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Cura, Van Lester D.

Hidayat, Anna Abigail Asif C.
Macalino, Niña Camille F.
Palo, Trixie M.


This study has an interesting history that dates back several decades
when inventors and engineers began experimenting with the idea of controlling
electrical device through sound. The concept of sound-activated switches has
evolved over time. As technology advanced, clap switches became more
sophisticated. Modern clap-activated switches often use better microphones and
processing capabilities to accurately detect and respond to specific sound
patterns. They can distinguish between normal sounds and the designated clap
pattern. Its memorable advertising slogan, "Clap On! Clap Off!" helped popularize
the concept.

The purpose of this concept was to provide a hands-free and convenient

way to manage lighting and appliances. And the development of the clap switch
is an example of how technology has been used to enhance accessibility,
convenience and energy efficiency. This concept quickly gained popularity due to
its simplicity and ease of use. It was particularly appealing for people with
mobility issues, as it provided an accessible way to control lighting without
needing to physically reach for a switch. Clap switches are primarily used for
controlling lighting in various areas of the home, such as bedrooms, living rooms,
and kitchens. They are also used in commercial settings for hands-free control of
lighting and other electrical devices.

The main component of this clap on and off light switch is condenser mic
and other components like, BC-557 transistor, BC-549 transistor, CD4017-IC,
Relay Module, 220 ohms resistor, 1k ohms resistor, 10k ohms resistor, battery 9V,
LED 4V, and light bulb. These components help together to convert sound signal
into electrical energy.

The issue at hand is the requirement for a more understandable, and

effective way to regulate lighting in the home. A common mistake made by
individuals is failing to turn off lights when exiting a room, which results in
wasteful energy use and elevated electricity expenses.

 How does people with mobility issues or disabilities turn on/off the light?
 How does the switch bring rise to smart homes of today?
 How does this concept help people as an advanced technology?


The success of these objectives is measured by user satisfaction and the

device's ability to enhance the overall lighting control experience.

 To automatically turn on and off the light using the sound of the clap.
 To offer a accessible, convenient and energy efficient to the users.
 To help and to contribute the users in energy savings and promote a more
energy-efficiency lifestyle.

Community. This may encourage residents to explore and adopt new

technologies, fostering a forward-thinking and technologically literate community.
Clap-on and off switches can improve accessibility, especially for people with
impairments or other mobility issues. By giving people an easier and more
accessible means to manage lights, this technology fosters inclusive across the

Environment. Adopting clap on/off switches can promote ecologically conscious

behavior and increase public awareness of energy conservation. By urging the
use of light only when required, clap-on and off switches promote efficient
lighting practices. This may result in less lighting that is needless and wasteful,
which would increase energy efficiency even more.

Private Companies. Companies can draw in tech-savvy customers by

improving the overall appeal of their product selection. Gaining an early
advantage or being at the forefront of the invention of clap on/off switches might
be beneficial. Private businesses in the smart home technology space can look
into joint ventures and partnerships with businesses in relevant fields. This may
result in packaged goods and all-inclusive smart home solutions.

For the Future Researchers. Future researchers can benefit from studying
clap on and off light switches in several ways, gaining insights into various
aspects of technology, human behavior, and societal trends. Future research can
concentrate on how clap-on and clap-off switches affect people with disabilities
and what accessibility features they have.

The scope and limitation of a study on clap on and off light switches
determine the investigation's boundaries and focus. To guarantee that the
research objectives are met and that the study remains focused on the most
significant and practical features of clap on and off light switches, the scope and
limitation of the study must be clearly defined.

 Clap switches are accessible to individuals with mobility issues or
 Making it convenient for users to turn on and off without needing to locate
a traditional switch.
 The concept often come with features like automatic shutoff, contributing
to energy savings by ensuring that lights are not left on unnecessary.
 This can be useful in bedrooms, where turning off lights without getting
out of bed is desirable.

 Clap switches can be sensitive to background noise, and they may
unintentionally activate or deactivate unwanted sounds.
 They may not be suitable for individuals with hearing impairments or
those who cannot produce the specific sound pattern.
 Continuous monitoring for claps could result in increased power usage,
particularly for battery-powered devices, which would reduce overall
energy efficiency.
 Its not suitable for environment with high ambient sound levels and it may
have difficulty to function properly.

CD4017 - the CD4017 IC is a CMOS Decade counter and it is used in the

applications of low-range counting. This IC will count from 0 to 10 and the circuit
with an IC 4017 will save board space as well as the time necessary to design
the circuit.

BC557 - the BC557 transistor is the PNP BJT transistor used in electronic circuits.
This transistor is very useful for circuit designers as well as students who are
very curious about electronic components.

BBC549 - is a NPN transistor hence the collector and emitter will be left open
(Reverse biased) when the base pin is held at ground and will be closed
(Forward biased) when a signal is provided to base pin.

RELAY MODULE - a power relay module is an electrical switch that is operated

by an electromagnet. The electromagnet is activated by a separate low-power
signal from a micro controller. When activated, the electromagnet pulls to either
open or close an electrical circuit.



Clap sensitive automated multi switch for day-to-day electrical power

saving and safety application

A human clap can activate an electrical multi-switch known as a clap

sensor. In daily life, this can be used to turn on one or more electronic devices.
Compared to once being commercially available, it leverages low cost in a
circular manner. The majority of clap switches have a single function. However,
by creating the PIC program, this can be used for other purposes. (Walisundara,
W. M. B. P. K.; Kumarayapa, Y. A. A. 2014, January 1)

Simple Clap Switch

An electronic gadget that allows users to operate appliances through claps.

This technology's primary benefits include helping those with limited mobility,
being inexpensive, energy-efficient, and having a dependable circuit that
produces good results. By using claps, this straightforward, highly sensitive clap
switch circuit activates and deactivates electrical appliances. Depending on the
microphone being used, clapping from a specific distance activates the clap
operated circuit. (Barani Daran R., Kavin G., Sudharshan B., Chandhru V., 2022)

Clap Switching

A circuited switch, which works with sound of clapping hands or an

identical object; that is, the switch turns "on." position upon one or two claps,
and the "off" position. A clap-switch circuit is a sound-sensitive circuit that will
activate when it is clapped once or twice more, depending on the circuit design.
The circuit runs in a simple way. Both the lamp and the clap becomes activated.
Clap again and it turns off. The condenser picks up your coughs, claps, and other
sounds are recorded through the microphone. The next transistor stage amplifies
the tiny electrical signal it generates. Make sure to clap loudly and to activate the
LED. (Somangshu Bagchi, Subhadip Ghosh, Deepak Nandi, (2013, November 13)

Design and Construction of Clap Activated Switch

This mechanism is comparable to the a microphone to detect sound, a

high-gain amplifier amplifying the sound about 120 times, and a one-shot
monostable circuit configured to be triggered by a clap. The monostable circuit,
acting as a Schmitt trigger, transforms the clap sound into a square pulse,
serving as a clock pulse for a D-type flip-flop. The flip-flop, in turn, changes the
output, latching it either ON or OFF. This latching action is utilized to control a
light bulb through a relay, facilitated by a relay driver circuit. (Tomiwa A. C. June,

Low Cost Stand-Alone Clap Only Detector

Clap Clap switches have applications in various fields such as automation

and security. The clap sound can be used as a relay on/off trigger signal or a
security system alarm signal. However, the sound is highly directional and
susceptible to the noise floor. Additionally, because it is an impulsive sound, it is
difficult to distinguish applause from other similar impulsive sounds such as
impulsive sounds, dog barks, coughs, etc. We propose a device for detecting clap
sounds that can also be distinguished from other impact sounds. Bandpass
filtering in the frequency domain and correlation in the time domain were used to
effectively detect and distinguish clap sounds from other sounds. (Ajaykumar
Maurya; Sarath Manikandan December, 2018)

Smart Control Of Home Amenities Using Google Assistant And Clap

Switch Circuit

This home automation system or device can use clap circuits to control
home appliances or electronic devices when a person is reachable from a remote
location. One clap will turn on the device using the relay, and if a person cannot
be contacted remotely, then one clap will turn off the device. This one-of-a-kind
home automation system is unlike any other existing system ever installed.
Planned microcontrollers or circuits are used to control household appliances.
This system mainly focuses on the combination of circuits and his Google
Assistant, an artificial intelligence-based virtual assistant. (Vanathi K. Lalitha; B.
Mahalakshmi; S. Madhusudan; M. Srinivasaperumal; S. Srikanth March, 2019)

Design of a Clap Activated Switch

The primary purpose of a switch is to provide a means to connect two or

more terminals to allow current to flow, to allow interaction between electrical
components, and to facilitate the separation of electrical circuits when necessary.
The motivation behind this design is based on the desire to alleviate the
problems that elderly and disabled people face when controlling some home
appliances. Therefore, this paper provides an introductory study on the basic
principles of using acoustic energy to control switching behavior. This is achieved
by converting the energy generated by "hand clapping" into electrical impulses,
which are used to drive electronic circuits including relays, which connect to
electrical networks via relays. Switch on/off all devices that are connected. (Seyi
Stephen OLOKEDE, 2008)

Clap Switch Controller by using IC555 Timer

This project uses the sound of a clap to turn on or off any electrical circuit.
The circuit runs in a straightforward manner. The lamp turns on when we clap,
and we can turn it off by clapping again. The sound of that book falling off the
table, your coughs, and your claps are all picked up by the condenser
microphone. The next transistor stage amplifies the tiny electrical signal it
generates. As a bistable multi-vibrator, two transistors that are cross-connected
change states with each signal. These transistors are used to power a heavier
transistor that manages a lamp. With the sound of a clap, this circuit can turn on
and off a light, fan, radio, and etc. (M. Sai Kumar, Student of ECE, Holy Mary
Institute of Science & Technology, Hyderabad. Asoc. Prof B Karunaiah, Dept of
ECE, Holy Mary Institute of Science & Technology, P.Akhil, Student of ECE, Holy
Mary Institute of Science & Technology, Hyderabad November, 2018)



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