Lit. Crit. Aljo Santiago DLP

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Diffun, 3401 Quirino
Bactcher of Secondary Education

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Determine effectively the concept of Language-Based Approach.
2. Identify the importance of Language-Based Approach.
3. State the difference between Pre-reading, While-reading, Post-reading;
4. Use these to interpret a specific literary piece.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Language-Based Approach
b. Value Infusion: Display consideration in stating opinions and assertion
and cooperation during group activity
c. Skills:
Speaking Activity: Sharing examples and presenting of the group
Writing activity: Writing/formulating individual and group output
Viewing: formulating ideas base on the pictures given
d. Reference: Module in Literary Criticism that contains the aforementioned
e. Materials: Strips of paper, marker, cartolina,etc

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings
Good Afternoon, class! Good afternoon, Sir!

How are you this afternoon, class? We’re fine, Sir.

That’s good to hear class.

2. Prayer
Before we proceed with our lesson
today, let us acknowledge first the
presence of the Lord through a prayer (Joan will lead the prayer)
to be led to us by Joan.

The leading center for academic and technological excellence and Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate appropriate
prime catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino Province and knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino Province and
Southern Cagayan Valley. Southern Cagayan Valley.

“Molding Minds, Shaping Future”

Diffun, 3401 Quirino
Bactcher of Secondary Education

3. Checking of Attendance
For checking of the attendance, as I call
your name, instead of saying present you
will pick or choose between Pinili or
Nagparaya and speak it after I said your

Did I make myself clear, class? Yes, Sir!

4. Reminders
Now, let me just remind you of our class
First and the most important rule is that
pay close attention and listen carefully
during our discussion so that we can
avoid confusion during the instruction.
Second is that, only speak when you are
being called or when you are about to
clarify or ask something about the
discussion. You can interrupt me anytime
if you noticed that I'm speaking too fast,
so that I can adjust things properly.

Is everything clear class?

Yes, sir!

5. Review of the Previous Lesson

Before we go on with our lesson today,
let us have first a short review of our past
lesson. Who among you can still
remember our lesson last meeting?
Sir, I think our pass lesson was all about
the Stylistics approach which teaches
students how to look for and interpret
stylistic dimensions of a text. Students

The leading center for academic and technological excellence and Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate appropriate
prime catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino Province and knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino Province and
Southern Cagayan Valley. Southern Cagayan Valley.

“Molding Minds, Shaping Future”

Diffun, 3401 Quirino
Bactcher of Secondary Education

are made to learn how what is said is

said and how meanings are made.

Very good! It seems that you can still

remember our last topic.

B. Motivation
Before we go on with our lesson for
today, let us have a short activity named
"Surrender". The class will be divided into
four groups.
(The teacher will write the Language
Based Approach on the board but in a
blank form:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
Now, all members of the group will say a
or guess a letter, if one of the members
gave a letter that was on the word
"Language Based Approach" the blank
will be replaced by that letter. Same
process 'till the hidden word is nearly to
guess. The group that will said the exact
hidden word (Language-Based Approach)
first will be the winner for this activity.
Each group or all of the groups can or will
guess at the same time.
(The teacher will group the students and
will choose the group leader)
Do you understand class? Yes sir!

C. Presentation
Based on the activity that we have done,

The leading center for academic and technological excellence and Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate appropriate
prime catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino Province and knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino Province and
Southern Cagayan Valley. Southern Cagayan Valley.

“Molding Minds, Shaping Future”

Diffun, 3401 Quirino
Bactcher of Secondary Education

what do you think is our lesson today? Sir, I think our lesson today is all about
the Language-Based Approach.

That’s right! Our topic for today is about

“Language-Based Approach".
D. Discussion
Now, let us discuss what is a Language-
Based Approach. Who among you has an
idea when we say Language-Based
Approach? Sir, language-based approach
emphasizes awareness of the language
of literature, and it is the basic stage for
language learners.
Exactly! How about the others, any other
definition? Sir, language- based approach responds
to the needs of language students in
literature study.
Precisely! Very good!
Now, when we say Language-Based
Approach it is an approach which
emphasizes awareness of the language
of literature, and it is the basic stage for
language learners. This approach
facilitates students’ responses and
experience with literature and is
considered quite accessible for language
learners. In addition, the language-based
approach calls for a variety of language
instruction activities, including
brainstorming to activate background
knowledge and make predictions,
rewriting the ends of stories or
summarizing plots, using closed
procedures to build vocabulary and
comprehension, and incorporating jigsaw
reading to allow student to collaborate

The leading center for academic and technological excellence and Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate appropriate
prime catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino Province and knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino Province and
Southern Cagayan Valley. Southern Cagayan Valley.

“Molding Minds, Shaping Future”

Diffun, 3401 Quirino
Bactcher of Secondary Education

with others, form opinions, and

engage in spirited debates. Thus,
literature is an excellent vehicle for CLT
methods that results in developing
language skills through interaction,
collaboration, discussion, and
collectivelearning. The teacher’s role is
not to impose interpretation but to
introduce and clarify difficult and
technical terms, to prepare and offer
appropriate classroom procedures, and
to intervene whenever necessary to
provide prompts or stimuli.
(The teacher will input his own input
about the aforementioned topic)
Do you understand class?
Yes, Sir

Studying the language of the literary text

will help to integrate the language and
literature syllabuses more closely.
Detailed analysis of the language of the
literary text will help students to make
meaningful interpretations or informed
evaluations of it. At the same time,
students will increase their general
awareness and understanding of English.
Students are encouraged to draw on their
knowledge of familiar grammatical,
lexical categories to make judgments of
the text. Literary texts are seen as means
to helping students’ improve language
proficiency by providing exposure to the
target language and connecting them to
specific vocabulary and other aspects of
the language.

The leading center for academic and technological excellence and Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate appropriate
prime catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino Province and knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino Province and
Southern Cagayan Valley. Southern Cagayan Valley.

“Molding Minds, Shaping Future”

Diffun, 3401 Quirino
Bactcher of Secondary Education

(The teacher will give his input about the

aforementioned topic)
Any questions, class? None, Sir

Language Based Approach Language

Based Approach is one of the method of
teaching literature in English that used
literary text for the specific drills design
to build the languages skills rather than
focusing on the literary skills. The usage
of Language Based Approach in
classroom, had focused on the learner
mainly on their reading processes and
how they created language awareness
among themselves. Furthermore,
students’ process of reading the text and
of creating their own meanings was
given prominence. Through this method,
the students were expected to have more
sensitive understanding and appreciation
towards literary text. There are two main
objectives from the usage of this
approach, firstly, students are expected
to be able to make meaningful
interpretations of the text itself and also
to expand students’ knowledge and
awareness towards the language.
Now, may I ask some of you to give me
the importance of this particular
What is it important? Sir, students can be encouraged to
connect their vocabulary with other
aspects of the language.

Precisely! How about the others? Sir, this approach could improve the

The leading center for academic and technological excellence and Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate appropriate
prime catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino Province and knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino Province and
Southern Cagayan Valley. Southern Cagayan Valley.

“Molding Minds, Shaping Future”

Diffun, 3401 Quirino
Bactcher of Secondary Education

development of language proficiency.

Very good! Both of you were correct.

Well, to give you an input, the importance

of this approach is kindly be one of the
best approach of teaching literature
because it’s precisely concerned on the
aesthetic value of one’s literature
artwork. This approach creates
awareness of language use in classroom.
Literature is one of the media for the
students to express their personal
opinions, feelings and emotion. So
through this, students would understand
the context thoroughly and understand
the usage of the language better.
Furthermore, Through this approach,
students were expected to improve their
language proficiency by exposure of the
target language. Teacher should acts as
the main guidance to conduct this
approach in the classroom and to boost
the awareness of the language among
the students. This would encourage the
students to use new words regularly and
they can improve their language.

Do you understand, class?

Yes, Sir.

Now, let's proceed to the examples:

Example activities of this approach are
the following:
- Pre-reading
- While-reading
- Post-reading

The leading center for academic and technological excellence and Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate appropriate
prime catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino Province and knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino Province and
Southern Cagayan Valley. Southern Cagayan Valley.

“Molding Minds, Shaping Future”

Diffun, 3401 Quirino
Bactcher of Secondary Education

Are you familiar with "The Centipede"? (answer in chorus)

Alright, let us now apply the Language-
Based Approach using this procedures, in
Pre-reading activities Stimulating the
students' interest in the story is an
important thing to do at the beginning of
the exploration of a literary work. This
activity is considered essential as the
initial step of learning language to
literature. This belongs to the pre-reading
activities. In order to stimulate the
students' interest, the teacher may give a
brief summary of the story, give hints of
some characters involved in the story,
and so on. The teacher can also provide
the cultural background of the story, by
giving a slight description of the work's
author before the students start reading
the literary work. After the students' get
their interest, they may start reading the
story. The teacher can assign the
students to find some new vocabularies
while they are reading.
Do you understand, class? Yes, Sir
The while reading activities include
helping students understand the plot,
helping students understand the
characters, helping students with difficult
vocabulary, and helping students with
style and language. As a strategy for
reading in this second step, the teacher
can instruct the students to find the
author's purposes of writing his work. For
example, the teacher can aid the
students finding the purpose by asking

The leading center for academic and technological excellence and Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate appropriate
prime catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino Province and knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino Province and
Southern Cagayan Valley. Southern Cagayan Valley.

“Molding Minds, Shaping Future”

Diffun, 3401 Quirino
Bactcher of Secondary Education

'why Chekhov portrays Lomov as a

ridiculous, shallow man?'. The teacher
can also ask the students to explain how
Lomov's behavior is consistent with his
personality (Glencoe, 2010). In order to
help the students with the style and
language, the teacher can instruct them
to analyze Chekhov's use of particular
stylistic devices to convey mood and
character traits by asking questions like
'What end punctuation often appears in
the dialogue on this page?', or 'What
effect does the heavy use of exclamation
marks have on the mood of the play?". As
the student read the work, the teacher
can encourage them to pay attention to
the repeated styles of speech that
identify the characters and convey mood.
Do you understand, class?
Yes, Sir!

After the students have managed the pre-

reading and while reading activities, the
teacher needs to lead them to post-
reading activities, which include helping
students make interpretations of the text,
understanding narrative point of view,
follow up writing activities, and follow up
fluency practice. In making interpretation
of the text, the teacher can administer
the students to answer some questions
concerning the text being discussed.
While doing so, the teacher encourages
them to respond and think critically
towards the literary work. Some
questions may help them mind map the

The leading center for academic and technological excellence and Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate appropriate
prime catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino Province and knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino Province and
Southern Cagayan Valley. Southern Cagayan Valley.

“Molding Minds, Shaping Future”

Diffun, 3401 Quirino
Bactcher of Secondary Education

story. Moreover, the teacher can ask the

students to evaluate and analyze the text
and also to connect the story to the
students' real life. Writing and fluency
practice activities can be conducted as
the last procedures in Language-based.

Clear, class? Yes, Sir

Do you have questions, class? None, Sir

(The teacher and the students started to

interpret and analyze the given literary
piece titled "The centipede" using Pre,
While and Post-reading)
E. Group Activity
With the same group you had a while ago;
using the short story entitled "The Tell-Tale
Heart" choose one among Pre-reading, While
-reading, and Post-reading to use in
interpreting and analyzing the said short
story. After five minutes, the group leader
and/or any representative will present or
share the group work.

Do you understand, class?

Yes, Sir!

Description Score
Relevance 15
Creativity 10
Cooperation 5

Job well done class! That was an impressive

group presentation. Give yourselves a warm
round of applause!

The leading center for academic and technological excellence and Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate appropriate
prime catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino Province and knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino Province and
Southern Cagayan Valley. Southern Cagayan Valley.

“Molding Minds, Shaping Future”

Diffun, 3401 Quirino
Bactcher of Secondary Education

F. Summary/ Generalization
Class, based on the lesson that we have
tackled today, what is a global teacher? Sir, it emphasizes awareness of the
language of literature, and it is the basic
stage for language learners.

Brilliant! Very good! How about the others? Sir, it is one of the method of teaching
literature in English that used literary
text for the specific drills design to build
the languages skills rather than focusing
on the literary skills.

How about its importance? Sir, the importance of this approach is

kindly be one of the best approach of
teaching literature because it’s precisely
concerned on the aesthetic value of
one’s literature artwork.

Excellent answers! I am truly pleased that

you have understood our lesson today.

IV. Evaluation

A short quiz will be given.

V. Assignment

Have an advanced reading about the next lesson in the module for you to
obtain advanced knowledge of the lesson.

Prepared by:
Aljo B. Santiago
Demo Teacher

Checked by:
Maria Theresa B. Valerio, PhD
Subject Instructor

The leading center for academic and technological excellence and Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate appropriate
prime catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino Province and knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino Province and
Southern Cagayan Valley. Southern Cagayan Valley.

“Molding Minds, Shaping Future”

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