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Look Wand
Mio Maki
Pale Red Short Plain Unicorn Cedar
Name Complexion Mair Arame Look Core Wood
Hufflepuff Second Muggle-born Friendship Squirrel
Mouse Year Meritage Ambition Patronus


-1 Stand in the Face of Danger

Get What You Seek
Scared (-2 to Bravery
until you avoid
something difficult.)
Injured (-1 to all traits
until healed with
medicine or magic.)
● ● ●
When you want to do something you
◆ ◆ ◆
When you fail a roll, mark 1 point of
normally couldn’t, or change a roll to a 10+, Experience.

0 Hide & Sneak

Get What You Seek
Angry (-2 to Cunning
until you hurt someone
or break something.)
Hexed (-1 to 1 trait of
the Narrator’s choice
until cured.)
you may mark a point of Luck to do it.
You regain all your marked Luck when you
complete a school year.
When you get to 4 Experience, you
may take an Advancement! Then,
clear your marked Experience.

1 Gain Knowledge
Stressed (-2 to Intellect
until you say something
hurtful to someone.)
Unconscious (Unable to act
until revived, can avoid by
taking a different Condition.) ADVANCEMENT
3 Help or Hinder Someone
Approach a Magical Creature
Jealous (-2 to Loyalty
until you betray a
You can also clear someone else’s
Scared, Angry, Stressed, Jealous, or
Embarrassed Condition by
When you’ve marked 4 Experience or when you complete a school
year, take one of the following Advancements:
comforting or supporting them.

1 Cast a Spell / Duel Embarrassed (-2 to The Injured, Hexed, or Unconscious Upgrade a trait by +1. You may do this twice. No


Concoct a Potion Magic until you take a Conditions can always be cleared in trait can ever be more than +3.
Use a Magical Object comment the wrong way.) the hospital wing. Gain a second Favourite Subject. You may do this
When all 8 Conditions are marked, roll +your highest trait to see if you exit the once.
story. Learn a new spell from your Year. You may do this
FRIENDS & RIVALS On a 10+, you come back with all Conditions cleared. as many times as you’d like.
On a 7-9, you come back with only Unconscious cleared.
Aquire a magical object. You may do this as many
On a 6-, you exit the story. Create a new witch/wizard. times as you’d like.
Ariend Cataleya Takahashi If you come back, you now have a physical or mental scar. Write it here:
Regain 1 marked point of Luck. You may do this as
many times as you’d like.
Ariend Adelaine DuBois
Rival Eliphas Quinn
When someone is your Friend or Rival, you may add +1 to a roll to help or
hinder them. You can be Friends or Rivals with other players or with Narrator
characters. You may only add or remove a Friend or Rival at the end of a session.
You can have up to 2 Friends and 1 Rival at a time.
You may add +1 to any roll related to your Favourite Subject.
PET Cat Tama

Rind Name
When you spend time with your pet, you can shift one marked Condition to another one.



1 Reparo – Repairing Charm

4 Relashio – Releasing Hex

Repello Muggletum – Anti-Muggle

Rictusempra – Laughing Hex Baubillious – Lightning-Conjuring
● Alohamora – Unlocking Charm Accio – Summoning Charm Charm
Spell A healing spell can clear the Injured,
Serpensortia – Snake-Conjuring
Silencio – Silencing Charm Hexed, or Unconscious Conditions, if
Calvario – Hair Loss Curse Spell Avis – Bird-Conjuring Spell Confrigo – Blasting Curse
● the spell’s effect would heal the cause
Specialis Revelio – Hex-Revealing
Steleus – Sneezing Hex of the Condition.
● Colovaria – Color Change Charm Densaugeo – Teeth-Elongating Hex Charm Duro – Hardening Charm
Vulnera Sanentur – Gash-Healing A defence spell can prevent someone
Titillando – Tickling Hex Fianto Duri – Increase Protection
● Diminuendo – Shrinking Charm Depulsio – Banishing Charm Spell from taking a Condition if the spell’s
effect would block the cause of the
Ageing Potion Amortentia – Love Potion Homenum Revelio – Reveal
● Finite Incantatem – Counter-Spell Diffindo – Cutting Charm
Person Charm

Locomotor Mortis – Leg-Locker Beautification Potion Befuddlement Draught (Potion) A hex can cause the Hexed
● Episkey – Minor Healing Spell Legillimens – Mind-seeing Charm
Curse Condition, in addition to the spell’s
Essence of Dittany – Healing
Hiccoughing Solution (Potion) effect.
● Lumos – Wand-Lighting Charm Furnunculus – Pimple/Boil Hex Potion Levicorpus – Body-Lifting Hex
Mandrake Draught – Anti-Curse A curse can cause the Injured or
Love Potion Antidote (Potion)
● Periculum – Red Sparks Charm Potion Impedimenta – Slowing Hex Mutatio – Mutation Hex Unconscious Conditions, in addition
Murtlap Essence – Pain-soothing to the spell’s effect.
Petrificus Totalus – Full ● Potion Incaercerous – Chain-Conjuring Wit-Sharpening Potion Obliviate – Memory-Erasing
● Body-Bind Curse Spell Charm
Slugulus Eructo – Slug-Vomiting Locomotor Wibbly – Jelly-Legs Portus – Portkey-Creating
● Curse Hex Charm***

● Spongify – Softening Charm Quietus – Quieting Charm Redactum – Shrinking Hex

Anteoculatia – Antler-Growing Aguamenti – Water-Conjuring You can learn a spell from a class, a
Hex Spell
● Tergeo – Cleaning Charm Reducto – Smashing Curse Vermiculus – Worm Hex mentor, a book, or even from another
Colloshoo – Stickfast Hex Apparrate – Teleportation Spell** student. If another student teaches
● Ventus – Wind Hex Sonorus – Amplifying Charm Blood-Replenishing Potion you a spell, they must successfully roll
Wingardium Leviosa – Levitation Engorgio – Swelling Hex Confundo – Confusion Charm to help someone.


● Charm Stupefy – Stunning Charm Euphoria Elixir (Potion)

You never have to roll to learn a spell
Ferula – Splinting/Bandaging Spell Blemish Blitzer – Acne Treatment Deprimo – Hole-Blasting Charm or potion, unless the information on
● Babbling Beverage (Potion) Potion
Felix Felicis – Luck Potion
how to cast or concoct it is somehow
Herbivicus – Plant Growth Charm Ebublio – Bubble Hex
● Calming Draught (Potion) Fire Protection Potion Forgetfulness Potion
Illegibilus – Text-Scrambling You immediately learn any spell
Emendo – Bone-Mending Spell Polyjuice Potion – Transformation
● Cough Potion Laxative Potion
Potion taught in a classroom lesson, even if
Impervius – Waterproofing Charm Flipendo – Knockback Hex your 1st casting isn’t successful.
● Shrinking Solution (Potion) Invigoration Draught (Potion) Skele-Gro – Bone Regrowth Potion
Mimble Wimble – Tongue-Tying Gemino – Duplicating Objects
Curse Curse
Orchideous – Flower-Conjuring KEY
2 Spell
Prior Incantato – Recent Spell
5 Langlock – Tongue-Locking Hex
Charm Anapneo – Reverse Choking Spell Melofors – Pumpkin-Head Hex Charm Nealing
Epoximise – Bonding Spell
Reparifarge – Undo Transfigura-
tion Spell
Muffliato – Ear-Buzzing Charm
Unforgivable Curses cannot be Curse Nex
Expelliarmus – Disarming Charm Aperio – Opening Charm
Riddikulus – Boggart Defence learned at the start of play, by taking
Pullus – Chicken/Goose Hex
an Advancement, completing a
Defence Potion
Flagrate – Fire-Writing Spell Cantis – Singing Hex
school year, or from a class.
Tarantallegra – Dancing Hex Revelio – Revealing Charm Transfiguration
Fumos – Smoke-Conjuring Spell Colloportus – Locking Charm When you cast an Unforgiveable
Deflating Draught (Potion) Draught of Living Death (Potion) Curse, the Narrator may tell you a Unforgivable Curse
Incendio – Fire-Conjuring Spell Evanesco – Vanishing Spell Serious Consequence that happens to
Pepperup Potion – Cold-Curing
Mucus ad Nauseam – Head Cold Expecto Patronum – Patronus Garroting Gas – Choking Potion you as a result.
Potion *When you learn the Patronus Charm, pick
Curse Charm*
Unctuous Unction – Friendship your Patronus from the table on the Create
Strengthening Solution (Potion)
Obscuro – Blindfolding Charm Potion Oppugno – Attacking Objects Hex Avada Kedavra – Killing Curse Your Witch/Wizard Sheet.
**You must pass a test and recieve a license
Sleeping Draught (Potion) Protego Totalum – Shield Area Veritaserum – Truth Potion
Protego – Shield Person Spell Crucio – Pain Curse from the Ministry of Magic to apparrate.
***Making a portkey requires Ministry of
Swelling Solution (Potion) Veritaserum Antidote (Potion)
Imperio – Mind-Control Curse Magic permission


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