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Informal sector 2

**Causes of the Problem in Thohoyandou:**

Regulatory Barriers,Complex and burdensome regulations governing

street vending in Thohoyandou make it difficult for vendors to operate
legally, leading to a proliferation of informal activities.Limited Access to
Resources,Street vendors often lack access to financial resources,
training, and support services, inhibiting their ability to improve their
businesses and livelihoods. Inadequate Infrastructure, The absence of
designated vending areas, coupled with poor urban infrastructure, hinders
the growth and sustainability of street vending activities in
Thohoyandou.Lack of Formal Recognition,Street vendors are often
marginalized and overlooked in urban planning and development
initiatives, leading to their exclusion from formal economic systems and
social protections.Socio-Economic Marginalization, Deep-rooted
inequalities and socio-economic disparities contribute to the
marginalization of street vendors, exacerbating poverty and vulnerability
in Thohoyandou.

**Effects/Impacts of the Problem:**

Economic Marginalization, Street vendors face limited income

opportunities and financial insecurity, perpetuating cycles of poverty and
exclusion in Thohoyandou. Social Stigma,Informal vendors are often
stigmatized and discriminated against, leading to social exclusion and
marginalization within the community.

Health and Safety Risks Inadequate infrastructure and sanitation facilities

pose health and safety risks to both vendors and consumers,
exacerbating public health challenges in Thohoyandou.Urban Congestion,
Unregulated street vending activities contribute to urban congestion and
disorder, impacting the overall livability and functionality of
Thohoyandou's urban spaces. Environmental Degradation, Improper
waste management and pollution associated with informal vending
activities contribute to environmental degradation and sanitation issues
in Thohoyandou.
**Recommendations to Solve the Geographic Problem:**

Streamlined Regulations, Simplify and streamline regulatory processes

for street vending, making it easier for vendors to obtain permits and
licenses while ensuring compliance with health, safety, and
environmental standards.Capacity Building, Provide training, skills
development, and access to financial resources for street vendors to
enhance their business acumen and improve their socio-economic status.

Infrastructure Improvement, Invest in the development of infrastructure

such as designated vending zones, sanitation facilities, and waste
management systems to support the growth and sustainability of street
vending activities.Participatory Urban Planning,Incorporate street
vendors' perspectives and needs into urban planning and development
processes, fostering inclusive and participatory approaches to city
governance.Social Protection Measures,Implement social protection
measures such as access to healthcare, education, and financial
assistance for street vendors to mitigate the impact of economic shocks
and vulnerabilities, promoting their social and economic inclusion in

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