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3/2/23, 8:32 PM CAT 1: Attempt review

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Dashboard My courses CCS 4302 & EIT 4316 CONTINOUS ASSESMENT TEST CAT 1

Started on Thursday, 2 March 2023, 8:00 PM

State Finished
Completed on Thursday, 2 March 2023, 8:25 PM
Time taken 25 mins 13 secs
Marks 16/20
Grade 24 out of 30 (80%)

Question 1

Mark 1 out of 1

In A* Search, what is the significance of the f(n) function?

a. It represents the cost of the optimal solution through node n

b. It represents the heuristic estimate of the cost of getting from node n to the goal
c. It represents the cost of getting to node n from the start node
d. It represents the total estimated cost of the cheapest solution through node n

The correct answer is: It represents the total estimated cost of the cheapest solution through node n

Question 2

Mark 0 out of 1

In DFS, what is the order in which the nodes are visited?

a. In order of their alphabetical order

b. In order of their discovery time
c. In order of their height in the tree
d. In order of their distance from the root node 

The correct answer is: In order of their discovery time 1/8
3/2/23, 8:32 PM CAT 1: Attempt review

Question 3 Font size A- A A+ Site color R A A A


Mark 1 out of 1

What data structure is typically used to implement BFS?

a. Queue
b. Stack
c. Tree
d. Heap

The correct answer is: Queue

Question 4

Mark 1 out of 1

What is A* Search?

a. A search algorithm that uses heuristics to guide the search

b. A search algorithm that explores the entire search space in a depth-first manner
c. A search algorithm that explores the entire search space in a breadth-first manner
d. A search algorithm that combines the benefits of both uniform cost search and greedy search

The correct answer is: A search algorithm that uses heuristics to guide the search

Question 5

Mark 1 out of 1

What is an agent in AI?

a. A programming language used for artificial intelligence

b. An entity that can perceive and act on its environment
c. A computer hardware component
d. A software program that runs on a computer

The correct answer is: An entity that can perceive and act on its environment 2/8
3/2/23, 8:32 PM CAT 1: Attempt review

Question 6 Font size A- A A+ Site color R A A A


Mark 1 out of 1

What is Breadth First Search (BFS)?

a. A search algorithm that uses heuristics to guide the search

b. A search algorithm that explores the entire search space in a depth-first manner
c. A search algorithm that explores the entire search space in a breadth-first manner
d. A search algorithm that uses dynamic programming to optimize the search

The correct answer is: A search algorithm that explores the entire search space in a breadth-first manner

Question 7

Mark 1 out of 1

What is the goal of AI?

a. To replace human intelligence

b. To reduce human intelligence
c. To augment human intelligence
d. To compete with human intelligence

The correct answer is: To augment human intelligence

Question 8

Mark 0 out of 1

What is the main advantage of using A* Search?

a. It requires less memory than other search algorithms

b. It always finds the optimal solution
c. It is fast 
d. It can handle problems with constraints

The correct answer is: It always finds the optimal solution 3/8
3/2/23, 8:32 PM CAT 1: Attempt review

Question 9 Font size A- A A+ Site color R A A A


Mark 1 out of 1

What is the Turing test?

a. A test to determine if a machine can understand natural language

b. A test to determine if a machine can recognize objects in an image
c. A test to determine if a machine can navigate a physical environment
d. A test to determine if a machine can exhibit human-like intelligence

The correct answer is: A test to determine if a machine can exhibit human-like intelligence

Question 10

Mark 1 out of 1

Which of the following best describes the goal of A* Search?

a. To find the solution that satisfies the most constraints

b. To find the optimal solution to a problem
c. To find a feasible solution to a problem
d. To find the most efficient solution to a problem

The correct answer is: To find the optimal solution to a problem

Question 11

Mark 1 out of 1

Which of the following is a disadvantage of using A* Search for path finding problems?

a. It may get stuck in loops

b. It is too slow
c. It cannot handle problems with constraints
d. It requires too much memory

The correct answer is: It requires too much memory 4/8
3/2/23, 8:32 PM CAT 1: Attempt review

Question 12 Font size A- A A+ Site color R A A A


Mark 1 out of 1

Which of the following is a disadvantage of using recursive DFS?

a. It cannot handle large search spaces

b. It is slower than iterative DFS
c. It may cause a stack overflow error
d. It is not guaranteed to find the optimal solution

The correct answer is: It may cause a stack overflow error

Question 13

Mark 1 out of 1

Which of the following is a heuristic used in A* Search?

a. Manhattan distance
b. Breadth-first search
c. Depth-limited search
d. Iterative deepening search

The correct answer is: Manhattan distance

Question 14

Mark 1 out of 1

Which of the following is a limitation of A* Search?

a. It may get stuck in local optima

b. It is too slow
c. It is not guaranteed to find the optimal solution
d. It requires too much memory

The correct answer is: It requires too much memory 5/8
3/2/23, 8:32 PM CAT 1: Attempt review

Question 15 Font size A- A A+ Site color R A A A


Mark 1 out of 1

Which of the following is a limitation of using DFS for path finding in a maze?

a. It requires too much memory

b. It cannot handle mazes with cycles
c. It is too slow
d. It may get stuck in loops

The correct answer is: It may get stuck in loops

Question 16

Mark 0 out of 1

Which of the following is a variant of A* Search that avoids exploring the same state multiple times?

a. Bidirectional A*
b. Recursive best-first search 
c. Iterative deepening A*
d. Uniform-cost search

The correct answer is: Uniform-cost search

Question 17

Mark 1 out of 1

Which of the following is a variant of DFS that avoids visiting the same node twice?

a. Bidirectional search
b. Depth-limited search
c. Backtracking
d. Iterative deepening DFS

The correct answer is: Iterative deepening DFS 6/8
3/2/23, 8:32 PM CAT 1: Attempt review

Question 18 Font size A- A A+ Site color R A A A


Mark 1 out of 1

Which of the following is an example of a problem that can be solved using A* Search?

a. The Shortest Path Problem

b. The Maximum Flow Problem
c. The Traveling Salesman Problem
d. The Knapsack Problem

The correct answer is: The Shortest Path Problem

Question 19

Mark 0 out of 1

Which of the following is an example of a real-world application of AI?

a. All of the above

b. Recommender systems 
c. Self-driving cars
d. Voice assistants

The correct answer is: All of the above

Question 20

Mark 1 out of 1

Which of the following is NOT a subfield of AI?

a. Machine Learning
b. Robotics
c. Cryptography
d. Neuroscience

The correct answer is: Cryptography

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3/2/23, 8:32 PM CAT 1: Attempt review

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