21st CenturyEssential Q

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Maria Loriecelle M.

ABM 103 (Batch 1)

As the 21st Century Philippine Literature commenced, it proved to us how change is

undoubtedly inevitable. It shows how we embrace the modern generation we have and how
technology turns into a bridge to make the different literary works known. Technology makes
us adapt to new traditional values and themes where we discover new ideas and works that
make our generation more advance than those people in the past generations.

The reflection of the shift in form, theme, and content of 21st Century Philippine
Literature changes the traditional Filipino norms and values by bringing the Filipinos more
optimist and freedom in doing their works where new skills in writing were used. Society was
surrounded by modernization and a lot of interpretations in one's work were being transferred
and adapted. Furthermore, the appreciation and promotion of various literary works were
being enriched.

In conclusion, technology plays a very important role in our existence where it enables us
to make a change and voice our opinions especially in values, economy, and rights. The echoes
of the changes in traditional forms and values helped the Filipinos gain more information about
the literary works that provoke the country's history more distinguished

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