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ĐỘC LẠ VOCAB 2026 - 2050

Licit /ˈlɪs.ɪt/ - (formal) allowed by law:

➔ Illicit and licit drugs are both dangerous to
human health if abused or used incorrectly.
Hợp pháp.
➔ Overall, the rate of licit
phoneme-to-phoneme mismatching,
including devoicing cases, is very low.
Similar: authorized, lawful, licensed, permissible,
Opposite: forbidden, illicit.

Gradient /ˈɡreɪ.di.ənt/ - (earth science) a measure of how steep a

slope is, often expressed as a percentage:
➔ The route has a ruling gradient of one in 49
with one section at one in 29.

Depositor UK: /dɪˈpɒz.ɪ.tə(r)/ - someone who deposits money:

➔ This time it appears that depositors, rather
(n) US: /dɪˈpɑː.zə.t̬ɚ/
than noteholders, led the charge.
➔ The bank can make either of two
Người gửi tiền.
declarations: to meet its depositors'
withdrawals, it needs extra cash or it does

Incidental UK: /ˌɪn.sɪˈden.təl/ - less important than the thing something is

connected with or part of:
(adj) US: /ˌɪn.sɪˈden.t̬əl/
➔ Try not to be distracted by incidental details.
➔ The points you make are true, but they're
incidental to the main problem.
Similar: ancillary, secondary, concomitant,
nonessential, subsidiary.
Opposite: necessary, important, chief.
Disquiet /dɪˈskwaɪət/ - (formal) feeling of worry or nervousness;
anxiety, perturbation:
Sự không an tâm. ➔ The leader's decline in popularity is causing
disquiet among supporters.
➔ Only in a few of his later stories did a
suggestion of racial disquiet appear.
Similar: anxiety, worry, nervousness, uneasiness,
Opposite: calmness, calm, contentedness, peace,

Equestrian /ɪˈkwes.tri.ən/ - connected with the riding of horses:

➔ They plan to hold the Olympics' equestrian
events in another part of the city.
Thuộc sự cưỡi ngựa.
➔ I am particularly concerned about the
equestrian industry.

Pentameter UK: /penˈtæm.ɪ.tə(r)/ - (literature) a line in poetry which has five

stressed syllables; the rhythm of poetry
(n) US: /penˈtæm.ə.t̬ɚ/
with five stressed syllables in a line:
➔ Most of Shakespeare's verse is written in
Câu thơ năm âm tiết.
iambic pentameter.
➔ These are tentatively assumed to be like
pentameter lines through the third foot.

Fancier UK: /ˈfæə(r)/ - (British English) someone who has an

interest in and breeds a particular animal or
(n) US: /ˈfæɚ/
➔ In his fourteen years as a fancier he has
Người sành; người thích
converted a hobby into something of a
triumphant campaign.
➔ Robert is a pigeon fancier and a member of
the Johnstone Social Flying Club.
Similar: aficionado, enthusiast, lover.
Opposite: detractor, enemy.
Secrecy /ˈsiː.krə.si/ - the state of being secret or of keeping
something secret:
➔ There has been strong criticism of the
Sự giữ bí mật.
secrecy surrounding the negotiations.
➔ The content of her report is shrouded in
Similar: confidentiality, mystery, confidence,
solitude, reticence.
Opposite: cognizance, enlightening, illumination,
sensibility, lightness.

Discard UK: /dɪˈskɑːd/ - to throw something away or get rid of it

because you no longer want or need it:
(v) US: /dɪˈskɑːrd/
➔ Cut the melon in half and discard the seeds.
➔ He makes toys from things people discard.
Loại bỏ.
Similar: abandon, eliminate, remove, cancel, reject.
Opposite: accept, allow, hold, ratify, sanction.

Originate /əˈrɪdʒ.ən.eɪt/ - to come from a particular place, time,

situation, etc.:
➔ Although the technology originated in the
Bắt nguồn.
UK, it has been developed in the US.
➔ The game is thought to have originated
among the native peoples of Alaska.
Similar: arise, derive, emanate, emerge, stem.
Opposite: cease, complete, finish, recede, stop.

Writhe /raɪð/ - to make large twisting movements with

the body:
➔ The pain was so unbearable that he was
Quằn quại.
writhing in agony.
➔ She was writhing around/about on the
Similar: recoil, squirm, wiggle, wince.
Opposite: straighten.
Finite /ˈfaɪ.naɪt/ - having a limit or end:
➔ The funds available for the health service
are finite and we cannot afford to waste
Có hạn.
➔ We only have a finite amount of time to
complete this task - we can't continue
Similar: definite, fixed, limited, restricted.
Opposite: indefinite, unfixed, unlimited, endless,

Artisan UK: /ˈɑː.tɪ.zæn/ - someone who does skilled work with their
(n) US: /ˈɑːr.t̬ə.zən/
➔ Francis Place described a similar situation
among London's artisans.
Thợ thủ công.
➔ But to do that is to miss the details that
artisans and workers spent so much time to
Similar: builder, carpenter, craftsman, professional,
Opposite: apprentice.

Counterbalance UK: /ˈkaʊn.təˌbæl.əns/ - to have an equal but opposite effect on

something so that it does not have too
(v) US: /ˈkaʊn.t̬ɚˌbæl.əns/
much of a particular characteristic:
➔ His fear of his father is counterbalanced by a
Làm đối trọng.
genuine respect for him.
➔ The body of penal regulations was
counterbalanced by some rewards.
Similar: counteract, outweigh, rectify.
Opposite: disproportion, forfeit, imbalance.

Ebb /eb/ - (n) the tide when it is moving away from

the coast:
➔ We'll sail on the ebb.
Triều xuống.
- (v) to become gradually weaker or less:
➔ The pain was ebbing.
➔ As night fell, our enthusiasm began to ebb
Similar: degenerate, lessen, weaken, shrink, recede.
Opposite: develop, grow, improve, increase,
Precious /ˈpreʃ.əs/ - of great value because of being rare,
expensive, or important:
➔ Clean water is a precious commodity in
Quý giá.
many parts of the world.
➔ The museum is full of rare and precious
Similar: adored, cherished, darling, treasured,
Opposite: deficient, inexpensive, valueless,
worthless, common.

Exclamation /ˌek.skləˈmeɪ.ʃən/ - something you say or shout suddenly

because of surprise, fear, pleasure, etc.:
➔ We heard exclamations of rage and
Từ chỉ sự cảm thán.
frustration coming from the other room as
he struggled to fix the problem.
➔ In Enid Blyton books, the children are always
uttering excited exclamations, especially
about food!
Similar: interjection, bellow, clamor, utterance.
Opposite: quiet, silence.

Onrush /ˈɒnˌrʌʃ/ - a strong fast movement forward, or the

sudden development of something:
➔ Their red jersies flaming in the sun, they
Sự lao tới.
were like the onrush of a flaming prairie fire.
➔ They caught it in their onrush.
Similar: blitz, swiftness, haste, hurriedness.
Opposite: delay, defense, slowness.

Mechanics /məˈkænɪks/ - the study of the effect of physical forces on

objects and their movement:
➔ He wanted to get a better understanding of
Cơ học.
the mechanics of his sport.
➔ He took correspondence courses in
engineering and mechanics.
Similar: logistics, mechanism, procedures, workings,
Bosom /ˈbʊz.əm/ - a woman's breast or breasts:
➔ The dress showed the top of my bosoms.
➔ She was breathing more quickly now and
her bosom was again rising and falling
Similar: bust, chest, teats.

Quarantine UK: /ˈkwɒr.ən.tiːn/ - a period of time in which people or animals

are not allowed to enter or leave a
(n) US: /ˈkwɔːr.ən.tiːn/
particular area or building where some or
all of those in it have been affected by a
Thời gian cách ly.
harmful substance or disease, until the
danger of harming others has passed:
➔ Two farms north of the city were placed
under quarantine due to an anthrax
outbreak among livestock.
➔ Patients taking radioactive iodine must stay
in quarantine in hospital for 24 hours to
avoid exposing other people to radiation.
Similar: detention, lazaretto, seclusion, segregation,

Reform UK: /rɪˈfɔːm/ - to make an improvement, especially by

changing a person's behaviour or the
(v) US: /rɪˈfɔːrm/
structure of something:
➔ Who will reform our unfair electoral system?
Sự cải thiện.
➔ For years I was an alcoholic, but I reformed
when the doctors gave me six months to
Similar: amend, improve, renovate, transform.
Opposite: damage, destroy, worsen, impair.

Facial /ˈfeɪ.ʃəl/ - of or on the face:

➔ The patient has a few small cuts and facial
Thuộc gương mặt.
➔ Hector gave that up and went to my facial
expression, which was bland in the extreme.
Unbearable /ʌnˈbeə.rə.bəl/ - too painful or unpleasant for you to
continue to experience:
➔ The atmosphere at work at the moment is
Không thể chịu đựng
almost unbearable.
➔ The heat was unbearable.
Similar: insufferable, intolerable, oppressive,
unacceptable, unendurable.
Opposite: acceptable, tolerable.

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