These Cartoons and Images Show How The World Has Changed Over The Years

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These Cartoons and Images Show How The World Has Changed Over The Years- For Better

Or Worse

by Shelley Thompson

Even though we know that we should focus on the positive things in life, the truth is that the world has increasingly
become more challenging. The good old days are far behind us, and everything seems to have turned in a questionable
direction. While we could argue that our society has developed a lot in the past years, it’s hard to tell whether
technological and scientific advances have helped us lead happier lives. You’ll probably think that we’re being
dramatic. Still, we believe that it’s possible to say that everything has indeed changed for the worse over time. To
prove our point, we’ve compiled some funny yet realistic pictures that compare how society has changed and illustrate
how the modern world works.

Dinner was always a source of creativity

No one can deny that online accounts are the perfect place to share pictures of your daily life. That way, your friends
and family can see how you’re doing. Nonetheless, some people take things too far and post images of everything,
including meals.

It’s hard to tell whether cave people used to draw on the walls before enjoying their dinner, but the hypothetical
scenario is hilarious. Perhaps dinner time hasn’t changed as much as we think.
As long as they keep themselves busy
Growing up today is a lot different than it was a few decades ago. Back in the day, children would do tricks with their
yo-yos or play arcade games the whole afternoon. Besides, they’d spend more time outside, making new friends and
sharing unique moments.

Sadly, times have changed. Kids now prefer to stay at home, scrolling through social media and laughing at funny
memes to keep themselves entertained. We do the same, so we shouldn’t complain much about it.
E-mails spread out like rabbits
There was a time when people received thousands of spam mail daily. Those envelopes often contained annoying
advertisement brochures and useless market coupons. Since mail didn’t bring about anything exciting and the Internet
wasn’t so common, people got thrilled when they got an e-mail.

However, times have changed, and things now work the other way around. We hate to receive thousands of spam mail
in our inboxes, but we get thrilled whenever the postman brings us a letter.
Teachers are now to blame
When we were young and returned home with a bad grade, we knew our parents would get mad and ground us.
Sometimes, they’d tell us that we couldn’t visit our friends or call them over the

But, for some reason, parents have started blaming teachers for their children’s grades. In our opinion, educators can’t
do much if a kid doesn’t want to attend a class and has a hard time complying with their responsibilities.
Happy meals became sad
McDonald’s is one of the most recognized fast-food chains on the planet. Known for its world-famous French fries,
Big Macs, and Happy Meals. Still, this also means that the chain isn’t immune to a fair share of criticism or

Many customers claim that this fast-food chain’s food was bigger and it’s becoming smaller as time passes. While
McDonald’s tries to convince everyone that their food size remained the same over the years, those who visit the fast-
food chain regularly know that they’re lying.
Are you in, or are you out?
Do you remember playing outside as a kid? It was a time to explore the world. Children who grew up in the 80s and
before used to walk to school daily, ride a bike to get wherever they wanted, and play football at the park.

It turns out that children now prefer to play video games rather than go out. Some people blame the Internet for this
not-so-good change, but safety concerns also have to do with it.
Special effects used to be cut-out card boards
Between the 70s and 80s, before photorealistic computer graphics became ordinary, elaborate background sets in
movies were hand-painted. These pictures were called matte paintings, and artists created them by painting landscapes
onto glass using oil, acrylics, or pastels.

If you think about it, this unique art technique made these films possible. Nowadays, all Star Wars movies are entirely
shot in front of a green screen. That way, video editors can change the background and add special effects in the post-
production process.
We pulled the old switcheroo
In the 80s, computers used to look different. As technological advances appeared, computers evolved at a fast pace
and shrunk. After that, people started bringing those devices wherever they went, so much so that they became part of
our daily lives.

Even though laptops can make our lives easier, they also have a negative impact on us. For example, we may become
lazier and depend on them for almost everything, including grocery shopping.
There was always a “Cooler-than-you” dude
There have always been individuals who stay away from popular things. A few decades ago, a group of people
believed they were cool just because they didn’t own a TV. Some claim they’re superior because they don’t have a
Facebook account.

We don’t understand how choosing to follow a popular trend or not makes you better than others. There’s no correct
way to live your life, after all. Besides, to be really cool today you need to patronize TikTok.
Happy birthday, someone I hardly know
When you’re young, you invite people for your birthday and live a memorable day with the ones you love the most.
Your guests often buy presents and sing you a song while you blow out the candles on a delicious cake.

However, once you grow older, things change. You may not be able to celebrate your birthday as before, and the only
thing you receive is a bunch of dull social media notifications. So, which birthday do you prefer?
Are TVs getting too thin? Or are we getting fat?
Have you noticed that as televisions got thinner and more popular, those who sit in front of them have become fatter?
There’s a correlation between the amount of time a person spends watching TV and how prone they’re to obesity and

It may be fun to sit in front of a machine, enjoy fake stories, and develop an emotional connection with fictional
characters. Still, we should go out more and spend time with our friends instead.
Facebook is the modern siren’s song
In Ancient Greek mythology, sirens were hybrid creatures with a human head and the body of a bird. According to
most myths, these strange beings lured sailors by singing with their sweet voices. Although these creatures never
existed, we can think of similar modern inventions.

Social media is one of them. We know we should be doing our chores and finishing pending tasks, but we can’t resist
the urge to procrastinate and check on Facebook before getting our hands down to work.
Playgrounds used to be on the "grounds"
Playgrounds are outdoor areas with games that provide the perfect environment for children to play. However, now
that times have changed, we may need to reconsider the definition of the term “playground.” Perhaps we can even
regard computers as the new, modern playgrounds.

Just think about it. You can install dozens of games on a computer, and children can spend hours in front of them
having fun. It’s almost like having a playground inside a machine.
Cell phones could survive an apocalypse
There’s no doubt that cell phones have made our lives easier. However, these gadgets are incredibly fragile, and
taking them with us all the time means we can sit on them or drop them off by accident and break them into pieces.

Whereas modern smartphones break if they get dropped off, old phones would never get damaged. Some people even
joke that Nokias were so resistant that they could ruin the floor when they fell.
Californians are always looking for something
In 1848, someone found some gold nuggets in Sacramento Valley and started what is now known as the “California
Gold Rush.” This event in American history marked the first half of the 19th century and attracted miners who hoped
to become rich.

After the intense Californian drought in 2015, locals realized their historical mistake. Sadly, people who looked for
gold back then forgot that water was what gave humans life, not money.
We grew up, the movies became small
New technological innovations and changes in our society contribute to the desire to update classic films. During these
past years, Hollywood has paid special attention to remaking movies that marked an era to bring them back to the
silver screen.

That’s why we enjoy almost the same movies that people did in the past. There may be slight differences between the
remakes and the films they’re inspired by, but the heart of the original idea always remains the same.
Nowadays, abuse is sterile
When people protested against governments in medieval times, they were controlled with physical violence. Citizens
were beaten or imprisoned in retaliation for their outspokenness against their authorities. While this form of repression
still exists, some countries prefer less straightforward ways to punish freedom of speech.

Technological advances have given those in power a new way to subdue society. We don’t want to sound so dramatic,
but we must acknowledge that these things still happen in the present.
Selfies turned us to narcissists
A few decades ago, our parents used analog cameras to capture memorable occurrences during the holidays and share
them with their loved ones. Those pictures often portrayed children having fun at the beach, either playing football or
building sand castles.

Nowadays, most people concentrate on using their smartphones to take selfies when they go on vacation. Because of
that, you can find dozens of pictures that show a person’s feet and the beach in the background.
Baggy pants will live forever
Baggy denim first appeared in the 90s after MC Hammer released the hit “Can’t Touch This”, and young people use
them all the time. Somehow, loose-fitting pants have evolved to be worn significantly below the waist, sometimes
revealing much of the wearer’s underpants.

We don’t know if this trend will continue to exist a few years from now, but an artist dared to venture into how baggy
denim jeans will look in the future. Isn’t it hilarious?
The pain is different for adults
It’s a well-known fact that kids are scared of visiting the doctor. Meeting the physician sends a shiver down their
spine, and seeing a needle makes them feel like fainting. Once you are older, you fear going to a doctor’s appointment
for another reason.

As adults ourselves, we can assure you that healthcare bills are terrifying. When you walk into the physician’s office,
you know that you’ll have to pay a lot for a simple check-up.
Say goodbye to Happy Birthday songs
There was nothing more exciting than going to school on your birthday. If you were lucky enough, you’d get a few
presents and maybe a delicious cake to share with your classmates. Things change as you grow older, and these
heartwarming things cease to happen.

The closest you’ll be to hearing a Happy Birthday song when you become an adult is by playing it on YouTube. It
may sound a bit sad, but it’s the truth.
The tale of a phone with a tail
Nowadays, most phones are cordless and have chargeable batteries. We rarely use them, though, because most of us
have smartphones. Still, there was a time when those devices ruled. These wires were strung up on telephone poles
and ran inside your house’s walls.

As this funny comic shows, the ancestors of wireless phones and smartphones used to have cords. Since landline
phones are now antique artifacts, it’s normal to forget what they look like.
Can we watch TV during dinner?
Most people are used to watching a show with their loved ones while having a meal. Although this activity is an
excellent way to spend time with your partner, there was a time when families preferred to share a conversation over

However, this doesn’t mean that people don’t socialize with their loved ones these days. Watching TV can also be
considered a way to spend quality time with your family or partner if you invite them to keep you company.
Caring is illegal
When we were in school, our teachers told us that sharing is caring. We learned that we should share our food and
toys with our loved ones. Nonetheless, modern society often punishes the act of sharing certain things.

As you can see, times have changed, and sharing can put you in jail. Without realizing it, our society makes people
more selfish and self-centered than it did a few years ago.
Google is god
We’re sure that Google is one of the best research tools ever invented. Although we’re used to googling everything,
things haven’t always worked like that. Back in the day, children would ask their parents about the world, and they’d
always know what to say.

It’s hard to tell why our society has changed so much. Still, our guess is that people were wiser some decades ago.
Perhaps they had more time to read books than we do now.
Land of the free secret characters?
If you’re the type who enjoys playing video games, then you’re aware of how much they’ve changed over the years.
For example, kids often played for hours to unlock secret characters and levels. Nowadays, gamers have to pay to gain
access to that content.

We acknowledge that microtransactions can make a video game more interesting, but they can also ruin them. After
all, no one wants to pay extra to enjoy something they bought.
Thinking has reached its singularity point
No one can deny that philosophy has been part of our society since the dawn of time. Over the years, humans have
asked dozens of existential questions. Thus, many philosophers sat down and reflected on them until they had
something logical to say.

This hilarious meme shows how philosophy has devolved. We no longer wonder about the meaning behind our
existence and ask meaningless stuff all the time. It’s a bit sad if you think about it.
Father’s Day sure has changed
Father’s Day was first celebrated in 1910. Since then, this special day has been celebrated worldwide to honor
fatherhood and paternal bonds. Children often do artsy DIY projects expressing their love for their fathers.

Perhaps adults have to find a way to adapt to technology. That way, they may understand how their children express
themselves and develop a stronger bond with them. They have to, if they don't want to be left behind.
One thing's for sure: There’s never enough time
Children often complain about their responsibilities. However, once they become adults, they realize they were wrong
to think that. Once you get older, not only do you have less free time to enjoy your hobbies, but you also have new
things to take care of.

Adults usually engage in gainful employment regularly and care for themselves and their loved ones. Besides, they’re
responsible for multiple life obligations, including bill paying, house chores, and being as good as their word.
If I ran but didn't publish a running selfie, did I really Run?
When it comes to exercising regularly, most people choose to jog. This aerobic exercise does more than help you with
weight loss; it lets you build endurance and stamina, strengthens your muscles, and keeps your heart and minds

As you can see, smartphones have impacted our lives more than we acknowledge. While they can do good things for
us, they can also make us depend on them to feel better about ourselves.
Calling is considered an harassment
We’ve developed the habit of texting almost anywhere and on any occasion. Given that we all lead hectic lifestyles,
we can’t be bothered to spend our precious time over the phone with someone when we can type a message.

We think that people prefer texting because sending a message gives you the freedom to answer whenever you want.
Apart from that, you can think carefully about what you want to say before sending it.
Talking to others is so 20th century
Going out with your friends is supposed to be an activity that lets you catch up with them. However, now that we all
have smartphones, some people ignore others in a moment of social interaction to focus on their devices.

Most people regard looking at one’s smartphone at a social gathering as rude, and we agree with them. It downright
means that the other person isn’t paying attention to you and they aren't trying to hide it.
Role-playing was fun
Have you ever role-played as a child? You probably pictured yourself as a creature that doesn’t exist, such as a wizard
or a mermaid. These games boost kids’ creativity and help them learn to imagine themselves in another person’s

For instance, some people like to imagine that they’re functional adults who can deal with life without feeling
stressed. To be honest, we’re in no position to judge them. Life is tough for all of us, after all.
Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody
As young children, most of us saw our parents as powerful superheroes. Whenever we ran into trouble, we’d ask them
for help. Nonetheless, things change when you become an adult. Since our parents don’t know much about
technology, they often need a helping hand.

Sometimes, explaining to your parents how to use laptops, tablets, and smartphones can be frustrating. Still, there’s
nothing as rewarding as seeing a smile on their faces while they thank you for your help.
Are you in the zone?
The Internet has drastically changed the video game industry. You had to ask your best friend to come over to play a
video game together in the past; you can now enjoy a gaming session as each of you sits at home.

Thanks to the Internet, gamers around the world can stay connected to others and play with them all day without
caring about geographical distance or time zones. Doesn’t that sound fantastic?
Yes, you used to be cooler
For most people, the past always seems better than the present, even if objectively that's not true. Because of that,
everything from the past seems more valuable. We even think that our friends were better when we were younger.

Clearly, this person’s friend used to be more talkative before dying. Still, people change all the time, and we must find
a way to appreciate them just as they are.

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