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Mr Jack Stevens

New Horizon Medical Centre
288 Herston Rd

21 December 2021

Dear Mr Stevens,

Re: Ms Beatrice Angel, aged 60

I am writing to refer Ms Beatrice Angel, a retired clerk, who has uncontrolled type 2 diabetes
mellitus, for your expertise assessment and management.

Ms Angel has had essential hypertension since 2017, and hypercholesteolemia for 3 years,
and had myocardial infaction attack on 02/10/2020. She has a sedentary lifestyle, and her
BMI is 31. She smokes 20 cigarettes per day and is a social drinker.

She is on regular medications including: Losartan; 50mg, once daily, atorvastatin; 10 mg, at
bed-time, and metformin; 500 mg, three times/day.

Ms Angel has been diagnosed with type II DM since 2019 and was advised for lifestyle
modification, smoking cessation and SMBG. However, she was uncompliant to treatment and
her blood glucose was elevated, therefore metformin was commenced.

On 11/12/2021, Ms Angel was admitted for HHS, and she was managed accordingly and as
she refused insulin treatment, the dose of meformin has been increased.

Today, Ms Angel came presenting with signs of early right foot infection, for which she is
advised for treatment with cephalexin and paracetamol, as well as lifestyle modification. A
review visit in one month has been scheduled.

In light of the above, your further specialist advice and management regarding Ms Angel’s
condition would be highly appreciated.

For further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

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