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Jku cs exist exam

1 .) In parts of the processor, adders are used to calculate

A. Addresses

B. Table indices

C. Increment and decrement operators

D. All of the Mentioned

2 .) The system specification describes the

A. Function, performance and constraints of a computer based system

B. Implementation of each allocated system

C. Element Software architecture

D. Time required for system simulation

3 .) Which transaction property ensures changes are still present following a crash
or system failure?

A. isolation

B. consistency

C. atomicity

D. durability

4 .) Ability to obtain data from a storage device by going directly to where it is

physically located on device rather than by having to sequentially look for data at
one physical location after another is called

A. sequential access

B. timed access

C. direct access

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D. variable access

5 .) Which one of the following network device connects networks that use
different network technologies?

A. Switches

B. Bridges

C. Routers

D. Gateways

6 .) Which feature of OOP indicates code reusability?

A. Abstraction

B. Polymorphism

C. Encapsulation

D. Inheritance

7 .) Process of creating copy of stored data onto another disc is termed as creating

A. locked files

B. backup files

C. modified file

D. destroyed file

8 .) A week entity type always has a participation constraint with respect to

identifying relationships

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A. Partial

B. Total

C. Over lap

D. Disjoint

9 .) Which generalization form is based on transitive dependence?

A. 1NF

B. 3NF

C. 5NF

D. 8NF

10 .) Which database object is ideal to view,change, and analyze data in different


A. Table

B. Form

C. Query

D. Report

11 .)

A. Helps in redefining the same functionality

B. Increases overhead of function definition always

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C. It is feature of OOP

D. Ease in readability of program

12 .) The disadvantage of a process being allocated all its resources before

beginning its execution is :

A. Low CPU utilization

B. Low resource utilization

C. Very high resource utilization

D. None of these

13 .) A telephone number, abirth date and a customer name all are examples of

A. A database

B. A record

C. A file

D. data

14 .) Which of the following distinguishes switches from repeating devices, such

as hubs?

A. Switches separate collision domains.

B. Switches separate broadcast domains.

C. Switches can alert the network administrator to high data collision rates.

D. Switches do not examine Network layer protocol information, which makes

them faster than repeating devices.

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15 .) The database state is also called_____ of the schema?

A. Intension

B. Extension

C. Expansion

D. Defination

16 .) Which defect amplification model is used to illustrate the generation and

detection of errors during the preliminary step of Software Engineering process?

A. Design

B. Detailed Design

C. Coding

D. All the mentioned above

17 .) Database locking concept is used to solve the problem of

A. lost update

B. data intigrity

C. funcational dependency

D. transitive dependence

18 .) Identify the correct statement about the definition of pointer.

A. Pointer is an object in memory

B. pointer is a variable which stores the address of another variable

C. Pointer is a collection of variables

D. Pointers are holding similar data with regular variables.

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19 .) If the object focus on the problem domain, then we are concerned


A. Object Oriented Analysis

B. Object Oriented Design

C. Object Oriented Analysis and Design

D. None of the above

20 .) In which step of SDLC actual programming of software code is done?

A. Maintenance and Evaluation

B. Development and Documentation

C. Design

D. Analysis

21 .) Kernel mode of operating system is also called

A. user mode

B. system mode

C. supervisor mode

D. both a and b

22 .) In the relational model, relationships between relations or tables are created

by using

A. Candidate key
B. Foreign key.

C. Composite key

D. Determinants

23 .) DBMS acts as an interface between which two components of an enterprise-

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class database system?

A. Data and Database

B. Database application and the database

C. The user and the database application

D. Database application and SQL

24 .) Which of the following topologies is susceptible to signal bounce?

A. Partial-mesh

B. Bus

C. Ring

D. Full-mesh

25 .) Which is the correct syntax of inheritance?

A. class base_classname :access derived_classname{ /*define class body*/ };

B. class derived_classname : access base_classname{ /*define class body*/ };

C. class derived_classname : base_classname{ /*define class body*/ };

D. class base_classname : derived_classname{ /*define class body*/ };

26 .) In Many-to-One multithreading model many user level threads are attached


A. One register

B. operating system

C. One kernel thread

D. other threads

27 .) Which of the following is the understanding of Software product limitations,

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learning system related problems or changes to be done in existing system

beforehand, identifying and addressing the impact of project on organization or
personnel etc?

A. Software Design

B. Feasibility Study

C. Requirement Gathering

D. System Analysis

28 .) Which of the following condition is required for deadlock to be possible?

A. mutual exclusion

B. a process may hold allocated resources while awaiting assignment of other


C. no resource can be forcibly removed from a process holding it

D. all of the mentioned

29 .) Which of the following refers collection of the informtion stored in a

database at specific time?

A. Schema

B. Instance of the database

C. Data domain

D. Independence

30 .) In which access should a constructor be defined, so that object of the class

can be created in any function?

A. Any access specifier will work

B. Private

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C. Public

D. Protected

31 .) A set of processors simultaneously execute different instructions on different

A. Buffers

B. Data Set

C. Buses

D. Registers

32 .) How many useable hosts are on each subnet when the Network ID is and the subnet mask is

A. 32

B. 64

C. 62

D. 30

33 .) The Prototyping model of Software Development is

A. A reasonable approach when requirements is well defined

B. A useful approach when a customer can not define requirement clearly

C. The best approach to use for projects with large development teams

D. A risky model that rarely produces a meaningful product

34 .) What is a Functional Requirement?

A. Specifies the tasks the program must complete

B. Specifies the tasks the program should not complete

C. Specifies the tasks the program must not work

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D. All of the mentioned

35 .) File which contains list of other file names is known as

A. path file

B. batched file

C. directory

D. path name

36 .) Which data type allows alphanumeric characters and special symbols to be


A. Text

B. Mixed

C. Memo

D. Auto number

37 .) One is the process of creating new classes from the existing class or classes
with taken some properties of the base class.

A. funcation

B. encapsulation

C. inheritance

D. polymorphism

38 .) A lock that allows concurrent transaction to acess different rows of the same
table is known as

A. database-level lock

B. field-level lock

C. table-level lock

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D. row-level lock

39 .) A variable defined within a block is visible

A. from the point of definition onward in the program.

B. from the point of definition onward in the function.

C. from the point of definition onward in the block.

D. throughout the function.

40 .) When memory is divided into several fixed sized partitions, each partition
may contain ________.

A. exactly one process

B. at least one process

C. multiple processes at once

D. None of these

41 .) The type of AI systems have no memory and which cannot use past
experiences to inform future one are referred as:-

A. Limited memory

B. Self-awareness

C. Theory of mind

D. Reactive machines

42 .) Which one of the following IP addresses is private address?




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43 .) An AI agent that allows computers to understand associations and

relationships between objects and events is called____________.

A. Heuristic processing

B. Cognitive science

C. Relative Symbolism

D. Pattern matching

44 .) Which one of the following refers to the total view of the data base content?

A. Conceptual view

B. Physical view

C. Internal view

D. External view

45 .) The operating system and the other processes are protected from being
modified by an already Running process because :

A. they are in different memory spaces

B. they are in different logical addresses

C. they have a protection algorithm

D. every address generated by the CPU is being checked against the relocation
and limit registers

46 .) You can use the C++ _____ function to assign a value to a String variable

A. assign

B. copy

C. string

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D. strcpy

47 .) In situations where we need to execute body of the loop before testing the
condition, we should use_____.

A. For loop

B. while loop

C. do-while loop

D. nested for loop

48 .) in java main() method returns a value of type

A. void

B. int

C. string

D. bool

49 .) ________ is usually divided into Opcode and address (operand)?

A. Stack organization

B. Program control

C. Instructional code


50 .) Which of the following is run-time error?

A. Un invalid identifier names

B. Declared variables

C. Trying to divide by zero

D. missing brackets

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51 .) Which of the following machine requires input from the humans but can
interpret the outputs themselves?

A. Actuators

B. Agents

C. Sensors

D. AI System

52 .) The type of robot configuration that follow a spherical coordinate system is


A. Spherical joint (2RP)

B. Cylindrical (R2P)

C. Articulated/anthropomorphic (3R)

D. None of the above

53 .) A heuristic is a way of trying

A. To discover something or an idea embedded in a program

B. To search and measure how far a node in a search tree seems to be from a goal

C. To compare two nodes in a search tree to see if one is better than another

D. All of the mentioned

54 .) Process models are described as agile because they

A. Eliminate the need for cumbersome documentation

B. Emphasize maneuverability and adaptability

C. Do not waste development time on planning activities

D. Make extensive use of prototype creation

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55 .) Which one of the following protocol is to collect and exchange network

management information between network management console and network
devices (routers, bridges, and intelligent hubs)?



C. Telnet


56 .) One of the following operators used to combined multiple expressions into

one expression.

A. Conditional operator

B. Relational operator

C. Compound assignment operator

D. Comma operator

57 .) Which of the following is a Top-down approch in which the higher level of

the entity can be devided in to two lower sub-entities

A. Aggregation

B. Generalization

C. Specialization

D. all of the above

58 .) Master slave relationship in computer system is used by

A. symmetric multiprocessor

B. asymmetric multiprocessor

C. symmetric multiprocessing

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D. asymmetric multiprocessing

59 .) What kind of environment is strategic in artificial intelligence?

A. Partial

B. Rational

C. Deterministic

D. Stochastic

60 .) you need to bring data from an acess database in to a database in SQL

server. You want to perform the task as simple as possible which one of the
following options best meet the requirments?

A. Import and Export wizards

B. Business Intelligence development studio

C. Copy Database Wizards

D. Bulky Copy Programe

61 .) Attribute of object can include information about?

A. State

B. Method

C. Procedures

D. Behavior

62 .) In microcomputers files, inquiry programs used for simple purposes are

classified as

A. storage package

B. database package

C. organized package

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D. hardware package

63 .) Which of the following model has a major downfall to a software

development life cycle in terms of the coding phase?

A. Spiral Model

B. Waterfall Model

C. 4GT Model

D. RAD Model

64 .) _____ is the concept in which a process is copied into main memory from the
secondary memory According to the requirement.

A. Paging

B. Demand paging

C. Segmentation

D. Swapping

65 .) When a program tries to access a page that is mapped in address space but
not loaded in physical Memory, then?

A. segmentation fault occurs

B. fatal error occurs

C. page fault occurs

D. no error occurs

66 .) Which of the following refers to the combination of voice (such as

telephone), video, and data signals sent over the same network?

A. Switching

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B. Remote access

C. Convergence

D. Network management

67 .) Deadlock prevention is a set of methods:

A. to ensure that at least one of the necessary conditions cannot hold

B. to ensure that all of the necessary conditions do not hold

C. to decide if the requested resources for a process have to be given or not

D. to recover from a deadlock

68 .) Which of the following is commonly used to define the overall design of a


A. Data defination language

B. Application programe

C. Source code

D. Schema

69 .) Which type of file contains data and database objects such as tables and

A. Binary files

B. File groups

C. Log files

D. Data file

70 .) _____is a subset of database

A. Portion

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B. Scene

C. View

D. Part

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