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Daily Activities In Islamic Boarding School

Ali: Assalamu’alaikum, Farras! How was your morning prayer today?

Farras: Wa’alaikummussalam, Ali! Alhamdulillah, it was peaceful. How about yours?

Ali: Same here. I always feel so serene after Fajr prayer. What's on the schedule today?

Farras: Well, after breakfast, we have Quranic studies. Sheikh Ahmed will be teaching us the Tafsir.

Ali: That sounds interesting! I find his explanations really helpful. After that?

Farras: We'll have a break for Dhuhr prayer and lunch. Then, it's time for Arabic language class.

Ali: Oh, I need to catch up on my Arabic. Maybe you can help me during the break?

Farras: Of course! I'd be happy to help. After Arabic class, there's a session on Hadith studies.

Ali: I love learning about the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It's always
enlightening. What's the plan for the evening?

Farras: We have some free time before Asr prayer. I usually use it for personal reflections and
revising my lessons.

Ali: That's a good idea. I've been trying to improve my memorization of the Quran during that time.
After Asr?

Farras: We'll have a session on Islamic history. It's fascinating to learn about the events that shaped
our religion.

Ali: Absolutely! And after Maghrib and Isha prayers?

Farras: It's a bit more relaxed. We have a group study session, and then it's free time until bedtime.

Ali: I like that we have a balanced schedule between religious studies and personal time. It helps me
stay focused.

Farras: Definitely! It's a unique experience here, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to deepen my
knowledge and spirituality.

Ali: Same here, Farras. Let's make the most of our time here.

Farras: Agreed, Ali. May Allah bless our efforts and studies.

Ali: Ameen.

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