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SSAT Master Vocabulary List

abase(v.) - to lower, demean, degrade abate(v.) - to lessen, to reduce in severityabbreviate(v.) - to
shorten, reduceabduct(v.) - to kidnapaberration(n.) - a deviation from the expected
courseabhor(v.) - to hate, loatheabide(v.) - to put up with, tolerateabject(adj.) - of the most
miserable or contemptible kindabort(v.) - to give up unfinishedabridge(v.) - to shorten, cut
downabrogate(v.) - to abolish, often by authorityabscond(v.) - to sneak away
and hideabundant(adj.) - in great numbersaccede(v.) - to agreeaccentuate(v.) - to emphasize,
to highlightaccommodating(adj.) - obliging, helpfulaccost(v.) - to approach or confront
aggressivelyacumen(n.) - keen insightacute(adj.) - sharp, severeaffable(adj.) - friendly,
amiableaffluent(adj.) - rich, wealthyaggrandize(v.) - to increase or make greateraggregate(v.) - to
gather, amassaghast(adj.) - struck by amazement or terroragoraphobia(n.) - an abnormal fear of
open or public placesakimbo(adj.) - with hands on hips and elbows extending outwardalacrity(n.)
- speed, readinessalgid(adj.) - frigid, coldallay(v.) - to sooth, assuage

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alleviate(v.) - to relievealoof(adj.) - reserved, distantaltercation(n.) - an argument,
disputeamalgamation(n.) - a union, a mergerambivalent(adj.) - having contradictory
feelingsamble(v.) - to stroll, walkameliorate(v.) - to improve, to make betteramend(v.) - to
change for the better, improveamiable(adj.) - friendly, affableamorous(adj.) - relating to or
showing loveamorphous(adj.) - without shape or bordersanomaly(n.) - something that does not
fit into the normal orderantechamber(n.) - a waiting roomanxiety(n.) - uneasinessaphorism(n.) - a
short sayingapocalypse(n.) - total devastation, the end of the worldapparitional(adj.) - ghostly,
spectralarbitrator(n.) - one who settles controversy between two sidesascetic(n.) - one
who practices restraint as a means of self-discipline, usually religiousassuage(v.) - to ease,
pacifyatone(v.) - to apologize, make amendsaudacious(adj.) - excessively boldaugment(v.) - to
increase or make largeraustere(adj.) - very bare, bleak, simple baleful(adj.) - harmful,
threatening bard(n.) - a poet, often a singer as well battery(n.) - an assault or an array of similar
things intended for use together belligerent(adj.) - contentious, ready to fight benevolent(adj.) -
kind, good, caring benign(adj.) - non-threatening, innocuous
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berate(v.) - to scold severely bereft(adj.) - without, devoid of bide(v.) - to wait, or remain in a
condition bilk(v.) - to cheat, to swindle blandish(v.) - to coax through flattery bloated(adj.) -
swollen, bigger than desired boisterous(adj.) - loud, energetic bourgeois(adj.) - middle
class brash(adj.) - hasty or lacking in sensitivity brazen(adj.) - excessively
bold, brash brumal(adj.) - wintry, relating to winter brusque(adj.) - short, abrupt,
dismissive buffet(n.) - a spread of food involving choices buffet(v.) - to hit or strike burgeon(v.) -
to come forth, blossomcacophony(n.) - noise, discordant soundcadence(n.) - rhythmcajole(v.) - to
urge, coaxcallous(adj.) - harsh, cold, unfeelingcalumny(n.) - an attempt to defame another’s

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