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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Part I. School Profile
Direction: Fill in the required data.
School : _________________________________ School ID : __________________________
Address : _________________________________ District :
School Head : _________________________________ Division : __________________________
Contact No. : _________________________________ Email Address: __________________________
Part II. Class Profile
Name of Teacher : ___________________________ Grade Level : __________________________
Number of Pupils : Boys____ Girls____ Total______ Section :
Direction: Please check the appropriate column and add remarks, if there are any.
Part III. DAP-ELLN Components
A. Characteristics of a Developmentally Not
Appropriate Classroom
1. Respectful, frequent and responsive interactions
2 .Children offered choices, given opportunities to
make decisions, and are active participants
3. A print-rich environment with many opportunities
for children to interact and explore the written word
(including a writing area)
4. Media/Sensory Tables open daily
5. Multi-cultural materials incorporated throughout the
6. Pictures of “real” objects and people
(vs. cartoons)
7. Children employing problem-solving skills
8. Learning areas that are well-defined and inviting
9. Woodworking experiences available and utilized
(blocks made of wood)
10. Self-help skills and independence encouraged
11. Adults capitalizing on “teachable moments”, and
what the children express an interest in learning about
12. Age-appropriate expectations
(ex: Mistakes and accidents- ok)
13. Children’s individual needs and skill levels taken
into account
14. Many opportunities for children to experience
15. Smooth transitions with minimal waiting and
lining up

Address: F. Torres St., Davao City (8000) ISO 9001:2015 - Certified

Telephone Nos.: (082) 291-1665; (082) 221-6147
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

16. Children’s feelings acknowledged and validated

17. Activities facilitated in small groups instead of

large groups without forced participation
18. Physical needs of children incorporated, with
opportunities for large motor experiences available
19. The goal of guidance and discipline with the
children will be to develop self-control and to make
better choices
20. The presence of music and laughter
21. The classroom size for Kindergarten is 7m x 9m
22. All Kindergarten classrooms must be located on
the ground floor, and must be next to the nearest entry
and/or exit access points
B.DAP Teaching Strategies Observed
23. Acknowledge what children do or say
24. Encourage persistence and effort rather than just
praising and evaluating what the child has done
25. Give specific feedback rather than general
26. Model attitudes, ways of approaching problems,
and behavior toward others, showing children rather
than just telling them
27. Demonstrate the correct way to do something
28. Create or add challenge so that a task goes a bit
beyond what the children can already do
29. Ask questions that provoke children’s thinking
30. Give assistance (such as a cue or hint) to help
children work on the edge of their current competence
31. Provide information, giving verbal labels, and
other information
32. Give directions for children’s action or behavior
C. Characteristics of children in a Developmentally Not
Appropriate Classroom
33. Create rather than duplicate
34. Move rather than wait
35. Attempt to solve their own problems rather than
tell the teacher, to have her solve them
36. Speak rather than listen passively
37. Explore their interests, rather than just learning

Address: F. Torres St., Davao City (8000) ISO 9001:2015 - Certified

Telephone Nos.: (082) 291-1665; (082) 221-6147
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

about what the Teacher thinks they should learn

38. Make choices rather than just being told
39. Make their own lines instead of coloring within the
Teacher’s lines
40. Write their own books rather than fill in
41. Create art rather than do pre-planned crafts
42. Decide rather than passively submit
43. Learn through experience rather than by rote
44. Appreciate the process rather than the end product
45. Ask questions rather than being told facts by adults
46. Figure out the answers rather than being told facts
47. Learn and use skills that are of interest and
meaningful rather than vague, abstract concepts that
have no real significance to them
48. Have a schedule-based on their needs not the needs
of the adults or the program
D. DAP-ELLN Teacher Observed
49. Offers both child-initiated and teacher-directed
learning experiences
50. Responses children’s ideas by offering materials,
documentation (samples of their work, photographs,
etc.) and thoughtful conversation that builds on their
ideas, skills, and knowledge
51. Provides hands-on experiences where children
learn by doing
52. Plans enough time for children to explore and fully
engage (as well as revisit) their interests
53. Builds children’s learning by adding activities that
challenge children and expand on what they can do.
E. DAP-ELLN School
54. Provides nurturing, loving, responsive, joyous and
safe care environment
55. Builds consistent and caring relationships among
children, families and co-workers
56. Values and respects all members of the community
57. Celebrates and embraces diversity, reflecting
children’s cultures in the classroom and activities
58. Develops open positive collaborations with
families and colleagues to support children’s learning

Address: F. Torres St., Davao City (8000) ISO 9001:2015 - Certified

Telephone Nos.: (082) 291-1665; (082) 221-6147
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

and development
59. Focuses on building self-confidence, self-
regulation and problem-solving skills
60. Has reading corner in classrooms with DAP-based
materials with label
61. Has reading center in school with materials for K
to 3
F. ELLN, DAP Trainings
62. Conducts LAC Sessions on the ELLN-Digital and
ELLN, and DAP topics
63. Conducts demo teaching on DAP strategies
64. Prepares DAP instructional materials and
supplementary reading materials




From the Division:


From the Region:


Monitors: Conforme:

_____________________________ _________________________________
Date: ____________________


Address: F. Torres St., Davao City (8000) ISO 9001:2015 - Certified

Telephone Nos.: (082) 291-1665; (082) 221-6147
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Address: F. Torres St., Davao City (8000) ISO 9001:2015 - Certified

Telephone Nos.: (082) 291-1665; (082) 221-6147

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