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With a changing citizen demographics like social media popularity and usage of more
online services by citizens, inter and intra government agencies and departments has
resulted in Government to explore more sustainable and effective ways of service
delivery, collaboration and data exchange across governments.

n this paper, Wipro's Cloud business services for Government have looked at the
changing dynamics of business and T landscape. This paper features a point of view
on how "cloud will drive the new T landscape, a brief note on cloud evaluation
approach on how should one assess their business processes and prioritize their cloud

Government has multiple arms of agencies, local authorities, departments that
potentially by and large manage own data centers, telecommunication equipments,
legacy applications, desk top systems. The key attributes in a Government context are
on time program deployments, scalability of the infrastructure and systems, improved
self service capabilities, security, vulnerability and performance to deliver effective G2C
and G2G services.

Wipro believes "as a service cloud approach presents a unique opportunity for
Governments to consolidate, rationalize, simplify and scale business processes to
enhance customer experience and most importantly move away from "Capital Expense
to "Operating Expense model. The five step approach towards Government cloud
deployments will be:
O Service identification of the department or agency
O Assessment for key attributes and goals
O Risk assessments
O Pilot and mplementation Roadmap
O Sustenance

Given cloud offers on demand self service, rapid elasticity, measured or metered
service, broad resource pool, it enables an important perspective of how Cloud will
determine service delivery in Government for both G2G and G2C. The Cloud
deployments, policies will form a crucial role in Governments realizing benefits of Cloud
with a balanced trade off of risk, cost and benefit to Cloud deployments.

Wipro offers $stem Integration and Origination services to customers across the
four layers of Cloud Business Process as a Service, Software as a Service, Platform

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as a Service, and Infrastructure as a Service. Wipro has put in place relevant processes
and tool kits in place to provide cloud advisory, cloud assessment, cloud implementation
and cloud management services. Wipro has Cloud based partnerships with Microsoft,
Net Suite, Amazon, SAP, Oracle, Cisco to deliver Cloud Advisory, Assessment,
mplement and Managed services to customers.

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