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HOUSEKEEPING ORGANIZATION AND The housekeeping department is divided

into three sub sections, namely, Rooms

keeping, Public Area, Linen and Laundry Area.

 The word housekeeping refers to the

Rooms keeping Supervisor.
*Basic function is to direct and control rooms
upkeep and maintenance of cleanliness keeping activities including room make up,
and order in a house or a lodging installation of mini bar and other room
establishment such as inn, hotel, amenities.
apartels, condominium, resort, dormitory
 Roomboy
or a hospital.

 Chambermaid
A housekeeper is one who is  Mini-bar Attendant
responsible for administering
Public Area Supervisor
housekeeping maintenance and for
insuring everything is in order. *To direct and control all activities concerning
public area maintenance and to ensure
Types of Housekeeping
conformity to prescribed housekeeping
1. Domestic Housekeeping – refers to standards and policies.
housekeeping maintenance in a house. It
 Houseman utility / Maintenance
covers bedrooms, kitchen, dining, receiving
area, grounds and the surrounding areas within  Pest control Technician
the house.
 Gardener / Grounds Maintenance
*Female – chambermaid
Linen and Laundry Supervisor
*Male – roomboy
*Responsible for maintenance of linens use in
2. Institutional Housekeeping – applies to hotel and restaurant.
housekeeping maintenance in commercial
 Linen Attendant
lodging establishments like hotels, resorts, inns
and apartels. It covers guest rooms, hallways,  Laundry Attendant
lobby, stairways, windows, grounds, linen and
 Valet Runner
laundry area, public rooms, and corridors.
 Steam Presser / Ironer
Organizational chart
Standards of ideal housekeeping
1. Cleanliness
2. Orderliness
3. Sanitation
4. Guests’ Comfort
5. Eye Appeal
6. Safety
7. Guest Relations
8. Materials Control and Preventive
This department is headed by the Cleaning supplies and materials
Executive Housekeeper. In smaller lodging
 Toilet brush - Having a brush that
establishments, Housekeeping Supervisor is
cleans your toilet, and only your toilet,
often called.
helps curb the spread of germs to other

 Bucket - Using a bucket, as opposed to onto a small piece of grit that could
filling a sink with cleaning, makes it cause a scratch.
much easier to tackle floors.
 Gloves - Hand gloves are useful to
 Brooms - We use brooms for sweeping protect your hands to possible allergies
and to remove all the garbage that is with the cleaning products and to protect
scattered around. It has two kinds like it as it touches our food as well.
made of twigs and straw.
 Cleaning Chemicals - Household
 Dustpan - This can be used in scooping cleaning products provide aesthetic and
all the dirt and waste for us to put it in hygiene benefits but are also associated
the bin after sweeping. with health risks for the users, and
building occupants.
 Mop - Mop is very helpful so that it
cleanses the area and remove the oils  Surfactants - lower the surface tension
and rust in the floor and make it cleaner of water, making it able to flow into
to walk into. smaller tiny cracks and crevices in soils
making removal easier.
2 Types of Trolley
 1. Recycling trolleys - are used to Example:
collect garbage and trash. They can also
 Soap
hold tools to collect the trash or garbage
spills and clean the area around the  Detergent
refuse containers. These trolleys may
 Alkaline - chemicals break down known
also have provision to segregate the
soils such as grease and mud.
 2. Room service trolleys - are Example:
supplement trolleys for janitorial trolleys.
 Baking Soda
These are used to collect the soiled
linen and the trash and garbage from  Chlorine Bleach
the guest rooms. And, they have
 Acids - break down soils such as lime
provision to carry fresh linen and
scale. and stains of mustard, coffee, tea,
toiletries to be replenish in the guest
and alcoholic beverages.
Lime scale- Lime scale is the hard, off-
 Cob web remover - This is a long white, chalky deposit found in kettles,
broom that made of a straw to help us hot-water boilers and the inside of
reach the ceiling and surfaces that we inadequately maintained hot-water
can't reach to remove the cobweb. central heating systems.
 Sponge - A soft plastic made and a  Disinfectants - stop smell and stains
foam like to soak in the bucket of water caused by bacteria.
and soap to remove stains and oils and
CLEANING Equipment's and their Proper
dirt in our appliances and areas in our
 Vacuum Cleaner - This is a electrical
 Dust Control Mop - Dry dust control
equipment that helps you to suck up all
mop acrylic material with aluminium
the dust and other dirt that you can't see
from surfaces in the house.
 Glass Cleaner/Window Cleaner - Used
 Washing machine - A machine for
in cleaning glass
washing clothes, bed linens, etc.
 Microfiber cloth - Microfibers are
 Sewing machine - a machine with a
mostly made of polyester, and, unlike
mechanically driven needle for sewing
cotton, they leave no lint behind. They
or stitching cloth.
are usually knitted and very soft, making
them generally safe for use on relatively  Floor polisher - A floor buffer is an
soft surfaces such as paint or wood. electrical appliance that is used to clean
Make sure the cloths haven’t latched

and maintain non-carpeted floors, such 3. Double Room is occupied by two persons
as hardwood, marble, tile or linoleum. with 1 double bed.
Other Tools and Supplies 4. Double-double room has two double beds
or 2 queen beds, occupied by two or more
 Naphthalene Ball - is used in houses,
persons. It is sometimes called TWIN
hotels to protect clothes from
5. Triple Room is occupied by three people,
 Plunger - The Plunger is a useful device
may have 1 double bed and a roll away bed or
for de-choking the clogged sinks in the
2 single beds plus a roll away bed.
kitchen or bathroom. Plunger uses an
high quality rubber which ensures 6. Quadruple room is occupied by four
flexibility, & prevents cracking / tearing people; may have two beds or more.
of the rubber.
7. Family Room has at least 1 double bed,
 Garbage Shovel (Wind Proof) - It is with 1 or more single beds, designed to
used for picking up garbage generated accommodate one small family.
after sweeping and mopping.
8. King Room has a king-size bed, maybe
 Plastic Spray Bottles - Useful for occupied by one or two or one small family.
spraying many homemade cleaning
B. According to price, layout and facilities
solutions, such as this Clean-Everything
Lemon-Lime Spray. 1. Economy room is designed for an
economical rate, usually short of standard
Types of Floors
facilities like air con, television and other
1. Hard Floors amenities.
a. Marble and Cemented floors 2. Standard room is sold at moderate rate,
b. b. Mixed – i.e., Pebbles, Crazy equipped with standard facilities and amenities
cut, etc. like air con, toiletries, television, bed, night
2. Vinyl/ Resilient Floors table, etc.
3. Wood and Parquet
3. De Luxe room is more luxurious and
4. Carpet
spacious, with amenities of superior quality,
Guestroom Cleaning, Care and Maintenance sold at much higher price than standard room.
 Nature and Scope of Rooms 4. Studio room has a studio bed or a couch
Maintenance which can be converted into a bed. It may also
be called an executive room.
1. Maintenance of order and cleanliness
5. Connecting Room consist of two or more
2. Safekeeping of lost and found linens
rooms with entrance doors from the outside
3. Coordination with other sections on door between them through which guests can
matters involving guestroom maintenance get through each bedroom without going out
and servicing of guests needs, complaints their rooms.
and concerns. i.e.
6. Suite rooms has a prior or living room
4. Provision for other services to house connected to one or more full sized bedrooms,
guest like: equipped with luxury amenities and sold at a
higher price than standard room.
5. Attending to other guest’ needs and
Types of Suites
 Classification of Guestrooms
1. Junior Suites is a room with a bed and a
A. According to Number of Beds
sitting area (usually a small lounge), There
1. Single Room is a room with a single bed, maybe a small, separated bed, connected to
good for one person. the living room or parlor. It is also called a Mini
2. Twin room is a room with two twin or two
single beds, good for two persons. 2. Penthouse Suite is usually located on the
top floor of the property.

3. Executive Suite is designed for a top NS – No Show – room is reserved but not
executive, with facilities and amenities of used or the reservation has been canceled.
superior quality.
SO – Slept Out – guest is assigned a room but
4. Hospitality Suite is used foe entertaining did not sleep on his bed.
visitors; serving as function room or a parlor.
DND- Do Not Disturb-Guest posted the DND
sign and does not want to be disturb.
 Types of Beds Bed Linen
1. Single Bed – a bed approximately 36 inches - Flat sheet
by 75 inches. - Fitted sheet.
- Bed pad
2. Double Bed – bed than can accommodate
- - Bed cover
a couple or two individuals. It is approximately
- Duvet
54 inches by 75 inches in size.
- Pillow case
3. Queen Bed – is an extra long, extra wide - Bed skirt
bed, about 60 by 80 inches in size.
 Terminologies Used To describe
4. King Bed – an extra long, extra wide bed,
Various Type of Guest
about 78” x 80”.
1. Very important persons (VIP)
5. Roll-away bed – a portable bed.
refers to a well renowned guest like high
ranking official or executive who warrants
OC- Occupied Clean- the room is occupied special treatment and handling.
and has been clean.
2. Very, Very Important Person(VVIP)
OD- Occupied Dirty- The room is occupied
is a highly renowned person who deserves
but not yet cleaned
extra special
OCC – Occupied – occupied by a paying . treatment Example: dignitaries,
guest ambassadors, etc.

VC- Vacant Clean- the room is vacant, already 3. Free Independent Traveler(FIT) or Foreign
made up and ready for sale. Individual Tourist

VR – Vacant Ready – vacant room, already refers to a tourist or a traveler who is

make up and ready for occupancy, has been traveling alone or is not with . any tour
checked by supervisor. group.

VD – Vacant Dirty – vacated but not ready for 4. Joiner

occupancy; since it is still dirty or still being
is a person joining another guest in the same
made up. It is also as ON-CHANGE.
HSUD- House Use Dirty- the room is occupied
Various Forms and Documents Installed in
by non-paying person (usually from the Hotel)
and the room is not yet clean.
1. “Where are you” Form - to be used by
HSUC- House Use Clean- the room, is
guest to indicates his whereabouts so
occupied by non-paying person is already
that in case someone comes or calls to
locate him. The front desk can locate
HU- House Use- room is occupied by an him.
officer or staff of the hotel or the owning 2. Customer Feedback Form – is
company. designed as a tool for gathering guest
comments and feedback on the room
OOO – Out of Order Room – room is under
facilities and services so that the hotel
renovation or not fit for occupancy since it
can make the necessary improvements.
requires maintenance work or repair.
3. Acknowledgement Receipt – this form
BLO – Blocked – reserved for a guest who is is designed as a control tool whereby
expected to arrive within the day. the guest is made to acknowledge room
supplies and mini bar items installed in

his room. Without this form, the guest  Sorter/marker – sorts, classifies and
may deny the count or his consumption, labels laundry items
giving room for argument and
 Linen attendant – does the recording,
storage and issuance of linen
4. House Rules for Guest – this form
provides policies and regulations that  Washer – responsible for washing and
could minimize. If not eliminate abuses drying laundry items
on the part of guest particularly on
 Flat ironer – does the ironing
behavior that could create serious
damage to property or disturb other  Steam presser – performs steam
guests. pressing
5. Safety Instruction in case of Fire –
 Dry cleaner –spotter – assigned to do
this maybe in the form of a brochure.
dry cleaning and spot removal.
 Seamstress – does mending of guest
laundry or employees’ uniforms.
Labeling and Turning of Mattress Distribution of Responsibilities of Laundry
As part of the preventive program of
Housekeeping, mattress are examined Linen and Laundry Supervisor
periodically to determine their age, condition
 Basic function: to direct, lead,
and durability. Likewise they are turned at least
monitor and control all activities
four times a year to prolonging their life
covering linen and laundry
Selection and Care of Bed Linen service.
1. Bedspreads: Throw-over bedspreads Duties and Responsibilities:
require less delicate material than fitted covers.
a) Check quality of laundry service;
Most materials that are suitable for curtains can
ensure that laundry standards are
be used for bed covers. In calculating the
compiled with and the garments
quantity required, the pattern should be taken
are protected from damages.
into consideration.
b) Ensure the proper use, storage
2. Bed Pads
and maintenance of linen and
A bed pad acts as padding between the laundry equipment , tools and
mattress and the sheets, giving the guest supplies.
additional comfort, especially when the
c) Check condition of equipment.
mattress is buttoned. It also serves as an under
Make schedule of preventive
blanket, giving the body additional warmth as it
absorbs excessive body moisture. Bed pad
also protects the mattress from any spillage or d) Maintain par stocks requirements.
soiling. Make requisitions when needed.
e) Initiate and supervise weekly
inventory of laundry supplies and
Linen and Laundry Services
other items. Report losses and
The linen and laundry section is damages and take corrective
responsible for the processing of all request for actions against reckless use of
laundry service, including guest laundry, equipments.
employees uniforms and then used for banquet
f) See to it that laundered items are
delivered on time.
The Laundry section is usually
g) Train , coach and supervise
managed by a Laundry Manager or Supervisor
laundry staff ; conduct
and is manned with the following personnel.
performance evaluation of
 Valet runner – picks ups and delivers subordinates as well as appraisal
guest laundry interview.

h) Attend complains regarding linen the guest about it . Also indicate
and laundry service. noted damages in the record.
i) Perform other related duties as c) Inform the sorter/marker about
maybe assigned by superior. the special instructions of guest
regarding their laundry items.
Linen Attendant/Custodian
d) Help in sorting and finished items
 Basic function: responsible for
that are ready for delivery.
the storage and issuance of
employees uniforms, linens, e) Deliver processed guests laundry
cleaning supplies and guestroom making reference to tag number
amenities. and room number and make sure
these items are delivered on time.
Specific Duties:
f) Coordinates with rooms keeping
a) Attend to the issuance of
supervisor for the delivery of all
uniforms as well as guestroom,
processed items when guest are
restaurant and banquet linen ,
not in their rooms.
cleaning materials , supplies as
well as guestroom amenities. g) Inform the laundry office of his
Ensure that all issued items are whereabouts in case there is any
properly recorded and accounted call for pick up and immediate
for. delivery.
b) Record and account for all h) Coordinate with Front office/
issuances of guestroom housekeeping regarding
amenities , uniforms and linens information on room changes to
used for guestrooms, banquet avoid wrong delivery.
and dining services.
i) Perform other related duties as
c) Report to the supervisor missing maybe assigned by his/her
articles losses, breakages and superior.
damaged items in the linen room.
Flatwork Ironer/Wrangler
d) Assist the supervisor in
 Basic function: responsible for
conducting inventories of linen ,
ironing linen in the flatwork
general supplies and uniforms.
machine following the standard
e) Look into the proper arrangement procedures.
and storage of linen, uniforms
Specific Duties:
and general supplies in the linen
room. a) Sort all items by classifications
before running them into
f) Perform side duties like mending,
repair of uniforms and baby
sitting. b) Perform pressing and ironing,
straightens edges and smoothly
Valet Runner
presses wrinkles; starts and stop
 Basic function: responsible for machine according to prescribed
the pickup and delivery of laundry procedures.
items of guest and also those for
c) Inspect and sort out stains and
house use.
damaged linens.
Specific Duties:
d) Fold duly accomplished items ;
a) Pick up guest items for laundry count and classify them.
and endorses them to sorter/
e) Prepare and keep records of
marker for proper classification.
b) Check laundry items for possible
f) Clean work areas and machines.
damages and immediately inform

g) Report malfunction of machine to a) Perform mending and repair of guest
superior. garments as well as uniforms and linen
for house use.
h) Perform other related duties as
maybe assigned by supervisors. b) Mend and repair torn or damaged
curtains, bed cover, skirting of guest
Washer (Guest Items)
 Basic function: Responsible for
c) Maintain the cleanliness and condition of
washing and extracting, drying of
the sewing machine.
all guests laundry and FOC (Free
of charge) items. d) Report to superior any malfunctioning of
sewing equipment. Maintain a stock of
Specific Duties:
sewing kit and looks after their
a) Receive laundry items of guest safekeeping.
from the sorter/marker.
e) Maintain a stock of sewing kit and looks
b) Sort and classify items according after their safekeeping.
to kind , color; and degree of dirt.
f) Assist linen attendant in the issuance of
c) Inspect items for damages and guest room linens and banquet linen
stains and report any damage to during peak season.
the laundry supervisor.
g) Perform other related duties as maybe
d) Manually clean with detergent the assigned by his/her superior.
badly soiled portion of guest
 Laundry Equipment
items prior to machine washing;
inform the sorter or supervisor Washer – for washing clothes
regarding irremovable stain for Dryers – for drying washed items
the latter to bring it to the Spotting Table – for removal of spots/stains
attention of the guest. used with spotting chemical
Hydro Extractor – for extracting moisture from
e) Load the guest items into the
washing machine and per form
washing according to standard Flatwork Ironer – for ironing flat sheets, linen,
washing procedures. Unload pillow case and other flat linen.
washed items and transfer them Steam Presser – for pressing delicate fabrics
to the laundry cart. like woo, silk, etc.
Laundry Cart – used for the delivery of guest
f) Load the extracted items to the
drying machine for completion.
Ironing Table & Iron
g) Inspect and sort dried items and
Segregation and Tagging of Laundry
forward them to the pressing
section for pressing or ironing. To facilitate processing of laundry items,
they should be segregated and labeled. Each
h) Constantly check the cleanliness
category has a specific laundry requirement
and maintenance of the
and there is a danger of damaging the linen if
equipments and report the
inappropriate laundry job is performed.
defects to his supervisor.
Segregate items by:
i) Perform other duties as maybe
assigned by his/her superior. 1. Color – separating white from colored
2. Classification – towels from bed sheets,
 Basic Function: Responsible for
etc; Wet and Dry.
sewing or mending of guest room
linens as well as those used for 3. Extent of dirt separating the heavily
banquet and food service soiled items from lightly soiled items.
 Detergent Classification
Special Duties:
There are four main classes of detergents:

1. Anionic,
2. Cationic,
3. Non-ionic,
4. Amphoteric

The Art of
Bed Making
Hotel housekeepers make dozens of
beds daily. They are required to complete this
part of the job quickly and efficiently. Most
housekeepers are expected to be able to make
a bed in less than a minute, and change sheets
in two to three minutes. Good hotel bed making
procedures will result in a crisp, clean, and
well-made bed.
Bed making may appear simple by domestic
standards, but requires technical expertise in a
hotel and any lodging facilities because of the
sheer volume of beds to be made in a given
shift. If a room attendant has to prepare 16
rooms as per prevalent standards in a shift,
she has potentially 32 beds to make in a shift.
Bed Making and Turning Down
Bedding, mattress and pillows are the
basic of the primary product that the hotel has
to sell, so they show all the very best the
institution can offer.
 Most mattresses today in the hospitality
industry are the innerspring variety, but
construction differ widely, as do their
cost, comfort and longevity.
 Mattresses are rotated every quarter or
depending on the hotel standard to
ensure longevity and even surfaces on
all sides.
 Box springs serve as shock absorber.
They cushion the weight and sleep
movements of the sleeper.
Classifications of Beds According to Size:
 Single Bed- measures 36”x75”
 Double Bed- measures 54”x75”

 Queen Bed - measures 60”x80”  Public areas
 Facilities
 King Bed- measures 78”x80”
 Equipment.
Mattress Sizes:
Public areas

A public space is any area within a hospitality

organisation that is readily available for all
customers to enjoy.
Public areas include:

 Lobby
 Restaurants
 Bars
 Outlet shops

Public areas include:

 Elevators
 Public toilets
 Corridors
 Gardens
 Bedding encompasses all materials  Swimming poolsGymnasiums
used in the making of bed. This includes  Play areas
sheets, pillow cases, blankets, pillows,  Car park
bedcover/ bedspread, valence or bed
skirt, and bed pad. Facilities
- Facilities are aspects of products and services
Needed Beddings for Bed Making: within these public areas.
 3 flat sheets - with the same sizes and It can include:
can be laid interchangeable with one  Furniture commonly refers to items in the
another. room that are movable including tables,
 1 standard pillow (20”x26”) - can chairs and sundecks
sometimes be filled up with cotton and  Fixtures refer to items that are attached
feather among other depending on the including heaters, air-conditioners and
hotel standard. lights.
 Fittings refers to taps, pipes and
 1 standard pillow case (20”x30”) - electrical aspects of a public space.
used to cover the pillow for a more
beautiful effect.
- Equipment is defined as the items within the
Clean public areas, facilities and public area that are used, their by customers or staff.
equipment Examples of equipment can used by staff include:
 Buffet areas
Introduction  Kitchen equipment.
The introduction is to give a detailed understanding
regarding all aspects of cleaning public areas, Examples of leisure equipment used by customers
facilities and equipment as it relates to general include:
cleaning.  Games – board games, ping pong tables
The elements of competency will describe  Sporting goods – golf clubs
how to undertake cleaning activities relating  Gym equipment – water tanks, weights,
to specific types of cleaning. machines
 Pool equipment – inflatable equipment and
Key definitions balls
Before we can start to discuss cleaning methods  Leisure machinery - jet skis, boats
involved, it is important to identify and discuss  Playground equipment
these three key terms:

Electrical cleaning equipment
Types of cleaning equipment
 Vacuum cleaners
 Carpet shampoo machines
The type of cleaning equipment found in businesses
 Floor polishers
will vary.
 Scrubbing machines
Generally, commercial, or industrial equipment is
 Floor machines
better because it is:
Equipment complementary items
 Sturdier
 Larger capacity Toiletries
 Fitted with larger electric motors. There are items that need to be replenished in public
area rest rooms and include:
Cleaning equipment is commonly divided into two
categories:  Toilet paper
 Tissues
 Manual Cleaning Equipment
 Sanitary bags
 Electrically Powered Equipment.
 Rubbish bags.
Manual cleaning equipment  Soap
Mops  Hand towels – cloth or paper
The three main types of mops are:  Shampoo and conditioners.
 Dusting mops Towels
 Polishing mops
 Beach towels for the pool
 Washing mops.
 Towels for public showers
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Replacement items
 Overalls, jackets and aprons (material
 Batteries to replace worn or stolen batteries
aprons and PVC aprons)
in remote control units.
 Thick rubber gloves, PVC gloves, gauntlets
 Light globes to replace lights.
 Cotton glove inserts
 Breathing apparatus
 Waterproof clothing and footwear/rubber Check equipment is clean, ready and safe
boots Before using any item of cleaning equipment it
 Eye protection, safety glasses must be standard practice to check to make sure the
 Enclosed shoes and steel-capped boots item is:
 Safety hats, hard hats, headwear and helmets
 In a clean condition
 Goggles and face masks
 Ready to use with all necessary attachments
 Uniform
 Safe to use.
 RCD devices.
Refer to manufacturer’s instructions
Garbage receptacles
Prepare work area
- Nearly all cleaning tasks will require you to gather
and dispose of debris, rubbish and waste. Minimise customer inconvenience
Common sense must be used when scheduling and
performing cleaning tasks.
The ‘receptacle’ may be:
Two things to think about are:
 A solid item –such as a bin
 Timing
 A disposable plastic bag – usually heavy-
 Site availability
 A bin liner placed inside a garbage Use equipment safely and correctly
receptacle that is built-in to a cleaning Safe manual handling practices
trolley. Manual handling activities are the main cause of
injuries in the workplace including:
Other types of equipment include:
 Lifting – of equipment, chemical containers,
 Cloths and sponges
 Buckets
 Carrying – items from storage areas to
 Warning signs
cleaning trolleys, moving items to work
 Dust pans.

 Pulling – boxes and cartons forward in  Leather
storage areas, moving cleaning  Aluminum
equipment  Toilets
 Pushing –trolleys and cleaning equipment  Various laundry uses
Cleaning agents and chemicals  Cleaning specific equipment and areas
Selecting and preparing chemicals for use There are a number of different surfaces that need to
Chemicals may be delivered in: be cleaned in public areas.
Common surfaces to be cleaned within a hospitality
 Liquid form – most detergents, cleaners, organisation include, but not limited to:
sanitisers, and disinfectants
 Dry/powder form – some detergents come in  Leather upholstery – chairs and couches
this dry/powder form  Fabric upholstery – curtains, chairs, couches
 Aerosol form – for pesticides and  Glass surfaces – mirrors, windows and glass
deodorisers tables
 Paste form – polishes  Ceilings, walls, surfaces and fittings
Follow relevant work procedures  Wet areas – floors
Where the employer has specific, written directions Element 1:
that relate to selection, preparation and application Apply leather upholstery cleaning techniques
of chemicals these must be followed.
They can take the form of: - Leather is a popular soft and durable material
 Job Instructions that is commonly used in furniture.
 Checklists Leather covered furniture is normally used in
 Job Safety Analysis chairs and booths in restaurants as it:
 Work Instructions  Look great
 Can resist most spills
Types of cleaning agents and chemicals  Is easy to clean

 water Equipment required to clean leather

 Soap  Vacuum cleaner
 Polisher  Bucket
 Abrasives  Soft cloth for cleaning
 Detergent  Soft bristled toothbrushes
o Detergents are chemical-based and  Soft cloth for buffing or polishing
can vary in strength
o Acidic detergents (pH of 1 to 6) Select equipment & chemicals
should be used for Cleaning agents required to clean leather
cleaning ceramic surfaces Due to the nature of leather, more often that not,
o Neutral detergents (pH of 7) are strong chemicals are not used.
useful for general  Water
cleaning  Moisturizing soap
o Alkaline detergents (pH of 8 to 14)  Rubbing alcohol
should be used only for specialist  Products recommended by a
tasks, as they can be corrosive and manufacturer
have the ability to damage a surface
Element 2:
Apply fabric upholstery cleaning techniques
 Disinfectants
Benefits of fabric
 Deodorizers
Fabric upholstery is used on a large amount of
Specialised cleaning agents furniture items in hotels as it allows for:
- Cleaning chemicals have been developed to
 Greater flexibilities of colour, patterns,
address specific cleaning tasks.
designs and textures
These ‘specialty’ products have been developed for:
 Normally less expensive than leather
 A range of floor and carpet cleaning needs  Easy to clean
 Windows and glass
 Stainless steel

 Has removable covers, which limits impact Ceilings and walls
on operations, whilst still providing inter- This can include all walls and ceilings:
changeable features
 Painted
Select equipment & chemicals  Wooden
Equipment required to clean fabric  Wallpaper
 Skirting boards
 Vacuum cleaner
 Bucket Fittings
 Cloths for cleaning and washing away Fittings refers to taps, pipes and electrical aspects of
detergent a public space
 Drying machines
Select equipment & chemicals
 Wet furniture signs
Equipment required to ceilings, surfaces and
Cleaning agents required to clean fabric fittings
The cleaning materials used to clean fabric is quite
 Mops
simple and standard:
 Brooms and brushes
 Liquid or powder fabric detergent or liquid  Cloths and sponges
washing detergent  Buckets
 Cleaning shampoo  Garbage receptacles
 Stain remover  Gloves
 Warm water  Cleaning warning signs
 Products recommended by a manufacturer  Personal protective equipment
 Dust pans
 Element 3:  Vacuum cleaners
Apply glass surfaces cleaning techniques  Equipment complimentary items
Types of glass Cleaning glass surfaces
Glass is used in many hotels as it is very effective in
Areas to dust and polish
improving the aesthetics of an area and giving the
The following areas will need either dusting or
appearance of more space
 Glass is commonly found in:
 Air conditioning vents
 Windows
 Doors – including top ledge and handles
 Mirrors
 Picture frames – facing glass as well as
 Coffee tables
 Showers
 Mirrors – frame and mirror
Select equipment & chemicals  Skirting boards
Equipment required to glass surfaces  Windows – glass and frames
 Window sills
 Scrubber
 Walls – check for cobwebs and marks
 Squeegee
 Lamps – base, shade and cord
 Equipment belt or bucket
 Telephone – main unit and hand receiver
 Window Cleaning Buckets
 Seat furniture – don’t forget to remove
 Window Scrapper
cushions and check sides, legs,
 Window Cleaning Towels
back and underneath
 Extension Poles
 All furniture – top, sides, legs, and
 Ladder
underneath each item
Cleaning agents required to clean glass surfaces
Vacuum floors
The cleaning materials used to clean glass surfaces
All carpeted areas should be vacuumed and many
is quite simple and standard:
non-carpeted areas including wooden floors, tiled
 Commercial window cleaning agents bathroom area and linoleum floors may also require
 Homemade window cleaning liquids vacuuming

Element 4:
Cleaning the vanity area
Apply ceiling, surfaces and fittings cleaning
The vanity area normally includes:
Ceiling, surfaces and fittings  Bathroom bench

 Basins Select equipment
 Taps Machine
 Mirror - There are many types of equipment.
 Cupboards Nozzles & tips
 Amenities Most pressure cleaning machines will come with
 Soap containers interchangeable spray tips that serve two purposes:
Element 5:  To lower the pressure and draw the detergent
Apply wet area cleaning techniques  Deliver a high pressure rinse at the different
spray angles
 Element 7:
What is ‘wet area’ cleaning?
Apply high level cleaning techniques
There are many public areas in a hotel that
contain wet areas.
These are floor areas that can be classified as What is high level cleaning?
areas that either:
 As the title suggest high level cleaning is
 Commonly have wet surfaces cleaning of items which are ‘at a high level’
 Requires water to clean them above the ground
 High level cleaning is more difficult that
The types of surfaces that are usually wet or require
other types of cleaning identified to date and
water to clean them include:
in most cases requires the use of specialised
 Wood staff to perform these cleaning duties
 Carpet
Select equipment
 Marble
 Rubber
If the job is to be performed by a staff member,
 Tiles
common equipment includes:
 Concrete
 Vinyl  Ladders
 Safety ropes
Select equipment & chemicals
 Extension poles
Equipment required to conduct wet area
 High pressure cleaning equipment
 Cranes – this normally requires
 Mops specialised staff to operate
 Brooms and brushes
 Cloths and sponges
 Buckets
 Carpet shampoo machines
 Polishers
 Scrubbing machines
 Floor machines
 Element 6:
Apply pressure washing techniques
What is pressure washing?
Pressure washing has become a popular
cleaning method as it is a:
 Quick process
 Effective method
 Relies on a machine to do the hard work of
dirt removal, rather than the exertion of
manual labour.
 With public areas closed for small periods of
time, or not at all, in many hotel outlets,
cleaning methods that are quick, effective
and simple will always be a preferred option


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