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Test 1 eae of the followi 4 ; 4 ‘ lowing songs seems.......interesting......-YOU! a) What/mostly/for b) Which/most/to ©) Which/most/for d) Which/mostly/to 2)......Hague is a city in......Netherlands, considered...../....”"Geneva” its important institutions. d)the/...../being/the/...../for 3) Ai permite si fi se verifice bagajul minutios la vama? a) Would you allow having your luggage checked thoroughly at the customs? b) Would you permit to have your luggages checked well at the customs? c) Would you allow your luggage being checked thoroughly at the custom? d) Should you allow your luggage toroughlly checked at the customs? 4)....21 that herd of cattle....... in the field a) Was/grazing/other b) Were/grazing/other c) Was/snorkeling/another d) Were/sniffing/others 5) She wishes.....her her birthday party last week. a) All of/came b) All/had come c) Some of/would come d) Both/didn’t come ROSS 2 OU RCE areal 6) The jury.......the verdict by. a) is going to reach/...... b) are going to reach/...., ¢) will reach/the d) will be reaching/..... posal dawn. They are ina hurry. 7) They'd better......before......breakfast. a) had cleaned up/the b) washed up/..... ¢) wash up/the ) be washing up/ a) Should/win/will they do? b) Were/to win/would they have done? ) Were/to have won/will they do d) Could/to win/would they do 9) Try.....a fork,........a spoon when......mashed potatoes. a) to use/instead of/eating b) using/instead offeating c) using/for/eat d) to use/as/to eat 10)hsserecst ces till go.. a) Come what may/will/further b) Be that as may/would/furthest ¢) Far be it from me/will/further d) Come what it may/would/farther regarding that matter. 11) Whoever he........, she...... forgive him next week at the trial. He had done tremendous harm. a) might be/should b) may be/won’t ¢) should be/wouldn’t d) could be/wouldn’t 12) "Why don’t we go for a coffee?” the girl asked me. a) The girl asked why I didn’t go for a coffee. b) The girl suggested going for a coffee. c) The girl asked why I don’t go for a coffee. d) The girl suggested to go toa coffee. 13) I saw her.....that morning. I won’t have her......- with my head anymore, so I made her...... a) run/messing/cry b) running/mess/ery c) running/messing/crying d) run/mess/cry 14) The.....woman is acting....-.. She is as....-++ a) old/strange/mad as a March hare b) old/strangely/as deaf as a post c) elder/strange/bold as a lion d) old/strangely/as steady as a cucumber 15) .......she is ten years younger than her sister she is.......-- her. a) Though/not so beautiful than b) Despite/not more beautiful as c) Although/not as beautiful as d) In spite offas beautiful as a) Lastly/could b) Last/should c) Lately/ought to d) Latter/could 17) It is said that the flag has wonderful bright colours. a) They say the flag has wonderfull brightly colours. b) They say the flag is to have wonderful bright colours. c) The flag is said to have wonderful bright colours. ; d) The flag is said to have wonderful brightly colours. 18) “Please get a) off b) over ¢) out d)in 19) Neither you, nor I.......going to say 4 word. a) have b) be c) do d) nici una corecta 20) He knew that if he.....home empty-handed,everybody.....-at him. a) would come/were laughing b) would have come/had laughed. c) came/would laugh d) were to come/should laugh 21) Shakespeare,.......English writer, was....-- important _representatiye a) a/the/the b) the/an/the c) ~/a/the d) the/the/the 22) The butterfly flew...... the flowers and then began to fly.......1 the field. a) over/around b) besides/across c) between/over d) about/through 23)....all the members of the crew to attend the captain’s meeting, would the ship.....enough space.....the event? , a) Would/have/to hold b) Should/have/to host c) Were/have/to host d) Were/had/to held 10 24) Can I.....this week? My frozen meat is already damaged. a) have my fridge repaired b) get repaired the fridge c) have my fridge to install d) have him repaired my fridge .so that he.....- her to school. 25) Samuel asked the girl where... a) she had studied/might drive b) did she study/can drive c) she studied/could drive d) she was studying /may drive 26) “ Sorry I didn’t see you when you passed me in the street.” “TfI....., of course I...... me a) had seen/would greet b) see/would have greeted c) had seen/would have greeted d) had seen/would greet 27) I can’t make my motorbike....... on cold weather. Have you tried...... the radiator with hot fluids? a) starting/to fill b) to start/felling c) started/to fill d) starV/filling 28) ”....she or her boyfriend inside” the hoste “Neither of them ......- a a) Is/are b) Is/is c) Are/are d) Are/are 411 29) Ne vedem acasa la voi sau la bacanie? a) Shall we meet at your house or at the bakery’s? b) We shall meet at your place or at the baker’s? c) Shall we meet at your place or at the grocery? d) Shall we meet at your place or at the grocery’s? 30) If only that party alone. It might have been dangerous. a) hadn’t gone b) weren’t going c) wouldn’t go d) didn’t go Test 2 1) Chris a spus: “Pisica umbla in patru labe.” a) ”The cat walks on four legs” Chris said. b) "The cat walks on four feet” said Chris. c) ”The cat walks on all fours” Chris said. d) ”The Tabby cat goes on four paws” Chris said. 2) -reeeee Yemen is.....exotic country.....its....population. a) the/ an/due to/Arabic b) the/an/owing to/Arab c) .../an/owing to/Arabic d) the/a/due to/Arabian 3) They purchased a portrait of Grigorescu from the art exhibition. a) Ei au cumparat un tablou in care este pictat Grigorescu. b) Ei au achizitionat un portret in care este pictat Grigorescu. c) Ei au achizitionat un portret pictat de Grigorescu. d) Ei au cumparat un tablou de-al lui Grigorescu. 4) Some people. A. a) mustn’t be/as obstinate as destiny b) need to be/as obstinate as a tyrant c) shouldn’t be/as obstinate as a mule d) ought not be/so obstinate as a horse 5) The trip had a...... a) two-hour delay b) two hours’ delay c) delay of two hours d) two-hours-delay aad 7 lestac) the police-officer that they ed/had stolen/yesterday d/had stolen/the previous day Je/the day before Jled/the previous day 6) The....- he a) thiefs/explain b) thieves/explaine c) thieves/had explained/stol d) thiefs/were explaining/had sto! 7) The Browns rarely visit their relatives, except on....-- [tet a) holiday/don’t they b) holidays/do they c) holidays/don’t they d) holiday/aren’t they 8) If only he.....the right thing and marry her! a) would do b) had done c) were doing d) did 9) Not once...... the whole story to his friends ,. really occurred there. a) had he told/in spite of/less b) did he tell/though/little c) will he tell/despite/little d) he told/although/the least ...clothes and food. entering the country, cause it was 10) The refugees. offered...... feavees a) needn’t have bought/at/to them/freely b) didn’t have to buy/on/to them/for free c) didn’t need to buy/in/for they/for free d) mustn’t have bought/on/to they/freely 11) If she the past, she....... a good job and..... rich now. a) would have studied/should get/should be : : b) had studied/would get/would have been ¢) had studied/would get/would be 4) studied/would have got/would have been cher didn’t mean.....-her. 12) By calling her a) Negress/offending b) Negroes/offend c) Negress/to offend d) Negro/offending 13) The scholars from India......the prize, since they... - competitors, a) shouldn’t have won/had been/so poor b) needn’t have win/were/such badly c) might not have won/were/so bad d) can’t have won/were/such poor 14) The her.....husband. a) was made to suffer/late b) made him suffer/latter c) was made suffer/late d) is made to suffer/lately 15) She declined the offer for fear she.....him. a) should lose b) might lose c) may lose d) could lose 16) Sarah has two little puppies, Max and them, while. a) The first/the prettiest/the second/the naughtiest b) The former/the prettier/the latter/the naughtier c) The former/the prettyer/the latter/the naughtier d) The first/the prettiest/the later/the naughtiest 17) This is the first time Jack....../...... Mount Fuji. a) has climbed/..... b) climbed/..... c) has climbed/the d) had climbed/..... 15 i: he: 18) She wishes $ a) didn’t get/so uch/hardly b) weren't gettin c) hadn't £0 iso mi d) wouldn't get/so many/hardly lent the book is not here. ... ...she....her sister - 19) The girl. a) whose/either/or/are b) who/neither/nor/are c) whicb/either/or/ is d)to whom/neither/nor/is 20) The acres walked. ....8tage and people were applauding freneti ically a) onto/the b) on/the c) onto/a d) on/a 21) The company has sold......... i ee of products this year. b) thricce the quantity c) a threefold quantity d)a three times the quantity 22) The students weren’t al 4) take on/information ble much...... b) take up/informations c) take out/informations d) take in/information 23) You.....the book, .......was on the shelf, two days ago. Did you forget about it? a) borrowed/whom b) lent/which c) gave/that d) give/whose ) 16 sid to speak... 24) glass to drink when he. that someone. speak, immediately. a) was raising/told/wanted/to b) was rising/told/had wanted/with c) had raised/was telling/wanted/with d) rose/has told/wished/to 25) The person... ..entered the door, spoke Russian. a) whom/us b) that/us c) who/us d) which/we 26) It is more than two years since he began playing volleyball, ...... 2 a) isit b) isn’t it c) does it d) doesn’t it 27) He treated me as if I......his housekeeper, though he had no right to do that in those circumstances. a) were b) had been c) would be d) was 28) People.....all over the world are deeply impressed......the monasteries. ....the Romanian people. a).....Jby/of b) in/oy/of c) from/with/of d) from/by/of 29) We oughtn’t to expect a visit on Wednesday, .......? a) should we b) ought we ©) Would we 4) will we ity Years. That's quire 30) In ten years she,. ~»-French to the students for thirty a) will be teaching/awsome b) will have taught/awesome ©) will have Studied/awesomely 4) will have been teaching/awesome Test 3 1).......moments.. ..-Very.....and they are rarely...../, a) Breathless/last/little/deceitful/ are they b) Breathtaking/lasts/few/mischievous/aren’t they ©) Powerless/occur/at times/mischevious/aren’t they 4) Powerful/occurs/from time to time/are they --Dark Ages. ...a term of.....periodization, ...... meaning. ----/are historical/traditional/the b) The/is/historical/traditionally/the Cc) The/are/historic/traditionally/the d)...../is/historic/traditional/the 3) Ei ar trebui sa fie mandri de realizari le copiilor lor. a) They have to be proud of children’s achievements. b) They should be proud of their children’s achievements. c) They must be proud of their children’s achievements. d) They ought to be proudly of their children’s achievement. 4) Hapiness comes from.....the mind,.....our efforts of. searching it...... the outside. a) inside/though/in b) within/despite/on c) outside/in spite of/in d) inside/although/on 5). a) However/should find/am I b) Whichever/must find/ am I c) Whomever/might find/aren’t I d) Whoever/may find/aren’t I knows me well, ...... IT am exactly what I appear to be, .....? 19 a) Neither/trust/him b) None offtrust/himself c) Both/trust/him d) Neither/trusts/him 7) Daca n-ar fi avut incredere in el, lucrurile ar sta altfel in prezent. a) If she didn’t have faith in him, things would be different now. b) If she hadn’t trusted him, things would have been different now. c) If she hadn’t trusted him, things would be different for the time being. d) If she wouldn’t have trusted him, things would have been different for the moment. 8) "Free and easy” means: a) outgoing b) very free c) open-minded d) very freely 9) The couple, Tom and Katy loved. a) each other b) one another c) themselves d) himself 10) I’d rather. ......on a trip to the mountains than weather a few days ago. a) went/playing b) had gone/had played c) have gone/have played d) go/play sosaesl cards on that lovely 11) He treats her as if she....../...... a) were/nobody b) had been/nobody c) was/anybody 4) were/anybody .don’t function.....well. Their use is a waste of time. a) skemas/pretty b) schemata/quite c) schemas/rather d) schematas/fairly 13) The, f the books.....full of....-- a) appendices/is/content b) appendix/is/content ©) appendices/are/contents d) appendixes/are/contents 14) "It’s high time you told the truth about everything” she said. a) She said it was high time I told the truth about everything. b) She said it was high time I had told the truth about everything. c) She said it is high time I told the truth about everything. d) She said it is high time I have told the truth about everything. a) But for his deeds/sentenced to b) Unless for his deeds/convinced to c) If it were his deeds/charged with d) If it had been for/sentenced to 16) Italienii mananca din ce in ce mai multe paste. a) Italians eat more and more pasta. b) The Italians are eating more and more pasta. c) Italians are eating more and more pastas. d) The Italians eat more and more pastas. 17) You’ Il have to...... your car so that I can get out. You’re a lousy driver! a) back out b) back up c) back down d) back into 21 intre cele mai mari re ‘ob ©) Toats lumea merits sa fie d) Fi leme este s& fii un nimeni pentru oricine, iecare meritx 7 cineva,” sd insemne ceva pentru altcineva. erita si. Teprezinte “ceya” pentru altcineva, daca nu, are o boali, oo +.We had Yesterday centre, was connected......the fact Was appointed... -President. a) The/business/the/with/the b) A/business/..... /to/the c) The/bussiness/the/with/, eS 4) The/business/the/to/... 20) Sam was the...... player on the field that day. a) one hundred and first b) one hundredth and one C) one hundredth and first d) one hundred and one 21) Vecina mea s-a imbracat cu bluza aceea rosie, moale, de catifea, din Spania. a) My neighbor was dressed in that soft, red, velvet, Spanish blouse. b) My neighbor was dressed in that soft, red, Spanish, velvet blouse. c) My neighbor got dressed in that soft, red, velvet Spanish blouse. d) My aunt got dressed in that soft, Spanish, red, velvet blouse. 22) My blouse is....... fl eseces though we are..... a) thrice as expensive as/yours/broke b) thrice more expensive than/yours/bankrupt c) thrice as expensive as/your/broken d) thrice more expensive than/your/broke 23) The thieves....... they could. a) stole/merchandise/run away/fast b) had stolen/good/ran away/fastly ¢) stole/goods/ran away/fast d) had stolen/goods/ran away/fastly 22 24) If only I. all that trouble trying to convince hiner a) wouldn’t go/right was. b) didn’t go/rightly c) hadn’t gone/right d) hadn’t gone/rightfully 25) I don’t mind......but I Tescaae to leave. a) you coming late/informing/need b) coming late/to inform/should c) to come late/to inform/must d) your coming late/to inform/have 26) He insisted that she...... there. It was mandatory. a)am b) be c) shall go d) goes 27) They will phone you lest they...... there. a) might arrive b) should arrive c) shouldn’t get d) must get 28) Our friends that area in the past. a) to living b) to leave ©) living d) to live 29) My aunt....,jogging everyday when she was young and she still does it quite often. a) would go b) used to go c) got used to go d) used to going 23 30) ice of birds, , a) The flock/were b) The herd/was Cc) The flight/were d) The shoal/was «flying in the sky in circles, Test4 the circ y ‘umstances, i o ees, «... T still......completely. eit ‘Yethaven; ‘t recovered c) well/tegardingher enn ees : ever/hasn’t d) good/to Consider/nevertheless/nadn't cp ered ve ent 6 ‘to your house, the other day when the a) much damage/do/occurred b) much damages/make/occurred c) many damages/do/took place d) many damage/make/happened 3) He used our house......his office for months....... he had no right to. a) like/although b) as/though c) unlike/despite d) as/in order that 4) Neither the vixen nor the bear....... living in captivity. a) enjoys b) enjoy c) have enjoyed d) has enjoyed 5) Jim......the gas tank, his brother had done it two days before and it was still full. a) didn’t need to fill b) didn’t have filled c) needn’t have filled d) needn’t have felt 2 6) It’s probable they..... change their mind... her iiaees a) should/due to . b) might/owing to ¢) shall/owing to d) would/due to 7) The paper you need is... those books, the. a) beneath/over/shelves b) below/above/shelfs c) underneath/on top of/shelves d) after/on/shelfs 8)... ‘you were not allowed to leave, you......- be here. a) Because offought to b) Since/ have to ©) For/shall d) In order that/should 9) Tina is looking forward....... around the country, though she could......hold her tears. a) to traveling/hardly b) to travel/hard c) to travelling/barely d) travelling/hardly 10);2:.-.-- knowledge is hard to......on short term. a) Such a/achieve b) Such/aquire c) So a/get d) Such an/obtain 11) On no account......the trading of products. .....Ukraine. a) should they ban/from b) they should forbid/from c) they must ban/for d) ought to they ban/in 26 12).......the law, they would have been imprisoned. a) If they broke b) Were they to have broken c) Were they to break d) Should they had broken 13) Malcom and......are very good mates, we enjoy......time together. a) me/spending b) /spending c) me/to spend d) Ito spend but it’s impossible. 14) They wish their residence.....more spacious, a) had been b) were c) would be d) was -Queen Victoria...... from the harbour yesterday at 6 0’clock |....along the sea. a)...../set up/saled b) The/set ofi/sold ¢)...../set on/sailed d) The/set out/sailed 16) Even if, he...... his identity card to the police-officer on the street corner, that day. a) didn’t notice/should have shown b) hadn’t noticed/must have shown c) hasn’t observed/ought to have shown d) will not see/had to show -hard when they were young, well-off 17) If the Browns. now. a) had worked/ wouldn’t be b) would have worked/hadn’t been 27 c) hadn’t worked/wouldn’t be 4) didn’t work/wouldn’t be 18) The... of the army......behind the shed. a) headquarters/were placed b) headquarter/were placed c) headquarters/was placed d) headquarter/was placed 19) The IT company is hiring......... Ieaaevsets for the anniversary concert and musicians have been required to prepare play the violin. a) several/staffs/staves b) plenty offstaves/staffs ©) little/staffs/staff d) a lot off staff/staves 20) The lawyer urged court.....time. a) should come/on b) shall come/in c) come/in d) might/on 21) She doesn’t know.....he.....ask her ....... questions. a) why/would ask/such b) how/ought to ask/so c) why/should ask/such d) when/might ask/such a 22) Such...... his reply that she remained. a) awesome was/stunned b) was/stunned c) an awesome was/stunt d) were/awestruck 23) He is......, he couldn’t pass his driving test, though he tried 5 times. a) as right as rain b) as dull as ditchwater 28 ang 7 An. c) as daft as a brush d) as slippery as an eel 24) The woman....... ‘when the police told her that her grandma had died. a) broke out b) broke up c) broke down d) broke in 25) The rain ...... raincoats. a) poured/take out b) has been pouring/take on c) had poured/take on d) has been pouring/take off 26) It is said that the statue was sculpted in ancient times. a) The statue is said to be sculpted in ancient times. b) The statue is said to being sculpted in ancient times. c) The statue is said to have been sculpted in ancient times. d) It is said that they have had sculpted in ancient times. 27) The commander....... here at the end of the day, he is needed. a) will be arriving b) is to arrive c) will arrive d) will have arrived ..the case, the another country. 28) By the time the police.. a) investigates/will have been fled b) have investigated/will have fled c) has investigated/will flee d) will have investigated/have fled -me? Trust is a dangerous game. 29) Suppose the truth, a) told/would you believe b) were to tell/would you have believed 29 ©) were to have told/would you believe 4) Would have told/you had believed 30) She....../.......about changing her job lately. 8) thought/deep b) had thought/deeply ©) has thought/deeply d) has been thinking/deep

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