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COURSE:Bachelor of IT / Bachelor of IT with a specialization in Cyber Security/ Bachelor of

Unit Code: ENSN201
Unit Title: Enterprise Social Networks
Type of Assessment: Group Assignment
Length/Duration: 2000 Words & 15 minutes group presentation
Upon successful completion of this unit students should be able to:
1. Define electronic commerce and describe emerging online
technologies and trends and their influence on the electronic
commerce marketplace
2. Recognise how knowledge sharing and creation is becoming an
essential part of modern business processes and the kind of work
Unit Learning Outcomes carried out by knowledge workers
addressed: 3. Critically analyse the use of enterprise social networks for
organisational knowledge sharing and identify the technological
changes taking place, their advantages and disadvantages,
especially the security aspects of modern online technologies.
4. Work effectively as part of a team to produce a group report and
communicate effectively organizational and management
information in a business context.
Submission Date: Report: Week 10 Presentation: Week 11
Group Report: Find a global case study which narrates the operations
of e-commerce site (e.g. google play store), as detailed below in the
Assessment Description.
Assessment Task:
Group Oral Presentation: Working in a group of 4 students, you will give an oral
presentation based on your Group report, as detailed below in the Assessment
Group Report:100 marks
Total Mark: Group Oral Presentation: 100 marks

Group Report:20%
Weighting: Group Oral Presentation:10%
Total:30 (20 for Report and 10 for Presentation)

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Students are advised that submission of an Assessment Task past the due date without a formally
signed approved Assignment Extension Form (Kent Website MyKent Student Link>FORM–Assignment
Extension Application Form– Student LoginRequired) or previously approved application for other
extenuating circumstances impacting course of study, incurs a 5% penalty per calendar day,

calculated by deduction from the total mark.

For example. An Assessment Task marked out of 40 will incur a 2 mark penalty for each calendar day.

More information, please refer to (Kent Website MyKent Student Link> POLICY – Assessment Policy &
Procedures– Student Login Required)


This is a group assignment. Students are required to form a group of 4 (Four) students chosen among them and
submit the group names to the lecturer by week 4.

A. Group Report:
You are required to find a global case study which narrates the operations of e-commerce site (e.g. Amazon).
Get the approval from your lecturer for your selected case study. Write a report of 2000 words following the
below sections with evidences:

a. Introduction
b. Organisation Overview
c. Business Model
d. Website
I. Website contents
II. Hardware Infrastructure
III. Software
IV. Security issues
V. Payments/Transaction process
e. Discussion/Recommendations
f. Conclusion
g. Individual Contribution (one page summary of each member’s tasks and deliverables)
h. Reference
i. Appendix

B. Presentation:
Working with the same group members, you will give an oral presentation.

If you are absent from the class at your presentation time, you will get zero for this assessment, unless you
have a medical certificate or other extenuating circumstances. Please talk to your tutor before the due

There will be 4 speakers, 8-10 slides and an allocated 15 minutes to present.

Use Power Point to create the presentation. Save it on a USB so you are ready to present in class.

As this is a group assignment, 50% of the grade will be moderated by peer assessment. Every team member
individually must assess their contribution and the contribution of other team members. Please complete

Kent Institute Australia Pty. Ltd.

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Version 2: 18 March 2024 Page 2 of 6 TEQSA Provider Number: PRV12051
Self and Peer Evaluation form (see Appendix A) and submit a copy to your lecturer on the day of

Academic Learning Skills staff will give a workshop in class about Oral Presentations, which will be very helpful
for this assessment.


1. Group Report

This is a group activity and students are required to work with their respective group members. No
individual submission will be accepted.

You will not receive any marks for this assignment if your group members collectively report against you for
non-participation or non-cooperation. You have to nominate someone as your group leader to coordinate the
assignment submission.

The report will be submitted online in Moodle by one member of the team ONLY on Sunday Week 10. You
have to nominate someone as your group leader to coordinate the assignment submission. All other group
members needs to submit the individual contribution statement.

2. Group Oral Presentation

submission will be accepted.

You will not receive any marks for this assignment if your group members collectively report against you for
non-participation or non-cooperation.


Content for Assessment Task papers should incorporate a formal introduction, main points and conclusion.

Appropriate academic writing and referencing are inevitable academic skills that you must develop and
demonstrate in work being presented for assessment. The content of high quality work presented by a student
must be fully referenced within-text citations and a Reference List at the end. Kent strongly recommends you
refer to the Academic Learning Support Workshop materials available on the Kent Learning Management System
(Moodle). For details please click the link and download the file titled “Harvard
Referencing Workbook”. This Moodle Site is the location for Workbooks and information that are presented
to Kent Students in the ALS Workshops conducted at the beginning of each Trimester.

Kent recommends a minimum of FIVE(5) references in work being presented for assessment. Unless otherwise
specifically instructed by your Lecturer or as detailed in the Unit Outline for the specific Assessment Task, any
paper with less than five (5) references may be deemed not meeting a satisfactory standard and possibly be

Content in Assessment tasks that includes sources that are not properly referenced according to the “Harvard
Referencing Workbook” will be penalised. AI (Artificial Intelligence) generated answers will not be accepted.

Marks will be deducted for failure to adhere to the word count if this is specifically stated for the Assessment
Task in the Unit Outline. As a general rule there is an allowable discretionary variance to the word count in that
it is generally accepted that a student may go over or under by 10% than the stated length.
Use of generative artificial intelligence tools are not permitted to be used for this assessment. Please respect
this and be aware that where unauthorized use is detected, it will be considered as academic misconduct and
penalties will apply.

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References are assessed for their quality. Students should draw on quality academic sources, such as books,
chapters from edited books, journals etc. The textbook for the Unit of study can be used as a reference, but
not the Lecturer Notes. The Assessor will want to see evidence that a student is capable of conducting their
own research. Also, in order to help Assessors determine a student’s understanding of the work they cite, all
in-text references (not just direct quotes) must include the specific page number(s) if shown in the original.
Before preparing your Assessment Task or own contribution, please review this ‘YouTube’ video (Avoiding
Plagiarism through Referencing) by clicking on the following link: link: search for peer-reviewed journal articles may also assist

students. These type of journal articles can be located in the online journal databases and can be accessed from
the Kent Library homepage. Wikipedia, online dictionaries and online encyclopaedias are acceptable as a starting
point to gain knowledge about a topic, but should not be over-used – these should constitute no more than 10%
of your total list of references/sources. Additional information and literature can be used where these are
produced by legitimate sources, such as government departments, research institutes such as the National
Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), or international organisations such as the World Health
Organisation (WHO). Legitimate organisations and government departments produce peer reviewed reports
and articles and are therefore very useful and mostly very current. The content of the following link explains
why it is not acceptable to use non-peer reviewed websites (Why can't I just Google?): (thank you to La Trobe University for access to this video).

Marking Fail Pass (50- Credit (65- Distinction (75- High Distinction
Criteria. (0- 64%) 74%) 84%) (>85%)
Research Little evidence Basic and sound Research is h Thorough research is Thorough research is
20 of research. research. Basic use of generally thorough. indicated. Very good indicated. Professional
Sources are sources to support Good use of sources use of sources to use of sources to
missing, ideas, generally well- to support ideas, support ideas, well- support ideas, well
inappropriate, integrated, most mostly well integrated, sources are integrated, sources are
poorly sources are credible. integrated, sources credible. May be minor credible. Very minor, if
integrated or May be weaknesses are credible. May weaknesses with any, weaknesses with
lacking with paraphrasing or be weaknesses with paraphrasing or paraphrasing or
credibility. Lacks integration/application. paraphrasing or integration/application. integration/application.
clear link of integration/
sources to application.
Content / Lacks Is generally coherent; Is coherent and Is very coherent and Professional work.
Analysis coherence: topic is addressed to a flows well; topic is flows well; topic is Argument is very
topic is poorly reasonable depth with addressed quite addressed quite well. coherent and flows well;
30 addressed; little some description. well. External External research on topic is addressed
analysis. No External research on research on concepts relevant to thoroughly. External
evidence from concepts relevant to concepts relevant the case material is research on concepts
external the case material is to the case material obvious; the relevant to the case
research to somehow obvious; the is obvious; the concepts are material is of an
support the concepts are analysed concepts are analysed in depth. outstanding quality; the
case material. to a reasonable depth. analysed quite well. There may be minor concepts are analysed in
The discussion There are some There may be some inconsistencies and great depth. Very minor, if
is descriptive inconsistencies/ inconsistencies/ weakness with flow. any, inconsistencies and
and poorly weaknesses with the weaknesses with weaknesses with flow.
sequenced. flow. flow.

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Version 2: 18 March 2024 Page 4 of 6 TEQSA Provider Number: PRV12051
No evidence Unsatisfactory evidence Some evidence Adequate evidence Sufficient evidence
shown of equal shown of equal shown of equal shown of equal shown of equal
Group contribution contribution among the contribution among contribution among contribution
among the team members. the team members. the team members. among the team
team members members.

The report is The report format is The report format isl The report format is The report format
not generally correct; the almost correct; the correct; all sections are is correct; all
Structure appropriately information under the information under included; the sections are
formatted; sections does not the sections information under the included; the
more than two completely correspond correspond to sections corresponds information under
of the required to the requirements. almost all the to the requirements the sections
sections are Recommendations are requirements. Recommendations do corresponds to the
missing. missing. recommendations not suggest specific requirements
are missing or do actions and do not Recommendations
not suggest derive from the do suggest specific
specificactions. discussion. actions and derive
from the
Language/ Poor standard Basic and sound Good standard of Very good standard of Professional standard of
Presentation of writing. Word standard of writing; writing; few writing; very few or writing; no errors in
15 limit may not be some errors in errors in minor errors in punctuation, grammar
adhered to. punctuation, grammar punctuation, punctuation, grammar and spelling.
and grammar and and spelling.
spelling spelling.
Referencing No referencing Basic and sound Good attempt to Very good attempt to Professional level of
is evident or, if attempt to reference reference sources; reference sources; very referencing and
15 done, is sources; may be some inconsistencies and minor inconsistencies acknowledgment; no
inconsistent inconsistencies and technical errors in and technical errors in errors of style evident.
and technically technical errors in style. style. Few style. Thorough and Thorough and consistent
incorrect. No Reference list is inaccuracies in consistent reference reference list and all
or minimal generally complete with reference list and list and all references references listed.
reference list, 1 or 2 references all references listed. listed.
mixed styles. missing.

Marking Criteria Fail (0-49%) Pass (50- Credit Distinction (75- High
Content Poor introduction, body 64%)
Basic introduction, Good (65-74%) Very84%)
good Distinction
and conclusion. body introduction, introduction, (>85%)
40 Purpose is unclear. and conclusion. body Body and Body and
Main ideas unclear; Purpose made and conclusion. conclusion. conclusion.
structure of the main somewhat clear Purpose made Purpose made Purpose made
body incomplete. and partially clear and clear and very clear and
Conclusion/recommen achieved. Basic achieved. Good achieved. Very achieved.
dations are missing. and sound ideas; ideas: the good ideas: the Excellent
Thepresentationless structure of the structure of structure of the ideas: the
than8orgreater main body the main body main body is structure of
than17mins. somewhat is almost complete. the main body
Presentation Poor use of voice, Basic and sound
complete. Good use of
complete. Very good use of
Conclusion Excellent
is complete;
non- verbal use of voice,
Conclusion/ voice, non-
Conclusion voice, non-verbal
summarizes use of are
the ideas
20 communication and non-verbal
recommendations verbal summarizes communication
presentation; voice, non-
language by all team communication
are missing or communicati
presentation; and language.
recommendations verbal
members. No eye and language
irrelevant by
to the on and
recommendati Very
the communic
contacts. Full text was some of team
main ideas. language.
ons contact.
main ideas; ation
time and
read from slides or members.
PresentationSometime Adequate
relevant/derive Confident
suggest specific language.
13-15 mins.
notes. Nervousness eye
13-15mins. eye
the main presentationevid
actions. Excellent
indicatedlack ontact.Someevid Confident
ideas. ences practice;
Presentation time eye
ofpractice. ence of practice; presentation
Presentation very limited part
13-15mins. contact.
great part of the evidencepra
time of the text was Obviously
Kent Institute Australia Pty. Ltd. text was read ctice:
13 - 15only a
mins. read from slides well-
Assessment Brief from slides or small part
ABN 49 003 577 302 CRICOS Code: 00161E RTO Code: 90458 of or notes. rehearsed
Version 2: 18 March 2024 Page 5 of 6 notes. the text
TEQSA Provider Number: PRV12051 and
was read delivered.
from slides
Use ofVisual No visual aids used or Sound use of visual Good use of Very good use Excellent use
Aids visual aids were aids. visual aids. of visual of visual
20 poorly designed and adequate well designed aids; well aids that aided
did not aid to aid and aided designed and comprehension
comprehension. comprehe comprehensi aided . Appropriate
nsion. on. comprehension. amount of
Profession All team members Some of team Most of the All team All team
information on
alism 20 were in informal attire members were in team members members were in members
slides were
and style; did not informal attire and were in formal formal attire and in formal attire
conform to directions; style, somehow attire and style; style; most of well and style; well
disorganized. prepared and most of prepared. Almost prepared. All
unprepared; unfamiliar familiar with the adequately all team members team members
with the order of order of prepared and participated participated
information in slides. information in familiar with equally in equally in
slides. the order of presentation. presentation.
Not equal information in
participation by all slides.
team members. Not equal
participation by
all team

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Assessment Brief ABN 49 003 577 302 CRICOS Code: 00161E RTO Code: 90458
Version 2: 18 March 2024 Page 6 of 6 TEQSA Provider Number: PRV12051

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