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Kurdish Regional Government

Ministry of Higher Education

University of Sulaimani
College of Basic Education
Computer Science

Market Database

Prepared by
Zhilwan Rahim Osman
Supervisor by
Yasin Ali

2023(A.D) 2723(K)

To write an abstract for a market database management system, you should start
by identifying the key components of the system, such as the types of data it
collects, how it is organized, and how it is used. Then, you can summarize these
components in a clear and concise manner, focusing on the most important
information. The abstract should provide a quick overview of the market database
management system, highlighting its main features and benefits. Outline the key
features and functionalities of the market database management system. This could
include aspects such as data collection, data storage, data organization, data
analysis, and reporting capabilities. Highlight any unique or innovative features that
set your system apart. Discuss how the system enhances data accuracy, improves
decision-making, streamlines operations, and provides actionable insights for
marketing professionals.

CHAPTER ONE ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Project problem ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Project Aims OR Goals: ................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Project Objectives: ............................................................................................................................ 2
1.5 Project Scope: .................................................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER TWO ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Backgrounds and Literature Review ........................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Background ....................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 The Project.................................................................................................................................. 3
2.1.2 Database defined ....................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.3 What is XAMPP ......................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.4 What is SQL ............................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.5 Type of SQL ................................................................................................................................ 4
2.1.6 SQL Relationship ....................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.7 Type of Relationship in SQL ..................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Literature Review ............................................................................................................................. 6
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................................... 7
DESIGN ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Design ................................................................................................................................................. 7
3.1.1 sql_market .................................................................................................................................. 7
3.1.2 Owner .......................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.3 customer ..................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.4 Apprentice ................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.5 Representative ............................................................................................................................ 9
3.1.6 Things ....................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.7 buy ............................................................................................................................................ 10
REFERENCE :.......................................................................................................................................... 10

List of Figures
Figure 1: Background database ..................................................................................................................... 3
Figure 2: Design your Database .................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3: sql_market table............................................................................................................................ 7
Figure 4: owner table .................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 5 :customer table ............................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 6: Apprentice table............................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 7 :Representative table ...................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 8: Things table .................................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 9 :Buy table ...................................................................................................................................... 10


1.1 Overview

A market database is a collection of information related to a specific market or

industry. The database typically includes data on companies, products, customers,
and market trends. Market databases are used by businesses to gain insights into
their target markets and to make informed decisions about product development,
marketing, and sales strategies. In this way, market databases help businesses to
stay competitive and to meet the needs of their customers. A well-designed market
database can provide businesses with valuable information that can be used to
improve their bottom line and increase customer satisfaction .
1.2 Project problem
The project problem is they can become outdated quickly. Market trends and
customer preferences can change rapidly, and if the database is not updated
regularly, it may contain inaccurate or incomplete information. Another problem is
that the database may not be designed to meet the specific needs of the business.
For example, it may not include data on a particular market segment or may not
provide insights into the competitive landscape of the industry. Finally, businesses
may struggle with analyzing the data in the database effectively. Without the proper
tools and expertise, it can be challenging to derive meaningful insights from the

1.3 Project Aims OR Goals:
The aim of this project is to provide insights into the current state of the database
market, analyze the strengths and weaknesses of different products, and identify
key trends in the industry. Additionally, this project aims to provide
recommendations for selecting and optimizing databases based on specific
business needs.

1.4 Project Objectives:

1. Conduct comprehensive research on existing database products in the

2. Analyze strengths, weaknesses, and pricing models of competing products.
3. Identify key trends in the database industry (e.g., cloud-based solutions).
4. Provide recommendations for selecting an appropriate database based on
specific business needs.
5. Develop guidelines for optimizing existing databases to improve efficiency
and functionality.
1.5 Project Scope:
This project will focus on analyzing commercial databases used by businesses across
various industries. Open-source databases will not be included in this analysis. The
project will also include an analysis of cloud-based solutions since they are
becoming increasingly popular among businesses looking to modernize their IT
infrastructure. The recommendations provided in this project will be aimed at
small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) looking to select or optimize their
databases without significant investment in IT infrastructure or personnel.


Backgrounds and Literature Review

2.1 Background

Figure 1: Background database

2.1.1 The Project
This project is about the market database and we have used several tables and
linked them together. Here the database is created with xampp application written
in sql code and these are the names of the tables that have relationships between

2.1.2 Database defined

A database is a collection of data that is organized in a way that allows for efficient
storage, retrieval, and management of that data. Databases can be used to store
any type of information, from customer data to scientific research findings. They
are typically managed by a database management system (DBMS), which provides

users with tools for creating, modifying, and querying the data in the database.
Databases are used by businesses, governments, and other organizations to store
and manage large amounts of data, and they are a critical component of many
software applications.

2.1.3 What is XAMPP

XAMPP is an open-source, cross-platform web server solution that includes

Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Perl. It is designed to make it easy to set up and run a
web server on a local machine for development and testing purposes. XAMPP is
available for Windows, Linux, and macOS, and it is free to use. It provides a simple,
user-friendly interface for configuring and managing the web server, and it includes
a number of useful tools and utilities for web development, such as phpMyAdmin
and Mercury Mail.

2.1.4 What is SQL

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language used to manage and

manipulate data in relational databases. SQL is used to create, modify, and delete
databases, tables, and other database objects, as well as to insert, update, and
delete data stored in those databases. SQL is used by developers, data analysts,
and database administrators to interact with databases and to perform a wide
range of tasks, such as retrieving data, generating reports, and analyzing trends.
SQL is a standard language that is used by many relational database management
systems (RDBMS), including MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and PostgreSQL.

2.1.5 Type of SQL

There are several different types of SQL, including:

1. Data Definition Language (DDL): used to create, modify, and delete database
objects such as tables, indexes, and views.

2. Data Manipulation Language (DML): used to manipulate data stored in the

database, including inserting, updating, and deleting records.

3. Data Control Language (DCL): used to manage access to the database, including
granting and revoking permissions.

4. Transaction Control Language (TCL): used to manage transactions, including

committing or rolling back changes made to the database.

5. Data Query Language (DQL): used to retrieve data from the database, including
selecting, sorting, and filtering records.

These different types of SQL commands can be used together to perform complex
operations on relational databases.

2.1.6 SQL Relationship

In SQL, a relation is a table that contains a set of related data. Each row in the
table represents a single record, and each column represents a specific
attribute of that record , The relations in a database are connected through
relationships, which are established using keys that link records in one table to
records in another. This allows data to be organized and stored in a structured
way, making it easier to manage and manipulate.

2.1.7 Type of Relationship in SQL

In SQL, there are three main types of relationships that can be established
between tables:

1. One-to-One: In a one-to-one relationship, each record in one table is associated
with only one record in another table, and vice versa. This type of relationship is
typically used when the two tables have a shared attribute that is unique to each

2. One-to-Many: In a one-to-many relationship, each record in one table is

associated with one or more records in another table, but each record in the
second table is associated with only one record in the first table.

3. Many-to-Many: In a many-to-many relationship, each record in one table is

associated with one or more records in another table, and vice versa. This type of
relationship requires a third table, known as a junction table, to link the two tables
together. The junction table contains the foreign keys from both tables.

2.2 Literature Review

A literature review of market databases would involve examining the various types
of databases that are available for market research and analysis , A literature review
of market databases would also involve examining the strengths and limitations of
these databases, as well as the methodologies used to collect and analyze the data.
Other factors to consider might include the cost of accessing these databases, the
level of detail provided in the data, and the ease of use of the database interface.

3.1 Design
Designing our project which is a market that helps the shop owner to sell his goods
in a good way .

Figure 2: Design your Database

3.1.1 sql_market
Sql_market name of table id_market to a relationship to a another tables 1-
table owner 2-table things 3- table representative 4-table buy 5- table customer

Figure 3: sql_market table

3.1.2 Owner
The owner controls everything in the market and all the money comes to the

Figure 4: owner table

3.1.3 customer
He is the person who visits the market to buy supplies inside the market.

Figure 5 :customer table

3.1.4 Apprentice
The Apprentice job is to organize the items in the market and sell them to

Figure 6: Apprentice table

3.1.5 Representative
He is the person who takes things to the supermarket who sells them to the
owner at a lower price

Figure 7 :Representative table

3.1.6 Things
Items in the market This table consists of the items in the market that people need
to buy.

Figure 8: Things table

3.1.7 buy
In the purchase section, customers can calculate the items they have bought in a
nice way. The market owner can tell them the price.

Figure 9 :Buy table


✓ (super market) sql project

✓ (market) sql & php project


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