FS 1 Episode 1

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Activity 1.

1 Exploring the School Campus

Resource Teacher: _______________________ Teacher’s Signature: _____________ School: _____________
Grade/Year Level: _______________________ Subject Area: _______________________ Date: ___________

Facilities / Description Will it contribute to the students’

learning and development? Why?
Upon entering the Principal’s Office you Principal’s office is one of the most
can see a couch where visitors usually important offices that we can find in
Office of the ✓ wait. The principal share the office with schools. Since it is the place where
Principal Sr. and two other teachers. educational plans and planning of
development of learning opportunities for
student’s starts.
The library is located at the second floor A library could contribute many advantages
of the Basic Education Department to the students’ learning and development
(BED). The surface is made from wood since it provides resources and materials that
and the library is well ventilated. There student’s may need for their learning. It is
Library ✓ is also a librarian’s corner where also a best place to spend their free time
students usually inquire. There are some with since aside from the books it also have
mono blocks chairs, tables, book shelves a balcony that have a good ambiance where
arranged by categories and year level, students can go to relieve their stress.
and a balcony.
At the guidance office is air conditioned The guidance office also have many
and it is a perfect place for students to contributions to the student’s learning and
Counseling Room ✓ vent out their problems or if they simply development since it isn’t just concern for
need someone to listen to them. the students’ grade but its main concern is
the students’ social, personal emotional, and
psychological aspects.
The canteen has grills which separates The main purpose of the canteen is to
the students and vendors. There are provide snacks and meals not just for the
some chairs, long tables, trash bins, sink students but also for the teachers, staffs and
Canteen/Cafeteria ✓ and there are some electric fans. other personnel. Its contribution is to boost
the students’ energy by providing them
healthy foods during their recess or lunch
The medical clinic is air conditioned. It Medical clinic is in charge when it comes to
has patient beds with pillows and the students’ health.
blankets. There are also some over the
Medical Clinic ✓ counter medicine, first aid kit, person’s
weighting scale and a sink. There is also
a nurse corner. It is clean and properly
Audio Visual /
Learning Resource
I didn’t have the chance to go inside the Science laboratory is very important to the
schools’ science laboratory. However, I students’ learning and development since it
✓ believe that you can find some materials is the place where students conduct some
Science Laboratory that students can use with their experiment. It is a place where science
experiments such as microscope, test teachers can provide a quality education
kits, safety equipment, and fire since students are able to conduct the
extinguisher. experiment and have an experience for they
didn’t just watch it but they learn from their
The gymnasium can accommodate The gymnasium is a place where school
hundreds of students, spacious and it is events and gatherings are conducted. It is
an open area. The stage is located in the also the place where flag ceremony is being
✓ front and it has stairs from left and right conducted.
Gymnasium side. There are also some tables and
chairs, probably to let the students stay
outside if they have no classes or it
became temporary extension of the
The home economics room is full of The home economics room is very important
Home Economics ✓ appliances and things that can be found when it comes to the students’ learning and
at home such as stove, tables, plates, development for it helps the students know
Room sink, and many more. not just about their studies but also for food,
home, and life.
Workshop Area
PTA Office
The comfort room for boys is located at The comfort room is very important to
the side or the gymnasium. reduce tension when the students are under
✓ pressured and also to allow students to
Comfort Room for dispose their waste appropriately. Also,
Boys separate comfort room can make everyone
feel safe, have privacy, and promote
The comfort room for girls is located at The comfort room is very important to
the side or the gymnasium. reduce tension when the students are under
✓ pressured and also to allow students to
Comfort Room for dispose their waste appropriately. Also,
Girls separate comfort room can make everyone
feel safe, have privacy, and promote
The Chapel is located near the senior The contribution of chapel to the students’
✓ high school building and it is air learning and development is to become a
Chapel conditioned. Upon entering the chapel safe place for everyone who wants to
you can see the Crucifix, the Image of confess something or simply to have time to
the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph. reflect and pray.
The computer room is located on the The computer room is very important when
✓ second floor, and it is air conditioned. It it comes to the students learning and
Computer also has many ICT equipment including development since their skills when it comes
Laboratories computer, monitor, keyboards, and many to the computer can be enhanced especially
more. now since we are in the 21st century.

An Observation guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Guide Questions Classroom Observation Report
Describe the community or The school is located near the St. Joseph cathedral church since it is a Catholic
neighborhood where the school, which helps the students build their faith to God and this give the students
school is found. not just quality education, instead a quality Catholic education. The school is also
near the establishment's that is why students can access or buy what they need in
an instant.
Describe the school The color of the school campus is mint green and brown. The building itself is
campus. What colors do colored with mint green while the railings or the grills is color brown. This color
you see? What is the helps the students find peace since it is cool to eyes. The buildings are 2-3 floors
condition of the buildings? and they were in good condition. The building also have stairs one from the left
corner and the other one is on the right, which helps the students go up and down
Pass by the offices. What I noticed that some of the offices are hard to find since it isn’t well organized.
impression do you have of
these offices?
Walk through the school Aside from the mentioned facilities, the other facilities that the school has are:
halls, the library, and the OSAW, faculty, wash area, waiting area, registrar’s office, cashier’s office,
cafeteria. Look around and conference room, and many more.
find out the other facilities
that the school has.

Resource Teacher: _______________________ Teacher’s Signature: _____________ School: _____________

Grade/Year Level: _______________________ Subject Area: _______________________ Date: ___________
1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the walls? What heroes, religious figures,
lessons, visual aids, announcements, do you see posted?
I already observed 3 classes during the first week of my observation and I noticed that each class
have different thing posted on their walls, including: the core values, mission, and vision of the school;
some safety protocol regarding COVID 19; healthy and safety tips; class schedule; date of examination;
emergency hotline; image of St. Joseph; and for the junior high school they have their grade and section
posted on the doors, while for the senior high school students they have their grade level and strand
2. Examine how pieces of furniture are arranged. Where is the teacher’s table located? How are the tables
and chairs/desks arranged?
The teacher’s table is located in the center at the front part of the classroom. There is only one
table for the teacher and there are at least 35-50 chairs inside the classroom.
3. What learning materials/equipment are present?
The learning materials or equipment that I noticed inside the 3 classrooms where I observed are:
TV, bulletin boards, books, chalkboards, use of visual aids, and power point presentation.
4. Observe the students. How many are occupying one room?

Based on my observation, the 3 classes where I observed have at least 35-40 students each which
occupy the classroom since there are some vacant seats.
5. Is the room well-lit and well-ventilated?
Based on my observation, the 3 classrooms are well-lit since and well-ventilated since there are
many windows around the classroom that is why; there is enough light and air around the classroom.

Classroom Facilities Description

(location, number, arrangement, condition)
Wall Displays The wall display can be found at the four corner of the classroom. Each classroom
has at least 5 or more wall displays such as: core values, mission, and vision of the
school; healthy and safety tips; class schedule; emergency hotline; image of St.
Joseph; and many more. And these wall displays are arranged accordingly to how
the class adviser wants them to be. However, some of the wall display doesn’t show
good condition since some of their color already fades.
Teacher’s Table The teacher’s table is made from wood and it was located in the center front part of
the classroom. Each room have 1 teacher’s table only. However, there is only one
teacher’s table that has some school supplies but the three teacher’s tables are as
good as new.
Learner’s Desks Learner’s desks also known as the arm chairs can be found inside the classroom. Its
capacity is 35-50 but when it comes to the arrangement each class has their own
sitting arranged. For grade 9, it is arranged at 4 by 4; for grade 11, it is arranged at 8
by 4 with proper distancing; and the two other grades 11 have 5 by 5 arm chairs
arrangement. Some of the arm chairs are not in good condition but they were kept
in the last corner of the room.
Blackboard Each classroom have 2 blackboard or what we call now chalkboard. The
blackboard is located in front of the room and it was divided into two: one from the
left and the other one is on the right. I noticed that inside the 2 classrooms where I
observed is that, they have movable blackboard because they are not built-in. The
blackboards are in good condition and I noticed that it is always clean before we
enter the classroom.
Learning Materials / The most common and useful learning material that I noticed inside the classroom
Visual Aids is the TV. Each classroom has only one TV and it was located between the
blackboards where everyone can see it. Having TV inside the classroom is a
privilege and it have so many advantages not just for the students but also for the
teachers. The TV are in good condition.
Ventilation Each classroom have at least 6 electric fan, 3 are ceiling fan (1 on the left side, 1 on
the right side, and the other one is on the back); 2 are wall fan (1 on the left side
and the other one is on the right side); and 1 stand fan in front. The ventilation
functioned well and they are in good condition.
Lights Each classroom has 4 lights, 2 on the left side and the other 2 is on the right side.
However, they don't usually turn on the light since the classroom is well-lit since
there are windows around the classroom.
Broom box Each classroom has broom box where every cleaning materials where store and it is
located at the back corner. However, it's not well organized and it somehow became
their trash bins.
Trash bins Each classroom have at least 2-3 trash bins but some of them are not in good
condition and they are not well arranged. The trash bins are located near the broom

Write your observation report here:

Name of the School Observed:
Location of the School:
Date to visit:
I noticed that the school facilities are clean and some are accessible, especially the health clinic where students
can go when there is an emergency, and every school facilities and classrooms are conducive for the learning. I
also notice the cleanliness around the school building and they really provide what is best for each classrooms
for their facilities are in good condition. However, I noticed that, inside the classroom cleanliness isn't always
observe and some of the students have no discipline.
How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the students going to school?
What are your conclusions?
The school campus and the classroom can impact the learning of the students going to school since it provides
not just a child-friendly school but also a quality Catholic education.
How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development? How does this relate to your
knowledge of facilitating learning?
A child-friendly and Catholic school can make a big progress when it comes to the child and adolescent
development since they feel free to interact with other people since the school provide a good environment
where students feel free to approach everyone without any doubt.
Would you like to teach in the school environment that you just observed? Why? Why not?
As of now, I still have no plans if I'm going to pursue the teaching career. But as I have observed, I noticed that
students participate well when it comes to their class discussion or during their recitation. Recitation is actually
the best part everytime I observed Mr. Catabay's class since his students try to answer even if it's their opinion
unlike to my previous school where students don't tend to raise their hands during the class discussion.
What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?
For me, the kind of school campus that is conducive to learning is when the school it self have facilities that can
provide a quality education that every students need. Aside from the facilities, I consider a school campus is
conducive to learning when it is a child-friendly school since students feel safe inside the school.
What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?
In my opinion, a classroom is conducive to learning if it is well-lit, well-ventilated, have learning materials,
spacious, free from hazard, and it is a room where discipline, respect, and unity is present.
In the future, how can you accomplish your answers in number 3?
If I become a teacher someday, I can accomplish my answers in number 3 by doing everything I can to provide
what my students need. Also, I must always act and encourage my students to have respect, discipline, and unity
with one another since learning is fun if every students help one another and they're comfortable inside the
Write your additional learnings and insights here.
As of now, I noticed that the students attitude reflects to what the teachers show them and who the teacher is.
During my first observation, Mr. Catabay my resource teacher present a slide entitled "SMILE" whereas the
word SMILE is an acronym which encourage all of his students to be kind, respectful, to find studying fun, and
to always keep on wearing your smile. I know that not all students don't actually apply it since we came and
grow up from different environment. However, I can say that it is well appreciated since Mr. Catabay gave a
wonderful start and a great reminder that we must always be good to one another.
Activity 1.2
As I go around the school, I see at least 14 bulletin boards located in one area. Display boards or bulletin boards
are located near the school clinic and beside the chapel. However, the bulletin boards might be in a right place
where students can see them everytime they are heading to the school's main entrance, but I can say that the
bulletin boards don't usually captures the students attention. Each boards have their own topic, including: San
Jose Chronicle, Red Cross Club, Drum and Lyre Corps, Community Service, Math and Science Club, Language
Club, Historical Society, Sketch Club, Chorale, Supreme Student Council, CFP Corner, and the Guidance
Corner. The key message that each bulletin boards have is all about the name of the board itself, however I
noticed that many of the bulletin boards contain the "Welcome Back to School". The pictures I noticed are also
about the main purpose of each boards. For instance, in Community Service bulletin board you can see some
Christian Formation program and some community service conducted by the students. Some of the bulletin
boards are have calligraphy and they are colorful but some are plain. On the contrary, the pieces of information
and images are not well arranged because some parts of the announcements are already folded. The most

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