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Director General of Police

J&K Jammu

Subject – Application for engagement of Touseef Ul Haq S/o Naseer Ul

Ahsan R/o Kalaban Tehsil Mendhat Distt Poonch as special police
officer in Distt Poonch.

Sir ,

Respectfully, the applicant submit as under-

1. That the applicant completed his qualifying service of 22 years in the

year 2017 after which he became eligible for premature retirement.
2. That the applicant applied for premature retirement on 05-03-2021
due to his domestic compulsions. The application for premature
retirement as attested by the notary Mendhar is duly recommended
and forwarded by the commandant 6th BN to the higher authority.
3. That the order No. 1224 – JK (GAD) of 2022 was published on 13-10-
2022 which reflected premature retirement of (appellant) Shri Ajaz
Ahmed Constable No. 456 ARP 955983 in terms of Art 226 (2) of
Jammu & Kashmir Civil Service Regulation of 1956.
4. That the order of the worthy Commandant 6th Batallion Mendhar, has
submitted the case of applicant for issuance of necessary
guidelines/instructions for settlement of the pensions and the matter
is pending consideration in your good office.
5. That applicant has school going children and it is difficult to continue
their education in case pension is not granted.
6. That applicant has been granted pre-mature retirement by the govt
and has been paid salary of notice period which has been received by
him however his pension case is not sent to the Accountant General
which is causing serious financial problem to the applicant.

In the premises it is most humbly prayed to kindly direct

Commandant 6th Batallion to implement Govt order No ____________ and
submit the pension appear of the applicant to Accountant General.

Yours sincerely

PLACE- Jammu

DATED- 23-12-2023 Ajaz Ahmed

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