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Course: Marketing Principles - MKT101

Topic: Select a real business (company, branch, store, etc.) in Viet Nam. Analyze factors
of the marketing environment that influence this business.
Company: Công Ty CP Kỹ Nghệ Thực Phẩm Việt Nam (VIFON)

[Pham Thi Nhu Y] – [CS180832]

Can Tho, October 2023
I. Introduction.......................................................................................................................1
II. Analyse..............................................................................................................................1

1. Macroenvironment............................................................................................................1
1.1 Science Technology:....................................................................................................2
1.2 Culture:.........................................................................................................................2
1.3 Demographic:...............................................................................................................2
2.1 Customer:......................................................................................................................2
2.2 Supplier: .......................................................................................................................3
2.3 Competitors: ................................................................................................................3
Reference List..........................................................................................................................3
I. Introduction
- VIFON is the first company in Vietnam to produce instant noodles and instant Pho.
VIFON company was founded on July 23, 1963. After more than 50 years of formation
and development, VIFON is increasingly popular with everyone. with their speed and
compactness. Therefore VIFON is an indispensable part of everyone's home.

- Currently, VIFON has 2 factories, one is in Tan Binh Industrial Park in Ho Chi Minh
City and the other is in Quang Minh Industrial Park in Hanoi with a large area and
equipped with many machines, supplying enough goods for domestic and international
markets. foreign. VIFON was awarded titles such as "Most Favorite Vietnamese Brand".
“Reputable export enterprise”. More than 1,000,000 points of sale in 64 provinces and
cities in Vietnam and 49 countries around the world including the US, Japan, Poland, UK,
Russia, and Germany. Especially investing heavily in researching ingredients and formulas
to create many instant noodle products that are good for consumers' health and affordable.

II. Macroenvironment
1) Science Technology:
- Vifon's noodle making process is similar to other canned instant food factories, but Vifon
has a more careful investment in flavoring. Besides commonly used spices such as salt,
sugar, MSG... Vifon also invests in hill flowers, cinnamon and other special spices. So
Vifon products always have a special flavor and are different from other brands. Besides,
investment in hygiene and food safety is indispensable for a big brand like Vifon, so
customers can always rest assured and trust the safety of Vifon products.

2) Culture:

- VIFON was born on July 23, 1963 to meet human needs. With today's increasingly busy
society, people need to be quick and concise, so VIFON has produced many diverse
products such as: pho, noodles, porridge, spices, rice and other canned foods to meet
human needs. With those products, VIFOM has returned to the throne, because it takes on
the mission of "spreading" itself. Vietnamese culinary culture spreads to five continents.
Through the rich flavors of each dish, we hope international friends can "remember and
name" the delicious collection of Vietnamese cuisine, thereby learning and loving the
culture and people more. Vietnam.

3) Demographic:
VIFON's demographics and consumption after 2015 have been as follows:

Targets production and Implementation Difference

business plan in results in 2015 (Execution
2015 compared to plan)

Value %

Net revenue 1,248.90 1,195.00 (53.90) -4%

Expenses (Net 1,214.40 1,136.59 (77.81) -6%

revenue - profit
before tax)

Profit before tax 34.50 58.42 23.92 69%

Profit after tax 25.90 43.70 17.8 69%

Ratio of profit 2.1% 3.7% 1.6% 76%

after tax/net
III. Microenvironment
1) Customer:
- In the micro environment, customer factors are the most important factors that directly
affect the business activities of the enterprise. Customer factors include characteristics such
as age, gender, interests, needs, attitudes, income and purchasing behavior. For VIFON
noodles, the company's current customers are distributors, wholesalers, grocery stores,
supermarkets and customers.

- As of 2015, VIFON products were present throughout the North, Central and South.
Market share accounts for 20% in the ready-to-eat food industry. In addition, it is also
exported to international markets in more than 40 countries.

- While later brands created a "riot" in the media with all sorts of noisy advertising tricks,
the Vifon brand chose its own direction: taking advantage of the long-standing reputation
of the parent brand to sponsor the brands. Sub-brand with many different product branches.
With their taste and convenience, VIFON has affirmed its position with customers for
many years. VIFON chose its marketing strategy by integrating it into reality shows like
other brands have done, but VIFON has become more sophisticated by incorporating its
products into the show naturally and skillfully, specifically: The program "Brilliant

Journey" is a program welcomed by millions of viewers. Through the program, everyone
will understand and know more about VIFON noodles. More specifically, Vifon Beef Pho
is always highly appreciated by consumers. about the rich flavor and soft, chewy pho
noodles. Vifon beef pho has beautiful packaging with the main color purple and an
attractive image of a bowl of beef pho that stimulates the eyes.

2) Competitors:
- Competition is a factor that helps the company grow strongly. Competitors are rival
sellers operating in the same industry. For example: Acecook, Colusa – Miliket, Uniben,
Masan Consumer, Micoem, Asia Foods. Currently, Acecook Vietnam leads the instant
noodle industry with 44.8% market share, Asia Foods ranks second with 14.4%, followed
by Vifon (12.2%) and Masan Consumer (9.2%) . Shows that Acecook is the biggest
competitor to VIFON.

- Vifon is different from its competitors in terms of marketing strategy. Unlike latecomers
such as Masan, Asia Foods or Micoem, Vifon has its own history and position to create a
brand mark in the hearts of customers without the need for loud, bombastic media

- Unlike current emerging competitors, Vifon has succeeded in positioning itself as the
leading brand in the segment of instant products using ingredients from rice (pho,
vermicelli, vermicelli, instant porridge named Vifon ). Evidence of this difference is that
the Vifon brand currently accounts for nearly 50% of the market share of rice-based instant
food products.

3) Supplier
Tan Phu Plastics began becoming a supplier of Vifon in 2013 with 120ml, 230ml, 500ml
PET bottles and caps, produced at Long An branch. In 2017, with the purpose of
expanding scale and shifting product structure, Vifon built a new factory in Hai Duong.
Total investment capital for the phases is 800 billion VND. Along with this
development, Tan Phu Plastics has promptly moved, Bac Ninh branch with modern
facilities and management system meeting ISO 15378 standards continues to become the
main supplier of Vifon Hai Duong. . At the same time, promote cooperation with the
contract to supply 750gr Shrimp Noodles under a 3-year commitment. Up to now,
products have begun to reach customers.



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