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Echoing Green

Offline Application Worksheet

Echoing Green Fellowship Application 2024

In the Echoing Green Fellowship application, you will be asked a series of questions across
different sections. This document contains overviews of each section and the short answer
questions that will be asked in the application. While this is a helpful tool to get started, this
document does not contain every question that you will find in the application.

The short answer questions are typically where applicants spend the majority of their time. We
recommend accessing the application when it is available to understand its full scope. This
Offline Application Worksheet can be used to begin drafting, editing, and refining your
responses to the short answers questions before the application opens.

Applicant Details

In this section, you will be asked a series of questions about yourself including, but not limited
to, your location and how you identify.

Organization Details

In this section, you will be asked a series of questions about your proposed idea or organization
including, but not limited to, your organization’s impact location, structure, and funding details.


Short Answer Overview

You can use a maximum of 750 characters for each response.

Describe the problem your organization will address, the root causes of this problem, and
why it still exists.

A successful answer will include an explanation of the underlying issues that cause the
problem you intend to address, not just the symptoms. Please support your assessment
of the root causes with numerical or statistical evidence that shows the scope of your

[Start your answer here.]

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Describe the specific approach your organization will take to solve the problem described
above. Please include specific details of the activities your organization undertakes to help
us understand what your work looks like.

A successful answer will provide the details of the approach, product(s), or program(s)
your organization will implement, and provide evidence to support that this solution will
be effective.

[Start your answer here.]

Tell us about the people in the community you work with: who they are and how
do they (or will they) interact with your organization?
A successful answer will tell us more about the people you work or plan to work with in
greater detail

[Start your answer here.]

How will the lives of the people in the community improve because of this work?

A successful response will describe how your work will sustainably improve your
constituents’ lives and support their ability to address the problem. Please use
evidence, data, or examples and hypotheses to demonstrate how their lives will

Short Answer Details

You can use a maximum of 1,000 characters for each response.

Describe your relationship to the community you work with and how they are
involved in your organization's strategy and decision-making.

A strong answer will explain what you have learned from your personal experience
working with the community your organization serves. We should also understand how
your approach to leadership includes those individuals in the strategy and decision-
making of your organization.

[Start your answer here.]

A successful answer will help us understand why you are the right pe
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Describe why you are passionate about this work and community.

rson to lead this organization, what motivates you to do this work long-term, and why
you feel obligated to lead an organization to address this problem now.

[Start your answer here.]

Share one or two examples which demonstrate your leadership and ability to
build and guide an organization towards the achievement of its strategic goals
and priorities.

A successful answer will explain how you will lead your organization towards its goals,
identify and mobilize partners and resources, and support those who work or volunteer
for it. Your examples do not need to be related to the organization you are proposing in
this application.

[Start your answer here.]

Imagine a future where people of all races have equal opportunity to thrive. How
did your vision help lead to this future? What changed in your community as a

A successful answer demonstrates your vision for your work’s ultimate impact. In a world where
everyone has what they need to thrive, what influence does your work have on shaping future,
long-term outcomes within your community?

[Start your answer here.]

Please describe how your work resolves the root cause problems — and not only
manages the symptoms — of the system your work addresses. Please include
specific examples, by name, when possible.

A successful answer will describe how your work will directly confront forms of structural
oppression. Here, we should understand which specific systems, policies, narratives,
institutions, or practices your approach is attempting to address.

[Start your answer here.]

Explain how your work is innovative and how it will propel your organization’s
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A successful answer will explain how your work is unique, its importance as it relates to
the timing and relevance of your intervention, and its impact-potential for solving this
problem. Examples include: a new product or program that has not been tried, applying
an existing method to a new industry, applying an existing model to a new place, and
the timing of your intervention.

[Start your answer here.]

Collaborative Analysis

This section asks a series of questions to learn more about how you think about your
work and the organization you are building. To hone your level of detail and use the
space provided efficiently, you can use up to 750 characters for each response.

You will identify the organizations that you feel have the strongest approaches to
reforming the same system that you are looking to change. These examples can be
from the same geography in which you work or a different one. By asking you to identify
the organizations that are most effective at addressing change at a systems level; we
are interested in understanding your analysis of the system, your knowledge of the field,
and how your solution fits in the current landscape.


You will be asked to upload a resume or CV that demonstrates your qualifications to be the
leader of your proposed organization. Please include relevant experiences that demonstrate
your qualification. These experiences can include but are not limited to educational,
professional, volunteer, community organizing, and activism opportunities.


You will be asked to record and submit a short video. Please click here to access further

For more guidance materials and information on the 2024 Fellowship application, please visit
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Our goal is to aid India's deaf community with education( teachers do not have proper degrees
or are not well proficient in sign), mental health awareness and counselling (as there is no sign
language interpreter and well-known counsellors), higher studies(most of them drop school to

Only one movie has been translated into sign language, emphasizing the lack of attention given
to this community.

Especially to Nepali community mental health and leadership training are not known to them
and recently they have been affected by the flood where they lost everything so they require
peace and listening ears. They are lost in life and don't know where to start from.

My Aim is to:

1. Collaborate with India's Sign Group, associations, and officials to provide mental health
counselling and awareness.

2. Create a YouTube channel for mental health support.

3. Train counsellors in sign language and communication for the deaf.

4. Set up a virtual assistance system for quick support.

For Nepali community :

To achieve our goals, we should take the following steps:

1. Collaborate with the state health authority to set up counselling camps.

2. Organize leadership programs in schools and colleges.

3. Provide short courses of a week to train individuals to organize themselves.

4. Organize creative activities and programs to promote attitude change.

5. Foster the habit of reading by starting a book club.

It's important to promote understanding and inclusivity when discussing the deaf community.
Deaf individuals, like anyone else, have a wide range of experiences and capabilities. Instead of
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making generalized statements, we should recognize that many deaf individuals face unique
challenges, including limited access to education and communication, which can impact their
skills and opportunities. By focusing on improving education and accessibility for the deaf
community, we can help unlock their full potential and contribute to a more inclusive society.

The Nepali community lacks proper guidance and opportunities, hindering their mental and
emotional well-being and personality development. With communication training, they can
become community leaders.

Now I am helping with counselling and awareness campaigns, but together we can make a
huge difference.

Promoting the well-being of the deaf community is of utmost importance. It's essential to
recognize that many deaf individuals face challenges, including limited access to education and
communication. This has led to disparities in educational attainment, with only a small
percentage having obtained a college degree. By addressing these issues and improving
educational opportunities, we can empower the deaf community, enhance their cognitive skills,
and foster a more inclusive society. They are often labelled as mentally challenged, with lower
moral standards and difficulty distinguishing right from wrong. My plan is to provide knowledge,
and awareness, and empower them to make informed decisions, clearing the confusion.

I've faced confusion, low self-esteem, and uncertainty in the past. I'm committed to guiding the
next generation to make clear, informed decisions, preventing their suffering from depression
and anxiety. I can't bear to see them suffer from depression and anxiety;

I have thought about collaborating with the governments of Sikkim and India. I have already
worked with them and translated their speeches into sign language several times. My aim is to
collaborate with the government to create various projects that can uplift and upskill the deaf
community in every possible way.

Regarding the Nepali community, I have been working in the teaching and administrative field
for the past 5 years. My main goal is to organize an awareness course and orientation program,
provide them with opportunities, and mobilize them. Conducting counseling camps in various
schools and colleges would be the most important part of this initiative.
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Deaf individuals, when given the right opportunities, can think differently and pursue their own
goals. However, many deaf individuals are currently dependent on their family members for
communication. If counsellors are taught basic sign language and other communication
techniques, they could effectively diagnose and treat anxiety and depression in the deaf
community. Additionally, virtual assistance could help deaf individuals communicate in various
work settings. The ultimate goal is to empower the deaf community to become self-sufficient.

The Nepali community can thrive through entrepreneurship when equipped with knowledge and
guidance. Raising awareness about mental health and offering workshops can empower them
to compete effectively. Early guidance is vital for informed decision-making. Career counselling
and personality development programs can equip individuals with an optimistic mindset,
creating a HUMANE in humans. My programs aim to provide a positive mindset and lifestyle

Our goal is to aid India's deaf community with education( teachers do not have proper degrees
or are not well proficient in sign), mental health awareness and counselling (as there is no sign
language interpreter and well-known counsellors), higher studies(most of them drop school to

Only one movie has been translated into sign language, emphasizing the lack of attention given
to this community.

Especially to Nepali community mental health and leadership training are not known to them
and recently they have been affected by the flood where they lost everything so they require
peace and listening ears. They are lost in life and don't know where to start from.

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