is a price based solely on price and it is a fixed price
based on the variety of teaching methods and facilities it has.


Coaching Centers do not offer discounts even though registered students want success from them because Coaching
Centers are buildings, schools, colleges and universities as well as educational facilities.

Payment Details

The Help Desk accepts prepaid payment methods including smart cards, online payments, cash, checks, debit cards, credit
cards, pay by phone and send funds electronically.

Impact of Price Mix

JP Career Point Coaching Centers accept price mix based on price based on customer’s perception of the product. And the
building, which uses a fixed pricing system in education as well as in education, has many features. However, unfortunately,
students cannot benefit from discounts or privileges. Due to its quality products, its price structure can be accepted by

3.1.3 Promotional Package


The Education Center offers students the opportunity to upload free content to their YouTube channels whenever they want
to review it. Courses to promote sales.


Advertisements of the training center are made through various social media such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and
Whatsapp. It also uses advertising through media such as newspapers and local radio stations.

Public Relations

Public relations is the practice of managing the transmission of messages to the public for the purpose of influencing the
opinions of individuals or organizations. . The training center is currently the leading institute in Mizoram and according to
the findings, the registered students are giving advice and recommendations to others who want to enter the centre.

Direct Marketing< br>

The training center uses various applications such as e-mail, instagram, facebook, youtube and whatsapp, as well as mail,
catalogues, phone calls, etc. It conducts direct marketing through. Additionally, guides are distributed to students during

Effect of Advertising Campaign

JP Career Point Training Center’s sales and advertising campaigns are both beautiful and effective. Issues such as sales,
advertising, public relations and direct marketing increase sales by continuous marketing through various platforms such
as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and WhatsApp, and publications such as newspapers and local news. Therefore, it is
unexpected that sales will increase without advertising in a period of intense competition, otherwise the products would not
be voluntarily removed from the warehouse, no matter how good they are. An active and strong system can lead to success
even if the product is not good, and support can create demand for the product. But even the best products are not sold
without advertising. As a result, successful educational institutions create support packages that attract large numbers of


JP Career Point training is located in Zarkawt, near LPS Studio, Dr. Laltchawna Building, 3rd Floor, Aizawl; Mizoram. This
study shows that students are satisfied with the location, 73.3% out of 60 participants are satisfied with the location.
10.0% of respondents disagree with the above statement and believe the district is not suitable for minority students. 55%
of respondents are also satisfied with the atmosphere of the classroom and the facilities of the training center.

Connect point

JP Career Point Coaching Center Anchor point indicates that the location is convenient and can be easily reached by car or
on foot. Although the area is not a very good environment and there is no noise due to the city influence, many people still
appreciate the location of the training center due to the distance. Therefore, this clearly shows that even location, price or
competitive promotion is negative because if the product mix is good, the product mix is considered successful.

3.2.1 Product Portfolio Features

Coaching Centre, State Civil Services, MPSC (Mizoram Public Service Commission), Group B (Gazetted and Non-Gazetted)
Exams, Group B (for examination in MSSSB), Group B ( SSC provides CGL). Various government exams, Assistant Level, UDC,
AAO etc. exams for.

It is an independent institute offering one of the best MPSC courses in Mizoram Civil Services Examination. It aims to create
the best MPSC Institute in Mizoram, where scoring well in competitive exams is the toughest in the state. .
Brand Promotion

The education agency develops its presence and promotes its brand using various social media platforms. Build your own
brand by carefully writing your education website profile to reach the right audience to get good recommendations and


Couring Center in offline and online mode, Air-conditioned (AC) classrooms, free apps for one year, free study materials,
current trends, technical information on virtual classrooms from educational sites. Free tests and interviews are also
among the packages offered by the training center.


Since the site is a service provider, instruction may be labeled as a service. Curriculum and teachers are available for
personal consultation upon request.


No refund will be given if registration is cancelled. OTHERWISE, WE MAKE NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING

Impacts of Product Portfolio

Chase College Tutoring Center has many positive effects for its products. They provide guidance on various government job
opportunities, use different communication skills to create valuable products, and provide valuable packaging and services.
The product is widely recognized by students and leaves a positive impression, which is one of the reasons why the
teaching center is recognized by students. Therefore, they are one of the best training centers in Mizoram and have a very
good performance due to their quality products, variety, quality, design, performance, production, packaging, service,
warranty and points like

>3.2.2 Price Mix Strategy

Customers think the product is worth it.


Training centers have a variety of fees depending on the number of classes and facilities they offer.

Private Tutoring Center does not provide scholarships to students. This is a price based solely on price and it is a fixed
price based on the variety of teaching methods and facilities it has.


Coaching Centers do not offer discounts even though registered students want success from them because Coaching
Centers are buildings, schools, colleges and universities as well as educational facilities.

Payment Details

The Help Desk accepts prepaid payment methods including smart cards, online payments, cash, checks, debit cards, credit
cards, pay by phone and send funds electronically.
Modern society is becoming increasingly aware of the necessity to behave sustainably which resulted in higher
expectations towards sustainable practices of businesses. Thus, Marketing 3.0, a concept developed by Kotler, Kartajaya,
and Setiawan (2010) which takes a more sustainable approach towards marketing, received an increasing amount of
attention in the academic and practical world. This paper, therefore, identified the various influences this new marketing
era has on the widely known and a ccepted 7P Marketing Mix to provide a valuable literature basis for the effect of
Marketing 3.0 on marketing practices in the form of an in-depth literature review. Furthermore, an evaluation of ethical
issues regarding the new marketing era is presented w ith the aim of receiving a comprehensive and critical overview of
this new emerging topic. The use of Marketing 3.0 practices is expected to generate benefits for customers and companies
simultaneously by creating a more sustainable and making the world a better place. The efficient use Marketing 3.0 also
aims to result in higher consumer trust through the use of collaboration practices. Moreover, findings suggest that
Marketing 3.0 highly impacts six out of the seven Marketing Mix Ps, namely product, price, promotion, process, people, and
physical evidence, as well as mildly influences place. Therefore, the concept of Marketing 3.0 is a crucial extension of
current marketing practices by providing economic profits, while at the same time taking into consideration environmental,
ethical, and social factors

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