Urgent Pro Max Letter 1

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Dr Joyce Freeland

Ophtalmology Registar

Royal Hospital of Peth

Victoria Boulevard 84


15 May 2019

Dear Dr Freeland,

Re: Mr James Dolan,70 aged

I am writing to refer Mr Dolan, a 70-year-old patient of mine, who requires urgent investigation of his
conjuctivitis symptoms.

On today’s visit, Mr Dolan came complaining of worsened pain and inability to open the eyes due to
swelling. In addition, his eyes were watery. Dramatically swollen eyelids and periorbital tissue were
noted on examination.

On 12/05/19, Mr Dolan initially presented complaining of eye pain which has been lasting for two days.
On examination, he appeared agitated, and his left eye was red. My provisional diagnosis was acute
conjuctivitis. Therefore, he was given tobrex 0,3% eye drops four times a day in both eyes.

However, 2 days later Mr Dolan’s condition worsened as both his eyes were swollen and the pain had
increased. In addition, he felt fever and took NSAIDs to manage this. On examination, his eye was
painful to touch. Full blood count test were done and showed elevation of WBC(23*109/l). I commenced
him on amclavox duo forte 875mg/125mg twice a day.

An ambulance transport to the Royal Hospital of Perth was arranged. I called ophtalmology registar and
arranged Mr Dolan for hospitalization and ophthalmologic assessment.

I would be appreciate your further assessment and management.If you require any further information,
please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,


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