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The panel of standards assessment officers arrived at the school at 11:00 am. The learners were still out
for break, the visit to the school was occasioned by the school application to have it re-registered as a
comprehensive school. The school was located 3 km away from the Sub-County Education office. It
stood on a 2 acre parcel of land. The team was received by the school administrator.

School enrollment

The school enrollment was as per the table below.

Staff establishment

The school had a permanent administration block with 5 rooms as follows;

1. Head teachers office

2. Deputy head teacher
3. Computer room
4. Library
5. Food store

Tuition facilities

There were a total of 11 permanent classes. All had windows and doors opening outward. They were well

Other Facilities

The school had a science laboratory in place.


There was a semi-permanent kitchen with corrugated floors. It was clean and had adequate ventilation.
The cooks had valid medical certificates. However, the dunning gall was attached to the administration
block and was adequate.

Play grounds

The school had adequate land and had even bought another acre 100m from the compound specifically
for playground. Their field was leveled and suitable for use.


There were adequate toilets in the school allocated as follows.

Source of water
The school had piped water, a borehole and rain water. There were adequate water storage tanks. The
water was clean for us.

Source of power

The school was connected to the national grid.


Springs of Hope Academy was strategically located for easy access by learners. It had a focused
administration and goodwill from the community; it was endowed with adequate facilities and good will
from the community.


The school was basically prepared for Junior School hence, recommended for Registration to be a
Comprehensive school.

Assessment officers from the sub-county arrived at 10:00 am and were received by the school manager
and the head teacher. The visit was necessitated by the need to be re-registered to include junior school.
It was located in Soweto Village Lugari Central zone and its neighboring institutions included St.
Sulumeti Girls and Lugari Teaching College. These two institutions were a pillar to the school. It stood on
a 1 1/2 acre piece of land with a possibility of

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