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Biology and Geology 1º ESO


a) Planets can be:

 the rocky planets that are located between the Sun
and the asteroid belt. Their surface is solid. Both
the crust and the mantle are made of rock and the
core, however, is metallic.
 the gas giants that are located beyond the asteroid
belt. Their Surface and composition are gases, mainly
hydrogen and helium and they have a solid core

b) Dwarf planets are small planets, like Pluto

c) Asteroids are small rocky fragments, are found primarily in
the asteroid belt between Mars, and Jupiter and in the
Kuiper belt beyond Neptune
d) Comets are celestial bodies made of ice and rock, as
comets get closer to the sun, these materials heat up and
form their characteristic tail of gas and dust.
e) A star is made primarily of hydrogen and helium. Nuclear
reactions take place in its interior and produce huge
amounts of energy.
f) A galaxy is made up of stars, gases, and planets that are
held together by the force of gravity.


 The inner planets lie between the Sun and the asteroid
belt and the other planets lie beyond the asteroid belt.
 The inner planets are rocky planets and the other planets
are gas giants planets or dwarf planets.
 The inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
 The other planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
and Pluto.


 The surface temperature has an average of 15 degrees

this causes a complete water cycle.
 Earth has an atmosphere that contains oxygen that is used
by many living things to breathe.
 Earth has geological activity, such as erosion, volcanoes...
and that is why mountains are formed
 Earth has a satellite what is the moon and is responsible
for important events like ocean tides
 Earth is surrounded by a magnetic field that protects
living things from dangerous solar particles and radiation


a) It is a heliocentric model, in this model the sun is the

center of the universe and the planets and stars revolve
around it.
b) It is a geocentric model according to this model, the earth
is the center of the universe and the sun, the moon and the
planets revolve around it.


 Rotation is the movement of the Earth on its axis.

 24 hours or a day
 It cause the days/nights.


 Revolution is the movement that the Earth makes in an

orbita round the Sun
 365 days or a year
 It cause the seasons


The sun









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