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Match the words used in direct speech with the words used in reported speech.

Direct speech Reported speech

1. can a) that
2. may b) the previous year
3. must/have to c) that night
4. will d) the previous week
5. this e) had to
6. here f) that day
7. today g) the day before
8. yesterday h) might
9. tonight i) there
10. last week j) the next day
11. tomorrow k) could
12. last year l) would

Complete the sentences on the right with the correct reported speech verbs. Use non-contracted forms.

Direct speech Reported speech

1."I live in London." She said she _____________________ in London.

2."I am living here." She said she _____________________ there.
3.I have done it." She said she_____________________ it.
4."I did it last week." She said she_____________________ it the previous week.
5."I will do it." She said she_____________________ do it.
6."I can do it." She said she _____________________ do it.
7.I may do it." She said she_____________________ do it.
8."I must do it." She said she_____________________ do it.
9.Do it!" She told me_____________________ it.

Complete the sentences with the correct reporting verb: say / tell. Choose the correct option in italics.
1. She said / told that she was a reporter.
2. He said / told me that he worked in a factory.
3. She said / told to me that she had to study that night.
4. Are you sure you said / told him the time?
5. He said / told me he couldn't come until the following day.
6. She said / told that she had already done it.
7. She said / told me she was going out with her friends.
8. Peter said / told that he wasn't happy.
Complete the following reported statements. Choose the correct option in italics.

1. She said she must / had to go home.

2. They said they may / might go away for the weekend.
3. She told me that she is / was a reporter.
4. Paul said he will / would help me.
5. She told me she can / could come that afternoon.
6. He said he will / would be there at 6 o'clock.
7. He said he can / could speak Spanish.

Write the sentences again in direct or reported speech.

1. 'You must do more exercise,' the doctor told me.
The doctor told me that _________________________________________________________.
2. 'I can sing quite well,' said Christine.
Christine said that _____________________________________________________________ .
3. Joanna said that she was going skiing.
Joanna , 'I_____________________________________________________________________'.
4. 'I will do it next week,' Laura said.
Laura said that ________________________________________________________________.
5. The policeman said that they couldn't park there.
The policeman said, '____________________________________________________________'.
6. 'If you don't come to my party, I won't be happy', Megan told him.
Megan told him that she _________________________________________________________ .

Write the following questions, orders and requests in reported speech.

1. 'Where are you from?' Julie asked him.

Julie asked him _____________________________________________________________________.
2. 'Grandmother, can I go out?' she asked.
She asked her grandmother ________________________________________________________.
3. 'Don't be so rude!', his mother ordered him.
His mother ordered him ___________________________________________________________.
4. 'What are you doing, mum?' Laura asked.
Laura asked her mum _____________________________________________________________.
5. 'Have you seen this film, Tom?' Kate asked.
Kate asked Tom _________________________________________________________________.
6.'Please help me!', Jane asked her friend.
Jane asked her friend ____________________________________________________________.

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