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Introduction To Detecting Pathogenic Bacteria

Approved by Standard Methods Committee, 2007. Editorial revisions, 2021. Joint Task Group: Nelson P. Moyer (chair), Edward J. Bottone, Joseph O. Falkinham, III,
J.J. Farmer, III, Barry S. Fields, Mark W. LeChevallier.

9260 A. Introduction
1. General Discussion v­ oluntary reporting to the CDC.1 The average number of water-
borne disease outbreaks per year between 1971 and 2013 was
One purpose of drinking water and wastewater treatment is to 46.2 From 1971 to 1998, 691 drinking-waterborne disease out-
reduce the numbers of viable organisms to acceptable levels, and breaks due to a microbiological, chemical, or unknown etiology
to remove or inactivate all pathogens capable of causing human were reported in the United States (see Figure 9260:1). In the
disease. Despite the remarkable success of water treatment and years 1972 through 1994, 291 outbreaks associated with drink-
sanitation programs in improving public health, sporadic cases ing water were attributed to microorganisms as follows: Giardia
and point-source outbreaks of waterborne diseases continue to lamblia, 109 (37.5% of total); Shigella, 34 (11.7%); nontyphoidal
occur. Water and wastewater may contain a wide variety of bacte- Salmonella serotypes, 13 (4.5%); Salmonella serotype Typhi, 5
ria that cause intestinal or extra-intestinal infections. Waterborne (1.7%); Vibrio cholerae, 2 (0.7%), enterotoxigenic Escherichia
pathogens enter human hosts through intact or compromised coli, 1 (0.3%); E. coli O157, 1 (0.3%). Community waterborne
skin, inhalation, ingestion, aspiration, and direct contact with the outbreaks have declined since the mid-1980s (see Figure 9260:1),
mucous membranes of the eye, ear, nose, mouth, and genitals. largely because of the promulgation of more stringent drinking
This section provides an introduction to bacterial agents respon- water standards, including the Surface Water Treatment Rule,3 the
sible for diseases transmitted by drinking and recreational waters Total Coliform Rule,4,5 and other regulations.6–8 In addition, many
in the United States. water utilities have made voluntary improvements.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and The agents responsible for reported outbreaks are predom-
the US EPA maintain a collaborative system for collecting and inantly unidentified, microbial (parasitic, bacterial, or viral),
reporting waterborne disease outbreak data for both micro- or chemical (Figure 9260:2). Large numbers of parasitic out-
bial and chemical agents; however, detection and investiga- breaks in the early 1980s were caused mostly by Giardia; these
tion of waterborne outbreaks is primarily the responsibility of outbreaks were reduced by the implementation of the Surface
the local, state, and territorial public health departments with Water Treatment Rule.3 Relatively few outbreaks due to viruses

Figure 9260:1. Number of drinking water-related disease outbreaks in the United States, 1971–1998. Individual—private or individual water sys-
tems (9% of U.S. population, or 24 million users); community—systems that serve > 25 users year-round (91% of U.S. population, or 243 million users);
noncommunity—systems that serve < 25 users and transient water systems, such as restaurants, highway rest areas, and parks (millions of users yearly).
Adapted from Barwick RS, Levy DA, Craun GF, Beach MJ, Calderon RL. 2000. Surveillance for waterborne disease outbreaks—United States 1997–1998.
Morbid Mortal Week Rep. 49(SS-4):1. 1

Figure 9260:2. Agents responsible for drinking water-related disease outbreaks. Adapted from Blackburn BG, Craun GF, Yoder JS, Hill V, Calderon
RL, N. Chen, Lee SH, Levy DA, Beach MJ. 2004. Surveillance for waterborne-disease outbreaks associated with drinking water—United States, 2001–
2002. Morbid Mortal Week Rep. 53(SS-8):23.

have been reported, in part because the detection methodologies parameters to be measured and the relationship of the indicators to
have difficulty attributing an outbreak to a specific virus. To the pathogens. Some bacterial pathogens, such as Pseudomonas,
better address the occurrence of microbial pathogens in drink- Aeromonas, Plesiomonas, Yersinia, Vibrio, Legionella, and Myco-
ing water, the US EPA has issued a Contaminant Candidate List bacterium, may not correlate with coliform indicators. Traditional
that includes 11 microbes for methods development and potential bacterial indicators also may not correlate with viruses or parasites
future ­regulation.9,10 in pristine waters or groundwaters, and they may be of limited
Water contamination and disease transmission may result from utility in estuarine and marine waters. Nevertheless, tests for total
conditions generated at overloaded or malfunctioning sanitary and fecal bacteria and E. coli are useful, because it is rare to isolate
waste disposal and potable water treatment systems. In addi- bacterial enteric pathogens in the absence of fecal contamination.
tion, common outdoor recreational activities, such as swimming Other more general indicators may be of value also for assess-
(including pools and hot tubs), wind surfing, and waterskiing, all ing the potential for pathogen contamination and interpreting culture
place humans at risk of waterborne diseases from ingestion or results. Heterotrophic plate count provides information about the total
direct contact with contaminated water.11 Outbreaks of gastro- numbers of aerobic organotrophic bacteria and an indication of the
enteritis, pharyngoconjunctivitis, folliculitis, otitis, and pneumo- total organic composition of the aquatic environment. Physicochem-
nia are associated with these recreational activities. Overcrowded ical factors, such as turbidity, pH, salinity, temperature, assimilable
parks and recreational areas contribute to the contamination of organic carbon, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, and
surface and groundwater. ammonia, may provide useful information about contamination or
The laboratory diagnosis of infectious disease depends on the the potential of water to support bacterial growth. For treated waters,
detection or isolation of an etiologic agent or demonstration of chlorine residual should be measured at the sample collection point.
antibody response in a patient. Environmental microbiological The following sections contain methods for Aeromonas (Sec-
examinations are conducted for compliance monitoring of the tion 9262), Campylobacter (Section 9264), diarrheagenic E. coli
environment, to troubleshoot problems in treatment plants and (Section 9266), Legionella (Section 9268), Leptospira (Sec-
distribution systems, and in support of epidemiological investi- tion 9270), Mycobacterium (Section 9272), Salmonella (Sec-
gations of disease outbreaks. Ideally, the public health microbiol- tion 9274), Shigella (Section 9276), Vibrio (Section 9278), and
ogist can contribute expertise in both clinical and environmental Yersinia entercolitica (Section 9280). Methods for isolation and
microbiology, thereby facilitating epidemiological investigations. enumeration of P. aeruginosa are found in Sections 9213 E and F.
When testing for pathogens in environmental samples, include Methods for other pathogens are found elsewhere.12
analyses for indicator organisms. Routinely, coliforms (total coli- The methods outlined below may be used to analyze samples
form, thermotolerant coliform, and E. coli) are used as water associated with disease outbreaks, or in other studies concerned
quality indicators. Fecal streptococci, enterococci, Clostridium with the occurrence of pathogens in water and wastewater. (The
perfringens, Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium, and bacteriophages methods presented below are not standardized, and may need
have been proposed as water quality indicators. No single indi- modification to fit a particular set of circumstances. No single
cator provides assurance that water is pathogen-free. The choice procedure is available for reliable detection of any pathogen or
of monitoring indicators presupposes an understanding of the group of pathogens.) 2

Because the presence of pathogens is intermittent and the sur- 6. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Drinking water regulations:
vival times in the environment are variable, routine examination maximum contaminant level goals and national primary drinking
of water and wastewater for pathogenic bacteria is not recom- water regulations for lead and copper; final rule; 1991. Fed Reg.
mended. Even in outbreak situations, the recovery of pathogens 56:26460.
7. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. National primary drinking
from water and wastewater may be limited by lack of facilities,
water regulations: monitoring requirements for public drinking water
untrained personnel, inadequate methods, and high costs. Despite supplies; final rule; 1996. Fed Reg. 61:24353; 1996.
these constraints, it is important to recover a substantial number 8. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. National primary drinking
of isolates, especially if molecular fingerprinting methods will be water regulations: interim enhanced surface water treatment; final
used during outbreak investigations. rule 1998. Fed Reg. 63:69477.
A negative result by these methods for pathogenic bacteria 9. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Announcement of the
does not conclusively prove their absence. Consider the concept drinking water contaminant candidate list; notice; 1998. Fed Reg.
of viable but nonculturable versus injured organisms in relation to 63:10274.
a negative culture result.13,14 10. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Announcement of the
All microbes described in Section 9262 through Section 9280 drinking water contaminant candidate list; notice; 2005. Fed Reg.
are human pathogens, and they pose an infectious threat to per-
11. Pitlik S, Berger SA, Huminer D. Nonenteric infections acquired
sons involved in sample collection and laboratory analyses. Bio- through contact with water. Rev Infect Dis. 1987;9(1):54–63.
safety Level 2 precautions are required for all pathogens in this 12. Murray PR, Baron EJ, Jorgensen JH, Pfaller MA, Yolken RH, eds.
section except the mycobacteria, which require Biosafety Level 3 Manual of clinical microbiology, 8th ed. Washington DC: ASM
precautions.15-17 Press, 2003.
13. Reissbrodt R, Rienaecker I, Romanova JM, Freestone PPE, Haigh
References RD, Lyte M, Tschäpe H, Williams PH. Resuscitation of Salmonella
enterica serovar Typhimurium and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia
1. EPA actions to safeguard the nation’s drinking water supplies, EPA coli from the viable but nonculturable state by heat-stable entero-
816-F-01-038. Washington DC: Office of Water, U.S. Environmental bacterial autoinducer. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2003;68:4788–
Protection Agency; 2001. 4794.
2. Dewey-Mattie D, Roberts VA, Vieira A, Fullerton KE. Foodborne 14. Colwell RR, Brayton PR, Grimes DJ, Roszak DB, Huq SA, Palmer
(1973–2013) and waterborne (1971–2013) disease outbreaks— LM. Viable but non-culturable Vibrio cholerae and related pathogens
United States. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2016;63:79–83. in the environment: implications for release of genetically engi-
3. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Drinking water; national neered microorganisms. Bio/Technology. 1985;3:817–820.
primary drinking water regulations; filtration, disinfection; turbid- 15. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Biosafety in microbi-
ity, Giardia lamblia, viruses, Legionella, and heterotrophic bacteria; ological and biomedical laboratories (BMBL), 6th ed. [published
final rule; 1989. Fed Reg. 54:27486. 2020, accessed 30 December 2021].
4. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Drinking water; national publications/bmbl5/
primary drinking water regulations; total coliforms (including fecal 16. Laboratory Biosafety Manual, 3rd edition. World Health Organiza-
coliforms and E. coli); final rule; 1989. Fed Reg. 54:27544. tion. [published 2004; accessed 31 March 2022]. https://www.who.
5. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Drinking water; national int/csr/resources/publications/biosafety/Biosafety7.pdf
primary drinking water regulations; total coliforms; corrections and 17. Laboratory Safety Guidance. OSHA 2404-11R. Occupational Health
technical amendments; final rule; 1990. Fed Reg. 55:25064. and Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Labor; 2009.

Published Online: August 27, 2018

Revised: March 31, 2022 3

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