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Course:______________ Date:________

Profesora: Pereira M. Belén

1) Look at the chart below. Write sentences saying what you have or haven´t done yet. (¿Cuáles de las
actividades del recuadro has hecho? ¿Cuáles no has hecho aún? Escribí oraciones usando present perfect)

Example: I haven´t flown in a plane yet.

fly in a plane – visit a

foreign country – sleep
in a tent – be in love –
write a love poem _

2) Match the experiences and the pictures. (Uní las experiencias del recuadro
con sus imágenes correspondientes)

3)-Tick the activities in exercise 2 that you have done. Then write sentences using the present perfect. (Tildá en el
pequeño recuadro de cada imagen del punto 2 aquellas que representen cosas que hiciste) Luego escribí
oraciones usando los verbos en presente perfecto. Son 9 oraciones en total, una por cada imagen. La primera está
hecha como ejemplo.)

1) ..I haven´t done a parachute jump……………….. 6) ………………………..………………………………………….

2) ……………………………………………………………………… 7) …………………………………………………………………….
3) ……………………………………………………………………… 8) …………………………………………………………………….
4) ……………………………………………………………………. 9) …………………………………………………………………….
5) ………………………………………………………………………
3) Choose the correct option.

5)- Read the following text carefully.

Interviewer: Bruce, you’re an experienced surfer. Where have you surfed in the
Bruce: Well, I live and surf in England. I surf down in Cornwall, most of the time.
However, I grew up in Australia and surfed in Sydney. And I’ve surfed in Indonesia,
in Hawaii and California.
Int.: Now think of three beaches or three places in the world that you’ve been to,
and compare them.
Bruce: Well, Fistral Beach in Cornwall, England, Bondi Beach in Sydney, Australia.
And we could say Sunset Beach in Oahu, Hawaii.
Int.: What about the size of the waves between the three places? Bruce:
The three places have very different sized waves. The smallest waves
would be in Newquay in England. Sydney would be a medium-sized
wave, with surf all year round. And Hawaii is where you get the biggest
waves in the world. And especially in Hawaii’s winter from December to
February you can have absolutely huge waves measuring up to 60 feet.
Int.: 60 feet. What’s that in metres?
Bruce: In metres, that’s 20 metres.
Int.: 20 metres high. What about the temperature in the three places? Is it very different?
Bruce: The temperatures are quite different. Newquay is the coldest of the three, with temperatures going as low as
4º Celsius. Australia is very warm in summer; you can just wear a pair of shorts. And Hawaii is warm all year round.
The water doesn’t change more than two or three degrees all year.
Int.: So that’s the warmest of the three!
Bruce: That is the warmest, one of the warmest countries to surf.
Int.: So where would you say is your favourite place to surf?
Bruce: Indonesia is probably the best surf in the world. Definitely!
Int.: And where are you going next?
Bruce: My next trip depends on the weather. If there’s good surf in Ireland, I’ll go and surf in Ireland. If there’s good
surf in Morocco, I’ll go and surf in Morocco.

2. Write if the sentences are true or false.

A. Bruce is living in Sydney at the moment. E. In Hawaii it isn’t usually cold.
B. He has surfed in Indonesia, Hawaii and California. F. Bruce thinks Indonesia is the best place to surf.
C. He hasn’t been to Sunset Beach. G. Depending on the weather, he goes to different
D. The smallest waves are in Hawaii. places to surf.

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