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Message from the Head of the Department of Nutrition
Message from the Head of Clinical Nutrition Specialist Study Program

Vision, Mision and Purpose
Organizational Structure of the Clinical Nutrition Specialist Study Program

Teaching Staff
Curriculum for Clinical Nutrition Specialist Study Program
Doctor Education Program and Evaluation System
Academic Advisor



Health Care

Student Residence



Wi-Fi Facility

Calendar Of Activities

Important Phone Numbers

Lost Information And Discovery Of Goods

Message from the Head of the Department of Nutrition
Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Praise our gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT and do not forget to also convey greetings
and prayers to our lord, Rasulullah SAW, because thanks to His grace, the Hasanuddin
University Clinical Nutrition Specialist Medical Study Program Student Guide Book can be
present to provide guidance for new students.
First of all, welcome to join as a student in the Hasanuddin University Clinical Nutrition
Specialist Medical Study Program, which is one of the Clinical Nutrition Specialist Medical
Education Study Programs in Indonesia that has produced successful alumni. Nowadays,
becoming a clinical nutrition specialist is not getting easier.
It is hoped that graduates of the Hasanuddin University Clinical Nutrition Specialist Doctor
Education Study Program will be able to compete with graduate doctors outside of Indonesia
who will practice in our country through the AFTA and MEA 2015 agreement. A good quality
doctor does not only rely on intelligence, but has good morals and ethics towards patients,
respects colleagues, and is able to develop themselves into 7 star doctors, namely a doctor who
can also be a communicator, manager, decision maker, researcher, faithful and pious, and a
leader in the community, especially in the field of clinical nutrition.
Being a clinical nutrition specialist is a matter of pride as well as a big responsibility to make
people aware of nutrition. Every student is required to learn and develop their potential to the
fullest. Hopefully the new students can boast and make the name of the faculty, university, as
well as the nation and country proud.
Wabillahi taufik wal hidayah
Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Head of the Department of Nutrition
Prof.DR.dr.Suryani As'ad, M.Sc, Sp.GK (K)
Message from the Head of the Clinical Nutrition Study Program
Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
All praise belongs to Allah SWT. As well as prayers and greetings always poured out to our lord
Rasulullah SAW. Thanks to His abundance and grace, the Hasanuddin University Clinical
Nutrition Specialist Doctor Student Guide Book was completed properly.
Welcome to the Hasanuddin University Clinical Nutrition Specialist Doctor Education Study
Program. For at least the next 3.5 years, new students will be forged into clinical nutrition
specialists in this place. This guidebook was created with the aim of providing an overview and
basic information that is important for students during their education. It is hoped that new
students will get an understanding of how the education system in the Hasanuddin University
Clinical Nutrition Study Program is of course different from the Medical Education Study
Finally, being a clinical nutrition specialist is not an easy matter. It takes a strong determination
and don't give up easily in facing every problem. Continue to hone one's abilities in order to
achieve quality equivalent to level eight at Indonesian National Qualifications Framework.
Hopefully this guidebook can help during the education process in the Hasanuddin University
Clinical Nutrition Specialist Doctor Education Study Program.
Wabillahi taufik wal hidayah
Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Head of Clinical Nutrition Study Program
Prof. DR.dr.Nurpudji A. Taslim, M.PH, Sp.GK (K)
A. Educational History of Clinical Nutrition Specialist in Indonesia
The development of science and technology shows the important role of
Clinical Nutrition in maintaining health and supporting other treatments in
purpose of healing. However in Indonesia, the role of clinical nutrition in medical
services and treatment of disease is still inadequate. The community's need for
reliable nutritional information and nutritional therapy has not yet been followed
by the provision of medical profession in the field of professional clinical
nutrition services. In this regard, clinical nutrition specialists with good quality are
indispensable for effective medical services.
The implementation of postgraduate education in Nutrition Science began
in the 1980s in the form of Master in Nutrition Science program at the Faculty of
Medicine, University of Indonesia. In 1993 the Master of Nutrition
Scienceprogram, specifically Clinical Nutrition at the Faculty of Medicine,
University of Indonesia, was opened for doctors. The graduates of this education
program work in various job fields, one of which is in the hospital, which shows
the need for clinical nutrition services in the community.
Aware of this, the Indonesian Medical Nutrition Doctors Association
(PDGMI) has gone through a long process since 1995, actively socializing the
importance of the Clinical Nutrition Specialist Study Program and clinical
nutrition specialist services in hospitals and other health service centers. This
effort was realized in December 2003 at the XXV IDI Congress in Balikpapan
which stated that the Clinical Nutrition Specialist Study Program was accepted as
a new Specialist Doctor Study Program. The Clinical Nutrition Specialist Study
Program is recognized as a Medical Specialization in the field of Clinical
Nutrition by the Indonesian Medical College Council - Indonesian Doctors
Association (MKKI-IDI).
The National Congress of the Indonesian Medical Nutrition Doctors
Association (PDGMI) in Bandung in 2004 was the beginning of the formal
development of Clinical Nutrition in Indonesia with the establishment of the
Indonesian Clinical Nutrition College and the Indonesian Clinical Nutritionists
Association (PDGKI). Education in the form of a Clinical Nutrition Specialist
Study Program was facilitated to be established in several centers for Medical
Institutions in Indonesia, namely in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang and Makassar.
MKKI-IDI in the same year approved and ratified the establishment of the
Clinical Nutrition Specialist-1 Study Program.
The field of Doctor who specializes in Clinical Nutrition is the second
level of the medical profession as a specialty in medical science. Clinical
Nutrition Specialists are doctors who have achieved certain professional abilities,
specialize in Clinical Nutrition services both in hospitals and in other health
centers and have the ability to absorb, develop and transform Clinical Nutrition.
This means that a Clinical Nutrition Specialist does not only function as a
professional but also is able to excel academically as a researcher and educator.

B. Vision, Mission and Objectives of Clinical Nutrition Specialist Study

Program (PPDS)
Become a distinguished Clinical Nutrition Specialist Study Program in 2025.

Administer the Clinical Nutrition Specialist Study Program, to produce clinical
nutrition specialists who are:
1. Upholding scientific ethics and medical professional ethics
2. Cater to national and international clinical competency standards
3. Able to conduct research in the field of basic and clinical nutrition
4. Able to provide optimum clinical nutrition services


The objectives ofHasanuddin UniversityMedical Faculty of the Clinical

Nutrition Study Program, include the Tridharma of higher education and are
adjusted to KKNIlevel 8 (able to develop clinical nutrition knowledge in which
are innovative and tested, able to solve nutritional problems through an
inter/multidisciplinary approach, and able to manage research and development in
the nutrition field that is useful and able to gain national and international
recognition) which is formulated as follows:

General objective:
To produce Clinical Nutrition Specialists who have high scientific
integrity and ethics, uphold medical and professional ethics, and are able to
holistically improve specialized academic-professional competences through the
application and research of Clinical Nutrition. In the era of globalization, Clinical
Nutrition Specialist Study graduates are able to compete with Clinical Nutrition
Specialists from abroad.
Specific Objectives:
Produce Clinical Nutrition Specialist which are:
1. Able to perform nutritional screening using a method that can provide
information on the nutritional status of the sufferer, among others, based on
the Subjective Global Assessment
2. Able to diagnose the patient's nutritional problems based on clinical
assessment of the patient's nutritional status (including history of disease and
nutritional history from history taking), anthropometry, and biochemistry
3. Able to make nutritional therapy plans based on the latest developments in
Clinical Nutrition:
a. Determine the amount of basal energy requirement using a standard
b. Determine the amount of total energy requirement and nutrients by taking
into account activity factors, metabolic stress, thermogenic effect of food
and the type and severity of disease
c. Translating the needs of energy, macro and micro nutrients into the form
of food ingredients according to the condition and situation of the patient
d. Making nutritional therapy prescriptions in the form of food ingredients
and / or formulas, by determining the type and form according to the
condition of the patient and the disease.
e. Determine the method, time, and frequency of nutrition according to the
patient's condition.
f. Perform nutritional therapy evaluations.

3. Provide counseling and nutrition education to patient according to the patient's

condition and disease.
4. Perform clinical nutrition services in accordance with standards and scientific
5. Building teamwork in nutrition services for patients
C. Organizational Structure of Clinical Nutrition Specialist Study Program in
Hasanuddin University Medical Faculty 2016 - 2020




A. Teaching Staff

B. N Lecturer Name
1 Prof.DR.dr.NurpudjiA.Taslim,MPH,Sp.GK(K) S3
2 Prof.DR.dr.SuryaniAs’ad,M.Sc,Sp.GK(K) S3
3 S3
4 Prof.dr.VeniHadju,M.Sc,PhD,Sp.GK S3
5 dr.AgussalimBukhari,M.Med,Ph.D,Sp.GK(K) S3
6 DR.dr.CitraKesumasari,M.Kes,Sp.GK S3
7 dr. Aminuddin, M. Nut&Med, Ph.D, Sp.GK S3
8 Dr. dr. Aida Juliyati A.Baso, M.Kes, Sp.A(K), Sp.GK S3
9 dr.Mardiana,M.Kes,Sp.GK S2
10 dr.NurainunRani,M.Kes,Sp.GK S2
11 dr.A.YasminSyauki,M.Sc,Sp.GK S2
10 dr.A.Faradilah,M.Kes,Sp.GK S2
11 dr.Marniar,M.Kes,Sp.GK S2
12 dr.AryantiBamahri,M.Kes,Sp.GK S2
13 dr.NurAshari,M.Kes,Sp.GK S2
14 dr.AsriniSafitri,M.Kes,Sp.GK S2
15 dr.NurbayaSyam,M.Kes,Sp.GK S2

C. Curriculum for Clinical Nutrition Specialist Study Program

Students of the Clinical Nutrition Specialist Study Program in Hasanuddin

University Medical Faculty are required to have the following basic abilities and
advanced abilities:
1. Knowledgeable and skilled in the field of clinical nutrition in carrying out
promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative community service.
Knowledgeable, skilled, having attitude, and dedication in implementing health
services to reduce the prevalence of malnutrition (lack of nutrition, excess, or
nutritional imbalance).
2. Ability to analyze, formulate, and recommend or implementing therapy /
management of clinical nutrition problems according to the needs, both at the
individual and community levels.
3. Professionals as Specialist to provide health services, especially in the field of
clinical nutrition.
4. Able to plan, implement and evaluate nutritional conditions using the basic
knowledge of clinical nutrition with the latest technology.

Students of the Clinical Nutrition Specialist Study Program of

Hasanuddin University Medical Faculty are required to have the following
supporting abilities:
1. Knowledgeable and skilled in carrying out research in the field of clinical
nutrition by upholding research ethics.
2. Able to develop knowledge and skills by using learning resources in
accordance with scientific and technological advances leading to the highest
academic level.
3. Able to develop professionalism by being open and responsive to changes and
advances in science and technology related to clinical nutrition, cellular and
biomolecular nutrition.
4. Able to carry out consultation and collaboration activities in the field of
clinical nutrition services and research with other medical fields, government
institutions or domestic and foreign non-governmental organizations.

Efforts to achieve this ability are carried out through lecture activities
and other scientific activities that are described later. The vision, mission and
objectives of clinical nutrition specialist study are in line with the description
of competencies that wish to create superior, ethical and reliable clinical
nutrition specialists in overcoming clinical nutrition problems both
academically and in clinical expertise in accordance with the development of
science and technology in nutrition field.

1st Semester

20Y00510102 1. Ethicomedicolegal 2

20Y00510202 2. Research methods 2

20Y00510302 3. Biostatistics & Computer Statistics 2

20Y00510402 4. Clinical Epidemiology & Evidence-Based Medicine 2

20Y00510502 5. Molecular biology 2

20Y00510601 6. Clinical Pharmacology 1

20Y00510702 7. Immunology 2

20Y00510801 8. Health Administration & Medical Records 1

20C17510102 9. General Nutrition Science 2

20C17510202 10. Nutritional physiology & nutrient metabolism 2


2nd Semester

20C17510302 1. Leadership in Nutrition 2

20C17510403 2. Nutrigenomics 3

20C17510502 3. Epidemiology of Nutrition 2

20C17510602 4. Clinical Microbiology 2

20C17510702 5. Food Material Science 2

20C17510802 6. Food Safety and Security 2

20C17510902 7. Life Cycle Nutrition Science 2

20C17511004 8. Basic Clinical Nutrition (Basic Assessment Of 4

Nutritional Status)

3rd Semester

20C17520102 1. Nutrition Disaster 2

20C17520205 2. Advanced Clinical Nutrition (Further Assessment of 5
Nutritional Status)
20C17520302 3. Sports & Work Nutrition Science 2

20C17520402 4. Literature Review Seminar 2

20C17520502 5. Research proposal 2


4th Semester

20C17520605 1. Implementation of Clinical Nutrition 5

20C17520701 2. Laboratory for Nutritional Assessment 1

20C17520801 3. Patient Food Service Management 1

20C17520902 4. Case Reports / Referrals 2

20C17521001 5. Case study (Long Case) 1

20C17521102 6. Journal Reading 2

20C17521201 7. Nutritional Care Management 1

20C17521302 8. Scientific Presentation / Scientific Activity 2


5th Semester
1. Management of nutrition in gastrointestinal tract,
20C17530103 hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases 3

2. Nutritional management in endocrine metabolic

20C17530203 diseases 3

3. Management of nutrition in lung disease and

20C17530303 respiratory function 3

4. Nutritional management of neurological and

20C17530402 musculoskeletal diseases 2

5. Nutritional management of diseases of the Kidney

20C17530502 and urogenital tract 2

20C17530602 6. Management of nutrition in cardiovascular disease 2

20C17530702 7. Perioperative nutritional management 2
8. Nutritional management of intensive care patients
20C17530802 2

9. Nutritional management of other diseases (Allergy

20C17530901 Immunology) 1


6th Semester
1. Management of Nutrition in Immunology and
20C17531001 Malignancy 1

20C17531103 2. Nutritional management of protein energy deficiency 3

3. Nutritional management of micronutrient deficiency
20C17531202 and toxicity 2

20C17531302 4. Nutritional Management in Obesity 2

20C17531401 5. Nutritional management of infants, children and 1

6. Nutritional management in pregnant and lactating
20C17531501 women 1

7. Nutritional management in the elderly (Menopause

20C17531602 and Andropause) 2


7th Semester

20C17540101 1. Pembimbingan Residen Junior 1

20C17540201 2. Nutrition Services in Health Care (Social Nutrition) 1

20C17540306 3. Final Project Clinical Nutrition Research 6


Total of Semester 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 : 105

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Clinical Nutrition Management √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
1.1 Nutritional Screening
1.2 Assessment of nutritional
Metabolism Status and Tracts
1.3 Nutritional needs, macro,
Micro and Fluid
1.4 Nutritional therapy and
Nutritional monitoring and

Nutritional management of
2 various nutritional status √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Malnutrition, deficiency &
2.1 Micronutrient toxicity and
Nutritional disorders in
vulnerable groups
2.2.1 Infants, children and √
2.2.2 Pregnant and breastfeeding √
Elderly (menopause and
2.2.3 andropause) √

Nutritional management on
3 Impaired organ function and √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Nutritional therapy in
gastrointestinal disorders
Nutritional therapy in disorders
3.1.1 Gastrointestinal tract
Nutritional therapy in liver
Nutritional therapy in disorders
3.1.3 Biliary system
Nutritional therapy in
pancreatic disorders
Metabolic disorders
3.2 in Endocrine √ √
Nutritional therapy in
disorders of carbohydrate
and fat metabolism
Nutritional therapy in
diabetes mellitus
Nutritional therapy in
Nutritional therapy in
disorders Thyroid function
Nutritional therapy in
congenital metabolic

Lung disorders and

3.3 √ √
respiratory function
Nutritional therapy in
3.3.1 Acute / chronic infections
In respiratory tract
Nutritional therapy in
respiratory disorders

Nerve and musculoskeletal

3.4 √ √
3.4.1 Nerve and musculoskeletal
3.4.2 Nutritional therapy in
3.4.3 Nutritional therapy in
Nutritional therapy in
3.4.5 Nutritional therapy in
3.4.6 Nutritional therapy in
Nutritional therapy on
Guillain Barre

Renal & urogenital duct

3.5 √ √ √ √

Nutritional therapy in
urinary tract stones
Nutritional therapy in
nephritic syndromes
Nutritional therapy in acute
renal failure
Nutritional therapy in
3.5.4 Chronic kidney disease
Nutritional therapy in
Nutritional therapy in post
Kidney transplant

3.6 Cardiovascular disorders √ √ √ √

Nutritional therapy in
3.6.1 cardiovascular disease
(CVD) and (CAD)
Nutritional therapy in heart
3.6.2 disease and heart failure
3.6.3 Nutritional therapy in

3.7 Perioperative √ √
3.7.1 Preoperative nutritional
3.7.2 Postoperative nutritional

3.8 Intensive care patients √

3.8.1 Nutritional therapy in burn
Nutritional therapy in ICU,
3.8.2 ICCU and HCU wound care

Nutritional therapy in fluid

3.8.3 and electrolyte balance

Immune function Disorders

3.9 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
and malignancy
Nutritional therapy in
immune function deficiency
and infection
Nutritional therapy on
3.9.2 malignancy/cancer
3.9.3 Nutritional therapy in
3.9.4 Nutritional therapy in

Various diseases / other

3.10 disorders √ √ √
3.10. Nutritional therapy in
1 √
psychogenic disorders
3.10. Nutritional therapy in food
2 √
allergy and food Intolerance
Nutrition service
management in clinic
4.1 Nutritional therapy
Service management of
4.2 patient's Food

Clerkship activities are carried out at the Functional Service Unit (UPF) / department:
1. Internal disease
2. Surgery
3. Intensive care unit(ICU), Intersive Cardiac care centre (ICCU), High Care
Unit (HCU), and Wound Care
4. Pediatric
5. Obstetrics-gynecology
6. Neurology
7. Pulmonology
8. Cardiology
9. Oncology
10. Clinical nutrition science and hospital nutrition installations

The table above shows the entire curriculum in clinical nutrition specialist
doctor education which is integrated into a structured program including
scheduled face-to-face (lectures) and unscheduled (discussion with supervisors),
literature review seminars, case reports, case studies, journal reading, nutritional
research. clinic. All of these programs are implemented either internally (in the
clinical nutrition department) or externally (when carrying out clerkship in
another department).
1. Lecture
Scheduled face-to-face lecture to deliver lessons according to a
predetermined curriculum in accordance with the proportions of each
2. Daily Ward Rounds/Daily Visite

Conducted every day by each doctor in charge of the ward and followed
by all residents at each level who are on duty on the ward.
3. Supervisor Ward Rounds/Visite by Supervisors
Conducted 2 times a week before conducting a case conference. In the
ward round, new inpatients are visited and will be discussed in the case
conference. Ward rounds are conducted on Mondays and Thursdays
each week led by the Supervisor who will chair the case conference.
4. Bedsite Teaching /Specific Case Visite
Learning activities carried out in the patient's ward to discuss (certain)
interesting cases.
5. Clinical Conferences / New Case Conferences
This activity is carried out 2 times a week every Monday and Thursday
13.00 after all activities are ended. Presented by each ward, discussing
the nutritional therapy given to the same new hospitalized patients in that
period, under the guidance of the same Supervisor.
6. Case referat / Individual Case Reports (short cases and long cases)
Carried out according to the schedule of presenting cases and referrals.
Each student is obliged to present 5 (five) short cases and 5 (five)
referrals related to the case in question and 1 (one) long case which is
followed up until after the patient returns home.
7. Journal reading
Carried out according to the reading schedule made at the end of the
previous month. Each resident is obliged to present 5 published
international journals and previous journals have been reviewed.
8. Clinical Skill Lab(according to the level of competence)
Practical activities using human models, food models, and certain food
ingredients are carried out both at the Clinical Nutrition Section, as well
as at the Skill Laboratory of the Medical Faculty of Hasanuddin
University. Lab skills that are carried out are anthropometric
measurements of the patient (height, weight, upper arm circumference,
knee high, skin fold thickness, handheld strength), lab work for making
blenderized food, milk porridge and others.
9. Level Up Exam (Theory Exam)
Evaluation for the junior, intermediate, independent stage to take the
next stage. The junior stage evaluation is carried out after the resident
completes semesters 1 and 2 along with the related tasks. The
intermediate stage evaluation is carried out after the resident completes
semesters 3, 4, 5 and related tasks, while the independent stage
evaluation is carried out after the resident completes semesters 6 and 7
and the related tasks.
10. Junior mentoring
Mentoring activities carried out by independent level residents towards
junior and middle level residents. Mentoring is carried out on a
scheduled basis with mentoring materials including patient history,
anthropometric measurements, food recall, determination of nutritional
status. Unscheduled mentoring takes place every day when middle level
residents answer to the consul.
11. Literature review
Literature review seminars are conducted before making a research
proposal, aiming to obtain the theoretical framework of a study
12. Research proposal
A research proposal seminar is a seminar conducted prior to conducting
13. Scientific activities and presentations

Resident is obliged to participate in scientific activities at the national

and international levels and is obliged to present scientific cases at 1
national level scientific meeting and 1 scientific meeting at the
international level.
14. Departemen fellowship
Activities of fellowship in other division/departments to provide
nutritional care to patients who are treated in the relevant department.
15. Social nutrition services / Public healthcare
Social nutrition services are carried out at the public health care for 2
weeks by independent residents at the Puskesmas who have been
appointed by the Clinical Nutrition study program.
16. OSCE (Objective Structure Clinical Examination)
Examinations are conducted to assess the clinical ability to provide
services to patients in a structured manner according to established
operational procedures, consisting of OSCE 1 at junior level to
intermediate level and OSCE 2 at intermediate level to independent
17. Local examination
Local exams consist of short case exams and long case exams, which are
carried out upon completion of all courses and clinical activities

18. National Examination

The National Examination (Board Exam) consists of a short case exam and a
long case exam, which is carried out at the completion of the evaluation of all
courses and other clinical activities.

Clinical Practice Place

Main Teaching Hospital: Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital

Network Hospital:
a. Unhas Teaching Hospital
b. Labuang Baji Hospital
c. Ibnu Sina Hospital
d. Faisal Hospital
e. Stella Maris Hospital
f. Pelamonia Hospital

D. Exam and Evaluation System

The competencies of students in the Clinical Nutrition Specialist Study Program
are evaluated including cognitive abilities, skills, and behavior.

1. The student evaluation system is based on assessments on student

performance, diagnostic and action skills, discussions, and papers.
2. Student assessments are recorded in the academic archives.
3. Assessments are conducted at the end ofeach post for cognitive skillsand
4. Assessment and evaluation of behavior and performance is carried outwhile
the students are still in the study program.
5. With each competency passed,students must meet the following criteria:
a. Junior Stage Passing Criteria
1. Logbook is fulfilled
2. No negative record of attitude
3. Passed in semester 1 and 2 courses
4. Pass the Junior Exam
b. Intermediate Stage Passing Criteria
1. Logbook is fulfilled
2. No negative record of attitude
3. Passed in semester3, 4,and5courses
4. Pass the rotationexams
5. Complete the reading of 5 (five) journals.
6. Completing 5 (five) referate cases
7. Completed 1 long case.
8. Pass the Intermediate exam
c. Senior Stage Passing Criteria
1. Logbook is fulfilled
2. No negative record of attitude
3. Passed in semester6 and 7courses
4. Has been carrying outduties at the affiliated hospital.
5. Complete the research report
6. Pass the final exam

The evaluation is assessed by assessingthe numbers that will then be

converted to Graduation Grade, which will be shown in the following table:

Graduation Grade

Range score Score in Alphabet Convertion Score

85 - 100 A 4.00
80 - <85 A- 3.75
75 - <80 B+ 3.50
70 - <75 B 3.00
65 - <70 B- 2.75
00 - <65 E 0.00

To evaluate the results of learning and ensure the quality of graduates of

the Student in Clinical Nutrition Doctor Education Program then we conducted
local exams by the Specialist Education Program FK UNHAS and national exams
in collaboration withcollege. Exams are one of the methods to know the expected
competency achievements in students. There are various forms of exams that can
be selected according to the type of competency expected. The exam should
be able to measure the knowledge and skills of prospective graduates. To measure
knowledge, the form of essaywriting exam or MCQ (Multiple Choice
Question)can be selected, while for skills, it will be OSCE (Objective Structured
Comprehensive Examination).The OSCE requirementsare to have
completed/temporarily being the Chief Consular Officer and have submit a
manuscript to international journal.

E. Academic Advisor
Each student has an advisorylecturerin charge of monitoring and
accompanying his academic life until graduating from FKUH. In addition,
Academic Advisory Lecturers also act as supervisors in the preparation of
student’s thesis. The distribution of supervisors is carried out by the Study
Program and will be socialized at the beginning of the admission of new students.
Students and lecturers will be given an academic guidance logbook
that must be filled so that the supervisor can monitor and recognizeproblems
faced by the student's guidance and so that the student himself has a portfolio
that has recorded all his academic activities during college that can be used for
graduation management and become a reference to recognize his advantages and
disadvantages before entering the community.
Academic Advisors and his/her students should arrange regular meetings
for mentoring activities, and logbook filling is mandatory and becomes a pre-
graduation and judicial requirement.
When to see Academic Advisor?
• Before the start of the new semester and program the Study Plan Card.
Academic advisor will review student learning achievements and provide
solutions and suggestions for learning problems experienced as well as
provide constructive direction for student self-development.
• If student experience a problem that interfereswith academic activities, such
as college leave, severe illness that requires guidanceand
counseling,academic violations, etc. Those who have problems with the
studentsconcerned, both lecturers, students, and other parties will coordinate
with Academic Advisor to find the best way out for students.
• At the time of thesis mentoring, starting from title selection, data search and
analysis, to presentations and exams will be accompanied and monitored by
Academic Advisor. Students arerequired to report to their academic
supervisor at least once before the semester begin.


A. Library
The Faculty Library has more than 3000 collections of medical books
andmagazines,including a new collection of 1640 titles. 101 national magazine
titles and 57 international magazine titles.
All academicians can use the library facilities. Registrationcan be done
directly in the library by showing the student card and filling out the biodata form,
after which the library manager will create a control card and a library
membership card.
Library opening hours :
- Monday to Thursday : 08.00 – 16.00 WITA
- Friday : 08.00 – 16.30 WITA
- Saturdays, Sundays, holidays& public holidays : closed

Study Program’s Library is also available at RSP Unhas Building A on the

5th floor of the Department of Nutrition Sciences. Common library is at RSP
Unhas Building A 4th floor and Hasanuddin University Library.
What if Students gets sick?
- Students can visit the nearest health facilities (Public Health Service or
Hospital). For thearea aroundHasanuddin University,there are Hasanuddin
University Hospital and Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital.
- If students need guidance and counseling for academic problems and
more personal problems, please contact the Counseling Department at
Hasanuddin University Hospital.
- Students who are sick and need academic guidance and leave can contact the
academic advisor to be mediated with the Faculty and given the best way out.
(See sub-chapters Academic Advisor)

The Faculty realizes that Unhas students come from various regions. For
students who do not have family in Makassar, around the campus there are
various types of accommodation to choose from, ranging from campus
dormitories to boarding rooms / houses in the Tamalanrea area.

Unhas Area
1. Student Flats (Rusunawa) Hasanuddin University
Rusunawa is located behind the Dental and Oral Hospital Building of
Hasanuddin University in Tamalanrea. Consists of 3 main buildings with 4
floors each. Rusunawa is arguably the most popular residence for medical
students, especially for students from outside the city. The cost of renting a
room is Rp. 700,000 excluding electricity and water. For information and
registration, prospective new residents can contact the building manager
at the Rusunawa management office.

2. Medika Dormitory
Medika Dormitory is a dormitory managed for FK UNHAS students.
This dormitory is intended for male students and is located before the
entrance gate of Rusunawa behind Dental and Oral Hospital Building of
Hasanuddin University in Tamalanrea. There is no room rental fee, only
electricity and dining costs around Rp. 350.000 a month. For more
information about the requirements, please contactthecontact person of
Asrama Medika.

3. Hasanuddin University Student Dormitory (Ramsis)

This ramsis is spread in several locations across the Facultyof Law,Faculty
of Economics and Business, as well as across the building of the Faculty of
Public Health Unhas.This ramsisbelongstothe category of RusunawaUnhas,
with diverse residents, from various faculties. Forinformationand
registration can directly come to one of the buildings and contact the
manager for more information.

Area Around Unhas

1. Door zero
The location of this residence is right next to the hasanuddin university area.
It can be accessed through Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan or can from the side of
the tennis court Unhas. The cost of renting a boarding house in this area is
ranging from less than Rp 500,000 to Rp 1,000,000.

2. Teacher Housing(Perdos)UnhasTamalanrea
There are various boarding houses in perdos Unhas Tamalanrea complex
scatteredthroughout the region. Rental costs alsovaryfrom Rp500,000 to Rp
1,000,000. For transportation in and out of the complex area can be by
motorcycle, rickshaw, or motorcycle rickshaw, and on the mainroadsof
housing there is public transportation.

3. Wesabbe Region
This area is located in a location next to PerdosUnhasTamalanrea.Some
residences can be reached by walking fromJl. PerintisKemerdekaan. The
rental cost range is approximately the same as Perdos Unhas Tamalanrea,
but generally are cheaper.

4. Bumi Tamalanrea Permai (BTP)

This housing has a very large area inwards. Student residence can also
be reached by city transportation, motorcycle taxis, rickshaws or motorcycle
rickshaws. There are many grocery stores, restaurants and places thatsell
stationery and have photocopying facilities.The cost of rent varies greatly
depending on the type of residence and facilities offered.

D. Transportation
For outside students and students who do not have a private vehicle, public
transportation is the easiest way to getto campuses,hospitals,healthcenters,clinical
clerkship locations, immigration offices, shopping center, city, and others. Unhas
campus is on main road with by many publictransportationsthatallow students to
arrive right in front of the Faculty of MedicineUnhas.
Here are the transportation routes for makassar city and surrounding
areas including tamalanreaunhas campus area:
1. Code A (Strip color : gray)

Departure : BTN Minasa Upa - Syech Yusuf - Sultan Alauddin - Andi

Tonro - Kumala - Ratulangi – General Sudriman (East Karebosi) - HOS
Cokroaminoto (Central) - KH. Wahid Hasyim - Wahidin Sudirohusodo - Butung
Back : Butung Market - Sulawesi - Riburane Achmad Yani (Balaikota) -
General Sudirman - Ratulangi (MaRI) - Landak - Veteran - Sultan
Alauddin - Syech Yusuf - BTN Minasa Upa.

2. Code B (Strip color : white)

Departure : Tamalate Terminal - Malengkeri - Daeng Tata - Abdul Kadir -

Dangko - Cendrawasih - Arief Rate - Sultan Hasanuddin - Patimura -
Ujungpandang - Riburane - JendralAchmadYani (Balaikota) -
Back : Butung Market - Sulawesi - Achmad Yani - Kajaolalido (East
Karebosi) - Botolempangan - Arief Rate - Cendrawasih - Dangko - Abdul
Kadir - Daeng Tata - Malengkeri - Tamalate Terminal.
3. Code C (Strip color : yellow)

Departure :KH.Wahid.Hasyim-DRWahidinSudirohusodo-Buru-Bandang-
Juanda-Regge– Rappokalling
Back :Rappokalling -Korban 40ribu-Juanda -Gatot Subroto-Ujungpandang
Baru - Pongtiku - Datok Ditiro - Sunu - Masjid Raya -Bawakaraeng-
JenderalSudirmanSudirman - HOS Cokroaminoto - KH. Wahid
Hasyim -Makassar Mall
4. Code D (Strip color : purple)

Departure :TerminalDaya–Sudiang -PerintisKemerdekaan–Urip Sumoharjo -

AP. Pettarani - Bawakaraeng - Latimojong - Andalas - Laiya -SelatanMakassar
Back :SelatanMakassarMall-HOSCokroaminoto-Bulusaraung-MasjidRaya-
UripSumoharjo -PerintisKemerdekaan -TerminalDaya.
5. Code E (Strip color : brown)

Departure :TerminalPanakkukang-Toddoppuli-Tamalate-EmmySaelan

- Mapala-AP.Pettarani-MacciniRaya-UripSumoharjo-Bawakaraeng-
Latimojong -Andalas-Laiya-KH.AgusSalim–TimurMakassarMall.
Back :KH.AgusSalim-PangeranDiponegoro-Bandang-MasjidRaya
Terminal Panakkukang.
6. Code F (Strip color : dark blue)

Departure :TerminalTamalate-Mallengkeri-DaengTata-DaengNgeppe
- Kumala - Veteran - Bandang- Buru - Andalas - Satangnga - KH.
AgusSalim- Timur Makassar Mall.
Back :KH Agus Salim - Pangeran Diponegoro - Andalas - Buru -Bandung
- Veteran - Sultan Alauddin - Andi Tonro - Kumala - DaengNgeppe -
Daeng Tata-Mallengkeri-TerminalTamalate
7. Code G (Strip color : dark green)

Departure :TerminalDaya-Kima-TOL(Ir.Sutami)-Tinumbu-Cakalang
-YosSudarso-Tentara Pelajar -Kalimantan-PasarButung
Back :Pasar Butung - Kalimantan - Cakalang - Tinumbu - TOL (Ir.Sutami) -
Kima-Terminal Daya
8. Code H (Strip color : light green)
Departure :PerumnasAntang-AntangRaya-UripSumiharjo-Bawakaraeng-
- Kalimantan -PasarButung

Back :PasarButung-Kalimantan-Satando-DR.WahidinSudirohusodo-
9. Code I (Strip color : black)
Departure :Terminal Panakkukang - Toddopuli Raya - Borong -
BatuaRaya- Abdullah Daeng Sirua - AP. Pettarani - Pelita Raya -Sungai
Pattimura- Pasar Baru
Back : Pasar Baru-Pattimura - Ujungpandang - Riburane - Ahmad
- SungaiSaddangBaru-PelitaRaya-AP.Pettarani-AbdullahDaengSirua
- BatuaRaya -Borong-ToddopuliRaya-Terminal Panakkukang
10. Code J (Strip color : orange)

Departing : BTP - Pioneer of Independence - AP. Pettarani -

UripSumoharjo- Bawakaraeng - Latimojong - Andalas - Laiya - Selatan
Makassar Mall
Kembali :SelatanMakassarMall-HOSCokroaminoto-Bulusaraung-MasjidRaya-
Urip Sumoharjo - PerintisKemerdekaan– BTP

Special route through UnhasTamalanrea campus

• Code S(pink)

Departure: Teminal Tamalate - Mallengkeri - Daeng Tata - Abd. Kadir -

Dangko - Cendrawasih - Arif Rate - Sultan Hasanudin - Sawerigading -
- UripSumoharjo -PerintisKemerdekaan-Unhascampus

Back:Unhas campus-Perintis Kemerdekaan- Urip Sumoharjo-

Abd. Kadir- DaengTata-Mallengkeri–Tamalate
• Code B1(05)

- Laccukang-Sunu-MasjidRaya-UripSumoharjo-PerintisKemerdekaan
- KampusUnhas

Back:Unhas Campus-PerintisKemerdekaan-UripSumoharjo-Bawakaraeng-
Sudirohusodo - Tentara Pelajar - Ujung - Bandang - Masjid Raya – Sunu -
TeukuUmar- Gatot Subroto- Korban 40ribu
• Code C1

Departure : AP. Pettarani (Ujung) - Kampus UNM Gunung Sari -

AP.Pettarani - Pelita Raya - AP. Pettarani - Abdullah Daeng Sirua - PLTU -
PerintisKemerdekaan– KampusUnhas
Back : Kampus Unhas - Perintis Kemerdekaan - PLTU - AbdullahDaeng
Sirua - AP. Pettarani – Kampus UNM Gunung Sari - AP. Pettarani(Ujung)
• Code E1 (07)

Departure:AP.Pettarani-KampusUNMGunungSari-AP.Pettarani - Pelita Raya

- AP. Pettarani - Abdullah Daeng Sirua - PLTU -PerintisKemerdekaan–
Back : Unhas- Perintis Kemerdekaan - PLTU - AbdullahDaeng Sirua - AP.
Pettarani – Kampus UNM Gunung Sari - AP. Pettarani(Ujung)
• CodeF1(02)

Departure : Terminal Tamalate - Mallengkeri - Daeng Tata - M. Tahir -

Kumala - Veteran-MasjidRaya-UripSumoharjo -PerintisKemerdekaan
Back : Unhas- Perintis Kemerdekaan - Urip Sumoharjo - AP.Pettarani -
Abubakar Lambogo - Veteran - Sultan Alauddin - Andi Tonro -Kumala -

E. Scholarship
The faculty facilitateseverystudent who has difficulty financing his studies. It
isalso a form of appreciation for the academic and non-academic achievements of
students. Student hasagreat opportunity to getscholarships from a wide variety of
scholarships offered. Belowissome information on the types of scholarships and
general requirements that applicants mustmeet.
1. Ministry of Health Scholarships
3. Local Government Scholarships

PERSONAL SCHOLARSHIP (not always available)

1. Pt. Antam:IDR3,000,000 / semester
2. Bank Mandiri Prestasi: IDR 1,000,000 / month
3. Supersemar: IDR 200,000 / month
4. Bank Indonesia: IDR 250,000 / month
5. BUMN (State-Owned Enterprises): Rp 30.000.000 / year
6. Lentera Bangsa Foundation: IDR 600,000 /semester

Scholarship Document (InGeneral):

1. Academic Transcript
2. BNI bank account
3. Electricity bill
4. Photocopy of Student Card
5. StudyPlan Card
6. Photocopy of FamilyCard
7. ParentalIncome Statement
8. Proposal /CertificateKTI

For more information about scholarships, student can visit or directly contact the
Residency Management Office of the Faculty of Medicine UNHAS.

Faculty of Medicine UNHAS provides wireless network facilities or better
known as wi-fi that reaches all areas in the Faculty. Each student simply creates an
account on the 3rd Floor of the Faculty ICT Center, to choose the network with the
strongest signal in the region and can directly enjoy the facility.
Unhas Clinical Nutrition Program also provides wireless networking
facilities in some places with the most student activities, namelyon the 5th floor of
Building A Hasanuddin University, Outpatient Department of Nutrition in Private
Care Center 2nd floor and Lontara 2 Room at DrWahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital.

Periodic Scientific Meetings - Jan.
Activities held annually with different themes have beenheldevery year for 19 years.
This science meeting is intended to be a mediumofupdating science according to
the theme raised.

Dies Natalis Facultyof MedicineUNHAS - January

Faculty of Medicine UNHAS turned 59 years old on January 28, 2015. Every year,
the Faculty’s birthday celebrations are celebrated combined with Periodic Scientific
Meetings and Faculty Alumni Associations.

Graduation - March, June, September, December

The graduation of all unhas faculty was held simultaneously by UNHAS. This
graduation ceremony is held every 3 months, namely in March, June,
September,andDecember.The graduation took place inBaruga A.P. Pettarani
UNHAS. In general, all files or documentsrequiredfor graduation have been
collected one month before the specified graduation day.

Dies Natalis UNHAS - September

Dies natalis, according to its words means birthday celebrations. In 2015, UNHAS
was 59 years old. Although UNHAS started in 1947, but only on September 10,
1956 UNHAS was inaugurated. This anniversary is very festive and becomes the
biggest annual event in UNHAS.

Student Research Grants

This activity only started in 2014. Student research grants are given as an effort to
increase the interest, motivation, and ability of students and lecturers to conduct
research and / or anything in accordance with the research road map in each study
program.This grant is also an effort to implement one of the Three Principles of
Higher Education, a devotion.

Dean's Cup - Beginning of the Year

The Dean Cup is a sports and arts competition usually held at the beginning of the
year. In this event, preclinical students, polyclinic students, and also residents in
each major can compete to win matchesin various sports and arts.

National Exam – February, May, August, November

Competency Examination Of Specialist Doctor Education Program is the final test
of residency in order to pass legally in the Specialist Doctor Education Program
and be recognized as a Professional Clinical NutritionSpecialist.National Exams
are held 4 times a year in February, May, August, and November.

H. Important Phone Numbers

Important Phone Number at Faculty of Medicine Unhas
№ Room Phone Number
1 Dean's Secretariat 0411 -586028 (ext. 101)
2 Head of Academic 0411 -586028 (ext. 105)
3 Head of Student Affairs 0411 -586028 (ext. 106)
4 Head ofFinance&HRD 0411 -586028 (ext. 107
5 Head of Administration 0411 -586028 (ext. 108)
6 Head ofFacility and Supplioes 0411 -586028 (ext. 109)
Doctor Education Study Program&
7 0411 -587436
Doctor Education Unit

Public Service Phone Number

№ General Services Phone Number
1 Immigration Office 0411 -584559
2 Fire 0411-113
3 Ambulance 0411-118
4 Phone 0411-147
5 Electricity 0411-123
6 Drinking Water 0411-876-777
7 SAR Makassar 0411-554-111
8 SAR Unhas 0411-585-967
9 Indonesian Red Cross 0411-854-221
10 Community Complaints 0411-5011996
11 Tamalanrea Police 0411-4774145
12 Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital 0411-584-677
13 Unhas Hospital 0411-591210
14 Daya General Hospital 0411-513127


If you find anything (abandoned or lost by the owner) in the Nutrition Clinic
unhas area, it can be taken or reported to the Office of Lost and FoundServices that
is to Ms. Mirna (085242622527) on the 5th Floor of HasanudinUniversity Hospital
Building A. Operating hours during business hours.

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