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Present Simple Exercises

Antes de fazer as atividades, você pode querer ler as dicas dos links abaixo. Nelas você
encontra explicações sobre os usos e as conjugações dos verbos no Present Simple.


01. Reescreva as frases abaixo com o pronome he ou she.

a. I study he ..................................
b. We work she ..................................
c. They go he ..................................
d. I speak she ..................................
e. You play she ..................................
f. We think he ..................................
g. I don’t like he ..................................
h. They watch she ..................................
i. You don’t read she ..................................
j. I don’t write he ..................................

02. Complete as sentenças abaixo com a forma correta dos verbos em parênteses.

a. I ................................... (go) to school every day.

b. She ................................... (go) to school everyday.
c. They ................................... (speak) English very well.
d. He ................................... (speak) English very well.
e. You ................................... (watch) this TV show every morning.
f. Michelle ................................... (watch) this TV show every morning.
g. Carmen and Lucas ................................... (travel) a lot.
h. Rafael ................................... (travel) a lot.
i. We ................................... (like) living here.
j. He ................................... (like) living here.

03. Reescreva as sentenças a seguir na forma negativa.

a. We go to church every Sunday.


b. They study English on Saturdays.

©  Denilso  de  Lima  –  
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c. He reads the newspaper every morning.


d. I work at Banco Itaú.


e. She has three kids.


f. Márcio plays basketball every Friday night.


g. Rafaela goes to work by car.


h. Carol and Pâmela know the answer.


i. They live in Brasília.


j. I do exercises every morning.


04. Reescreva as sentenças na forma interrogativa?

a. They have a Ferrari.


b. She studies English twice a week.


c. He often plays tennis.


d. You work at Renault.


e. She drinks a lot of coffee.


f. Elisângela goes to college by subway.


©  Denilso  de  Lima  –  

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g. He gets his hair cut every month.


h. Marcela has lunch home every day.


i. They live in São Paulo.


j. Bianca does exercises every morning.


05. Corrija as sentenças que estejam erradas. Explique porque elas estão erradas.

a. She don’t studies English.


b. Does your father speaks German?


c. Does you live in a big city?


d. I doesn’t know the answer.


e. Do it rain a lot where you live?


f. Does Alessandra and her sister play volleyball?


g. Do they goes to the movies every week?


h. I doesn’t like that.


i. Do they plays any musical instrument?


j. My brother and I work at the same company.


©  Denilso  de  Lima  –  

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06. Escreva os verbos em parênteses na forma correta do Present Simple.

a. The store .......................... (open) at 9am and .......................... (close) at 7pm.

b. Where .......................... Camila .......................... (live)?

c. She .......................... (have) a car but she .......................... (not use) very often.

d. My father .......................... (not smoke), but he .......................... (drink) a lot.

e. My two brothers .......................... (not call) me very often.

f. She .......................... (read) that maganize every time she ..........................

(come) here.

g. My mom .......................... (enjoy) listening to music.

h. My mom .......................... (study) German every day.

i. What time .......................... Fábio .......................... (go) to school?

j. My uncle .......................... (not speak) Japanese, but he .......................... (speak)


©  Denilso  de  Lima  –  

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