302 Questions

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6M R~M'1Jl'4~

[University of Chittagong]

[Department of Sanskrit]
~v R.~. ~--<o)~
[3 rd Year B.A. (Hons.) Examination-2019]
~~~[Sub: Sanskrit]
oo - ~o-< [Course No-302]
911~fvlf9f [Manuscript]
~-)oo [Marks: 100]
~-B wr [Time: 4 hours]

R. ~- )o~ >tl~fi; ffl I

~9f<p I

[N.8. Answer Seven questions in total including question No.9 &

10. The figures in the right side indicate full marks of the questions]

). MM~ 'WI'? Mf9Rf ~~--£Ci!~ ~J~~l>t ~ffi9f ~ll"llb"ll 1 ~-<

(What is script? Discuss, in brief, the history of transformation
of script.] 12
~- ~? ~W'9Rf ~ffi91 '511(.c'llbill I
[What do you mean by manuscript? Discuss, in brief, the
importance of manuscript.] 12

~.311'®Mf91' ~? ;sl'®M~ ffl -e illll<!i~'t ~ffi9f '611(.c'llbill


[What is Brahmi script? Discuss, in brief, the origin and title of

Brahmi script.] 12

8. ~W'98f --ilC~letil-st ~NC9f '511<.'ilb--ll I

[Discuss, in brief, the method of deciphering manuscript.] 12

({, f<p ~ ?
<IJ<l~I~ ~? '511Ciil1>--II I
[What is meant by Pushpika? Where the Pushpika is used in
old manuscript? Discu~s the importance of Pushpika.1 12
11:,_ ~~9Rf C<{tqt? ~W'9Kf w~111fili<t> ~vrn~
'51ICC4il>~i I :>~
[What do you mean by the system of the correction of
Manuscript? Discuss the Pictographic · correction of
manuscript.] 12
C\. ~ ? elf ~ft; ~,z~9f
[What number is meant by each of the fo\\owing words?
Discuss any six of them:-] 6x2=12

17'. ~ ~ 1 C f C ~ ~ ~ " r n < r u f ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~XS=~~

[Determine the time recorded in the following extracts and turn
them into A.O.] 3x4=~ 2

<P. ~~IRh bCti

91_41'!>1~ I
~rn~h11f>N> 1

~- ~«i !l5R>~>J:JM~~
<J~l"i~'1<P~'1 I

...... ~.
cv 1"1(.17~ 1."'i
(Write short notes on any six of the following.] 6xS::
~- Pff ffi ~-
~- fjj-~ ~- Gll'lp~<fS
D. Yj~~~c-l'SiM'!>

)o.~C1.llf6r-!> C~ 9ffC~l~l~
~c;f m- ~OX~:::~
(Decipher any ten and write the same in modern Bengali script ·
from the manuscript attached herewith.] 1Ox1=10

<f). $8aP&&TI~
9jm~- g
~- ~,tfl~~na4"~<15~~
~- 't<lrl~"Vff<f'lITT---~=t-f<f
~- ~l¾_f.47°ra~4{t~
D. ~,&~-'"°~m~~
~- ''-3)?Jl~ ~~~}ti ~l>,t~

~- ~~~~CJrl
qt_ ~~fil'i!/)1:.3~~

. ~- ~~n~;n,rr~~1l~

~- ~ ~ ~ - © i \ f " ~
\S". ~l4;~QY6;~~~,r


I .

[Uni~ersity of Chittagong]

/. I

[Department of Sanskrit] ·,,. ·,

~V ~-~-
[3 Year B.A. (Hons.) Examination-20211
[Sub: Sanskrit]
- -.,o~ [Course No-302]
"lltfilf'Pf [Manuscript]
~-~oo [Marks: 100]
~-8 [Time: 4 hours]

~-~-~~~~o~~-O OU'~~ffllfl'<31~~~~ -

[N.B. Answer Seven questions in total including question

No.9 & 10. The figures in the right side indicate full marks of
the questions]

~ ~? 31,~frlA~ m -s ~er~ ~~9f '5llCi1,b~1 , .

/ [What is BrahmT script? Discuss, in brief, the origin and
. title of BrahmT script.] 12

~- ~fr!f-rirn~~~~'lJT~fFN.,
(Write what you know about the causes of spelling
mistakes in the manuscript.] 12
~r 'll.t"fflf-f "'"1tlif
¢. ~t'l!lf'! )~
. - bY the system of the correction of
[What d~ youD~ecau:s the Pictographic correction of
manuscript] 12
8. 2
[Discuss the method of decifering manuscript.] 1

I!. .II{, ,e sl'l 'llllr iS~l¾1'1>111;

~~1~1S~(D'IRl\;"fll!fw? )a
(Where the names of book, writer and copyist can be found in
ancient manuscripts? Discuss with examples. What is the way
of identifying the writer and copyist?] 1
~- !IN~ 'f1lr C'!m llfW 'f1lr "llt"115'lT 'I'll I
[What do you mean by interpolated reading? Discus
interpolated reading problems.] : ·,
; . --. , ' l. .

' ~ffi9f-~1,-ci1D-iil.
~- '1t'i >i',tJl ('! ,..,ll, •

[What number is meant b eac . l!oX~~~

Discuss any six of them:-] y h of the following 6x2=12
I! , ~ .. "6.~
/~")( ? ~
y . ~ ~ l l f ~ ~ ~ ~ \ § T ~,~ ~ ~ : ~XS=)~
f [Determine the time recorded in the following extracts and
turn them into A.O.] 3x4=12

"--~~tj_~~ C<ll1~iUl%6Ci;ti
lilM-.o'i'\H~"ilC<P I

~- lrfR.<15~ ~Nl1~Ml;,91t-l 1
~':lll-flli1<pllcl\ ~\l

(i21aj~~~IPl\b ~\l

~- ~XQ=~o
[Write short notes on any six of the fol\owing.1 6x5=30
r - -

y;. ~,~,fit" ~AA~ '11-~ lf-t~11111dJ1-.1:n cR ~ •,~1'11

/ ~- . )oX)=)o
[Decipher any ten and write the same in modern Bengali
script from the manuscript attached herewith.] 10x1 =1 o

•· ,.,~~~q11,~~.qw -
~- ~1f:'11<111!:Ff~•~~ ~",:yi'!
~- ~1tff $7TC~<(~~~1

lf. ~~~~¥im1M .
IS • . •~•)~(jjfo~~7(i'<~"4/+~ .

D. ~ - 5 1 ~ ~~-m_<f~

~. di.!l2iii ~f:l.(3
~. ~~~f;l~'1T I

<!la. ~(q\?~(f~~

~- ~~~©.\'"~
w. -fllit;l!ii5atQa;~l~~4

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