Assignment No1 Java

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Sanjivani Rural Education Year:- 2018-19

Society’s Assignment
K.B.P.POLYTECHNIC, Dept: - Computer Technology
ACAD/F/ Subject:- Java Programming Pages:- 1
Rev=00 Date:-26/12/2018 Topic No:-1 Date of submission :-03/01/2019
Name of Subject Teacher:- Jadhav Sachin B. Total No of Questions:- 18

1. Explain in brief features of Java.

2. Why java became platform independent language? Explain
3. What is byte code? Explain any two tools available in JDK.
4. Write all primitive data types in java along with their storage sizes in bytes.
5. Explain concept of JVM with respect to portability feature of java.
6. Write general syntax of any two decision making statements and also give its
7. Illustrate with example the use of switch case statement.
8. Give difference between break and continue statements.
9. What is type casting? Explain its types with proper syntax and example.
10. State & explain scope of variables with an example.
11. Explain following bitwise operator with an example:
(1) Left shift operator
(2) Right shift operator
12. Explain any two relational operators in Java
Programming Exercise
1. Write a program to generate Fibonacci series up to first 7 terms.
2. WAP to accept a number and print its factorial using Command Line Argument.
3. Write a program to check whether the entered number is prime or not.
4. Write a program to accept number from command line and print square root
of the number.
5. Write a java program to display all the odd numbers between 1 to 30 using for
loop & if statement.
6. Write a program to find sum of digit of number entered by user.

Subject Teacher HOD

[Prof. S.B. Jadhav] [Prof. G.N. Jorvekar]

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