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Trust Risk Register Report

30 July 2018

Agenda Item No: 11.1

Safe & Effective | Kind & Caring | Exceeding Expectation

The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust

Trust Board
Meeting Date: 30th July 2018

Title: Trust Risk Register

Executive Summary: Trust Risk Register Key Issues

0 new risks.
0 risks removed.
5 red risks:
2080 - Risk to quality of patient care: reduced manpower

4661 - Lack of robust system for review and communication

of test results (MD)

4472 - Delays in Cubicle Assessment and Triage (COO).

4113 - Division 1 failure to achieve CIP target (COO)
4903 - Risk of non-compliance with Thoracic Service
Specification (COO)
Action Requested: To inform the Committee of updates to the Trust Risk

Report of: Chief Nursing Officer

Author: Governance IM&T Lead

Contact Details:
Tel: 01902 695114 Email:

Resource None identified


Public or Private: Public Session

(with reasons if private)

(eg from/to other committees)

Background Reading

NHS Constitution: In determining this matter, the Board should have regard to
(How it impacts on any the Core principles contained in the Constitution of:
Equality of treatment and access to services
High standards of excellence and professionalism
Service user preferences
Cross community working
Best Value
Accountability through local influence and scrutiny

Background Details

Trust Risk Register – Updates (Appendix A)

Following updates the split of the Trust Risk Register is:

Risks currently being managed (on-going) 33

Risks managed to target level 0

There are currently 33 risks contained within the Trust Register which are
distributed across the Trust’s (5x5) categorisation matrix as below:

1 2 3 4 5
Likelihood Low High
5 – Almost 1 risk
4 – Likely 13 risks 2 risks 2 risks

3 – Possible 7 risks 7 risks

2 – Unlikely 1 risk

1 – Rare

Utilising the Trust’s categorisation matrix (risk plot above) as a way of

pragmatically prioritising the Trust’s risks, the following are considered to be of
high risk to the Trust:

ID Risk Title Lead

2080 Risk to quality of patient care: reduced manpower COO

Lack of robust system for review and communication of test

4661 MD

4113 Division 1 failure to achieve CIP target COO

4472 Delays in Cubicle Assessment and Triage COO

4903 Risk of non-compliance with Thoracic Service Specification COO

The following illustrates how risks on the TRR are mapped against the strategic
Strategic Objective TRR
1) Be in the top 25% for key
performance measures
2) Proactively seek opportunities to
develop our services
3) To have an effective & well
integrated health and care system that 5
operates efficiently
4) Maintain financial health -
appropriate investment enhancement 2 3
to patient services
5) Attract, retain & develop our staff &
1 3 1
improve employee engagement
6) Create a culture of compassion,
2 16
safety & quality

 The Board considers the report and any changes with the Board Assurance
Framework and Trust Risk Register.

Appendix A: Tracking changes within Trust Risk Register (July 2018)

Lead Risk Risk Title Field updated Update made

Chief 4113 Inability to achieve
Operating CIP
Gap in Assurance - This year the theatre efficiency
New programmed has achieved - PID value to
be validated
4706 Infrastructure/enviro
nment in Nucleus
Positive Assurance – Theatre 5 is now fully refurbished
Gap in Assurance - 12/07/18 since 10/03/18 - 4x incidents of
New Brown Fluid coming from ceilings in A15
last one 05/07, 1 of the temperature
controls failing in Theatre1 (09/07) and 4 of
flies in theatres 1 and 2 (13 x flies) last
incident of flies was 01/06/18 - Incident
report has been attached to this risk
Action Plan - New Reconfiguration of the Reception Storage
being planned by the Estates Dept
4596 QS104 - Gallstone
Positive Assurance – One dedicated hot gallbladder slot on
New theatre list available x3 per week
Action Plan - New Advert out for substantive 3rd Upper GI
4599 Emergency
Positive Controls – Band 7s to pick up incidents so
New Governance lead can focus on true
Positive Assurance – Number of SUI’s and SUI actions is
New reducing
Positive Assurance – Band 7s are closing down Pressure Injury
New incidents allowing Governance lead to
focus on true incidents.
Positive Assurance – When Governance lead is on leave GO to
New review attendance with management trio
Positive Assurance – Substantive consultant establishment
New increased to 5 Paeds and 11 adult
Gap in Assurance - Prehistoric incidents need reviewing (July
New 18)
Action Plan - New Governance lead to review and close
historic incidents by Aug 18
4161 Shortage of
Qualified Nurses
across the Division
Positive Assurance – Children & Neonates Open Day was
New successful, recruited 18 nurses
Action Plan - New Pending Business Case being developed
for overseas nurse recruitment
4375 NX87 Heart Centre
- Fire SafetyF
Action Plan - New The Trust has been awarded funding from
NHSI (PDC) of approximately £1.195m.
Planning to undertake phase 1 asap
(courtyards). Refer to 4 stage plan
attached in documents

4411 NX08/NX09 McHale
Building - Fire
Positive Assurance – Fire Stopping has taken place within the
New Tugway .
Action Plan - New Risk profile to be reviewed following
installation of CCTV within the Tugway.
3069 Risk of Never
Events within
Division 1: Risks to
Action Plan - New Division 1 Management team Never Event
Patient Safety and
Action Plan in place
Trust reputation
4529 Vacancies in
Medical Staffing
Positive Assurance – Representative still attending these
New meetings
Positive Assurance – To be picked up as part of the Medical
New Workforce Group, chaired by Trust Medical
Director - date of 1st meeting: 12/07/2018
Positive Assurance – Recruitment in progress: Appointed x 2
New Colorectal Surgeons, interviewing for
Locum Consultant CT Anaesthetics and a
Consultant in Chronic Pain
4665 X-Ray Cannock

Positive Assurance – Equipment replacement confirmed on

New capital replacement programme 18-19
2080 Risk to quality of
patient care:
reduced manpower
Action Plan - New Review VCP process

Action Plan - New Paper for nursing clinical fellows to be

presented to TMC in July 2018
4565 Delivery of Agency
Gap in Assurance - Orthotist and 2 x Cardiac Investigations
New HCP in place
Gap in Assurance - Some clerical agency remains to support
New projects
4528 Incomplete Health
Records on Clinical
Web Portal
Gap in Assurance - No continuous Datix incidents (Jul 18)
4472 Delays in Cubicle
Assessment and
Positive Assurance – Metric developed re initial assessments
Action Plan - New DR and WW to review final version of
escalation tool before it goes live (Aug 18)
Action Plan - New Business case for new cubicles is
approved and plans are currently being
drawn up by the design team and architect
(Nov 18)

The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust 5 10 15 20 25
4 8 12 16 20
Trust Risk Register 3 6 9 12 15
2 4 6 8 10
July-2018 1 2 3 4 5

Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Risk Lead ID Principal Risk Controls Positive Assurances Gaps in Assurance/Control Action Plan that addresses Gaps in Residual
Control Risk Level

Risks Currently Being Managed

Trust Objective: To have an effective & well integrated health and care system th
Chief 2719 Lack of real time bed 3 x 3 = 9 1) Monitoring of PAS 1) All requests for beds 1) Patients still entered Text22:
1) Communication plan to Feb-18 2 x 3 = 6 Jul-18 Yes
Operating management and AMBER update / use (monthly) via patient flow team retrospectively on PAS, remind staff to ensure timely YELLOW
Officer retrospective admissions on (Nov 14) (July 15) especially after and appropriate admission
PAS can have a significant weekends. onto PAS and other Trust
impact on electronic testing 3) Implementation of 1) real time bed Clinical systems
and potentially e-discharge safehands bed management improving 1) System bugs in
management (Apr 15) mon-fri safehands causing Text22:
Business Case for additional May-18
systems leading to a
delays to bed allocation - Ward Clerks.
potential impact on patient 4) Additional support 5) Improvement in
care/safety. closed
from Teletracking to dashboard metrics
optimise use of real time
Date of origin: 23/05/11 system -(Jan 16) 3) Use of Safehands, real
time bed management
Date of escalation = 5) Establishment of task system from September
24/05/11 and finish groups to 16 (paperless).
manage and improve.
Compliance to real time
bed allocation (Aug 16)
2) Ward clerk review
completed. Pilot for
weekend working
commences Feb 18.

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 1 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Chief 4596 If a patient with acute 4 x 3 = 1. CEPOD list to deal 1. (05.07.18) One 1. (05.07.18) Patients are Text22:
1. (09.04.18) Secure an Dec-18 2 x 2 = 4 Jul-18 Yes
Operating cholecystitis does not have 12 with these cases (Aug dedicated hot gallbladder presenting with acute hot gallbladder list - YELLOW
Officer cholecystectomy within 1 AMBER 2016) slot on theatre list complications of Radiography support agreed
week (as recommended by available x3 per week gallstones week commencing 12/02/18.
NICE QS104) and a patient 2. (27.02.18) SLA with UGI Consultant to discuss
with acute gallstone Stoke reversed to bring 1. (05.07.18) Local audit pathway with Anaesthetist.
pancreatitis is does not additional resources from showing recurrent Clinical Director to draft SOP
have cholecystectomy current RWT Consultant admissions for discussion / agreement
within 2 weeks (as and buy service from within Directorate.
recommended by NCEPOD Stoke
1. (05.07.18) Advert put out Aug-18
in Treat the Cause) the
for substantive 3rd Upper GI
patient is at increased risk
of recurrent admissions with
complications of gallstones, Text22:
1. (09.04.18) Further Dec-18
potentially serious morbidity discussions to take place re:
and an increased risk of UGI pathway with
mortality. Gastroenterology re Acute
Pancreatitis patients
Date of origin: 09/08/16
1. (05.07.18) Directorate to Jul-18
Date of escalation = formulate business case for a
06/02/17 4th Upper GI Surgeon.

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 2 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Chief 4599 If there are staffing issues 4 x 3 = 1) Matron has set up a 5) Governance meetings 3) Significant number of Text22:
8) Workforce plan in progress Sep-18 2 x 3 = 6 Jul-18 Yes
Operating within the Emergency Dept, 12 group to ensure all taking place regularly SUI actions for middle grades YELLOW
Officer especially substantive AMBER nursing actions are [04/07/18] overdue/dates amended
13) Governance lead to Aug-18
shortages within the addressed and learning [04/07/18]
9) Pre Governance review and close historic
Medical team, along with is shared across the
meetings now 2) Number of External incidents
increased numbers of team (22/08/16)
patients attending, leading established and working Reviews that remain
to significant pressure on 2) Review of Governance well to review SUI actions outstanding [04/07/18]
the staff within ED. This will work streams at the and risks [06/06/18]
Divisional Governance 3) Actions are taking a
lead to an inability to 3) Number of SUI and considerable amount of
engage fully with meetings, incuding NICE,
External guidance, Audit, SUI actions is reducing time to implement/ close
Governance processes. [04/07/18] [04/07/18]
This will result in potential Risk (22/08/16)
compromised patient care, 3) Monitoring of all 4) substantive consultant 9) Difficulties in reviewing
inability to provide SUI/Audit actions through establishment to 5 Paeds whole agenda at pre
assurance in relation to the to completion (22/08/16) and 11 adult (9/7/18) meet due to the volume
Governance agenda and of outstanding SUI
financial penalties as a 4) Performance meetings 1) Bd7 nursing forums actions/ number of RCAs
result of missed targets re in place (22/08/16) taking place regularly and to be reviewed and
RCA's and DoC. working well [04/07/18] signed off [04/07/18]
5) Directorate
Governance meeting in 3) Action plan now 7) No process in place
Date of origin: Aug 16 reviewed in Divisional
place and attended by within ED other than GO
Directorate Management Friday morning meeting supporting, to ensure re-
Date of escalation: Mar 17 [04/07/18]
Team (22/08/16) attenders report is
3) Local audit of SUI reviewed in the absence
6) Staff member of governance lead
identified to provide actions is showing good
compliance, with [04/07/18]
Governance support 2
days per week (22/08/16) exception of Discharge 3) Local audit of SUI
checklist [04/07/18] actions is showing poor
7) Process in place to compliance with
review re-attendances for 3) HOT reporting of
radiological results in Discharge checklist
potential SUI's [04/07/18]
proactively (22/08/16) place [04/07/18]
8) links to recruitment 3,4) SUI actions reviewed
8) Ongoing recruitment once a month based on
[07/09/17] risks 2374 (medics) and
4496 (nursing) [04/07/18] avalability of CL
9) Governance pre meets [04/07/18]
in place (14/11/16) 3,4) SUI actions saved
on w drive for easier 13) Prehistoric incidents
10) Incident reporting and access to all [04/07/18] need reviewing [04/07/18]
governance covered as
part of junior doctors 3) Number of overdue
induction [04/12/17] SUI actions has reduced
11) Date of governance
meeting has been 8) 2 ACP trainee in place
amended to enable [04/07/18]
attendance by wider
team [04/12/17]

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 3 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
13) Band 7s to pick up 13) Band 7s are closing
incidents so Governance down Pressure Injury
lead can focus on true incidents allowing
incidents [04/07/18] Governance lead to focus
on true incidents.
7) When Governance
lead is on leave GO to
review reattendance with
management trio

Chief 4761 If we are unable to fill our 3 x 4 = 2. Anaesthetics - Agreed 1-3 No incidents have 1 & 2. Anaesthetics - 2 Text22:
1.Recruit to vacant posts- Aug-18 2 x 3 = 6 Jul-18
Operating vacancies and obtain visas 12 we can recruit 2 training occurred to date (25 June vacancy remains, 1x Surgical and Anaesthetics YELLOW
Officer in JMS anaesthetics and AMBER ACCPs (4.4.18) 18) agency locum covering
2. Training of ACCP's Aug-18
JMS Cardiothoracic Surgery 17/6/18 (25 June 18)
we will be unable to provide 1. Job Vacancies are 1-3 Recruited to Surgical Text22:
3 Locum Cover - Surgery Aug-18
a comprehensive cardiac being advertised in BMJ post (2x vacancies 1 & 3. Surgery - 2
and anaesthetic service. As as well as on NHS Jobs. remain) (25 June 18) vacancies remain and
of 19 April 2018 we will (09.17) utilising agency to cover
1-3 Anaesthetic 3x (25 June 18)
have 4 empty posts in JMS 3. Surgery - 2 agency vacancies, one of which
Surgery and 2 for locums in place. (4.4.18) will be covered by 2. It takes two years to
anaesthetics. Implications Agency Locum (25 June train ACCP's (25 June 18)
are -we will be unable to 18)
provide an assistant for
elective planned surgery
and cover OOH
emergencies in theatre and
in ITU with 4 vacancies.
Two agency locums for
JMS surgery are being used.

Date of origin: May 17

Date of escalation: May 18

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 4 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Chief 4862 Currently, there is an 4 x 3 = 1) Neonatal and Obstetric 4) Equipment available 1,2) Incident reports have Text22:
1-5) Recruitment to circa 20 Sep-18 3 x 2 = 6 Jul-18
Operating increase in demand for 12 teams working together for loan from other Trustsbeen received concerning WTE once business case YELLOW
Officer neonatal cots at Levels 1, 2, AMBER to plan and prioritise (01/05/2018) lack of staff and has been agreed
3, which exceeds agreed planned cases according equipment.(01/05/2018)
1) Obstetric and Neonatal Text22:
Risk to be amalgamated with May-18
commissioned activity and to clinical need
teams planning ahead 4) Availability of spare 4962
funded nursing (15/09/2017)
establishment. If funding and agreeing delivery equipment from other
and service commissioning 2) Liaising with times (01/05/2018) Trusts not guaranteed
is not increased to meet neighbouring Trust to due to their own
initiate intrauterine 1-5) This is now part of pressures. (01/05/2018)
BAPM standards, then this the overall NNU staffing
will lead to delays in transfers from RWT
when clinically safe business case. The mix 2) Neighbouring Trusts
delivering high risk ladies, of levels 1,2 and 3 cots cannot always
transfer intrauterine cases (15/09/2017)
have been changed and accommodate babies at
and repatriation of RWT 3) Additional staffing the figures in this request due to their own
babies resulting in the sought through Trust business case now are pressures (01/05/2018)
potential for an adverse bank and current reflective of this
outcome for mother and/ or workforce (15/09/2017) (01.05.18) 3) Additional staffing
baby leading to increase in cannot always be found
legal cases as a result of 4) Loan of essential leading to increase in
harm. equipment from Trust stress of those working.
within the network (01/05/2018)
Date of origin: Sep 17 (15/09/2017)
3) There are number of
Date of escalation: Oct 17 5) Actions incidents relating to staff
implemented/lessons and over capacity on
learnt from RCA monthly basis.
2017/10549 (175503) - (01/05/2018)
Transfer the most stable
babies out where 4) There are ongoing
possible to reduce risk of incidents relating to the
an emergency enroute lack of clinical equipment
(Oct 17) to support activity, i.e.,
machines providing
Business Case for ventilation support
additional staff to TMC (01/05/2018)
April 18
3) 88 patients were
refused admission for
various reasons.

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 5 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Trust Objective: Maintain financial health - appropriate investment enhancement
Chief 4113 If Division 1 are unable to 4 x 5 = 3. Vacancy control panel 2, 3 & 4. Structure in 2 & 3. Unidentified CIP Text22:
1-9) Continue with process to Aug-18 2 x 3 = 6 Jul-18 Yes
Operating achieve the identified CIP 20 RED in place (Oct 2015) and place to discuss and still remains (May 18). identify and deliver YELLOW
Officer target for 2018/2019 then higher restrictions being identify opportunities to efficiencies
there are implications for applied (Jan 17) create efficiencies and 6. This year the theatre
efficiency programmed Text22:
2) Review of year to date Aug-18
the financial position of the business growth (Oct 17)
2. Financial Forecasting has achieved - PID value underspends with a view to
meetings now include 3. VCP meetings held to be validated (June 18) take non-recurrent to CIP
Linked to BAF risk SR8. Confirm & Challenge CIP weekly and posts go Text22:
1) Divisional Management Aug-18
so that there is a through this process (Oct Team to meet with CDs
Date of origin: 07/04/15 consistent approach to 17) collectively to discuss
Directorate financial growing the business,
position/challenge (Sept 5. If there is a risk that
Date of escalation = impacts on a team's increasing utilisation of
09/10/15 & June 16 17) theatres and OPD
ability to deliver their CIP
1. Increased PMO schemes then the Text22:
1-9) Trust commencing roll- Aug-18
resources to support member of Service Re- out of Clinical Excellence
delivery of the Trusts deisgn Team would be Programme to cover Carter,
efficiency programme available to support as GIRFT and Model Hospital,
(June 16) and when required at the led by Deputy Medical
Quality Meetings. (Oct 17) Director
4. Monitored by the
Financial Recovery Board 1-9. Against an annual
(FRB) (Oct 2017) CIP target of £9.9m,
£591k has been achieved
5. Member of Service Re- of which £363k is
design Team aligned to recurrent. In month the
Division 1 Programme to variance is £218k
provide structure and adverse to the financial
targeted support to target. The Division
operational teams in their achieved £276k (full year
delivery of CIP effect) in month (June 18)
6. Operating Theatre
Efficiency Group (OTEG)
set-up and running for 12
months. Each Directorate
has 'Local' sub-groups
(Sept 17)
7. All agency requests
above £120 P.H to be
approved by COO/CEO
8. Division involved in
Financial Recovery Board
chaired by CEO (Nov
9. PIDs are forthcoming
to the Finance team (Nov

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 6 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Chief 4794 The 2016/17 year end 3 x 3 = 9 2) Escalate as necessary 1) Currently arbitration Text22:
1) Issue was raised at the 3x3=9 May-18 Yes
Financial invoice for £4.8m is not paid AMBER (June 17) process has stopped quarterly review meeting with AMBER
Officer and the debt has to be (Sept 17) NHS Improvement on 13 July
written off. 1) Continue to follow up 2017. Directors of both
on debt (June 17) organisations were present
Date of origin: Mar 2017 and it was agreed that NHS
Improvement would now
Date of escalation: 19th Jun escalate further for a
2017 conclusion. (Sept 17)
2) NHS I informed Trust at
IDM 31 Aug that the debt was
now being escalated out of
region for conclusion (Sept
4) NHS I confirmed at Jan-18
telephone conference on 19
Jan 2018 that the issue was
being put on the arbitration
list for national escalation
with NHS England (Jan 18)
Trust contacted NHS I in
writing on 14th Feb
requesting an update but no
response received yet (Feb
4) Trust made verbal contact
with NHS Improvement
Regional Director of Finance
on 8 March and assured that
arbitration process was still
being pursued with NHS
Trust maintained position in
its 2017/18 accounts. NHSI
confirmed that the arbitration
case will be pursued after the
accounts closure.

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 7 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Chief 4903 If the Directorate are unable 4 x 5 = 1.Trust have requested 1-3 ANP has been 1. Awaiting decision of 1x5=5 Jul-18
Operating to meet the new NHSE 20 RED that NHSE reconsider recruited and will NHSE (25 June 18) YELLOW
Officer service specification for codes used to determine commence in post 2nd
thoracic work then thoracic number of eligible July 2018 (25 June 18)
work will no longer be resections . (Nov 17)
commissioned at this Trust 4. Business case for 1
from April 2019. This will 2. 13/12/17 Medical additional consultant has
result in a loss of income Director held discussions been agreed at TMC and
circa £2,000,000 of income with Walsall Manor interviews to be held in
for the Trust per year. Hospital to increase April 2018 (25 June 18)
referral cases to RWT
(Jan 18) 4. Business case for 1
Date of origin: 16th Nov additional band 7 ANP
2017 3. Frozen section has been agreed and
samples to be staff have been recruited.
Date of escalation: 18th communicated from lab (25 June 18)
Dec 2017 to theatres within one
hour (Jan 2018) 4. Locum surgeon has
been recruited to cover 1
4. Recruitment strategy in post from 17th June 2018
place (April 2018) (25 June 18)

Chief 4955 The Trust is expecting the 3x3=9 Ongoing dialogue and The Trust needs to Text22:
Further detailed written 3x3=9 May-18
Financial return of AMBER planning assumption provide sufficient submission required to the AMBER
Officer MRET/Readmissions/Fines from Wton CCG of intent evidence to the CCG's CCG.
monies from to pay. satisfaction for the
Constructive dialogue
Wolverhampton CCG payment to be made.
between Deputy CFOs and
(worth £1.7m) for the
agreement on the process for
2018/19 year end but has
yet to secure payment.
Readmissions/Fines and
payment of monies for
Date of origin: 20th Feb
stranded costs. MRET return
is subject to agreement from
Economy wide Emergency
Date of escalation: 20th
Services Board.
Feb 2018
Further dialogue has taken
place with Wolverhampton
CCG as to risk share
agreement using the
Staffordshire format. The
Trust is considering its
response based on the
counter offer from
Wolverhampton CCG 21/5.

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 8 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Chief 5017 The Trust has followed 3x3=9 Ongoing Discussion with Some specialties are Text22:
Further refine capacity and x = May-18
Financial national instructions on AMBER Divisions/Groups/Director challenged due to demand issues
Officer activity growth instructions ates on activity level manpower shortages.
Detailed activity levels and a
and secured commissioner plans for 2018/19
capacity plan has been
monies to this effect. The
shared. Directorates/Groups
risk is that the Trust is
actively considering whether
unable to achieve the
further capacity is required.
activity levels and therefore
income target due to
incorrect modelling
challenges (referral
patterns, staffing, etc).

Date of origin: 24th April


Date of escalation: 24th

April 2018

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 9 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Trust Objective: Attract, retain & develop our staff & improve employee engagemen
Chief 1713 Failure to effectively 4 x 3 = 2) Areas to be contained 1) Job Planning Audit 1) Sign off of all job plans Text22:
1) Develop business case for Jul-18 3 x 2 = 6 Jul-18 Yes
Operating maximise workforce 12 with SPA allocation have indicated a number of not complete (July 2018) recording electronic tool to YELLOW
Officer productivity; failure to AMBER been agreed actions now addressed assist with job planning.
routinely review consultant 1) Audit review still raised
4) Usage reports for 1) Training commenced concerns - closed Dec 17 Text22:
1) Internal audit to review Mar-18
job plans.
medical bank - Dec 17 on new job planning progress made on job
process - Feb 16 planning (Jan-Mar 2018)
Date of origin: 03/06/08 3) RAG rated tool to
monitor compliance 4) Medical agency costs Text22:
5) Further update to Audit Sep-18
Date of escalation = against Job Plans has reducing Dec 17. Committee in progress.
11/05/11 been developed and now
shared with directorates 1) Increase in number of
Sept 17. 'signed off' job plans
October 2017 + April 2018
1) Job plans continue to
be reviewed and sign off
by DMD / MD- sign off
committee established
1) New Job Planning
Policy agreed by LNC
Mar 17
5) Job Planning updates
to be presented to clinical
excellence group (Jan 18)
6) Job Planning
Consistency Panel
established 18/19 (May
18 first one).

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 10 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Chief 2080 If the Trust is unable to 5 x 4 = 1) Ongoing active 8) HCA's are available 1) 84.45 wte trained Text22:
1) Nursing strategy in Aug-18 4x3= Jul-18 Yes
Operating recruit and retain sufficient 20 RED recruitment exercises - via Bank (Jul 18) nursing vacancies development - outline draft 12
Officer nursing staff across the including overseas (Jul remain, 63.56 roles produced
Division then there will be 2018) 3) Safe staffing levels are offered, but not in post
being maintained across Text22:
1) continue with proactive Aug-18
reduced quality of care for (Jul 18)
8) Use of Nurse Bank acute wards (Jul 18) recruitment approach
patients, including
increased risk of falls from when required (Jan 16) 8) Insufficient RN's Text22:
1) Paper for nursing clinical Jul-18
3) All B7s trustwide filling available on Bank,
harm. 3) Defined minimum safe OOH rota first, then fellows to be presented to
(Linked to local risks 2780 backfilled by HCA (Jul TMC in July 2018
staffing levels now in managing in-hours gaps, 18)
CHU, 4164 Renal, 4272 place revised October including putting Text22:
1,8) review VCP process
Therapy Svs, 4321 DN's, 2017 themselves in if 1) Nationallly we are an
3431 CofE) necessary (Jul 18) outlier re safe staffing
5) Modified dependency levels (Jul 18)
Date of origin: 02/01/09 tool for inpatient areas 1) Proactive recruitment
commenced (Jan 16) approach continuing (Jul 1) Recruited staff are
Date of escalation = 18) newly qualified which can
12/01/16 9) Staffing incidents lead to mentorship and
reviewed on monthly 1) Fill rates have been training pressures (Jul
On BAF basis (Jan 16) reviewed and weekly 18)
eroster meetings now
10) Closed Ward 3 at taking place with Director 1) 41 HCA vacancies
West Park Hospital (June of Nursing (Jul 18) remain, 5 places offered
16) (Jul 18)
1-10) Monthly workforce
4) Closed ward B7 (June group introduced to
2017) review nurse recruitment
and retention (Jul 18)
1) Electronic VCP
process introduced for Bd
2 and 5 substantive direct
role replacement (Jul 18)
1) Proposal to increase
number of student nurses
per intake from 70 to 100

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 11 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Chief 4529 If there are vacancies in 4 x 3 = 2. Review of Obs & 1-5) Some reduction in 1-5) Number of Text22:
1-4. Continue with Fellowship Sep-18 2 x 2 = 4 Jul-18 Yes
Operating consultant or non- 12 Gynae rota's underway medical spend (Sept 17) vacancies remain across Programme YELLOW
Officer consultant medical staff AMBER as a result of increased the Division including
1-5) Medical workforce Text22:
1. Continue campaign with Sep-18
across the Division, this will activity (Sept 2017) within Anaesthetics and
vacancy rate 11.53, regular adverts
compromise the provision Head & Neck (Sept 2017)
of a safe, effective elective 3. Baseline resourcing majority of these are Text22:
1-5. Developing roles to Sep-18
service and to the safe meetings held to review training grades (July 18) 1-5) Locum expenditure support medical rota (ANPs
staffing of on-call rotas. In vacancies and increased month on and ACCPs)
expenditure, identify 4) Representative still month Oct/Nov/Dec 17
that circumstance there attending these meetings
recruitment opportunities but still significantly Text22:
6. Review of CVs by Sep-18
may be a need to try to (July 18)
within Directorates decreased overall (Dec Clinician's Connected to fill
employ locum medical staff
explore alternative 3) To be picked up as 17) Consultant vacancies
with the potential problems
of high cost and uncertain solutions including future part of the Medical
quality. workforce planning and Workforce Group,
forecasting (Sept 17) chaired by Trust Medical
Please note: Risk 4239 4. Trust is part of West Director - date of 1st
(Obs & Gynae), Risk 4467 Mid's Project to reduce meeting: 12/07/2018
(Cardio) staffing risks have Locum Agency use and (July 18)
been linked to this Pay (Dec 2017)
overarching Divisional 1) Recruitment in
medical staffing risk. 5. Trust part of Junior progress: Appointed x 2
Doctors in-training Colorectal Surgeons,
Date of origin: 23/04/16 streamlining group (Dec interviewing for Locum
2017) Consultant CT
Date of escalation = Anaesthetics and a
17/05/16 1. Recuitment in place Consultant in Chronic
(Dec 17) Pain
6. Membership to
Clinician's Connected
(June 18)

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 12 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Chief 4718 If there is a shortage of staff 2 x 2 = 4 1) Regular review of staff 1) 4 of 4 posts have been 1), 2) & 4) Certain Text22:
1) to 8) To continue to Jul-18 1 x 2 = 2 Jun-18 Yes
Nursing in the safeguarding team YELLOW available to work (Jan recruited. (1x start meetings are not always regularly contact the chair of GREEN
Officer this will result in: 2017) 20/11/17, 1x start 4/12/17 attended or represented the groups and review urgent
and 1x start in Sept (June 2018) actions post meetings.
1. Delays in providing 2) Tasks/Meetings are 2018) (June 2018)
prioritised (Jan 2017) 5) Safeguarding Text22:
1) to 8) SG Adult training Jul-18
safeguarding advice and
3) Quality of information supervision is available to delivery to be reviewed
responding to queries 3) MASH information for
raised by staff and required by MASH has certain staff only due to Text22:
5) Review Safeguarding Jul-18
adult cases allocated been addressed by staffing shortages in
concerns raised via Multi directly to SG adult supervision protocol
Agency Safeguarding Hub response to the review Maternity Services.
named professonals (includes introduction of Overall compliance is Text22:
1) & 4) To recruit named Nov-18
(MASH). (May 2018) RAG rating for approx. 75% in Maternity midwife to be in post
2.Inability to attend all
safeguarding meetings 4) Regular review of safeguarding enquiries (June 2018) Text22: Jul-18
1), 2) & 4) To prioritise and
either internally or externally safeguarding (June 2018) attend meetings
5) & 7) 1 to 1 adult
to the Trust legislation/CQC action 3) All cases are referred safeguarding maternity
3.Inability to work plans, CCG assurance Text22:
5) Additoonal named nurse Nov-18
(June 2018) supervision is not B7 to be recruited in post
proactively with staff on framework and provided by Safeguarding
wards/ in community to Safeguarding Board 8) No issues identified Team (this is currently Text22:
6) Review safeguarding Sep-18
ensure key safeguarding partnership programme (June 2018) provided by a nominated training programme
messages are disseminated to prioritise workload of midwife) (June 2018)
4.Inability to provide team. (Jan 2017) Text22:
1) & 4) Awaiting confirmation Jul-18
safeguarding supervision to 5) Scope of remaining of approval of business case
key staff who work with 5) Safeguarding RWT Safeguarding for Named Midwife post
vulnerable clients supervision provided to Children and Adult Text22:
9) Policy tabled to be Aug-18
5.Delay in providing face to Maternity staff, Health supervision requirements approved
face safeguarding adult and Visitor's, School Nurses unclear. (June 2018)
children training. and PFN (Jan 2018)
6.Delay in training staff on 6) Level 3 for adults is
6) Safeguarding training not provided to clinical
key agenda issues, for e.g. is available: Level 1 -
Child Sexual Exploitation, staff as outlined in key
Induction (face to face), legislation (June 2018)
Domestic Violence, Slavery, Level 2 - via e-learning,
FGM and PREVENT Level 3 - via face to face 4) CQC review of July
training. There is an for children (Jan 2017) 2016 identified the need
Inability to respond to to recruit a named
delivering Safeguarding 7) Safeguarding Children midwife (June 2018)
Adult Training as outlined in Team Leader in place
the Intercollegiate Doc for (December 2017) 1) Named Midwife not in
Adults 2016. post (June 2018)
8) Post safeguarding
Date of origin: 03/03/17 case support is provided 9) Safeguarding
as required (Nov 2017) Supervision Policy not
Date of escalation: 25/04/17 implemented (June 2018)
9) Supervision Policy
Draft 1 written (Mar 18)
10 ) Safeguarding Adults
Team Leader in place
(April 2018)

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 13 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Chief 4962 If the workforce 4 x 3 = 1. Workforce review plan 3. Offering attractive 1. Trust not currently Text22:
1. Work to be undertaken by Jul-18 2 x 2 = 4 Jul-18
Operating establishment on the 12 incentives to successful meeting current version Staffordshire, Shropshire and YELLOW
Officer Neonatal Unit is not being AMBER 2. Monitoring of staff candidates (01/05/2018) of BAPM standards Black Country Neonatal &
funded to meet British levels and skill mix daily (01/05/2018) Maternity Network
Association of Perinatal with escalation and 2. 102% occupancy in Q2 (SSBCNMN) in regard to
Mortality (BAPM) standards capacity plan. in Intensive care 2. Sickness absence - skillmix / workforce profiles
resulting in inadequate (01/05/2018) predominantly affected
3. Proactive recruitment by long term sickness Text22:
3. Recruitment to Band 7, 6, Jun-18
staffing levels from
of qualified and and creeping short term 5 and 3 vacancies in a timely
vacancies, maternity leave
unqualified staff to the sickness absence levels manner
and sickness absence then
Neonatal Unit (01/05/2018)
there is potentially a risk to Text22:
4. Explore further rotational Jul-18
the quality and safety of 4. Development of and 5. Inability to repatriate posts between neonatal unit
care provision for these recruitment to rotational babies when they reduce and Birmingham Children's
babies. posts between Neonatal to level 2 care needs due Hospital
Unit, A21, Transitional to lack of cots in level 2 Text22:
3. Secure additional Jul-18
Date of origin: Feb 18 Care and external trusts' LNU units (01/05/2018) recruitment support from
within the Network Head of HR Shared
Date of escalation: Feb 18 3. Insufficient suitable
5. On-going recruitment applicants (01/05/2018) Services - to develop a
drive by tertiary children's medium / long term
hospital and local LNU 8. Some successful recruitment plan for children's
assignments, but services
6. Robust preceptorship unreliable source
programme for new Text22:
4. Identify rotation Jul-18
starters to include opportunities internally and
commencement on externally via Network, local
foundation course within hospitals and tertiary centre.
first 6 month period to Text22:
3+4 Develop a recruitment Jul-18
encourage retention and retention plan for
Neonatal Unit specifically
7. Proactive sickness
absence management
8. Use of available
neonatal nurses
registered on Trust nurse

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 14 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Trust Objective: Create a culture of compassion, safety & quality
Chief O4 Cause: There is a risk of 4 x 3 = 1) Mattresses are 2) Accountability 2) Lack of regular Text22:
1.6-8) Contracting Team May-18 1 x 3 = 3 Jul-18
Nursing 2952 some patients developing a 12 supplied and maintained pressure injury process assurance data from ILS tendering for new community GREEN
Officer pressure ulcer/s due to AMBER by CERL in Hospitals. reviewed, October 17 & on order to delivery times equipment service - including
delays in the ordering of Independant Living January 18 July 18) July 18 special orders
equipment, poor Service for community
1) Suitable trolley 2) RWT is not resourced Text22:
1) Contracting looking at Aug-18
information and instruction patients with foam and
mattresses in use for to follow processes for solutions to RWT funding for
due to significant service alternative systems July
A&E July18 specialist equipment ordering specialist equipment
under-performance. CCG 18
proposing monthly contract request/order -July 18
2) Community services 3) West Park, CCH and
renewal from June 18. New Cross supplied with 1) TOTO business case
can access surface
selection guide for Hybrid Mattresses - not agreed in April 17
Impact: This may lead to July18 (July 18)
patient harm. mattress selection based
on risk and holistic needs 2)CCG Contracting 1) High demans on
Date of origin: 10.05.2012 July 18 Team/souial services are mattresses from ILS, no
2) A £55,000 budget for leading the tender assurance on timely
Date of escalation 19/03/18 the out-of-hours pressure process for community delivery July 18
relieving mattress service equipment including th
Date of expected closure TV Team - July 18 1) Delays in delivering
in Community until equipment from ILS July
01/09/18 October 17 July18) 1) Process in place for 18
2) SLA in place with wards to monitor integrity
Independent Living of hybrid mattress July 18
Service and monitored
(July 18)
2) ILS service community
equipment supplied by
them on return (July 18)
2) Special Order
Requests for TOTOs,
double/unusual sized
mattressess, special
pressure relief aids are
requested via individual
funding requests - either
approved or rejected by
CCG July 18
1) Process in place to
reassess patients on
Symmetrikit Chairs (OT
posture managment
Chairs) July18
3) Notice of concern
issued to current provider
(July 18)

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 15 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Chief 3069 If a Never Event occurs 3 x 4 = 5. Monitoring and 10. Human Factors has 4. There have been 3 x Text22:
1-11. All theatre staff to Sep-18 2 x 4 = 8 Jul-18 Yes
Operating within the Division this may 12 circulation of incident been identified as a trend Never Event incidents 2 x undertake Human Factors AMBER
Officer result in an adverse AMBER notification reports to all (Jan 2018) Wrong Site Surgery and Training from AFPP
outcome, there is potential senior staff for review 1 x Retained foreign
6. Lessons Learnt Text22:
2. Programme of Human Jul-18
for severe harm and/or object) reported and
6. Trustwide learning via included within IGR Factors Training for Theatre
patient death and also investigated during 2015
a "Lessons Learned" Lesson Learnt page and Staff under-development
reputational impact
including increased external sheet in the monthly IGR, circulated across the 4. 5 x NE in 16/17 Text22:
1-11. Staff continue to Sep-18
monitoring Risky Business Directorates. Risky reported to CCG - 1. undertake PCM training
Newsletter and the CLIP Business newsletter Maternity NE (retained
Group. contained lesson learnt tampon) reported (Datix Text22:
12. Directorates to continue Sep-18
Date of origin: 19/07/12
from incident. Quarterly ID: 158830), 2. Radiology to audit LoCSIPS, presenting
8. Regular scrutiny of reporting to CLIP Group NE (wrong ankle injected) at the Divisional Governance
Date of escalation = Directorate risk registers continues (Oct 17) reported (Datix 165455), Meeting ahead of QSIG
17/11/15 and minutes of 3. Opthalmology (wrong presentation
Directorate governance 11. Staff supported to eye injected) reported
meetings at the Quality undertake PCM training Text22:
12. Review/Gap analysis of Sep-18
(Datix 166680) 4. LoCSIPS with AFFP
Meetings in Maternity & T&O (Dec Theatres (retained
17) foreign object) reported Text22:
6. RCA Investigation to be Jul-18
2. Review completed of
all documentation and 12. Audit of LocSSIPs (Datix ID: 169339) 5. undertaken into the NE
Theatre are being presented to Theatres/T&O Cannock Wrong Site Surgery (Wrong
protocols/procedures Division before (wrong prosthesis) tooth) Datix:194977
amalgamating where presentation at QSIG reported (Datix ID:
1-8 Further to CCG meeting,
possible (June 2018) 174038) occured Mar
await work to be commenced
by AfPP and the CQC
1. Perioperative care 3. Monthly monitoring
4. 5 x NE incidents National review of NE with
plans are in place across data of compliance with
reporting in 17/18 RWT participation.
the Trust WHO checklist and
reported to CCG from Implement recommendations.
Procedural Safety
9. Agreed communication Checklist - 100% for full April 2017 Text22:
6. RCA Investigation to be Sep-18
strategy with Division 2 to completion in June 18 (175581,179911,181941,1 undertaken into the NE
share/raise awareness of (July 2018) 85875 186479) (Dec 17) Retained Foreign Object
never events and lessons (Retained Tampon)
learnt 1 - 8 Meeting between 4. 2018/2019 There has
been 4 x NEs reported Datix:197654
CCG and Trust (April 18)
3. Monitoring of Policy to provide assurance and since April 2018 - 2 x Text22:
6. RCA Investigation to be Sep-18
OP100 and monthly audit context regarding Wrong Site Surgery undertaken into the NE
of WHO Checklist for reported NEs was largely incidents (Neonates Datix Retained Foreign Object
agreed procedures. positive. Actions being 194205 and H&N Datix (Retained Swab)
Directorates providing taken by the Trust were 194977 - both in April Datix:197654
assurance of the recognised to be 2018). There has been
shortfalls in performance and 2 Retained Foreign Text22:
6. RCA Investigation to be Sep-18
proportionate and timely undertaken into the NE
at Directorate in response. (June 18) Object incidents
Governance Meetings (Theatres 197654 and Retained Foreign Object
and Quality Meetings. 3. Monthly monitoring Obstetrics 197996 - both (Retained Swab
and compliance with in June 2018) (July 2018) Datix:1976966
4. New NE Guidance WHO checklist use -
(published Jan 2018) Text22:
1-12 Division 1 Management Aug-18
There has been 100% team Never Event Action
being used for NE compliance achieved
classification Plan in place
during June 18 (July 18)

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 16 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
7. Policy for the
management of retained
swabs in place
10. New qualitative and
observational WHO
checklist being used in
Theatres (Oct 17)
11. Continue to support
the Sign up to Safety
campaign - T&O and
Maternity participation
(Oct 17)
12. LocSSIPs developed
by Directorates auditing
underway (Jan 2018)

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 17 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Chief 3644 Failure to make an 3 x 3 = 9 2) Monitor recruitment 4) Overseas recruitment 2) Sickness absence Text22:
5) Trust is taking part in the 2x2=4 May-18 Yes
Nursing improvement in compliance AMBER and retention via WODG has seen a further 4 needs to be driven down workforce collaborative led by YELLOW
Officer gaps with CQC standards. and Board monthly potential nurse to Trust average in all DOH (Lord Carters team) to
candidates from the ward areas. receive and share good
Date of origin: 14/01/14 3) Monitor monthly Philippines arrive Jan 18, practice
performance through the March OSCE is booked 3) Vacancy rates remain
nursing midwifery KPIs high in some areas Text22:
Collaborative working with
Date of escalation = for March 2018 - this will
for signs of deterioration CCG regarding
14/01/14 add to the current total of 3) Phase 1 skill mix information/education to care
4) Environmental 54 qualified Philippine review for Adult homes and carers regarding
Standards are monitored nurses currently in post. inpatients shows a deficit safeguarding requirements
via the environmental 5) Nursing and Midwifery for PI's
group monthly 4) Safer staffing fill rates
KPIs moved to Health remain transient Text22:
Action plans to be developed
6) Daily staffing is Assure reporting and particularly for nights to support National Maternity
monitored via the emailed out to ward and CYP survey outcomes
Divisional QSIG ops sisters/matrons and 9) Rising Mortality HSMR Feb 2017
meetings HoNs monthly. and SHMI rates are being
reported in National data Text22:
Opportunities for recruitment
5) Internal audit has 2) QRV process is now sets paths currently being explored
reviewed the CQC action embedded and refined,
plan in 2016 and self plan formulated for 10) Inpatient survey
assessment process in ongoing inspections 2018 results show an average
2017. CQC actions which score of 76.7 which is a
7) CQC insight report deterioration from 2015.
remain ongoing are shared with Divisions for
monitored via relevant Scoring is in the bottom
information, Dec 2018 20% on 11 questions.
Trust level groups e.g shows a slight decline in
recruitment & retention the safe domain,
and Medicines remaining domains
Management group remain stable
which are then reported
to the relevant sub board 7) Biannual skill mix
committee. review - slight
improvement in vacancy
8) Fundamental rates
standards are reviewed &
monitored by the 3) Lord Carter metrics
designated specialist monitored monthly via
groups and bi annually by Divisional Performance
the sponsor which then meetings
reports to COG.
Business case approved
9) HON/M monitor quality to support the first cohort
performance metrics on a of 10 Nurse Associate
monthly basis for trends Apprenticeship and 20
and themes, these are RN Apprenticeships to
further analysed via commence Sep/Oct 18

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 18 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Chief 4161 If there are reduced 4 x 3 = 1. Recruitment strategy in 1. Utilising bank where 5. Peak annual leave Text22:
1. Review SOP for enhanced Aug-18 2 x 2 = 4 Jul-18 Yes
Operating qualified nursing staffing 12 place possible and increasing seasons challenge to rates for ICCU staff YELLOW
Officer levels across the Division AMBER HCA cover as necessary cover bank shifts.
2. Developed a Text22:
1. Pilot 'Stay' Interviews Aug-18
then there is a risk to
programme for Band 7s 7. Safer escalation - 1. Trustwide position: within Paediatrics Directorate
patient safety and quality of
care. with a support Areas are amber or Philippines recuitment Text22:
1. Scoping with Division 2 Aug-18
programme wrapped green. No area has been successful but long lead and Corporate Services re:
Please note: Risk 4553 around to assist with red. in time for staff to arrive recruitment events for the
(Children Services's) attrition and development in UK next 12 months
2. Positive feedback
staffing risks have been 4. Increasing Band 2 received from Band 7s 1. SEU Band 5 gaps Text22:
1. Pending Business Case Aug-18
linked to this overarching support to manage who have attended lilkely due to internal being developed for overseas
Divisional staffing risk. qualified shortfall programme promotions (March 18) nurse recruitment
Date of origin: 13/05/15 5. Scrutinising staffing 1. Continuing to support
levels daily and moving offered applicants.
Date of escalation = /re-deploying staff across
18/11/15 the Division as necessary 3. 5 T&O beds on Ward
A5 have been opened
6. Friday morning (Oct 2017)
meetings taking place for
Matrons to check staffing 8. From March 2018, all
across the Trust for the areas will have one
weekend to assure safety Nursing Associate (Jan
7. There is now a
trustwide transfer staffing 1 + 11.General Surgery
pool (aimed to retain nearly fully established,
staff) (Aug 2016) T&O fully established for
beds open (July 2018)
8. Appointed to Nursing
Associate posts - to start 12. Theatre Agenda
end of Jan 17 (Jan 2017) spend usage down to 2
staff, on track to
9. Trained and untrained completely remove by
vacancies reviewed by Dec 2017 (Oct 2017)
Head of Nursing and
reported back to Trust 13. On review - all green
Management Committee now (Jan 18)
(Oct 17) 14. Continuting to recuit
10. Regular workforce new areas (Jan 2018)
reviews to ensure staffing 1. Recruited to
and service needs match Consultant Nurse post
(Oct 2017) (March 18)
11. Nursing posts being 1. Previoulsy increased
reviewed to further retain expenditure for bank
staff (Surgical Nurse payments in ICCU,
Practitioners, ACCPs, month 12 no enhanced
ANPs) (Oct 2017) payments since
2/04/2018 (Apr 2018)

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 19 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
12. Action Plan to 1. Children & Neonates
remove all agency spend Open Day was
in theatres completed successful, recruited 18
(Jan 18) nurses (July 18)
3. Beds reconfigured on
Ward A5 and A6 and
Hilton Main (Oct 2017)
13. Continuing with
Weekly e-rosta meetings
to ensure scruitny of
unused by the ward (Jan
14. Shared Governance
being rolled out to the
pilot areas (Jan 18)

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 20 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Chief 4375 (NX87) Heart Centre - Fire 3 x 4 = Implementation of a 4 10) 0 incidents relating to 10) 2 Unwanted Fire Text22:
9) Compartmentation survey 2x2=4 Jul-18
Operating Safety: 12 Stage Risk Mitigation Reportable Fire's within Signals within June 2018 to be completed YELLOW
Officer AMBER Plan; details include June 2018 (aerosol & cooking) (commenced)
As a consequence of
1) Restricted parking of 3) Additional Security Text22:
7) Further Evacuation
shortfalls in structural fire
vehicles to 6m Fire Patrols undertaken Exercises to be completed
protection (including
and recorded for Wards
emergency lighting) and the 2) Management of waste
recent failure of external in the external compound 9) Priority Planned Text22:
1-10) The Trust has been
ACM cladding, fire could Preventative awarded funding from NHSI
spread both externally and 3) Increased security and Maintenance undertaken (PDC) of approximately
internally throughout the surveillance £1.195m. Planning to
building , compromising life 2) Waste compound has undertake phase 1 asap
safety. 4) Augmented Fire been relocated (courtyards). Refer to 4
Service reponse stage plan attached in
Date of origin: July 2017 7) Third Floor Fire documents
5) Increased Trust Fire Evacuation Exercise on
Response 31.05.18
Date of escalation: Sep 17
6) Additional Fire
Wardens trained
7) Additional fire
exercises and drills
8) Review of fire risk
assessments (15
completed, local risks
managed by Directorates)
9) Building &
Maintenance risks
managed by Estates via
Planet FM
10) Statutory fire alarm
testing (weekly), Fire
Damper Testing (Annual)

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 21 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Chief 4411 (NX08/09) McHale - Fire 3 x 4 = 1. Statutory fire alarm 1. 0 Unwanted Fire 2. Poor housekeeping Text22:
4. Remove or relocate 2x2=4 Jul-18
Operating Safety: 12 testing (weekly) Signals within June 2018 including combustible combustible storage in the YELLOW
Officer As a consequence of AMBER materials in the Tugway Tugway
shortfalls in structural fire 2. Departmental Fire Risk 1. 0 incidents relating to
Assessments undertaken Reportable Fire's within Text22:
2. Departmental Business
protection and the
June 2018 Continuity Plans need to be
identification of polystyrene 3. Statutory Planned updated
foam insulation installed Preventative 7. Fire Stopping has
between metal cladding, fire Maintenance taken place within the Text22:
4. Tugway Safety
could spread uncontrolled Tugway Environmental Audit Group
throughout the building 4. Waste Management monitoring action plan
effecting critical operational
6. Fire Evacuation Drill Text22:
7. Risk profile to be reviewed Aug-18
services that could
compromise hospital due 13th June 2018 following installation of CCTV
business continuity. within the Tugway.
5.Departmental Fire
Warden Daily Checks
Date of origin : 14/02/2018
7. Tugway Safety &
Date of escalation: Sep 17 Environmental Group
commenced May 2018

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 22 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Chief 4472 If patients wait over 2 hours 4 x 4 = 1) National guidance in 8) No concerns raised re 1, 2) Inability to achieve 2 Text22:
7)Continue with recruitment Jul-18 1 x 4 = 4 Jul-18 Yes
Operating for assessment in cubicles 16 RED place (15 minutes for Acute Physician support hour assessment and 15 of medical staff - ECIP tool YELLOW
Officer in the Emergency triage & 2 hours for [04/07/18] minute triage [04/07/18] has identified need for more
Department and wait over assessment) (15/04/16) staff in the morning
15 minutes for triage, then 14) Nurse led RAT 3) Huddles not routinely
2) Use of MSS to monitor working well [11/07/18] taking place and Text22:
1, 2) Work commenced with Aug-18
an urgent clinical need may
times for triage and escalation tool does not VOCARE and CCG to
not be identified within 15) New starters are
assessment (15/04/16) include actions to process map current
appropriate timescales, familiar with the address ratings and does pathways to Urgent Care.
which could compromise 3) Huddles held with ED department and its not highlight problem Follow up meeting to be
patient care. management, Consultant processes/ policies when areas [04/07/18] arranged
in charge, Nurse co- they start[04/07/18]
Date of Origin: 24/02/2016 ordinator and nurse 4,5) Staff not always Text22:
2) Metric developed re initial Jul-18
change at regular 7) Reduced reliance on available to be assessments, dashboard with
Date of escalation = intervals to monitor times locum agencies (internal reallocated [04/07/18] ED for review
15/04/16 and implement actions to staff have knowledge of
local policies and 6) Delays in ED linked to Text22:
7) New ED mgt team to Jul-18
reduce waiting times and review staff rota
escalate as appropriate processes) [04/07/18] bed availability [04/07/18]
using escalation plan. Text22:
1) Division in discussion with Aug-18
2) Metric developed re 7) Medical and nursing
(15/04/16) industry staff to review
initial assessments vacancies and sickness/
systems to improve
4) Reallocation of doctors (10/07/18) annual leave resulting in
timeliness of reviews
to areas with high waiting gaps in rota. Link to risk
times if appropriate 4496 and 2374 [04/07/18] Text22:
3) DR and WW to review final Aug-18
(15/04/16) version of escalation tool
8) Consistently at 2 hour before it goes live
5) Reallocation of nurse wait by evening
[04/07/18] Text22:
3) Business case for new Nov-18
to support triage nurse
cubicles is approved and an
(15/04/16) 9) UCC not impacting on the drawings are currently
6) Bed meetings held at pt numbers and delays in being drawn up by the design
regular intervals where assessments (on team and architect
status of Emergency average 29 patients per
Department is discussed day redirected to UCC in
with representatives of Feb) [04/07/18]
both Divisions to facilitate 10) BEST tool identified
flow (15/04/16) dept is 20 nurses short
7) Monitoring staffing (10 trained/10 untrained)
ratios and man-power [04/07/18]
plans regularly reviewed
8) Acute Physician team
available to support
department from 10am
until 21.30 every day
9) UCC opened on 1st
April 2016 (15/04/16) and
joint triage model in place.

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 23 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
10) Powerpoint
presentation around
National ED standards
included in new starters
induction and within
annual mandatory
training sessions
11) Human factors
training undertaken
13) Medical and nurse
staffing managed via the
risk regsiter (risk 2374 &
4496) [08/11/16]
14) Nurse led RAT and
SOP ratified and in place
(Sept 17)
15) Where possible,
newly qualified starters
have their last student
placement transferred to
RWT ED [07/09/17]
16) System in place to
ensure that Cat 2
patients are shown red at
15 minutes [05/10/17]
17) Use of internal bank
rather than locum
agencies where possible
18) Extra Triage room
and escalation process in
place [13/03/18]

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 24 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Chief 4528 If Clinical Web Portal does 4 x 3 = 1. Ability to request paper 1) No continuous Datix 1. Datix Incident 1-2. Monitor ongoing incidents Sep-18 2 x 2 = 4
Text22: Jul-18 Yes
Operating not contain full copies of 12 notes (May 2016) incidents (July 2018) reported - 185209 non- YELLOW
1-2. Non-STEIS investigation Aug-18
Officer patient's notes/health AMBER STEIS investigation
2. Process for both being undertaken Datix:
records if seen before 2013 underway. There has
access to patient records 185209
as well as all Paediatric been identification that
admissions then incomplete aswell as the process for the information included
health records may be the when there is a need to in hospital notes not
only record available for have a complete patient available via clinical web-
inpatient and outpatient scanned has been portal (Apr 2018)
encounters. Lack of a circulated by Patient
comprehensive record may Access (Dec 16) 1. Records are not
impact on the accuracy always available for
and/or timeliness of clinical elective clinics, even if
decision making. they are available this
creates a time lag within
Date of origin: 29/04/16 the clinic (Apr 2018)
1. Further incident
Date of escalation = identiifed re: 2017/30511
17/05/16 (186645) - Unexpected
Injury/Extravasation injury
to neonate (Apr 2018)
1. Inability to access
medical records is also
impacting upon the Legal
Services Dept, slowing
down leagl services work
(June 2018)

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 25 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Chief 4565 If the use of Agency staffing 4 x 3 = 2) Utilisation of fellowship 1-9) Significant decrease 1-9) Locum expenditure Text22:
2. Continue to implement Aug-18 2 x 2 = 4 Jul-18 Yes
Operating continues across the 12 programme in Locum expenditure has increased for some Recruitment Strategy YELLOW
Officer Divisions (due to being AMBER overall (May 2018) specialties (July 2018)
3) Recruitment Strategy Text22:
2+3. Request further support Aug-18
unable to recruit to
in place for consultant + 1-9) Medical workforce 6) Orthotist and 2 x nationally - collaborative
substantive posts) then
middle grade post (Jul vacancy rate 69.96 for Cardiac Investigations working with other
there is potential for an
2018) Band 5 qualified nurses HCP in place (July 2018) organisations
impact upon the continuity
of patient care and service (July 18) Text22:
1. Focus on reducing agency Aug-18
1) Agency spend 8) Some clerical agency
being delivered. Also, as reviewed monthly at 1-9) Nursing Agency remains to support spend in non-clinical areas
staffing is dependent on the Directorate/Divisional workforce is minimal projects (July 2018) initially
market place this may also Meetings (July 2018) Text22:
2. Continue scrutiny of CPD Aug-18
result in an unavoidable
breach in the agency cap 4) Establishment of 6) There continues to be to use academic fellowship
levels. workforce group to a decrease in agency programme
review/monitor use of spend in non-clinical Text22:
7. Review of CVs with Sep-18
Date of origin: 22/06/16 medical locums/agency areas (June 2018) Clinicans Connect
(Oct 16)
Date of escalation = 1-9) Achieved forecasted
28/07/16 5) Overseas recruitment year end agency cap for
continuing via Clinicans April 18, new cap set for
Connected membership April 19 (July 2018)
(June 2018)
6) Focus on reducing
agency spend in non-
clinical areas initially
(Nov 2017). Star
chamber review in Sept
8) The Trust is working
collaboratively with other
Trusts in the region as
part of a Regional
Agency Cluster Group to
standardise rates of pay
and reduce agency
spend. This became
effective on 30th October
2017 (Nov 2017)
10) Challenge for
Bank/Agency requests
and more effective
use/administration of
workforce shift through e-
roster (Dec 2017)

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 26 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
7) Use of agency
reported at Ops Finance
+ Finance + Performance
meeting + directorates
via the dashboard (June

Medical 4661 Lack of robust effective 4 x 4 = 5) Monitoring via incident 5) Small proportion of 1-4) Audit of local safety Text22:
1-4) Implement the ICE Nov-17 x = Jul-18 Yes
Director system for the 16 RED reporting incidents to number of net procedures system, ensuring it
communication of high risk investigations undertaken demonstrated significant addresses the current gaps in
or abnormal/ unexpected 4) Directorate/ specialty gaps (Nov 16) review of reports (ongoing)
investigation results, and local 'safety net' 2) There is a policy for
evidence of receipt, review procedures to ensure urgent and critical 2) Size of Radiology
and actions taken by results are received and findings (June 2017) reports is significant
clinicians. Risk of delayed reviewed resulting in inbox limits
2) A flag is also added to being frequently
or missed opportunities for 3) Pathology local the report which will send
diagnoses and appropriate exceeded (Nov 16)
procedure(s) for the in the subject matter of
treatment for patients, escalation of abnormal the e-mailed report 5) Incidents continue to
which could result in results ***Urgent Findings*** or be reported where the
Serious Incidents, litigation Unexpected Significant reviewing if abnormal
and complaints. 2) Radiology local Findings, this will alert results has been delayed
procedure(s) the referring consultant with significant
Date of origin: 17/11/16 "Communication of (June 2017) consequences to patient
Critical and/ or outcome (May 17)
Date of escalation = Unexpected Findings to 2) There is now also a
17/11/16 Referring Doctors" Cancer Suspicious flag 3) No further action can
which can also be be taken by Pathology
1) Trust wide Policy attached (June 2017) until ICE is implemented
CP50 for the (June 2017)
Management of Risks 3) There are a list of tests
Associated with Clinical that fall into the urgent
Diagnostic Tests and action category, the
Screening clinicans are telephoned
about these. Other less
urgent abnormal results
are highlighted as such in
TD Web when they are
reviewed (June 2017)

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 27 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Chief 4665 If the X-ray and CR 3 x 4 = 1) Maintenance Contract 1) Breakdowns are 1) Any breakdown Text22:
1) & 2) To continue to Oct-18 2 x 2 = 4 Jul-18 Yes
Operating processing equipment at 12 in place (£19,000 per usually fixed under a 'fix causes disruption to the monitor any equipment YELLOW
Officer Cannock Hospital (which is AMBER annum) (Jul 2018) as you go' contract. (Jul service offered to breakdown
over 13 years old) is not 2018) patients. Breakdowns
2) Access to Mobile Text22:
1) & 2) Replacement of Apr-19
replaced within the Capital encountered with CR
Imaging (if required) (Oct 2) There is a mobile X- equipment planned for 18/19
Programme then due to the readers 2; X-ray
age of the equipment there 2016) ray unit at CCH which equipment 0 (Jun 2018)
is an increased possibility can be brought down to
that there will be equipment the X-ray room and used 2) No focus choice on
breakdowns/failures which to continue the X-ray mobile X-ray unit and
could then directly impact service for patients. (Jul reliance on ageing CR
the service offered. Also, 2018) processing equipment
patients are currently not in (Jul 2018)
1) & 2) Equipment
receipt of the advances in replacement confirmed 2) X-ray service will not
technology which a new on capital replacement be available if CR
machine could offer them programme 18-19 (Jul processing facilites fail
i.e. lower doses of radiation 2019_ (Jul 2018)
and a speedier/quicker

Date of origin: 17
November 2016

Date of escalation: 26 April


Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 28 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Chief 4696 If non-urgent imaging 3 x 4 = 1) Monitoring of 3) Clinical Fellows have 1) Approximately 3673 Text22:
1,3,4 & 5) Offer opportunities Oct-18 2 x 4 = 8 Jul-18 Yes
Operating studies are not reported 12 unreported been appointed (3 in non-urgent imaging to Radiologists from other AMBER
Officer within the timescale of 3 - 6 AMBER scans/imaging studies on place) (Jul 2018) studies unreported June localities to work in our Trust.
weeks, delays may have an a weekly basis (Jan 2017) 2018 (inclusive of 620 CT Radiology will liaise with HR
impact on timely patient 4) Review meetings are scans and 1181 MRI about the possibility of head
management. Ideally, 3) Clinical Fellows are happening fortnightly (Jul scans) (Jun 2018) hunting Radiologists from
imaging should be reported being employed (Jan 2018) other Trusts
as soon as they are 2017) 1) Poor patient
1) Backlog has reduced experience if patients and Text22:
1,3,4 & 5) To revisit plan to Oct-18
undertaken but this is not 4) Regular meetings from 7332 May 2017 to doctors are unsure when recruit 5 Radiologists
possible given the national between Clinical Director less than 3673 in June
shortage of staff. their scans are reported Text22:
1,3,4 & 5) Educate referrers Oct-18
and Group Manager (Jan 2018 (Jun 2018) (Jul 2018)
2017) periodically on requesting
Date of origin: 5 January 3) Office space sourced 3), 4) & 5) Demand for only appropriate imaging
2017 5) Waiting list initiatives (Jul 2018) reporting imaging studies studies. Clinical Directors will
for Trust Radiologists on is higher than expanded be contacted about this via e-
Approved by Division: 28 going (Jan 2017) reporting capacity (Jul mail to help with reducing
December 2016 2018) inappropriate demand for
6) Outsourcing work to imaging studies
Accepted onto Trust Risk extenal company (May 3) Infrastructure in terms
2018) of equipment and office Text22:
1,3,4 & 5) Monitor Oct-18
Register: 5 January 2017
space not currently outsourcing work and assess
available for the impact on reducing
additional clinical fellows outstanding numbers
(Jul 2018) Text22:
1,3,4 & 5) Continue to utilise Oct-18
waiting list initiatives

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 29 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Chief 4706 Longstanding maintenance 4 x 3 = 1. Existing programme of 1+2. Programme of 1+2. There has been 1 Text22:
1. Work commence on Aug-18 2 x 1 = 2 Jul-18
Operating challenge around 12 theatre works in place (1 works underway (Mar 18) incident (Datix 192843 - Theatres 9 and 10 and then GREEN
Officer infrastructure/environment AMBER per year) - (Feb 17) 10/03/2018) of sewage 3 and 4 to repair minor
in Nucleus Theatres, which 4. Lack of cancellations ingress into Theatres defects, surface and paint
includes: 2. All incidents reported on site due to estate (Mar 18) issues
to management are issues (Apr 18)
escalated to Hotel 1+2. In 2017 there were Text22:
1. Reconfiguration of the Sep-18
1. Sewerage ingress 3. Ceiling space above
Services - (Sept 17) 9 incidents were Reception Storage being
2. Drainage system Theatre 5 has been reported, two during planned by the Estates Dept
2. Electrical infrastructure 3. Theatre 5 has surveyed regarding the
3. Fire safety operations, one where
remained closed since sewage leaks (Mar 18) sewage dripped onto the
4. Operating lights 25th April 2017 (Apr 18)
5. Air-flow/ventilation 3. Theatre 5 is now fully scrub nurse, there are
6. Storage 4. Moving work to refurbished (July 18) also no known
7. Infestations Cannock Theatres (Apr consequences for the
18) patients (Sept 17)
Could lead to a risk of 1+2. In 2017 there were
patient and staff safety 16 incidents reported on
being compromised, non- Datix of insects in
compliance with external Theatres, two during
regulations and/or internal operations with no known
standard/ audits and also patient consequences
adverse media publicity and (Sept 17)
increasing number of
raising concerns via local 1+2 From Jan-April 2018
policy. there have been 4
incidents reported on
Date of origin: Feb 17 Datix of insects in
NucleusTheatres (April
Date of escalation: Sep 17 18)
1+2 12/07/18 since
10/03/18 - 4x incidents of
Brown Fluid coming from
ceilings in A15 last one
05/07, 1 of the
temperature controls
failing in Theatre1 (09/07)
and 4 of flies in theatres
1 and 2 (13 x flies) last
incident of flies was
01/06/18 - Incident
report has been attached
to this risk assessment

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 30 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Medical 4734 The Trust is shown to have 4 x 3 = 1. Mortality data are Text22:
Robust governance 2x2=4 Jul-18 Yes
Director a higher than expected 12 reviewed and processes to evidence YELLOW
standardised mortality rate AMBER investigated and findings learning from mortality
(SMR; the SHMI indicator are discussed at MRG reviews embedded in all
published in England) (monthly) and MoRAG (bi- clinical areas.
based on a statistical model monthly). A report is
Follow up on the
where the Trust's outcomes presented at TB on a
recommendations from the
are compared with the rest quarterly basis.
internal and external data
of the acute trusts in
2. Audits of coding and and clinical audits
England. This is driven by a
decrease in expected clinical documentation Text22:
Ensure the mortality policy
mortality, which does not are undertaken regularly (OP87) is correctly followed
reflect the severity of illness to ensure the treated by all specialties.
of patients admitted at the conditions are reflected
accurately in the data Text22:
Strengthening the
There is no increase in used for the calculation of collaborative working
mortality statistics between coders and
unadjusted mortality rates,
clinicians in order to improve
which have seen very little 3. The Trust requires all quality of clinical
variation for the past 3 directorates to follow the documentation and coding.
years. process set out by the
The higher than expected The Head of Coding and
Learning form Deaths Data Quality is setting out the
SHMI does not indicate policy (OP87). All deaths revised working process with
quality of care or excess are undergoing an initial senior clinicians.
mortality but variation in review using an approved
data. The Trust has methodology; a cohort of Text22:
Reducing the number of
investigated and has put cases is then referred for unspecific primary diagnoses
actions in place to address a second stage, and imrpoving the capture
the issues identified. multidisciplinary review. and coding of secondary
The findings are reviewed diagnoses on the admission
at MRG episode by reducing the
Date of origin: 03/04/17 number of the multiple short
4. For all diagnosis episodes for emergency
Date of escalation: 03/04/17 groups showing a higher medical admissions.
than expected SHMI (at
internal alert level, which
is a lower threshold than
external alerts) a coding
and data quality as well
as a clinical review where
appropriate are
5. A Trust wide action
plan was approved to
investigate potential
causes of the elevated
SMRs and provide
assurance in relation to
the quality of clinical care.

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 31 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
5.1. An external data
review was undertaken
by an independent
company. The results
confirmed internal
findings that the higher
SMRs were due partly to
the admission avoidance
program (reduced
denominator), the higher
than average number of
short episodes for
emergency medical
admissions leading to a
higher proportion of
unspecific primary
diagnoses on admission,
which drive a lower
expected mortality.
5.2. An external coding
review was undertaken
by an independent
company. Overall coding
quality was found to be
good in the sample
Recommendations were
made also for reducing
the number of short
emergency medical
admission which can lead
to richer coding on the
admitting episode. Some
room for improvement
was identified in the
coding for primary
diagnosis where a 7%
error rate was found.

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 32 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
5.3 An external
retrospective case notes
review of a sample of 100
deceased patients was
undertaken by an
independent clinician.
The reviewer highlighted
that care for the
deceased patients was
found generally to be
good and outstanding in
some cases. A query was
raised around an
important proportion of
frail, elderly patients who
died within 5 days, as to
whether admission to
hospital was in the
patients’ best interest or
they could have been
cared for in the
5.4 A review of the
pneumonia clinical
pathway was undertaken
by an independent
company. The findings
were generally positive
and areas where
improvement was
needed were identified.
5.5 The early introduction
of the Medical Examiner
Role is being pursued.

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 33 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Chief 4756 If the activity continues 3 x 4 = 1) Number of women 1) Predicted 1,2) Activity levels are Text22:
1,2) Liaise with Neonatal Sep-18 3 x 2 = 6 Jul-18 Yes
Operating above 5000 births then the 12 having Mid Trimester births/booking are variable and Services to utilise/staff to full YELLOW
Officer increased activity could AMBER scans giving EDD data is recorded on the Maternity uncontrollable due to capacity on the TC Ward
potentially lead to being monitored and Dashboard, RAG-rated births occurring at
1,2) Recruitment of Midwives Sep-18
increasing challenges for indicates predicted and discussed at monthly varying gestations and
to fill vacancies and achieve
staff to provide safe monthly activity in Governance & Risk women transferring in
1:30 Birthrate Plus ratio
midwifery and medical care. relation to births 24.1.18 Management meeting from other units (13.6.18)
This could also potentially (13.6.18) Text22:
1,2) Continue to monitor Sep-18
result in increased maternal 2) The number of women activity via dashboard
morbidity and/or mortality. booking at RWT is being 2) Close observation of
monitored by Antenatal activity in relation to Text22:
3) Continue to monitor birth Sep-18
Poor patient experience
Payment By Results number of predicted activity as a result and
may also occur due to care
(PBR) 24.1.18 births (13.6.18) decline inappropriate
being compromised as a
result of delays which 3) 13/11/2017 Birth 3) HOM raised at the last
include medical reviews, Activity capped (24/1/18) governance risk Text22:
1,2 Full service review to be Sep-18
treatment/procedures, management directorate carried out by Birth Rate Plus
seeing new admissions, meeting held on 23/5/18
admissions for induction of that from reviewing the
labour, starting the dashboard figures the
induction of labour process, cap is starting to become
transfers to Delivery Suite effective (13/6/18)
and/or theatre and delay in
antenatal and postnatal
transfers to the ward.

Date of origin: Apr 17

Date of escalation: May 17

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 34 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Chief 4841 If CPE is not detected early 3 x 3 = 9 2) Trust IV team in place 2) CPE performance 1) Lack of denominator Text22:
1) Complete business case Aug-18 3 x 1 = 3 Jul-18
Nursing then outbreaks and AMBER supporting best IV dashboard de-escallated data for those at for molecular testing for CPE GREEN
Officer incidents of untreatable practice July 18 to quarterly at Feb 18 high/increased risk of
2) Reaudit compliance with Aug-18
clinical infections are IPCG due to reduced CPE July18
1) Electronic monitoring screening high risk patients
possible. CPE is a group of numbers July18
emerging organisms that of CPE screens July 18 2) Increase in numbers of
has become endemic in 1) CPE screening CPE detected iin 17/18
1) 7 day montiriing of IP compliance audits 70% (Ju;y 18)
some areas of the NHS alters by Infection
and international compliant July 18
Prevention Team July18
healthcare. National policy 1) Known CPE poistive
has not responded to 1) All CPE contacts patients being alerted on
changes in epidemiology. tagged on ICNet with link readmission 7 days/week
Local processes are in to Clinical Web portal July 18
place but there is a Infections alerts July18
significant threat from inter 1) Automated 1) link to
hospital transfers in 1) Higest level of national Clinical Web Portal on
particular. guidance in Trust Policy patients requiring
July 18 screens due to previous
Date of risk 17/08/17 2) Electronic observation alerts July 18
allowing identification of 2) Understanding of
Expected date of closure patients with urinary
17/08/18 impact of isolation due to
catheters and Peripheral high risk of CPE on bed
venous cannuale (July18) utilisation July18
Escalated 10/05/18
1) Isolation matrix 1) Reduction to 2 cases
reviewed and relaunched of RWT acquired CPE
July 18 cases in 17/18 despite
increased numbers from
improved screening
compliance July 18.

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 35 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Chief 4849 If the Trust is not able to 3 x 3 = 9 3) ED have access to 4) No significant 1) Two incidents under Text22:
1-6) Identify and solve Jun-18 1 x 4 = 4 Jul-18
Operating achieve CT reporting for AMBER Radiology on call (Jul discrepancies found investigation involving CT problems with remote access YELLOW
Officer trauma patients within 1 2017) between ED Consultant images [Jul 2018) to PACS
hour then this may lead to interpretation and
delayed diagnosis and 2) All scans are reported Radiology report [Jul 3) Excessive use of on-
treatment of patients and a by Radiology the 2018) call for emergencies can
failure to meet national following day (Jul 2017) result in Radiologist
requirements, potentially 5) CTs are being reported elective sessions being
1) CT head scans are within 1 hr [Jul 2018) cancelled [Jul 2018)
resulting in harm to patients interpreted by ED
and legal action being taken Consultants (Jul 2017) 1-4) Compliance met with 1-6) There are often
against the Trust . If ED are CG176 Head injuries delays in remote access
unable to obtain 1hr 4) Audit has been recommendations (Jul to PACS/ loss of
reporting for trauma undertaken to compare 2018) connection [Jul 2018)
patients out of hours then ED interpretation of CT
this will result in the Trust head scans with 7) WMQRS from their
consistently failing to radiology report (Sep visit in Feb 2018 are
achieve national standards 2017) happy with this process
as reflected by the data (Jul 2018)
submitted to the Trauma 5) Two tier reporting
Audit and Research system now in place to 6) 3 Clinical Fellows
Network (TARN) and enable reporting of all CT commenced position (Jul
through Peer review. The heads within 1 hour (Dec 2018)
RCR standard is that the 2017)
report should be issued by 6) Ongoing recruitment of
a radiologist within 1 hour of radiologists (Dec 2017)
image acquisition which is a
recommendation from the 7) Outsourcing ED
Royal College of CTscans process in
Radiologists and not an place (Mar 18)
actual regulation. NICE
guidelines only state the
report should be done as
early as possible.

Date of origin: 29.08.2017

Date of escalation:

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 36 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
Medical 5045 Sepsis and severe infection 4 x 3 = Training staff in the Mandatory training Mandatory training x = Jul-18
Director are perhaps the most 12 recognition and compliance in IP and performance report.
common reasons for AMBER management of sepsis. Sepsis is monitored at
admission to hospital and directorate governance Non-Compliance with
cause of inpatient Early warning systems EWS audit.
deterioration. for paediatric, maternal Early Warning Score
and adult patients assist audit compliance. Non-compliance with
It is estimated by the Antimicrobial audit.
Sepsis trust that sepsis in the detection of Auditing medical records
claims at least 46,000 lives deteriorating patients - to ensure the processes
every year and may be as many of whom will have of detection, recognition
high as 67,000. sepsis. and management of
deteriorating patients is
Sepsis screening tools robust with feedback of
By recognising and exist for paediatric,
managing sepsis promptly, performance to
maternal and adult directorates and the
it is estimated that we can patients who deteriorate
save 14,000 lives every development of action
and may have sepsis. plans to achieve
year. Optimal utilisation of compliance
these tools help reduce
Reducing deaths from the mortality and Compliance with sepsis
sepsis is a priority for the morbidity from sepsis. screening and sepsis 6
NHS, the Royal delivery. Auditing the
Wolverhampton Hospitals A trust antimicrobial use of the sepsis
NHS Trust and must be a guideline has been screening tool and
priority for all healthcare developed to advise delivery of the sepsis 6
professionals. appropriate antibiotics for with feedback of
given indications. This is performance to
All healthcare professionals available as an app and directorates and the
at the Royal on the intranet. development of action
Wolverhampton Hospitals plans to achieve
NHS Trust have a compliance
responsibility and are
accountable to ensuring Antimicrobial prescribing
patients with sepsis receive compliance. To ensure
high quality and timely care. that antimicrobial
prescribing is compliant
Fundamental to preventing with trust guidance and
death and harm to patients that antimicrobials are
from sepsis is the detection, reviewed to reduce
recognition and antimicrobial resistance
management of
deteriorating patients:

* The early warning score

and sepsis screening tool
assist in the early detection
and recognition of
deteriorating patients and
those with sepsis
* The sepsis 6 and staff
training provide the means
to ensure an effective
response to reduce

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 37 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.
Director Cross What is the Risk? Level of How are we managing Evidence that it is Any Evidence that it is What else can we do? Risk Date Last TB
Ref Risk the risk? working. not working. after Reviewed Accept
actions Risk?
morbidity and mortality
* To ensure that antibiotics
are prescribed and
reviewed appropriately to
ensure ongoing
effectiveness and to reduce
antimicrobial resistance
* Audit provides feedback
on clinical effectiveness and

Date of origin: Jun 18

Date of escalation: Jun 18

Trust Risk Register 16/07/18 38 of 38

CQC standards: Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive, Well Led.

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